
  • • First, let’s talk about CTSOs or Career and Technical Student Organizations. These groups provide students with opportunities to develop leadership and technical skills that can be applied in their future careers. As an advisor of a CTSO, you’ve been instrumental in guiding students toward their goals. This is a great experience to highlight in your cover letter and resume.

    • When writing your cover letter, include your experience as an advisor and provide specific examples of how you’ve helped students succeed. For example, you can mention how you provided support and guidance to a group of students struggling with academic performance, or how you’ve helped students plan for their post-secondary education.

    • Focus on achievements, not just responsibilities: Instead of simply listing your job duties, highlight your accomplishments and how they have contributed to the success of your previous roles. Use quantifiable data and specific examples to demonstrate your impact.

    For example: Served a low-income population, and an underperforming school (and school district). Helped move the graduation rate from 76% to 85%, through consistency, and implementing school-wide policies. Increased standards in discipline, teaching from bell to bell, and implementing the no cell phone policy. Participated in the PLCs. Completed the mentor-training program, so I could be a mentor to new staff.

    • Keep it concise and easy to read: Hiring managers often have many resumes to review, so make sure your resume is easy to read and visually appealing. Use bullet points and clear headings to break up sections and make the information easy to digest. Additionally, limit your resume to two pages if possible.Formatting is key to success!

    Example: The three most common resume formats are chronological, functional and combination. When deciding which resume format you should use, consider your professional history and the role you’re applying for. For example, if you have limited work experience, you might instead focus on academic work, volunteer positions or apprenticeships with a functional resume instead of a chronological resume, which prioritizes job history.

    • Update your contact information and online presence: Make sure your resume includes your current contact information, including a professional email address and phone number. You should also review and update your online presence, including social media profiles, to ensure they align with your professional brand.

    For Example Your LinkedIn profile to match your resume. Keep your headline and summary consistent: Your headline and summary on LinkedIn should be consistent with your resume. Use the same job title and description to describe your experience and expertise. This will help recruiters and hiring managers easily recognize your skills and experience when comparing your resume and LinkedIn profile.

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  • • Let's start with closing down your FCS lab/classroom. It's important to begin with inventory, taking stock of all your equipment, tools, and supplies. This will help you determine what needs to be repaired, replaced, or ordered for the upcoming school year. Additionally, proper maintenance and cleaning of equipment should be performed to ensure its longevity and effectiveness.

    Inventory is an important aspect of closing down an FCS classroom/lab. It is essential to take an accurate inventory of all the items in the lab, including equipment, tools, materials, and supplies. This inventory will help you determine what needs to be disposed of, what can be stored for the next school year, and what needs to be ordered or replaced.

    • OR your Sewing & Textiles labs- Sewing and embroidery machines in FCS classes should also be serviced and maintained before closing down the classroom. This includes cleaning and oiling the machines, replacing any worn or broken parts, and ensuring they are stored in a dry and secure location. It is also important to inventory these machines and any accompanying accessories, such as needles and thread, to ensure everything is accounted for and in good condition for the next school year. Additionally, if any repairs or replacements are needed, it's best to take care of them during the summer months to avoid any delays or disruptions during the school year.

    • Now let's talk about grants and scholarship opportunities for FCS educators. There are several grants and scholarship opportunities available for FCS educators that can enhance their classroom experience. The USDA offers several grants that can help you enhance your classroom and provide hands-on learning experiences for your students. For example, the Resident Instruction Grants Program for Institutions of Higher Education in Insular Areas and Agriculture and Food Sciences Facilities and Equipment grant can help you acquire equipment and resources that can enhance your students' learning experiences. The Renewable Resources Extension Act - National Focus Fund Projects grant can also help you develop innovative curricula and provide hands-on learning experiences for your students which supports innovative curricula and provides training and outreach to rural communities.

    • Additionally, the Home Baking Association offers an award for FCS educators who focus on baking education and its interdisciplinary benefits to young people. The award includes a $1,000 prize and entries must be submitted by May 31st, 2023.

    • These grants and scholarships can provide valuable resources and support for FCS educators, allowing them to enhance their classrooms and provide better learning experiences for their students. Educators should take advantage of these opportunities and apply for the grants and scholarships that best suit their needs and goals.

    If you are looking for more grants and scholarship opportunities, visit for a complete list.

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  • To start off, I am going to give you a brief overview of what vocabulary tiers are and why they're important in the Family and Consumers Sciences classroom.

    Tier 1 words are the most common words used in everyday conversations. They are words that students are likely to already know, such as "house", "food", and "clothing."Tier 2 words are less common words that students may encounter in academic settings. These are words like "nutrition", "Sustainable", and "conservation."Tier 3 words are the most specialized words used in specific career fields, such as "dietetics", "textile", and "interior design."

    Again, vocabulary tiers refer to different levels of words, with tier 1 words being the most common and basic, while tier 3 words are the most complex and specific.

    So, why is it important to understand these tiers? By understanding the different types of vocabulary words, teachers can better select the words they want to focus on teaching, and in turn, help their students build a stronger vocabulary. Now let's talk about some strategies for teaching vocabulary in your FCS classes. There are several strategies that teachers can use effectively integrate vocabulary tiers into your instruction.

    One of the most effective strategies is to provide students with context. When students understand the context in which a word is used, they are more likely to remember it and be able to use it in their own writing and speaking. For example, teachers can use repeated exposure to the words in context through reading, writing, and speaking activities.Another strategy is to encourage students to use new vocabulary words in their own writing. For example, you could have students write a journal entry using as many Tier 2 words as they can, or have them write a story using both Tier 1 and Tier 2 words. Teachers can assess students' understanding of vocabulary through formative and summative assessments.Finally, using visual aids, such as flashcards, posters, and graphic organizers, can help students better understand and retain new vocabulary words. This is where students are provided with explicit vocabulary instruction by using direct teaching methods, such as defining and explaining words, using real-life examples, and creating visual aids.

    As Family and Consumer Sciences teachers, you can integrate these strategies by incorporating hands-on activities and projects that allow students to use the words in context. For example, teachers can have students use semantic mapping to connect new cooking terms in their existing knowledge of food preparation. Teachers can also use word sorts to help students categorize different cooking techniques and ingredients. Finally, teacher-led discussions can be used to help students engage in meaningful conversations about the different aspects of cooking and food preparation where students engage in dialogue about the words and their meanings, which is also a powerful vocabulary strategy.

    So, those are just a few strategies for teaching vocabulary in the Family and Consumer Sciences classroom. By incorporating these strategies into your instructional practices, you'll be helping your students build a stronger vocabulary and better prepare them for their future successes in their future careers.

  • • Will you describe your journey with career and technical education?

    • Do you have any new exciting projects you are working on?

    • What is your vision for CTE in the next decade wtih your new role as VP for the ACTE Admin Division?

    • What are the names of the 3 books you have either co-authored or authored?


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    • PLC in CTE: The power of professional learning communities to create thriving cultures of achievement within career and technical education
    • But I am NOT a reading teacher!: Literacy Strategies for Career and Technical Educators
    • Diving In to Strategic Thinking: A Teacher's Field Guide to Depth of Knowledge


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  • • Tell me about the over purpose of the campaign? The Elevate FCS campaign is a nationwide effort to raise awareness and recognition for the field of Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) and the professionals who work in it. The campaign aims to showcase the diverse career opportunities available within FCS, as well as the impact that FCS professionals have on individuals, families, and communities.

    • How can people get involved in the campaign? There are several ways that people can get involved in the Elevate FCS campaign. One way is by sharing their own FCS story on social media using the hashtag #ElevateFCS. Additionally, individuals can support the campaign by attending FCS events, advocating for FCS programs in their communities, and engaging with FCS professionals and organizations.

    • Is it just for members of the association? While the campaign is led by the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS), it is not limited to AAFCS members. Anyone who is interested in promoting and elevating the field of FCS is encouraged to participate.

    • What resources and/or materials are provided? Where can they be accessed? The Elevate FCS campaign provides a variety of resources and materials for individuals and organizations to use in promoting FCS. These include social media graphics, flyers, fact sheets, and more. These resources can be accessed on the AAFCS website.

    • How do the FCS FRIDAYS connect into ELEVATE FCS? FCS FRIDAYS is a key component of the Elevate FCS campaign. FCS FRIDAYS is a weekly social media event where individuals and organizations share FCS-related content using the hashtag #FCSFridays. This content can include FCS success stories, resources, and other FCS-related information. FCS FRIDAYS help to promote and elevate the field of FCS on a regular basis, and connect with the larger Elevate FCS campaign to create a collective voice for the field.

    CONNECT WITH Toni Wiese

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  • • AI is changing the way we live, work, and learn, and as educators, it's our job to prepare our students for this rapidly changing world. By incorporating AI into the FCS classroom, we can help our students develop 21st-century skills, like problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity. With AI, students can analyze data, identify patterns, and make predictions. This not only helps them understand how AI works but also helps them develop valuable skills that will serve them well in their future careers. After all, we are all about the 21st-century skillset!

    • Another benefit of integrating AI into the FCS classroom is increased engagement and motivation. When students work with AI, they're not just passively receiving information, they're actively creating, testing, and refining algorithms. This hands-on experience is much more engaging than simply reading about AI in a textbook. It also allows students to see the real-world applications of what they're learning, making the material more meaningful and relevant.

    • Are you curious on how you can integrate AI into your classroom yet? Well here are two suggestions on how you can use AI for a Foods class and/or Clothing and Construction class:

    AI-Powered Recipe Recommendation System: In this activity, students will use AI to create a personalized recipe recommendation system. First, students will compile a database of recipes, including ingredients and cooking methods. Next, they will use AI algorithms, to analyze the data and make recommendations based on the ingredients the student inputs. The goal is to help students understand how AI can be used to personalize recommendations and make their lives easier.

    • These activities are engaging, and innovative, and provide students with valuable hands-on experience with AI technology. By integrating AI into the FCS classroom, students can develop 21st-century skills, become more engaged and motivated, and prepare for the future. Embracing AI in education is not only important but necessary. By integrating AI into the FCS classroom, we can help our students develop valuable skills, increase engagement and motivation, and prepare them for the future. So let's embrace AI in education and start incorporating it into our classrooms today.


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  • • Technology has become an essential part of our daily lives, and it's no different in the classroom. It has the potential to enhance student learning and engagement, but it's important to remember that technology is just a tool, and it's the teaching strategies that come first. As Family and Consumer Sciences teachers, we have a unique opportunity to help students understand the importance of using technology in their daily lives and careers. However, it's crucial that we prioritize student learning and use technology as a means to achieve this goal.

    • Differentiated instruction: This approach recognizes that students have different learning styles and abilities and adjusts teaching methods to meet the needs of each individual student. At its most basic level, differentiation consists of the efforts of teachers to respond to variance among learners in the classroom. Whenever a teacher reaches out to an individual or small group to vary his or her teaching in order to create the best learning experience possible, that teacher is differentiating instruction.

    • Inquiry-based learning: This approach encourages students to ask questions, explore topics, and make connections between new information and their existing knowledge. This helps students to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. By putting these teaching strategies first, we can ensure that technology is being used in a way that supports student learning and engagement. Technology should never replace good teaching, but rather enhance it.


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  • • FCS education prepares students for adulthood by teaching them how to make informed decisions about important life events, such as marriage, parenthood, and retirement, as well as how to manage their finances, maintain their health, and develop positive relationships with others

    • Contribution to Society: FCS education helps students become productive citizens who are able to contribute to their communities in meaningful ways. By fostering positive relationships, good nutrition, and a balanced lifestyle, FCS education helps students develop the skills and habits needed to lead healthy, productive lives. This, in turn, leads to stronger families, communities, and a more robust and vibrant society overall. Additionally, by preparing students for the challenges they will face as adults

    • FCS education is a vital component of public education that should not be overlooked. By providing students with essential life skills, preparing them for adulthood, and fostering their ability to contribute to society, FCS education helps lay the foundation for a brighter future for individuals, families, and communities. It is essential that we invest in this important discipline and recognize its value in preparing our students for success and happiness in all aspects of their lives.


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  • • I will share and discuss on 3 topics supporting CTE programs in preparing students for careers in various fields of work.

    Latest Trends in CTE: The Importance of Keeping CTE Programs Relevant:The Role of Career and Technical Education Student Leadership Organizations and the benefits of participating in a CTSO.

    • One of the biggest trends in CTE is the increasing emphasis on project-based learning. Project-based learning is a teaching method that involves students in solving real-world problems by working on a project.

    • One of the biggest challenges facing CTE programs is keeping up with the rapidly changing demands of the job market. With new technologies and advancements being introduced all the time, it is essential that CTE programs adapt and evolve to meet these changing needs.

    • These organizations provide students with opportunities to develop leadership skills, network with industry professionals, and gain hands-on experience in their chosen fields. For example: Organizations like SkillsUSA, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), and Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) provide students with opportunities to develop leadership skills, participate in community service projects, and compete in events that showcase their skills.


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  • • Every February, the CTE community comes together to recognize the achievements and impact of CTE programs and to raise awareness about their role in preparing students for college and career success. (00:30)

    • CTE Month provides an opportunity for individuals and organizations to show their support for CTE programs and the students who participate in them. By hosting events, recognizing achievements, raising awareness, and engaging with the community, we can help to further the mission of CTE and ensure that all students have the tools and experiences they need to succeed. (1:30)

    • 1. Host events: Organize events such as open houses, tours, demonstrations, or guest speaker presentations to showcase CTE programs and their impact. (1:50)

    • 2. Recognize achievements: Celebrate the achievements of CTE students, educators, and partners through awards programs or other recognition initiatives. (2:00 )

    • Raise awareness: Share information about CTE and its benefits through social media, local news outlets, or community events. By participating in these activities, individuals and organizations can raise awareness of the impact and importance of Career and Technical Education and celebrate its achievements.(2:30)


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  • • (00:31) Did you know that February is known for CTE month? CTE, meaning career and technical education, so that every single February, the CTE community celebrates CTE month to raise awareness of the role that CTE has in reading learners for college and career success.

    • (1:50) Tip number one (1) is probably the easiest and by far the most accessible thing that you can do, how many of you are covering classes on your prep when you are on your sub-rotation, which I know you are because I am. Promote your classes while subbing! Talk about the fun things you do in each of your classes, TALK IT UP :)

    • (2:02 ) Tip number two (2), create a one-pager talking about all the various aspects, family and consumer sciences classes that your school district and school has to offer for their students. Please see my free gift to you! Download Resource 1: FCS 1 pager

    • (3:51 ) Tip number three (3), as you walk out of that classroom that you just subbed for, leave that one pager on the white board and who teaches what... Our students need that visual representation of what teacher teaches what subject. Please see my second free gift to you! Download Resource 2: FCS elective registration promo

    I love being on this journey of learning, growing and excelling with you. You play a major role in motivating students and helping them build their self-esteem, especially during their most impressionable years. Thank you for all of the amazing work that you do, go out and promote your classes and have fun with your students as always, my friend. Let's continue leading student success with FCS. We are better together.


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  • • My mom was a Family and Consumer Scientist or Home Economist, as she still likes to refer to it for 27 years in Southwest Colorado, and out of three children, I was the only one that followed my parents in the footsteps of becoming an educator (4:29)

    • Leadership has always been something I've been intrigued in. I love professional development, things going out, and just being able to better myself, and learn. I think that's really important as a Family and Consumer Scientist. Also, the content that we teach in classes is not stagnant, has to change as society changes, as our world changes, and I really embrace that. (6:37)

    • The Vision Awards, it's actually pretty simple. If they have someone that they know that they're in, you're thinking, Gosh, I really know someone who has some outstanding contributions or they've really just gone above and beyond, they've always been a member of FBS, they remember of the national organization, they have the opportunity to actually nominate individuals through a Google Form. (12:07 )

    • Scholarships are one of those that we were looking for individuals to apply for all the time, so if you know of a student who is interested in going into Family and Consumer Sciences education or is currently in any program, be sure to have them reach out, connect them to our undergraduate scholarships that have those run through at facts and they have a form in the awards portal to fill out, and those scholarships along with our graduate degree school ships will also be awarded during the national act conference, during our awards division (15:02)

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  • • I am a trained chef. I did go to culinary school, and I've worked at restaurants and worked as a private chef, but for the last 11 years, I've been creating content on my Baker Bettie website as an educational baking content creator. I started Baker Bettie as a food blog back in 2011. You know, I had never baked anything until I was out of the house. I was 19 years old, and I had never made anything, not even from a box mix until I was that old, so that is when I really started getting interested in baking. (3:25)

    • I think I really started connecting with the FACS (FCS) community at the start of the pandemic. I have an online baking school as well, called The Baker Bettie baking school, where I have a bunch of virtual classes, and one of my courses is a free baking fundamentals class and it became a resource that a lot of people were using during that transition time. (6:37)

    •I make bread literally multiple times a week, and it still feels like a magical process to me, but I love that you did that with them because I think understanding exactly what's happening and why we are doing things is such an important part of the building, making confidence because I don't know, I've just never been somebody that likes to be told what to do and then just accept it, like, Okay, we're just gonna do it. I wanna know why, why are we doing it this way? What is the purpose? And I think that really just helps you understand it better and feel more confident and be able to explore more in the kitchen (12:17 )

    • I have always had a very Math and Science brain, that's always been the topics that were really interesting to me, and so the way he explained baking as a science really drew me in, I got very interested in that, and then I really started with cookies, I wanted what I thought was the perfect chocolate chip cookie in my head, and I could not find a recipe that created what I wanted it to be. And so I decided to start figuring out how I could make it the way I wanted it to be (15:02)

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  • • I have a real history now with family consumer sciences, I actually started out as a home economist with what they call a vocational education degree. Now it's called Career and Tech. So that degree from Iowa State, and my continuing ed is with Kansas State University and the American Institute of Baking. So I keep learning, but I landed in home health care to start with, and in-home visitations loved it because I really wanted to learn more about consumers and home life and what people's needs were, and I always have that passion for making sure that the person at home, whoever it is, whatever each they are, is able to sustain light, not just sustain it, but really be well, be happy(7:48)

    • If you go to our website, which is, and across the header there, you'll find our members. Just click on that and you will see our 32 members. They run the gamut from Sustainable Packaging For big goods that the teacher could use when they do a big bake sale, the cottage industry could use for selling or retail bakers, and then there's also Thermo Pops, which is offering you all a great deal on Half Price Thermo pops that you could really get your labs up to speed on temperatures and making, and then there's all the ingredients, sugar used, butter and weak flower, of course. (10:48)

    • We actually sought out our partnerships very purposefully, because if you look at any kind of food preparation or ingredient knowledge, you know what social media is like right now, you know what the internet is like. It doesn't always have very well-vetted information, and we want teachers to have reliable recipes and formulas when they're working with baked goods, 'cause you really can't waste your time. I had 42 minutes in my classroom and I did not want to use a formula or a recipe with my students that didn't perform well (15:34 )

    • Right now in the news, you're hearing about it, there's a nutrition conference that the President's Counsel just held, and a lot of times we view sugar as a problematic ingredient, but it's essential in baking and real sugar, which is made from sugar cane and sugar beets means it's not an artificial sweetener, and therefore, your body utilizes it quite well and has no risks with it, so if you use it within the moderation that is recommended and you control your portion size (21:02)

    • We encourage you to sign up for our e-news, which we send to about 120000 educators every month where they get the latest scoop... Literally on the newest resources, many of which are free or opportunities to connect with industry, so don't miss that chance, I also blog every month, then we send out a calendar, so don't miss the latest October baking calendar hacks and hospitality. It's our website on

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  • • After graduating from EWU with her M. ED, Hanna Kim spent 5 years teaching 3rd, 5th, and 7th-grade math/science, I have developed a passion for finding ways to bridge the gaps in education that students face today. As the local EVERFI support in Washington, I'm excited to work with educators across the state to bring critical life skills to their classrooms with industry-leading resources with no cost attached. (3:47)

    • EverFI is an EdTech company based out of DC. We're all about social impacts of thinking about in terms of how to bridge the learning gap in the schools, lots of Encore contact math, English, science that's been taught forever, over thinking more about life skills, so like financial literacy, making sure that's when students graduate high school that they're prepared and set up for success in their adult life, and then we also cover things like career exploration so that students aren't aware of what path they wanna take, how do they get there, being able to kind of plan that real life after high school along with communication skills, social-emotional learning, things like that, our mission and our goal is to provide these resources that are ready, made complete and ready to go in the classrooms at no cost, so we partner with lots of various sponsors and companies that work with us to be able to provide these at no cost for the teachers. (5:00)

    • Over the past summer, we had two new courses that launched that were called build credit fundamentals, talking about how to build credit, what is credit? When would you use credit, what kind of behaviors kind of help you bump up the credit versus ones that ding your credit, and then we had one that was called to save up specifically for middle school students, where it talks and goes into the topic of savings, how to create a budget to make sure that you're not spending over your budget or how to balance the spending so that you're able to have some money saved for the month. (9:30 )

    • Future smart, it's a middle school Financial Literacy Program, so our high school and our entire company started with the flagship course every financial literacy, when our founders were like, there's a big gap for financial literacy that students are needing. This is our version, but for middle school students, it is one of our biggest financial literacy programs in partnership with Mass Mutual Foundation, and it actually is a complete picture, we have a whole portal that time has family resources and scholarship resources. It actually has resources for educators as well, that include little videos that teachers do, different tips and tricks along with worksheets, and any students who complete the course, three lessons are more, is eligible to apply for the scholarship that they run. They give out 20 scholarship total throughout the entire school year (13:06)

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  • Episode Notes

    • Why are we hiring more and more business and marketing educators to fill these roles when it's the family and consumer sciences classes that are constantly being targeted tracked and we have these long lists for student enrollment, so we really, subconsciously, we have to start thinking about what is our pipeline, what is it that our communities are needing right now from us so that we can prepare our students move forward once they graduate high school. (9:14)

    • Next week's episode is gonna be episode 100. Can you believe that? My friends, I am just floored and bewildered at the same time going, How in the world have I recorded? And we combined listened to about 100 episodes of the Connect FCS and podcast, and I always have to go back and do just a little gratitude post of saying Thank you so much for growing with me, thank you for allowing me the space to learn with you. Every episode, it is my personal strive to become better than what I was before, and with that, I'm just grateful that you would allow me the space and the time for you to listen in, that is powerful in that his friendship and that is something that I hold on to (10:27)

    • Starting October 5th, Wednesday, my birthday, we are going to have EverFI of Hanna Kim and she is gonna be talking to us about what EverFI has got going on for this coming school year, they have a lot of great valuable resources. So don't miss episode 100, you're not gonna wanna miss it. And on October 8th, keep that date in mind, October 8 at 9 AM Pacific Standard Time, we are gonna be doing a free giveaway on FCStips Facebook group. (21:02 )


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  • • I'm really tired because the school year's ending, but I get really excited about next year, so that's why this is a great time to get excited, get some stuff off your plate while you're still at the school, you're still in your contract hours, you're not worrying about what you're doing over the summer. And just get some stuff done. Now, so I've got three tips, and my very first one is to de-clutter, and you've got a few different ways that you can de-clutter, so there's declaring stuff, you may have accumulated some projects that students have done this year, and you may wanna save a few but my biggest recommendation would be, look at the classes that you are going to be teaching next year and de-clutter any resources that you are using for classes that you won't be teaching next year. (9:14)

    • My second tip is to look at your current routines and systems that you're using, so whether it's how students are turning in their work or what you are doing for your clean up, and seeing like what works and what doesn't work, because right now it's a good time to take a step back, will you still have students and see what needs tweaking for next year, and make notes of those now, and you don't need to restructure those over the summer, but taking notes of those now will actually help you remember what it's truly like rather than kind of having this honeymoon phase at the beginning of next school year and like, Oh yeah, that worked really well, when really it didn't. Maybe you're checking to see if there are certain supplies that are constantly being left out, like the scissors that are never being put away, so you'll wanna come up with some sort of solution for scissors next year. So this is an opportune time to do that, and the key is, is that you still have students so you can still observe how those are functioning and what needs to change. (13:22)

    • My third tip is to map out next year from a large bird's-eye view, and you're going to do it for each of the courses that you're taking because you want to have an idea of the units you're going to be teaching, but then you also want to schedule, decide how long you wanna spend on each of those units, then the really critical part is you're going to then compare that to your calendars. You need to look at your school calendar and see if you have a winter break or different holidays, and where does that land, because you don't necessarily want to have one day be after the break of your unit, you wanna have them all before the break, and then you want to look at it too when you're calendaring it, comparing it, all your classes to one another, because you wanna save yourself time, and if you end up having a whole bunch of projects or unit ending all on the day, and that could mean that there's a lot of work for you on one particular day, so try to spread it out- be intentional. (21:02 )

    • When you're in the thick of planning and doing your teaching and you've got your lessons and your activities and you're going shopping so that you make sure that you have your food for your kitchens and all of that, you're not worried about whether or not you assigned 12 different projects to all be due on the day before homecoming. It's a great way to think about that now, and I think that's the key thing, think about it now so you don't have to think about it over the summer at all. You've already done the leg work, that way, when you come back in August, all you have to actually do is plan your lessons. So enjoy your lessons! (22:16)

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  • • They are connected to our educational experience, and they are literally the best example you can think of of a not-for-profit organization that's doing good sustainably, and so they are going to talk about sustainability and how they got to where they are and how they're actually saving lives with soap and water. And this is an issue that's not just here in the United States, but it's a global issue, so they've come up with a really incredible process that allows us to recycle and sanitize the soaps and the hotels, and then formulate them into a product that can be given away to people in need. So the title of that session could not be better, their team, their staff, their volunteers, or hotel partners, they are the best people on them, doing good. Doing good in the world of sustainability. So we're really excited about that one. (11:54)

    • Our website is easy to navigate. Our registration site is very, very easy, if everyone just goes to the website, you'll find on our home page, the registration banner you can't miss, there are lots of banners and words and points to take you to the registration site, so it's really a one-click process to get to that page. And so once you get to the registration website, there's so much more than we'll have time to talk about the same thing, but we have connected learning, we have our general sessions, educational sessions and more. (16:47)

    • I was talking to someone recently that's gonna be a first-timer, and you know, we've all had experiences. Not everybody is an extrovert, some people are introverts, some people can walk into a ballroom and just work the crowd and talk to everybody and know everyone's name when they leave and others, not so much. And so we're actually looking at that very carefully this year too, because one of our student members raised the topic with us, and so we've got some of our various ops working with us to do some outreach to those first conference goers before they go to Orlando. So that there is somebody they can ask a question too, that they may not be comfortable or may not know who to go to to get the answers, so we're gonna do some pre-work and they're gonna do some special things on the property for this first time or so that they feel very welcome and a part of our group, and being included(24:02 )

    • We wash our hands, we don't think about it, we turn on the water and we don't think about it, but in this case, we clean the world, seeing these people long for miles to get soap and then be so excited about a bar, so certainly makes us all stop and think a little bit more. And by the way, clean the world, as I said earlier, they're gonna be one of our headliners in one of our general sessions to tell the whole story to everybody, so that all of our affiliates, all of our members, non-members, all the folks in Orlando can learn about clean the world so that then they can start to think about how they can contribute and support this organization because they are just amazing (34:44)


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  • • I learned that VP of Development, it's a really important position as you are looking for new partnerships and you are helping the organization financially, and maybe sure that members are the opportunity, participating partner contacts, and the sales, the national or coalition. (13:18)

    • So, are the executive council positions, are they rolling over every year; Are we gaining new student leadership yearly?. Yes, so every year, at the national leadership conference, I know it is a very long process where there's national series from across the nation, from Washington all the way a way. We have candidates in Texas, Hawaii, we have student leaders or passionate about our organizations, we have to go through this pass of interviews, there's a non-meeting committee that I want to each candidate. (3:47)

    • Sometimes a question is, why did you join? But I think for me, the question is why not? I joined because my middle school had it which is what first got me interested. But, I stayed because of the friends and connections that I had made. The people I met and the force of good that was being made. I've been afforded opportunities that I otherwise would not have experienced, and because of that, I'm eternally just thankful. (22:02)

    • if your school doesn't have an FCCLA chapter, it's easy to start one... I know, anything you start that you have no knowledge on, it's overwhelming, but it is easy to start. The advice I would tell you, find other teachers in your own community and reach out to them to find out what is it that they have done and you get a sponsor. Have another FCCLA chapter advisor as a mentor to help you start your new chapter. (29:44)

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    APRIL 27th, 2022

  • • I got into personal finance about six years ago. My school asked me to teach this class, it was like a Math personal since hybrid, my wife at the time we were dating, we just moved in together, she was the one who was the money person in our house, and through our conversations, it became clear that I needed to learn more about money as well to become more co-partner in our decision-making, and like we talk about with couples all the time, we wanna make sure that everyone is a knowledgeable participant in the finances of the house (10:56)

    • It's not something that you have to be born into a wealthy family to be able to do all these things so I became very passionate about teaching others what I was... I started with my own classroom, and then the ChooseFI Foundation, developed a pre-K through 12 Personal Finance curriculum that's free to use, and then the next step was my son was born. (12:13)

    • I think there's so much learned from kids' books, particularly when you go back a sec with an adult or a teenage mind and look at them like some examples that come to mind, or like the goose that laid the golden egg, talking about the fishermen and the businessman, Jack In The being stock. Those are ones that if you approach that with an adult line, now you're like, What are the morals in here and how does it apply to finances, and there are some really cool conversations that can actually come from those (16:14)

    • I first heard about it from a friend who took her probably two-year-old son at the time to a local bank, they opened a checking account for him, a junior saber checking account, whatever it was. And they got a little goody bag from the bank for the custodial account holder, and I was like, Oh, that's really cool. So I started approaching my local banks and credit unions, and three of them have signed up already to pick up copies of the book and give it out to the kids as they sign up for accounts (18:37)


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