Moses encounters God on Mount Horeb in the burning bush. We do so in our Lenten prayer and penance. The time for conversion, for correspondence to Christ's offer of mercy, is limited. Like the fig tree given just one year more to produce fruit, our life and our Lenten season are passing by.
Lent is a time of self-denial. The higher, better part of ourselves strives to deny and to master our lower nature. This interior struggle is a necessary condition for Christian life. In emptying ourselves out, especially of our pride, we invite God to enter in.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
David composes Psalm 51 as an extended act of contrition. This follows his being convicted of his sin by the Prophet Nathan. The "Miserere Psalm" can help us enter into Lent well, focussed on bravely recognizing and humbly repenting of our sinful deeds and state.
"Spes non confudit" -- with these words from St. Paul, Pope Francis invited the Church to celebrate the Jubilee year of 2025. Living Christian hope, firmly based on God's love for us, we can become beacons of hope for many others.
Jesus tells us to pray to have the strength "to stand before the Son of Man." When we die we will be judged by God. This is a hard truth but also a truth that saves us. If we ask God for the courage to see ourselves as we really are now, we will be prepared for our death and God's judgment. Reliance on God's grace, fostering sincerity with ourselves and others, living charity, and regularly examining our conscience are all ways to avoid self-deception and to prepare for our definitive meeting with God. -
"Where are you?" This is God's haunting question to Adam and to fallen humanity. "Here I am!" This is our response to Christ's search and rescue mission on our behalf.
"To be eucharistic souls" was a great ideal proposed by St. Josemaria. Having our lives and hearts shaped by what we celebrate in the eucharist has various manifestations in our spiritual life. Adoration, receptiveness to God's love, imitating Christ's charity, joy, and thanksgiving are among the characteristics of truly eucharistic souls.
This week we celebrated the Feast of St. Thomas Aquinas. Thomas believed that the Crucifix was his greatest book and source of wisdom. Guided by St. Thomas, we too can learn great spiritual lessons of from Christ by contemplating his passion.
"He who loves his life will lose it, he who loses his life for my sake will find it." Finding our true life, and our true selves, means handing ourselves over to Christ. Losing our lives for the sake of Christ is a transformative union with him. This takes work and an acceptance of suffering. There is no resurrection of ourselves in Christ without the cross. -
Like the apostles themselves, the life of the Christian is a call to be close to Jesus and to go out and spread the Good News. Holiness and apostolate are two sides to the same divine vocation. To be an apostle, however, we have to confront various obstacles which would keep us from sharing Christ with others. -
The Baptism of Jesus speaks to us of his incredible humility. Without being a sinner, Jesus plays the role of one by letting himself be baptized by John the Baptist. Humility unlocks our ability to love God and others. It protects our peace and joy. -
The Feast of the Epiphany invites us to set our on our own journey to find Christ. Christ is the Truth, the light of Life. To find him means to deepen in our understanding and acceptance of the Truth about Him and about ourselves. -
Holiness is God's own will and resolution for us. In calling us to be holy God resolves that we be such. Holiness is the fullness of charity. To respond to our call to holiness, to live this divine resolution, is to learn to love God in himself and in and through all things.
Heading into Christmas we turn our hearts towards the Christ Child. Christ is our great Christmas present from God the Father. Mary and Joseph give him the gifts of their faith, hope and love. These are gifts that we too can give to the Baby Jesus. -
Given as part of a Novena to the Immaculate Conception. -
A reflection given for the Novena to the Immaculate Conception on Mary as "Mother of the Fallen Away."
In Advent we prepare for the coming of the Christ Child at Christmas. Jesus, who found no room in the inn at Bethlehem, can find room in our souls and our lives if we prepare well for his coming. Making room for Jesus means clearing other things out, finding time for prayer, and welcoming him in others.
What is the Kingdom of God and the Kingship of Christ? How can we be loyal subjects of this Kingdom? What keeps us from letting Christ rule as King? -
Jesus encourages us to pray constantly. This advice is seconded by St. Paul and many other saints. Scripture teaches us the many benefits of habitual prayer: joy, motivation, peace and fruitfulness. Prayer is the very shape of Christian life: a sharing of our life with Christ's. - Laat meer zien