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How do I get promoted into a leadership role if I’ve never managed people before? How do I communicate with more confidence? How can I feel completely happy and fulfilled? Is it really possible to make that passion project into a profitable business? How can I have extraordinary relationships in my life? The M-Power podcast is a combination of inspirational life-stories, personal development, and REAL conversations that will help you live, lead and work on purpose. Every week your host, Natalie Barron, will bring you a variety of thought leaders, insights, and resources that will inspire you to not only THINK differently, but DO things differently. If you are ready to be BOLD, step into your POWER, and live the life of your DREAMS, then join our community of life leaders by hitting subscribe and listening each week.
hola bienvenido.
mi nombre es adrian ruiz y te compartiré parte de mi experiencia como líder, se que afuera hay mucha gente que te quiere vender las perlas de la virgen y que te da consejos o técnicas de liderazgo, sin embargo yo te comparto mi experiencia personal y profesional con 19 años en el sector de gerenciamiento y experto en aplicación de técnicas de coaching y mentoring para el desarrollo de equipo de colaboradores esto dentro de una de las cadenas de Retail mas importantes del pais,.
todo lo que aprendí y como lo logre te lo comparto en este espacio en el cual espero te sirva para sacar lo mejor de ti en este competitivo mundo del liderazgo empresarial.
sin mas te invito a que te suscribas y compartas este contenido.
Bienvenido una ves mas a esta gran comunidad...
Raj Girn is a multi-award-winning, serial entrepreneur with a 30 year track record, 20 of which have been as a C-Suite executive, multimedia veteran, and executive events producer. She has contributed to a #1 international best-selling book, is a keynote speaker, confidence coach/consultant/mentor, philanthropist, activist, reiki healer, meditation practitioner, and proud mother of 2 sons (2-legged & 4 legged).
In this weekly show, she pulls back the curtain to share industry insider knowledge, actionable skills, and teaches accountability, in mindset, branding, media, communications, marketing, leadership, and advocacy, with expert guests from her vast resource pool.
The show airs every Wednesday. -
Make it Shine Money is a personal finance podcast driven by a singular mission: to help as many people as possible live wealthier lives. Everyone worries about money, but most of us don't know how to take control of our finances. By equipping people with the power of behavioral psychology, we believe we can help everyone build long-lasting, positive financial habits to help you save and invest. Armed with the advice from our podcasts and free money tools you will quickly gain the confidence to take charge of your financial health and make it shine!
Disclaimer: Any views or opinions represented in this podcast are personal and belong solely to the podcast creator and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the owner may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated.
Welcome to Create New Futures. Every episode, best-selling author and host Aviv Shahar will explore ideas and insights that can awaken and inspire you to the opportunities you have to create new futures for you, your family, your teams, and for your business.
Life is too short to not be engaged in fascinating conversations that open, inspire and unleash new ways of thinking and seeing possibilities and beauty. Through Create New Futures, Aviv will engage in conversation with leaders and experts to explore practices that you can use to create and shape the future. With his guests, Aviv will put a magnifying glass on strategies and frameworks that he has applied to help senior executives and their teams achieve significant breakthroughs that lead to game changing results. Ideas, strategies, breakthroughs and practices that you can apply.
With his innovative ideas and frameworks, Aviv walks you through what you need to lead and transform an organization, and redesign your life to achieve new goals. Together with his guests, Aviv will explore how to develop strategy, how to lead to enable teams to unleash their brilliance and what is the inside work leaders must engage in to develop executive presence and charisma.
More than ever, humanity now needs people who are open and prepared to imagine, create, and sustain new futures. This is a time of great transformative and disruptive change. It demands our best imagination, courage, and creativity. Through this podcast, Aviv will inspire you to be tomorrow's agent by creating conversations that birth new possibilities for you and for the people in your life. -
The Private School Leader Podcast exists to help you go from SURVIVING to THRIVING as you lead your school. Do you ever feel lonely and isolated in your role as a private school leader? Do you wish that you could get back to what really energizes you (making a difference in the lives of your students)? Do you want to have a long AND fulfilling career in private school education? Are you an aspiring Head of School and you want to accelerate your leadership growth? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions then the Private School Leader Podcast is for you!
Your host, Mark Minkus, has been a private school leader for over 30 years. He’s been where you are. He’s been in the hospital with ulcers. He’s had his daughters ask, “Dad, when do we get to see you instead of the back of your laptop?” About 10 years ago, Mark went from surviving to thriving and he is here to help you do the same! You will learn step by step strategies to effectively deal with difficult parents, overcome burnout, change your school’s culture, increase your productivity, improve teacher morale and more! Most importantly, you will learn how to effectively lead your school while still taking care of your mind, body and spirit. Sounds impossible, right? It’s not!
Mark knows how incredibly busy you are. That's why he created a weekly podcast that you can listen to while driving to school, working out or running errands. Think of this podcast as your weekly dose of inspiration, motivation and PD, all while doing something else! If you want to get out of “survival mode” and start thriving at school, then tune in every week to the Private School Leader Podcast!
Netflix vs HBO. Nike vs Adidas. Los negocios son como la guerra. A veces, el premio es tu cartera o tu atención. Otras, sólo el placer de vencer a la competencia. El resultado de estas batallas determinan lo que compramos y cómo vivimos.
En 'Guerras de Negocios' te contamos la versión real, y no autorizada, que llevó a estas compañías y a sus líderes, inventores, inversores y ejecutivos hacia lo más alto.. o la ruina.
Soy Roberto Camhi, fundador de Mapcity y Apanio, emprendedor, autor de los libros ”Piensa al Revés", "Hackea tu Mente” y "TÚ". Te presento esta serie de episodios cortos sobre temas de emprendimiento, negocios, marketing e innovación. Te invito a pensar al revés en menos de 10’!
Bienvenidos a "El Nuevo Gerente", un podcast dedicado a todos aquellos que buscan desarrollar y potenciar su carrera gerencial. Inspirado en el libro del mismo nombre, este espacio es una guía esencial para nuevos y experimentados gerentes que desean perfeccionar sus habilidades de liderazgo, estrategia y gestión empresarial.
Exploraremos temas fundamentales para tu crecimiento profesional, desde la toma de decisiones y la gestión de equipos, hasta la implementación de estrategias efectivas y la superación de desafíos en el mundo corporativo. Aunque hemos cambiado nuestro enfoque, conservamos los valiosos episodios de "Restaurante de Ventas y Operaciones", donde se abordaron las intersecciones clave entre ventas y operaciones.
Únete a nosotros en cada episodio para obtener insights prácticos, consejos expertos y experiencias reales que te ayudarán a convertirte en el gerente que siempre has aspirado ser. Bienvenido a "El Nuevo Gerente", donde tu carrera gerencial encuentra su mejor aliado. -
Negocios, Internet, Marketing, Ventas. Activador Digital Podcast con Luis R. Silva. El espacio para dueños de negocio de acción que quieren aprender a utilizar efectivamente el internet para promocionarse, atraer más clientes y aumentar ventas. Con temas y entrevista acerca de negocios, marketing online, comportamiento y psicología del consumidor, estrategias, técnicas y herramientas de marketing online. Activador Digital Podcast con Luis R. Silva.
The Ultraspeaking Podcast explores modern-day solutions to greater confidence, skill, and ease when speaking at work.
Each episode features the founders, Tristan and Michael, as they detail unconventional strategies to thrive under pressure and speak with less preparation.
Working on hand-gestures and eye contact is OUTDATED advice. Writing a script or creating a structure is a TRAP.
It’s time for a better way. Join the Ultraspeaking movement and you’ll never look back. -
SimpleLeadership specifically focuses on improving the craft of software engineering leadership. As a VP of Engineering & CTO I am acutely aware of the lack of good resources available for new and existing software engineering managers. SimpleLeadership is designed for both new and experienced software & technology managers who want to build high-performing teams, better motivate & mentor their employees, reduce attrition and advance their career. It is for people who want to go beyond just being a manager and become a true leader.
In this interview based show I ask each guest to share their journey from individual contributor to software engineering manager and provide any guidance on the transition. The SimpleLeadership Podcast will present real and actionable stories from people who have navigated their way from being an individual contributor into a software engineering manager. We will also hear from experts on specifics of team dynamics, motivation, feedback, leadership and many more aspects of being a successful engineering manager. -
Success is only the beginning. To live a life with fulfillment and depth is the true ultimate goal. More with Mollie is an in depth discussion of what's "behind the mask of success", looking at the vulnerable, authentic internal journey of successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders and what we need to live a life of more purpose, impact, connection, and fulfillment.
A veces no conocemos el poder de nuestras habilidades, a veces no conocemos la magnitud de nuestra creatividad o a veces no sabemos como evitar los miedos para emprender, pero sí evitamos a toda costa el éxito por estos temores de lugar de afrontarlos, iniciar y descubrir hasta donde nos llevará esta gran aventura.
Existen dos ingredientes para triunfar: Pelotear y Pajarear. "Pelotear" es generar ideas, es desarrollar tu creatividad y "Pajarear" es estar atento a lo que te rodea para despertar tu curiosidad. Si lo sabemos usar triunfaremos no sólo en la vida profesional sino también en la personal. En "Peloteando y Pajareando" podrás escuchar todos los tips que necesitas para emprender ese negocio de tus sueños, construir la confianza creativa y despertar aquellas habilidades que no sabías que tenías.
Soy Jim Cervantes, marketero, curioso y apasionado, no lo dudes más y escúchame para juntos construir tu siguiente aventura...
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
¿Qué cambiaría en tu vida profesional si te atrevieras a actuar incluso cuando sientes miedo, incertidumbre y falta de confianza?
Este programa se creó con esta misión: ayudarte a trascender el miedo y potenciar tu forma de comunicar.
En cada episodio, exploraremos herramientas prácticas e historias de la vida real, que te ayudarán a gestionar el miedo, accionar y conseguir resultados que antes parecían imposibles.
Si tienes preguntas acerca de alguna temática o te gustaría que abordemos algún tema en particular en un próximo episodio, escríbeme a [email protected] -
Willkommen beim Podcast "Energie im Wandel"! In diesem Podcast dreht sich alles um den nachhaltigen Wandel in der Energiewirtschaft und welche Erkenntnisse wir daraus für andere Bereiche unseres (Wirtschafts)lebens gewinnen können. Ich bin Claus Hartmann, dein Podcast-Host, und ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass die Energiewende nicht nur eine Veränderung in der Energiewirtschaft bedeutet, sondern auch einen fundamentalen Wandel für uns Menschen darstellt.
Im Podcast "Energie im Wandel" führe ich inspirierende Interviews mit Entscheidungsträgern sowie visionären Experten, die aktiv zur Energiewende beitragen. Einerseits spreche ich mit Menschen, die in Unternehmen tätig sind und sich intensiv mit den Themen Strom, Wärme und Mobilität auseinandersetzen. Andererseits richtet sich dieser Podcast an alle, die sich für das Thema Veränderung im Energiesektor interessieren. Vielleicht spürst du bereits, dass eine Veränderung notwendig ist, aber du bist unsicher, wie du vorgehen kannst. Keine Sorge, ich bin hier, um dir dabei zu helfen!
Mit meiner Leidenschaft für den nachhaltigen Wandel habe ich in den letzten 15 Jahren die Energiewirtschaft aus verschiedenen Perspektiven betrachtet. Als Student der nachhaltigen Energietechnik und Energiewirtschaft habe ich meine Grundlagen gelegt, während meiner Zeit als Doktorand und Wissenschaftler habe ich tiefergehende Einblicke in die Energiewende gewonnen. Als Projektleiter beim Bau des ersten Elektrodenheizkessels Deutschlands konnte ich aktiv an innovativen Lösungen mitwirken. Zusätzlich durfte ich als jüngster Abteilungsleiter bei den Stadtwerken Flensburg wertvolle Führungserfahrungen sammeln. Als Coach für zahlreiche Abschlussarbeiten und Dozent für Energiewirtschaft an der Hochschule Flensburg konnte ich mein Wissen teilen und junge Talente fördern.
Als Podcast-Host von "Energie im Wandel" bin ich selbstbewusst, sensibel und zielstrebig. Meine Neugier und Kreativität helfen mir, neue Wege zu finden und inspirierende Inhalte für dich zu gestalten. Mit meinem optimistischen und humorvollen Naturell möchte ich dir den nachhaltigen Wandel näherbringen und dir zeigen, dass Veränderung auch Freude machen kann.
Begleite mich auf dieser spannenden Reise und entdecke gemeinsam mit mir den nachhaltigen Wandel in der Energiewirtschaft. Wenn du mehr über die Umsetzung der Energiewende erfahren möchtest und was wir dabei lernen können, dann ist dieser Podcast genau das Richtige für dich. Verpasse keine Folge und tauche ein in die Welt der nachhaltigen Energie!
Du findest mich auch auf LinkedIn unter und auf meiner Website
Falls du Anmerkungen zu Episoden hast oder einfach mit mir in Kontakt treten möchtest, freue ich mich auf deine Nachricht an [email protected].
Lass uns gemeinsam die Energiezukunft gestalten und den nachhaltigen Wandel vorantreiben! -
Have you ever wondered what creativity really is? And why are we being told we need more or it? The Step Up Create Podcast seeks to nail down everyday creativity and help us all to live more creative, fulfilling lives.
Whatever your take on creativity is, you'll find something here that will help you to make space for it.
You can expect honest, open conversations and some fun.
We have four different episode types:
Solo shows, Lead your Creative Life interviews, Find and Raise your Voice conversations and our Creative Book Club.
We talk about all things storytelling, business innovation, leadership, art and much more.