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"Ongezout Lekker" is een wekelijkse podcast waarin zes vrienden - Patrick, Robert, Rodney, Bert, Chris en Steve -gevarieerd in samenstelling van 4 samenkomen om informeel te praten over diverse onderwerpen, variërend van alledaagse gebeurtenissen tot opvallende observaties. Terwijl ze genieten van een lekker drankje, benaderen ze de gesprekken met een dosis humor en genegenheid voor elkaar. De podcast biedt een ontspannen en gezellige sfeer waarin luisteraars zich kunnen vermaken terwijl ze luisteren naar de ongefilterde en ongecompliceerde conversaties van deze vriendengroep.
Wil in onze dm sliden dat kan! doe dat dan via deze link naar onze socials:
of wil je een berichtje sturen of een opmerking plaatsten doe dat dan via [email protected]
Aynen Öyle Kardeşim, Fethi ile Samet adlı iki dostun, Podbee Media ile beraber hazırladıkları bir şakalı sohbet podcastidir. Bu podcast, iki şarkı arasına sıkışmış güncel, sosyal, kişisel sohbetlerin yanı sıra, sohbetin arasına sıkışan şarkı girişimlerini de barındırmaktadır.
In CodeTaal bespreken Max en Chip elke week opmerkelijk nieuws uit Nederland. Nou ja, dat proberen ze, want meestal raken ze de draad kwijt en dwalen ze af naar de verste uithoeken van hun brein.
Max, de koffieliefhebber en stiekeme superheld (volgens Chip), en Chip, de gadgetfreak, gaan samen op avontuur door nieuws en nonsens. Verwacht flauwe grappen, chaotische gesprekken en onverwachte wendingen.
Abonneer je nu in je favoriete podcast app en mis geen enkele aflevering van CodeTaal. Volg ons ook op social media voor de laatste updates en nog meer gekkigheid. -
The award-winning, anarchic, utterly accessible comedy sci-fi set in a universe where everything's as crap as it is on Earth. Now a novel and audiobook available on Amazon and Audible! Sign up to our mailing list on our website for loads of exciting news about our forthcoming nonsense!
Follow the Leader is an actual play podcast with a focus on telling character-driven stories through the use of GMless tabletop games where we can all take the lead. We’re an LGBTQ actual play podcast that uses collaborative storytelling and world-building to create satisfying story arcs with a colorful cast of characters across different settings and genres. With stories ranging from fantasy to science-fiction to horror, there’s something for everyone. Check out our site at for suggestions on where to begin, and find us on Bluesky @
Member of the Standing Stones Podcast Guild. Find us on Bluesky @ -
Welcome to Cursed Management, Hollywood's worst talent management company! Sit in with the managers of Cursed on their chaotic, company-wide conference calls as they frantically try to sign new talent, close big deals, and keep their company from imploding. Created by and Starring Jordan Firstman, Charles Rogers, Bridey Elliot, Abby Elliot, Kelly Hudson, Dan Klein, and Sarah-Violet Bliss. Produced by the Forever Dog Podcast Network.
Welkom bij de Pilotfabriek! Wij geloven dat er voor ieder concept wel ergens publiek te vinden is. In ons high-tech audiolab geven wij makers in ieder geval één kans om hun radiodroom te verwezelijken.
Op dit kanaal kunt u alle juweeltjes, die op willekeurige momenten zullen verschijnen, naar alle hartelust beluisteren. -
MentalRadio is genetically-altered Humor, thrilling adventure theater, comedy sketches and original music and jingles created by Shadoe Stevens and an all-star cast. This is "Audio Theater on Jet Fuel."
It is immersive audio adventures, stories, satire, and parodies. There are unlikely super heroes, breaking news take-offs, and happy jingles that make fun of being afraid immersed in genetically-altered humor. It's about the power of meditation, and is based on historical revelations and worldwide "Optimysticals" dedicated to uplifting mankind.
Shadoe Stevens has been an award-winning, worldwide personality, and innovator for radio, television, film, new media and visual arts. He is one of the most recognized voices in the world. -
The Neon Streets is an actual play podcast set in a cyberpunk dystopia using the FATE RPG system. We work hard to make the system and our show accessible to anyone, even those with no TTRPG experience! Join us three friends as we navigate our characters through the dangerous streets of The Big Gulp, battling corrupt mega-corporations and rival gangs in this high-stakes world. Whether you're a fan of FATE, DnD 5E, Pathfinder, or any other tabletop RPGs, there's something here for everyone. Our gameplay focuses heavily on comedic storytelling and immersive role-playing, going much lighter on number crunching/dice rolling. Listen in as our characters make tough decisions in a deep world with memorable stories. Our second series: BurgerCorp Blues is coming very soon!
Also, we now post Every. Single. Day. So check-in for more stories and content every day.
While there are many rslash channels that read r/entitled parents stories and r/prorevenge from Reddit, each channel has its own way of performing them. We care out adding a real, human voice than can portray the characters in such a way
We love our Reddit reading community and encourage everyone to check out other crazy characters like rSlash, Redditor, fresh, r/Bumfries, VoiceyHere, Storytime, Mr. Reddit, Darkfluff, and the other amazing people in this community. Putting good karma out there is what this is all about.
We also love hearing from our community. Meaning if you have something you want us to read, please, drop us a comment down below.
Reddit stories, reddit and chill, reddit story, reddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, #reddit, ask reddit, reddit posts, reddit Ama, reddit stories 2020, -