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un podcast para aquellos que quieren aprender inglés real. Olvidate de los libros, la gramática, la fonética, los regaños y las malas notas de los maestros de Inglés, con este podcast aprenderás los secretos del Inglés que las escuelas no quieren enseñarte. let's f#cking go!! WEST COAST GUAPOS.
Hola a todos, Soy Lucia y bienvenidos a mi podcast, acá iré compartiendo episodios hechos en base a mis videos en mi canal de YouTube APRENDE COREANO PASO A PASO para que los puedas escuchar en cualquier lugar y eventualmente hare otros episodios especiales por acá.
Muchas gracias por acompañarme. -
Let's speak English! from now on...
Hi there! I'm Andrea and I'm here to speak English together! yay!
Just like you, I've been struggling to learn English for the past few years... #thestruggleisreal
That's why I've decided to share everything I've learned with YOU!
I'm also fluent in Spanish, Portuguese and French...
I'm not perfect, I embrace my accent and I make mistakes...
Practice your English with me while you do your daily activities...
Thank you for listening! This is so much FUN!
Let's continue the talk here: -
I’m Hillary Walsh, an award-winning immigration lawyer, law professor, TEDx speaker, and raving Phoenix Suns fan. Over the past decade, I’ve helped thousands of immigrants live freely in the United States. I’m talking about work permits, social security numbers, green cards, citizenship, VAWAs, T-visas, U-visas, and a lot of appeals.
Here’s the thing: immigration law is super complicated and legal advice can be really expensive. So, I created the Immigration Law Made Easy podcast to share my 10-plus years of experience with you, for FREE. So, if you’re looking for tried and true, no BS, step-by-step strategies and tips on how to win your immigration case and live truly free in the United States, you’re in the right place, my friend. Let’s get started! -
If you want to learn english or would like to listen to an educated wise person, please tune in and listen to our daily thoughts. Everyday we will review a new lesson that can help you increase your ability or level in English. Please visit our webpage at
Si desea aprender inglés o le gustaría escuchar a una persona sabia educada, sintonice y escuche nuestros pensamientos diarios. Todos los días revisaremos una nueva lección que puede ayudarlo a aumentar su habilidad o nivel en inglés -
If you're looking for an intermediate Spanish podcast, LanguaTalk is ideal for listening to news in slow Spanish. It'll be perfect for you if you have a lower-intermediate level (B1), but can also help A2 and B2 learners.. The podcast is free and you can find interactive transcripts on our cutting-edge software, Langua. We've created this podcast using AI.
Are you a Spanish learner wanting to specifically both understand and sound more Mexican when you speak? If so, you're in the right place. The Mexican Fluency Podcast features your host, Levi Flint, a gringo with a Master's degree in Teaching Spanish, and his Mexican wife, Renata.
Check out their blog, Spanish courses, membership, and more at -
Si crees que necesitas una mayor cultura financiera, saber manejar tu dinero o que te expliquen las cosas con peras y manzanas, estás en el lugar correcto! Este podcast te va a ayudar a tener una mejor relación con tu dinero y tener mayor tranquilidad a futuro. Sígueme en Instagram @finanzasycafe
A show dedicated to the pursuit of health and wealth without losing your health to attain wealth. This podcast will share stories and best practices of successful business owners who either sell health or have health as part of their business plan. Get great marketing and strategic advice from proven successful health experts. We will also be sharing stories from successful entrepreneurs who lost their health on the road to wealth, what they learned and how they do things differently now both in business and in life.
How does pizza from Guatemala made on volcanoes actually taste? What makes people from different countries happy? Why should you drive over red in India? That and much more in Tandem Panda: A podcast about language learning and sharing experiences with people from around the world. The topics are as diverse as the conversation partners. The conversations are in German, English, Vietnamese, Spanish and French. Corrections are directly included while speaking. It's time to discover!
Link to the Panda Playlist: -
Al escuchar este pódcast existe un riesgo altísimo de aprender MUCHO INGLÉS.
Hemos diseñado todos los episodios para que puedas escucharlos en cualquier orden, momento y lugar. ¡No importa tu nivel de inglés! te aseguramos que vas a aprender algo nuevo con cada uno.
Nosotros nos encargamos de traerte todos los temas sobre cultura, gramática, vocabulario y pronunciación del inglés y tú decides todo lo demás.
¡Así de fácil es aprender Inglés con la Fluency Academy!
¿Empezamos? ¡Entonces dale play! -
For most aspiring online entrepreneurs, “making it” means achieving success in your business. But what exactly is business success anyway? And how do outwardly successful online entrepreneurs define "making it"? Here at Mirasee FM, we wanted to find out, so we asked a group of diverse online business owners what success means to them. Their answers and insights surprised, moved, and inspired us. In this podcast, accomplished online entrepreneurs discuss what making it means to them, provide tips for online business success, and share important lessons on business and life that they have learned along the way.
Where do coaches turn when they face a difficult situation with a client? Quite often, when coaching challenges arise, they reach out to a coach more senior than themselves. That’s the aim of Just Between Coaches — to be that trusted source of guidance for the coaching community.
Hosted by Melinda Cohan, coach and creator of The Coaches Console business management system, Just Between Coaches will answer the tough questions that coaches face every day. For example, what can I do if my client is lying? How do I deal with price resistance from prospects and clients? What if I want to fire a coaching client? And what the heck is a feeder course and why should I care?
This tactical podcast will provide a deep dive into one coaching topic per episode, which means searching for answers will be a breeze. It will also offer a simple way for listeners to refer other coaches who are grappling with those tough coaching questions. To submit a tough question you’re facing as a coach, put “JBC” in the subject line and send it to -
Take your professional English to the next level by listening to this podcast!
You will hear me chatting with native speaking coaches who have YEARS of experience helping Spanish speaking clients develop their English as a business communication tool!
So, jump in and enjoy it! -