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Τι ωραία που θα ήταν να εισπνέουμε τις ιστορίες σαν τον αέρα, ενώ ταυτόχρονα κάνουμε αλλά πράγματα. Οι συγγραφείς, όταν αφήνουν την πένα τους στην άκρη, αφήνονται στις σκέψεις τους, στις χαρές, στις λύπες και στις ανησυχίες τους. Κάθε στιγμή που περνάει, αποτελεί και ένα πιθανό ερέθισμα για εκείνους. Ο Βενιαμίν Φραγκλίνος είχε πει πως ο συγγραφέας είτε γράφει κάτι που αξίζει να διαβαστεί είτε κάνει κάτι που αξίζει να γραφτεί. Μια φορά την εβδομάδα, στο podcast «Συγγραφείς Εκτός Βιβλίων», η Κυριακή Μπεϊόγλου συζητάει με τον άνθρωπο πίσω από το βιβλίο και ανακαλύπτει τους διάφορους κόσμους στους οποίους περιπλανιέται ένα συγγραφικό μυαλό.
Een tweedelige podcast over het boek Cuberdon van Ellen Verstrepen. Een eerlijk verhaal over een jonge vrouw die besluit om haar borsten preventief te laten amputeren, tien jaar nadat ze voor het eerst borstkanker kreeg. Vol liefde en humor beschrijft ze haar lotgevallen en de mensen om haar heen.
Interviewer: Joris Hessels
Concept: Joris Hessels, Ellen Verstrepen en Liesbet Depauw
Montage: Liesbet Depauw en Wim Vancauwenbergh
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Black Romance Podcast features weekly conversations with Black writers, editors, and scholars of historical and contemporary popular romance fiction. Julie Moody-Freeman and guests talk about a range of experiences: their difficulties trying to publish love stories with Black characters; their favorite books; writing and teaching about black romance fiction; traditional vs self-publishing; publishing queer romance fiction; and their recently released books.
Award-winning independent publisher Stone Bridge Press has been publishing books about Asia — especially Japan and China—for over 30 years. The Stone Bridge Podcast is hosted by publisher Peter Goodman and features commentary on publishing and interviews on topics ranging from culture, language, and design to travel, and of course, books.
THE TAP by TEDxAthens is another way to keep inspiring and spreading ideas that are worth spreading.
Each episode is a conversation with a guest, of various backgrounds, discussing their ideas, their work and tapping into their thoughts and insights.
Hosted by the TEDxAthens team.
Licensed Music: "Time Again" by Aaron Sprinkle -
٭ «فرای قصه ها» پادکستی بینرشتهای در ادبیات، فلسفه، و روانشناسی است. پادکست «فرای قصهها» برای کسانی است که داستانها را دوست دارند و میخواهند دربارهی مفاهیم طرحشده در داستانها بیشتر فکر کنند. در «فرای قصه ها»، به سراغ ادبیات داستانی معاصر ایران میرویم. در هر اپیزود، مضمون مهمی از یک رمان معاصر را انتخاب میکنیم و از منظری فلسفی، اجتماعی، و روانشناسانه دربارهی آن مضمون گفتگو میکنیم. در هر اپیزود همچنین به سراغ فیلسوفان و روانشناسان برجسته جهانی میرویم و نظر آنها را دربارهی موضوع اپیزود جویا میشویم. میزبان فرای قصه ها تلّی داوودی و امیر صائمی هستند. تلّی پسادکتری روانشناسی در دانشگاه پرینستون است و امیر هیات علمی فلسفه در آیپیام
"Beyond Stories" is an interdisciplinary podcast in literature, philosophy, and psychology. The "Beyond Stories" podcast is designed for those who love stories and want to think more deeply about the concepts presented in them. In "Beyond Stories," we delve into contemporary Iranian literature. In each episode, we select an important theme from a contemporary novel and engage in discussions about it from philosophical, social, and psychological perspectives. In each episode, we also interview prominent philosophers and psychologists from around the world on the episode's topic. The hosts of "Beyond Stories" are Telli Davoodi and Amir Saemi.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Ook in de zomer van 2024 praat Jelle Van Riet elke zaterdag met een geliefde dichter over poëzie. Omdat praten over poëzie, praten over het leven is. Je hoort in het tweede seizoen onder meer Bart Moeyaert, Moya De Feyter en Ted Van Lieshout. Maar ook pöezieliefhebbers als Koen De Bouw, Wim De Vilder of Alice Toen. De podcast is mede mogelijk gemaakt door Literatuur Vlaanderen, Poëziecentrum en Kunstenfestival Watou. De opname en montage waren in handen van Pauline Augustyn.
From Here To Hair…
Haarverlies en kaalheid bij mannen!
Met voetbal op nummer 1, is haaruitval één van de top 5 gespreksonderwerpen onder mannen.
Volgens ChatGPT is haarverlies zelfs hét schoonheidsprobleem nummer 1 waar mannen mee worstelen. We kunnen erom lachen en grappen maken, maar het heeft een psychologische impact op veel mannen!
Komt de erfelijke kaalheid van mijn vader?
Zijn er lotions die echt wel werken?
Wat met mijn sociaal leven en die kaalheid?
Of... is een haartransplantatie misschien een oplossing?
In deze 6-delige podcast praten we met experts en artsen, en luisteren we naar getuigenissen van mannen over hun kaalheidsprobleem en de mogelijke oplossingen!
Sprekers: Ivann Vermeer, Prof. Dr. Vandenbroucke, cognitieve gedragstherapeute Brigitte Derks, en verschillende getuigenissen van mannen die een oplossing gevonden hebben voor hun haarprobleem. -
"Podcast Meander" is the semi-fictional travelogue of Dan Leone, a traumatized musician who abruptly left his hometown and started driving west - fleeing from something. The show documents his frantic travels, the people he interviews along the way, and the slow reveal of what he's truly running away from. Featuring all-original music.
Unbound is a bookish podcast focused on highlighting the culture and craft of books. Join me, Mbiye Kasonga for genre-spanning, in-depth, and thoughtful conversations that will inspire listeners to read more books.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
C'est l'heure de 4 quarts d'heure ! Un podcast où on l'on parle de nos ups et downs de la semaine entre potes, tous les mardis
Co-animé par Kalindi Ramphul, Camille Lorente, Alix Martineau et Louise Pétrouchka
Abonnez-vous au 5ème Quart d'heure ici :
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
J'ai toujours eu l'habitude de raconter ma vie en messages vocaux à mes amis depuis mon lit, depuis un parc ou parfois depuis l'autre bout du monde. En faite, j'aime raconter des choses et surtout graver des souvenirs ou des anecdotes alors pourquoi pas en faire un podcast ?
Ce podcast est une façon pour moi de partager mes anecdotes, mes états d'âmes, mes pensées, mes expériences de petite vie et parfois quelques conseils autour de ma tasse de café.
J'espère pouvoir être votre dose de caféine et de bienveillance chaque lundi matin, dès votre réveil.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Navigating life in your 20’s is interesting to say the least. Luckily, Ava Jules is here to have open conversations about everything that goes on in her mind... and spoiler alert, a lot goes on in there. From light-hearted convos to getting deep into her thoughts, there's not much that's off limits. This twenty-something has got a lot to say and finally has someone to say it to... you! Tune in every Wednesday to find out what's on her mind this week.
Instagram: @avajules_ // @mymindpod -
Rayka Kumru ve Cansu Dengey “Oldu mu?” podcastın kapısında tüm profesyonel kimliklerini askıya asıp ilk kez Rayka ve Cansu olarak -iki kadın, iki arkadaş ve 30’larındaki iki insan olarak- bir araya geliyorlar. “Oldu mu?” sorusunu, yetişkinliklere, toplumsal ve kişisel beklentilere, alınan ve aranan onaylara, yıllardır devam eden terapilere, ve türlü kadınlık hallerine soruyorlar.