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Welcome to… My Favourite Takeaway! The food and comedy podcast series hosted by comedian Tom Craine (Drunk History, Russell Howard’s Good News), and food enthusiast Cimran Shah. Each week Tom and Cim invite a special guest to share their favourite takeaway … EXACTLY as they’d normally have it! From Peruvian street food slouched on James Acaster’s L-Shaped sofa through an Antiguan feast on Andi Oliver’s best bone china to a massive BBQ banquet with Adam Hills, My Favourite Takeaway is the show for anyone who LOVES FOOD, but can’t always be bothered to cook it!
Thanks for listening. Please rate and review.
Cheers, Tom and Cimran.
Get in touch with the show:
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @Favtakeawaypod
Instagram: myfavouritetakeawaypodcast
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
After 7 years of being anonymous, 1.5 million words written about beer, and preaching the gospel of Barleywine is Life, Don't Drink Beer's Alex Kidd gets into the deep, dark world of podcasting. Joining him are his co-hosts, comedy writers and performers Stephen Loh and Michael Gabriel. Together they explore the absurd underbelly of the craft beer world while also discussing movies, music, video games, pop culture, and their sad, basement dwelling lives.
Your Purpose is Beauty brings you eco/organic, luxury, and niche beauty product reviews and critique, as well as intellectual discussion about the beauty and alternative health industries. Hosted by independent beauty journalist and PhD sociologist Mercedes Lyson, this podcast will also explore why people have chosen beauty as their profession or passion through interviews with brand founders, beauty professionals, bloggers/influencers, and creatives. Exclusive episodes of this podcast are available at, and Mercedes' 6 years of eco beauty video content can be found at
La gastronomía ha sido fuente de erotismo desde los principios de la civilización. Afrodita, diosa griega del amor y la sexualidad, y Venus, en la mitología romana, usaron la comida como fuente de placer. Las mejores noches de pasión siempre empiezan con un buen menú. En este podcast vamos a despertar tu apetito sexual con las mejores recetas afrodisíacas y, sobretodo, con charlas bien calientes. Con la conducción del chef Rodrigo Cascón. // @sexo.alacarta
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Welcome to Gardening & Landscaping Courses, the podcast that brings your gardening and landscaping dreams to life! Here, our virtual professors, guided by artificial intelligence, take you by the hand through a botanical journey, providing you with deep and concrete knowledge, without detours or superficial content.At Gardening & Landscaping Courses, we believe that time is gold, and that's why our classes get straight to the point, covering everything from the most basic to the most advanced in gardening and landscaping. Whether you're looking to grow a garden on your balcony or transform a vast space into a green paradise, our virtual professors are ready and waiting to help you achieve it.Each episode is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to take the next step in your gardening journey. Whether you're learning for fun, for love of nature, or to become a professional landscaper, G & L courses is the resource that will help you grow.In the Gardening & Landscaping Courses podcast, we share some of the classes from our online academy,, openly.So, what are you waiting for? Join us on this journey towards a greener and more beautiful world. No matter if you're a beginner gardener or an expert landscaper, subscribe to GardenGPT.AI, there's a place for you. Subscribe today and start sowing the seeds of your future in gardening and landscaping. We welcome you with open arms and shovels ready!
Un podcast de David Gámez donde trato de hablar sobre Psicología, que es mi profesión, aplicada a la fotografía que es mi pasión.
El nombre del podcast surge por que cuando me platee hablar sobre estos temas tan solo quería hacerlo desde mi perspectiva personal de alguien que nació en el año 1974 en ningún caso pretendo hacer clases magistrales sobre ninguno de los temas a tratar, tan solo daros mi opinión y crearos la curiosidad para que profundices más en el tema y saques tus propias conclusiones. -
Hazlo conmigo es un podcast en el que pretendemos realizar recetas de cocina paso a paso para que las hagas a la vez que nosotros. Pretendemos hacer una guía básica de todo tipo de recetas de cocina. Esperamos que disfrutes, aprendas y te alimentes de una forma sana y divertida.
Jorge Pampita Montenegro “el encantador de perros argentino” es el papá del famoso “Betún” el perro de “Los Simuladores, también del histriónico “Fatiga” de los Argento (la familia de “Casados con hijos”) y de Mati, aquel salchicha de “Patito Feo”, Su trabajo con los animales pasa por la pasión: algo que solo experimentan aquellos que hacen lo que aman.
“Tertulia gastronómica semanal presentada por el periodista y único crítico invidente en España, Jonatan Armengol. Un programa de radio itinerante, fresco y dinámico, que sale de los estudios para conocer de primera mano los mejores restaurantes, tabernas, bodegas, eventos culinarios, catas, concursos… ¡No te lo pierdas! Todos los domingos de 12:00 a 13:00 horas”.
Willkommen zum "WINZER TALK", dem Podcast zum Wein Blog "wein-verstehen"! Hier bist du genau richtig! Ich lade dich ein mit mir den Winzern und interessanten Persönlichkeiten aus der Welt des Weins zu lauschen.
Gemeinsam begeben wir uns auf eine spannende Reise durch die Weinbranche. Ich werde mit Winzern von bekannten Weingütern und Experten auf diesem Gebiet sprechen. Dabei erfährst du aus erster Hand, wie Wein hergestellt wird, welche Traditionen und Techniken dahinterstecken und wie leidenschaftlich die Menschen in dieser Kunstform sind.
Im "WINZER TALK" behandeln wir interessante Themen rund um den Wein. Wir sprechen über verschiedene Rebsorten, Anbauregionen und die aktuellen Trends in der Weinindustrie. Hier gibt es keine unbeantworteten Fragen. Zusammen erkunden wir die Geschichten und Erfahrungen der Winzer und lassen uns von ihrer Begeisterung für Wein mitreißen.
Egal, ob du ein Weinliebhaber, angehender Winzer oder einfach neugierig auf die Welt des Weins bist - dieser Podcast gibt dir einen einzigartigen Einblick in die Weinbranche. Du lernst die Menschen kennen, die mit ihrem Fachwissen und ihrer Leidenschaft den Wein zu dem machen, was er ist.
"WINZER TALK" ist der Podcast, den du nicht verpassen solltest, wenn du mehr über Wein erfahren möchtest. Tauche ein in die Welt des Weins und genieße diesen vinophilen Podcast!
Authentisch, informativ und unterhaltsam. -
Food Safety Matters is a podcast for food safety professionals hosted by the Food Safety Magazine editorial team – the leading media brand in food safety for over 20 years. Each episode will feature a conversation with a food safety professional sharing their experiences and insights into the important job of safeguarding the world’s food supply.
Join VinePair co-founder Adam Teeter, executive editor Joanna Sciarrino, and sommelier and wine educator Zach Geballe as they discuss the latest news, trends, and happenings in the world of wine, beer, and spirits each week. Now officially New York Times recommended!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Get ready to hear something good about Cannabis. Nurse Heather brings her eternal optimism and professional expertise to the stories of the day. Discussing current topics & events - making life's lemons into sweet lemonade and sharing a tall glass with guests, friends, and her listeners