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The Libretto of Richard Wagner's music drama Tristan and Isolde, translated into English by John P Jackson, is here presented as a spoken drama. Tristan, a Knight in the service of King Mark of Cornwall, is sent to Ireland to fetch Mark's prospective bride, the Irish Princess Isolde. On the return voyage Tristan and Isolde realise their love for each other and arrange a secret tryst. This is exposed leading to violence, tragedy and separation but eventually uniting them in death. -
True horror stories written by those who made it out alive. First-person accounts narrated and produced in an anthology of terror and suspense. To hear your story on the show, send it to [email protected]
VIl du også gerne skrive, men er gået i stå, har slået dig på anmeldelser eller kan ikke rigtig komme igang?
Skrivementor og forfatter Charlotte Heje Haase inviterer kreative og skrivende mennesker ind i Forfatterhjørnet. De fortæller om, hvad det at skrive betyder for dem, hvordan de passer på sig selv i processen og bevarer motivationen. Samtalerne er blevet til for at inspirere dig, der gerne vil skrive og have mere kreativitet ind i dit liv.
Forfatterhjørnet går tæt på det indre arbejde ved at skrive og skabe noget - det kan nemlig både føles konfronterende og skræmmende samt forløsende og fantastisk at sætte ord på papiret. Tak fordi du lytter med. -
Elsker du bøger, og drømmer du om selv at blive udgivet en dag? Så er det her en podcast for dig. De to forfattere Anne Cathrine Bomann og Lise Villadsen inviterer dig med ind i maskinrummet – der, hvor bøger bliver til! Vi kommer omkring alt fra plot og ideer til budgetter og redaktørsamarbejde, og hver episode er spækket med inspiration til et skrivende liv. Plot, parat, start!
Season 4 in pre-production now!
On an ordinary evening in November 1993, Micah’s entire world collapsed when her father, Nolan, died in a car accident. Time passed, and Micah suffered from terrifying night terrors and a mysterious recurring dream that left her exhausted and on edge.
How it Ends was meant to free her from her nightmares and help her deal with her loss… but Micah's world changes once again when she receives new information about her father’s accident from an unexpected source… And she discovers that sometimes dreams aren’t dreams at all—they’re memories.
General Content Warnings: Adult language, alcohol consumption, marijuana use, death of a parent, grief, stalking. Note: Episodes may have specific CWs. Please read episode descriptions before listening.
How it Ends is produced by How it Ends Studio and distributed by Realm Media. -
Den 4. Væg er en podcast om dansk scenekunst. Vi taler om teater og med teater. Hver anden uger udgiver vi en podcast, der både indeholder anmeldelser, reportager fra det danske scenekunstliv og interviews med relevante personligheder. Vores mål er at kunne åbne scenekunstens magiske verden op for endnu flere – og særligt unge! Gennem vores anmeldelser håber vi at kunne fungere som guider for, hvor det er allerfedest at smide sine måske sparsomme kroner henne.
Bawdy Storytelling – dubbed 'The Moth for pervs' by the LA Weekly – is the nation’s original sex and storytelling series. Founded, emcee’ed and curated by sexual folklorist Dixie De La Tour, Bawdy Storytelling features real people and rockstars sharing their bona fide sexual exploits. Bawdy Storytelling’s one-of-a-kind approach to sex-positive personal narrative has coaxed liberating tales out of everyday people, creating unforgettable experiences for performers and audiences alike. These stories aren't memorized. Storytellers aren't reading from cue cards. This is honest-to-badness story time with true sexcapades and poignant, hilarious, transformational tales at each and every show.
All rights belong to J.K Rowling. This is a fan fiction (HPMOR) written by Eliezer Yudkowsky.
I am Jack Voraces, a professional audiobook narrator:
I do not intend to make any money from this podcast. It is a free audiobook for anyone to listen to and it is my hope that it will eventually evolve into a dream I have had for a while. The 500 hour audiobook. I would like to create an audiobook that is 500 hours long, totally free and available in multiple formats. The author has given permission for this recording and if you enjoyed Mother of Learning, you will likely enjoy this too.
Each chapter is recorded live on Discord on Mondays at 20:00 BST:
Please do come and join us
Cover art by Alessia Trunfio @AlessiaTrunfio -
Træd med ind i troldmandens hule til en uformel snak om tryllekunst i selskab med Nicolaj Christensen, Anders Lilleøre og Mads Fencker.
Mønterne er palmerede, kortene lagt i stack og tryllestaven er skruet op på 100%
Igennem diskussioner, lege og kreative øvelser bliver tryllekunsten i det 21-århundrede taget til et kærligt eftersyn. -
QueenPod: The Queen Podcast is your official one-stop shop for everything related to the world's greatest rock band. Joined by comedians and Queen superfans John Robins and Sooz Kempner, host Rohan Acharya and Queen archivist and documentarian Simon Lupton will take you through all of Queen, track by track, album by album, listening along to the tunes and analyzing them (well, at least talking about how awesome they are). We'll also have news and stories about the band, fan questions and queries, and some very special guests!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
H. P. Lovecraft’s name is synonymous with horror fiction. His major inspiration and invention was cosmic horror: the idea that life is incomprehensible to human minds and that the universe is fundamentally alien. This collection contains 24 Lovecraft works that are in the public domain.
View our entire collection of podcasts at
This is a Librivox Recording. All Librivox recordings are in the public domain. -
Lyt til spændende interviews med tidens mest kendte og aktuelle forfattere og hør dem fortælle om deres forfatterskab i dybdegående samtaler med Birgitte Bartholdy eller Ib Helles Olesen. Samtalerne udspringer af oprigtig nysgerrighed og håbet er at give lytterne et indblik i nye sider af forfatterskabet.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Roma Army Podcast
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Intro Beat:
Outro Beat: -
Ryan receives an unexpected response when he fires up his grandfather’s old ham radio set. The surprises continue to build as Ryan struggles to make sense of the voice on the other end and the claim she is making. All is not as it appears to be, to either of them, as Ryan begins to dig deeper and a mysterious force threatens to end their connection forever.
Zeitgenössische Musik ist stets aktuell und facettenreich. Als innovativer Bestandteil der Musikwelt nimmt neue Musik einen wichtigen Platz ein. Die Sopranistin Irene Kurka gibt in diesem Podcast ihre über Jahre gewonnene Expertise weiter. Sie erklärt, wie die verschiedenen neuen Spieltechniken, Musikstile und Kompositionstechniken zusammenhängen und funktionieren und welche großartigen Möglichkeiten sie bieten. Irene Kurka zeigt anhand von Analysen, Tipps und Interviews mit erfolgreichen und interessanten Persönlichkeiten aus dem Bereich der zeitgenössischen Musik, wie du als KünstlerIn in der neuen Musik authentisch und erfolgreich sein kannst. Dieser Podcast soll dazu beitragen, die zeitgenössische Musik bekannter zu machen.
Dieser Podcast erscheint alle 14 Tage am Dienstag. Mittlerweile sind 3 Bücher zum Podcast bei ARE erschienen.
Deep Dive Folgen mit Moritz Eggert, Silke Aichhorn, Holger Falk u.a. auf Patreon:
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der „neuen musikzeitung“, dem Kooperationspartner von „neue musik leben“.
Intro und Outro: Improvisationen von Irene Kurka, Frederike Möller, Marko Kassl, Burkart Zeller
Cover: Carina Brinkmann, Foto: Tanja de Maan -
Fascinating People, Fascinating stories.
If you're like me, you love to find out how people got to where they are in life, what makes them tick, some of their hurdles, and what made them think they could do it.
If so, then join me every Monday as I 'take a walk down Fascination Street' and get to know the stories behind people from every walk of life. "Streetwalkers" include: actors, authors, directors, musicians, pop culture icons, social activists, athletes, screenwriters, comedians, artists, podcasters, CEO's, and even an astronaut!
New episodes every Monday, and sometimes a bonus one too!