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Originally produced in the 1990s and aired on PBS, Against the Odds and its companion, The Next Generation, is a biographical interview series hosted by Byron Pitts, 2017 Horatio Alger Award recipient and co-anchor of ABC’s Nightline. The show features Horatio Alger Members and Scholars, whose stories of overcoming adversity on the road to excellence serve as a powerful source of inspiration and reinforce belief in the enduring American Dream. Each has defied incredible odds and has achieved success despite humble beginnings and challenges. Their life experiences reaffirm that anything is possible in America through hard work, honesty, and determination. Through their uplifting narratives, these remarkable men and women illuminate the limitless possibilities available in our country, inspiring viewers to embrace their own dreams and pursue them with unwavering passion.
Social Impact Storytelling is a podcast that celebrates our successes and challenges as non-profit content creators. Communication professionals working for the UN and NGOs share storytelling strategies to boost your content creation and marketing skills. Whether you’re looking for in-depth expert advice or curious about the behind-the-scenes approach in pulling together compelling campaigns, you’ll discover knowledge you need to make you grow in your storytelling safari. -
Carruurteenna is a new podcast hosted by Save the Children in Somalia, focusing on critical issues impacting the lives of Somali children. Through in-depth discussions, expert interviews, and storytelling, we will highlight key topics related to child survival, poverty, education, protection, and more.
Hosted by Asia Abdirisak. Written, created, and produced by the advocacy, campaign, communication, and media (ACCM) team at Save the Children Somalia Country Office.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to "Society Forward," the podcast that dives deep into the heart of social development. Each week, we explore the transformative ideas and actions that are reshaping communities across the globe. From the grassroots initiatives breathing new life into urban and rural areas, to the cutting-edge policies driving societal progress, we bring you to the forefront of social change.
Construction is one of the most complex, fragmented and challenging industries to work in, but when you reflect on a finished project, there is always great satisfaction in the work done. Join Quantity Surveyor and Founder of C-Link (, Paul Heming, each week as he interviews experts from across the construction industry to share tactics for project success and uncover technologies of the future that will take us forward. Own the Build is a show for Main Contractors, Quantity Surveyors, Project Managers or anyone interested in learning more about the construction world.
The Podcast, How To Manager, is for every level of leader who wants to take confident, decisive and high quality employee actions so they can get the best out of their team, smash their goals and of course, sleep well at night.
Tabitha Njeri is a leader, entrepreneur and Founder of the Break The Ceiling Problem Solving Workshop. Join Tabitha each week for a new episode packed with what you need to know and do, to have an engaged and productive team that hits your goals time and time again. Learn the proven strategies she mastered in 18 years as a Fortune 250 executive and consultant.
This podcast is for you, whether you are a first-time manager or a senior level manager that is facing people challenges at work. In 15 minutes or less, Tabitha will give you the targeted advice that will have your team smashing your goals in no time!
Listen weekly, apply the lessons and watch your team thrive! -
Want to learn how to start your own podcast? Well, we’re starting a new Captivate show of our own and we’re taking you along for the ride!
Join your host Rachel, Content Executive at Captivate, and special guest-host Mark Asquith, CEO of Captivate, as we design, build and launch a brand new podcast from scratch.
Find out just how easy it is to start your own podcast and follow along with us to set up a growth-ready show using the steps we’ll take together.
Listen in and let’s launch a podcast! -
Welcome to the School of Higher Thought.
We are a podcast platform exploring the realm of personal development, philosophy and finance with aims of uplifting a nation.
New Episodes are released on Patreon EVERY SUNDAY,
please click the link below for more:
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Get an inside look at how top, international business schools assess MBA applicants. Interviews with MBA Admissions Directors and students from the world's top-ranked MBA programs. Strategies and tips on how to craft a successful MBA application and best present yourself. Straight talk on how to get accepted to the world's top MBA programs. Get a free, expert profile review at
A podcast about legal education to help students navigate an increasingly complex set of career path choices, and build the mind-set of being a life-long learner. We're here to promote innovative education, and diverse workforces by democratising access to career advice from both experts and current students alike.
Startup LAWnchpad empowers entrepreneurs by educating them about legal strategies to form, grow, and protect a startup. This podcast is produced by the Entrepreneurial Law Clinic at Fordham University School of Law. It is for educational purposes only and is not legal advice specific to any listener's situation. Startup LAWnchpad is made possible by the generous support of the Nasdaq Educational Foundation, Inc. and Fordham's Entrepreneurial Law Advisory Council.
Welcome to The Digital Coffee Date, created and hosted by multimedia content producer and entrepreneur, Jessica Rosado. This podcast is your weekly dose of incredible stories with women who are making a powerful global footprint. Our conversations feature different women from all walks of life who share their experiences through both successes and failures alike. These stories empower and encourage the female footprint in a society originally structured for them to fail. Whether it be through philanthropy, entrepreneurship, or even the corporate ladder, women are creating a global footprint that will impact the future.
Unlocking access to quality healthcare in Africa by 2030 will require radical innovations. Join veteran digital health / healthtech entrepreneur Rowena Luk in conversation with healthcare industry leaders and innovators every quarter to strategize on what the future of healthcare in Africa will look like. This podcast is for social entrepreneurs, impact investors, and global health professionals who need to stay ahead of the rapidly changing landscape of healthcare in Africa. -
Climate Change affects everyone in the world. But people are affected differently depending on their location, ethnicity, race, age or gender. In interviews with international experts, Annika explores why this is the case and why women are hardest hit by climatic changes. From migration patterns to water governance to feminist economics, we discuss the different angles of the issue and delve deep into interconnection of Gender Inequality and Climate Change. Each episode ends with solutions and recommendations on how to create Climate Justice: Diversity is the key to sustainability.
The Go-To Podcast for Content Creators Who Want to Grow & Monetize their Online Business!Hey, Hey my friend ~ Welcome to Creatives on Fire®! Are you lost when it comes to creating content that both grows your audience and makes you money? Do you stay awake at night wondering how to make more money without the constant hustle?Wish you had more time and margin in your life?Well, hey, I’m Melanie Ferguson, a six-figure blog owner who’s made many mistakes and felt the crushing weight and pressure of trying to do it all, growing my blog and social media to hundreds of thousands of followers, only to look up and have very little to no money to show for it. Once I put a few key systems and strategies into place, everything changed for me. All of a sudden, I began to see consistent growth, I started making real money and had more time to do the things I want to do. Wanna learn how I did it?In this podcast, you will learn how to:-> Grow your audience without having to be on social media 24/7.-> How to put proven systems in place to explode your online business growth.-> How to make money online in multiple ways turning your audience into paying customers!If you're ready, then grab your favorite notebook and pen. I’m about to show you how to take your online business to the next level and leave the overwhelm behind. Let’s G-O!Some weeks I’ll share valuable bite-sized trainings you can implement right away; while other weeks we will learn from successful content creators who are on fire in their businesses.Get ready to get your binge on!Next Steps:Grab your 2025 Content Planner: