
  • How is the prayer life of those in your family? Do your children see a vibrant prayer life in their parents? Is it part of your family culture to share answers to prayers? Is it part of your church culture and relationships?

    Isaac and Angie teach about two different kinds of prayer, how to infuse a strong prayer life in your family, and the importance of all ages praying together, even during church. They share some powerful stories including what happened during church service last week that encouraged everyone who was there.

    This is a powerful and encouraging episode that will help you nurture your family members to have a stronger relationship with God.

    Companies we love who sponsor the show:

    Voetberg Music Academy; is the online music class that children LOVE and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS

    Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children

    Samaritans Ministry

    Support this podcast at —
  • Every Christian parent should ask themselves this question in a posture of being open to self-reflection regarding their home. Isaac and Angie Tolpin give a few challenges in this episode that are likely to cause even the most well-intentioned parents to think about opportunities for recalibration. The reality is, most homes are somewhat led by the children actually. Of course at first glance every parent would likely say, “That’s not our home!” well
you might be surprised at how this actually plays out without parents even recognizing it’s happening.

    It starts in the toddler years and perpetuates as children get older in most families, maybe even all homes at times. The difference becomes whether the parents recalibrate when it happens and shift back on course in a concerted way. But with most unaware of the depth of what they are allowing to be cultivated in their family culture, too many don’t recalibrate.

    The statistics are starting to show dramatic evidence of this which often even leads to the whole family adjusting their theological viewpoints. Isaac gives a huge challenge to fathers at the end of the episode you won’t want to miss and the whole episode is full of practical insights and encouragement as you parent in these unprecedented times.

    Companies we love who sponsor the show:

    Voetberg Music Academy; is the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS

    Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children

    Samaritans Ministry

    Support this podcast at —
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  • Isaac and Angie discuss six specific things that people are thinking right now but not talking about in the areas of Marriage, Trump, Chickens, Church, Kids' friends, and their Relationships. Do you ever wish you could fully be yourself, say what needs to be said, do the right thing despite the costs, and build a biblical community with others willing to be fully themselves and really know each other?

    The goal is to open up discussions about these five things and influence change in these areas with the people around us. Sometimes, it starts with you being courageous and talking about the important things people are hesitant to talk about. Let’s run the race well with others, and help our families thrive, free from concern about others' thoughts. Be encouraged by this unique Courageous Parenting podcast episode.

    Companies we love who sponsor the show:

    Voetberg Music Academy; is the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS

    Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children

    Samaritans Ministry

    Support this podcast at —
  • People feel more overwhelmed than ever, could it be what we are feeding our minds? What we saturate our minds with daily will contribute to feeling overwhelmed or joyful. Isaac and Angie get raw and real about their marriage in handling overwhelm with valuable practical insights.

    Technology can be incredibly useful but also has the potential for harm. Do we get rid of the smartphones or become more disciplined with them? That’s a choice for each family, but Isaac and Angie Tolpin make an argument that our children need to see us model self-discipline with technology and as they get older help them be self-disciplined in how they use technology as well while they are in our homes.

    Companies we love who sponsor the show:

    Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS

    Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children

    Samaritans Ministry

    Support this podcast at —
  • This should influence your parenting decisions: Two-thirds of Americans claim to be Christians, but only four percent of all adults hold a biblical worldview according to the recent Barna studies. So what does it mean when someone says they are a Christian today? It certainly doesn’t mean there's like-mindedness. It doesn’t mean we automatically trust them, and it doesn’t mean their children are safe influences for your children. This is true even in the church you go to.

    We aren’t to have fear, but instead to trust God, but can He trust you? Trust you to disciple his children in the ways they should go? God is sovereign but we have an awesome responsibility in equipping our children which frankly, in reflection of these stats is going to have to look much different than what most Christians are doing around you.

    Be sure to subscribe to our channel, but also on your favorite podcast app too!

    For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to

    Companies we love who sponsor the show:

    Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS

    Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children

    Samaritans Ministry

    Support this podcast at —
  • Peer influences are powerful and there will be times other adults are around your children as they get older. Children must know when to disobey authority, what’s appropriate behavior, what to do when someone tries to touch them in the wrong places, and so much more. Isaac and Angie Tolpin dive into how to equip littles, middles, and teenagers to protect their body, their eyes, what boundaries to expect, and overall how to navigate in today’s world.

    They break their direction up into three periods of time in your childrens lives where you will go from high directive parenting, to guiding, and finally moving towards coaching your children in the teenage years. You’re still the parents and at times regardless of their age you’ll be directing, but be warned, if you don’t adjust over time, you will cause the opposite of what you want in your relationship with your children.

    Be sure to subscribe to our channel, but also on your favorite podcast app too!

    For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to

    Companies we love who sponsor the show:

    Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS

    Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children

    Samaritans Ministry

    Support this podcast at —
  • We believe Intentional Christian parents need to be even more protective over their children today. We have a birds-eye view of reality; with over 5 million podcast downloads we hear tragic stories from believers all over the world about harm to their children in places and with people they thought were safe. Check yourselves as you listen to what Isaac & Angie are suggesting.

    There’s plenty of messages about the dangers of screen time, the internet and pornography, but what about other children? What about older people around your children when you’re not with them? With 93% of boys and 62% of girls accessing pornography by age eighteen, we must be more diligent. Just because you are at church, with family, or those others are trusting, it doesn’t mean your children are safe.

    The world has dramatically changed in the last decade, don’t you think parenting must dramatically change in response to it?

    Be sure to subscribe to our channel, but also on your favorite podcast app too!

    For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to

    Companies we love who sponsor the show:

    Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS

    Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children

    Samaritans Ministry

    Support this podcast at —
  • Don’t let greater comfortable times ahead for Christians become the enemy of your family thriving long-term. It appears we are entering into a a great season, due to the largest restoration of America that’s happening right now. We give ten things to consider to make wise choices for your marriage and parenting during these times. We believe God has given us a unique window to make the adjustments needed as to thrive in the future that encourages a faith-filled multi-generational legacy. It takes going against normally human tendencies.

    Get to the place you want to grow roots long-termBuild strong communityGrow SpirituallySeize opportunities to make moreInvest and SaveWork hard on your marriageInfluence resilience and Godliness in your childrenBe prepared for the worstServe othersImprove where you live

    Be sure to subscribe to our channel, but also on your favorite podcast app too!

    For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to

    Companies we love who sponsor the show:

    Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS

    Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children

    Samaritans Ministry

    Support this podcast at —
  • The Covid era and the new MAHA movement has helped people realize how corrupt big pharma is and how at times our government doesn’t have the best interest of the people. We share our story of deciding against vaccines early on in our twenty-four year journey parenting nine children and what we did instead. While western medicine can be helpful when you truly need it, we have seen the fruit of growing in knowledge of how to treat things naturally. Angie Tolpin shares how she grew in knowledge, shares her favorite books on vaccines and natural health as well. Tips on how to build your team of health professionals you see eye to eye with and encouragement to advocate for your family without fear.

    Be sure to subscribe to our channel, but also on your favorite podcast app too!

    For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to

    Companies we love who sponsor the show:

    Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS

    Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children

    Samaritans Ministry

    Support this podcast at —
  • How you handle this will likely impact whether you have a multi-generational legacy of faith or not. If your children are resisting church, that's a vital indicator of either a problem with your church that needs to be fully discovered, or a heart issue in your child towards church and God. Isaac and Angie Tolpin give practical insights on what to do when your children show resistance to going to church. If you want your children to make being part of a church family a priority with their families in the future, they must see you making it a priority consistently in yours.

    Be sure to subscribe to our channel, but also on your favorite podcast app too!

    For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to

    Companies we love who sponsor the show:

    Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS

    Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children

    Samaritans Ministry

    Support this podcast at —
  • Most Christian Parents would openly agree that they deeply hope that their kids grow up and want to be an active participant in the Body of Christ and looking even further into the future they hope their children raise their grandchildren in the Church. But how do you teach the importance of that to your kids? THe answer may seem obvious, you model it, of course; BUT when we look generation to generation simply going to church faithfully doesn’t necessarily cultivate a heart for God’s Bride! In today’s podcast you will be challenged and exhorted to evaluate how your heart posture is towards God’s Church, His people, and possibly even be inspired to be more intentional in having conversations that matter to instill the heart of God in your kids. If we truly change and obey the Lord and view His Church the way He does and we choose to practice the spiritual discipline of prayer for those leading and serving, our hearts will grow more and more in alignment with God’s vision and will –AND THAT CHANGES LEGACIES.

    Be sure to subscribe to our channel, but also on your favorite podcast app too!

    For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to

    Companies we love who sponsor the show:

    Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS

    Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children

    Samaritans Ministry

    Support this podcast at —
  • If there’s anger in your parenting, it will likely continue through your children into future generations. You have an opportunity to establish a new legacy through your family. Get practical insights backed by the bible on how to overcome getting angry in those hard moments as a parent. Isaac and Angie Tolpin also talk about having a biblically sound discipline plan that your marriage is aligned on.

    Be sure to subscribe to our channel, but also on your favorite podcast app too!

    For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to

    Companies we love who sponsor the show:

    Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS

    Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children

    Samaritans Ministry

    Support this podcast at —
  • What if there was ONE THING you could do that impacts everything you’d like to see improved in your family life? Don’t let your reflections of the year discourage you but instead propel you forward. As parents we’re leaders in our homes and a vital aspect of leadership is to always be growing. What are the ways you plan to grow this year? Those will have a direct impact on your family. But to get the ONE THING make sure you watch or listen to the episode.

    Be sure to subscribe to our channel, but also on your favorite podcast app too!

    For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to

    Companies we love who sponsor the show:

    Masterbooks; Homeschool curriculum we love and use

    Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS

    Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children

    Samaritans Ministry

    Support this podcast at —
  • A compelling episode with wisdom, biblical truth, and a close call in the Tolpin family.

    This is a moving episode where the Tolpin’s share encouragements for the Christmas season and also reveal a close call their family experienced this week that has brought them all closer together. At the core of this discussion is to really think about these questions: Do your children know that you love them? Do they know that you do no matter what they do?

    For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to

    Companies we love who sponsor the show:

    Masterbooks; Homeschool curriculum we love and use

    Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS

    Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children

    Samaritans Ministry

    Support this podcast at —
  • You’ll struggle to create a new legacy through your family if you haven’t healed from your past wounds. But even if we’re healed, the past could have warped us away from sound biblical parenting principles if they were used on us in an unbiblical way. Listen and discover if you are a pendulum swinger in parenting. We all need refinement and the more we do the better parents we are. This is important for today, but even more important for decades from now by what it sows in the coming generations. If you love the episode please share it so more are impacted.

    For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to

    Companies we love who sponsor the show:

    Masterbooks; Homeschool curriculum we love and use

    Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with! Get 20% off with code COURAGEOUS

    Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children

    Samaritans Ministry

    Support this podcast at —
  • The Tolpins share exactly how to do one of their favorite family traditions. Having a visioneering meeting with their family which includes helping each person reflect on the major areas of life this year, areas they want to improve in the coming year, and presenting their plans to the family. They also discuss the importance of launching the family initiatives for the new year that influence the right family culture forward. There’s a lot of practical insights in this episode.

    We encourage you to listen to the previous two episodes as well that give lots of insights on the marriage conversations to have prior to the meeting. We are living in a time where the enemy can cause greater confusion and distractions than ever before, this means parents must equip themselves and their children to keep focused on the things that matter. This skill will echo forward in your legacy.

    For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to

    Companies we love who sponsor the show:

    Masterbooks; Homeschool curriculum we love and use

    Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with!

    Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children

    Samaritans Ministry

    Support this podcast at —
  • If you don’t recalibrate your family's direction periodically, mediocrity grows and there will be repercussions over time. Isaac and Angie Tolpin give their secrets to making the best adjustments and plan of action to improve their family culture. See the culture of your family isn’t what you say or even think your family is about, it’s what it truly is; meaning the real behaviors and attitudes that are normal in your home and within the people in your family. Being honest about that is vital to know where to influence change. Get the inside secrets from this marriage of twenty-five years raising nine children.

    For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to

    Companies we love who sponsor the show:

    Masterbooks; Homeschool curriculum we love and use

    Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with!

    Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children

    Samaritans Ministry

    Support this podcast at —
  • Every family has its own unique culture to it; the real behaviors, heart attitudes, dynamics, and actions (especially those when no ones looking). Your family culture isn’t what you say it is, it’s what really exists. It’s vital to recalibrate it periodically and in this episode Isaac and Angie share the most important first steps to doing this which involve honest reflection, deep marriage conversations, and prayer. Make sure you subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts to be prompted of new episodes.

    For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to

    Companies we love who sponsor the show:

    Masterbooks; Homeschool curriculum we love and use

    Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with!

    Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children

    Samaritans Ministry

    Support this podcast at —
  • All Christian parents want to leave a legacy of faith. It’s hard because there is NO equation that will save your kids or guarantee they will walk with the Lord all the way to Heaven! BUT, God’s Word does exhort, command, and encourage us as parents very specifically that we should disciple and discipline our children in the Lord and in word and deed! Join Isaac and Angie, who have been parenting for 24 years as they share 5 Crucial Spiritual Disciplines to Leaving a Legacy of Faith! This is a MUST-listen to episode for every Christian parent. Get ready to get your Bibles out and go through about 12 different scriptures together and be edified!

    For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to

    Companies we love who sponsor the show:

    Masterbooks; Homeschool curriculum we love and use

    Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with!

    Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children

    Samaritans Ministry

    Support this podcast at —
  • Never sacrifice your children for keeping the peace, while at the same time find a way to communicate truth in a loving way that actually causes your relationships to go deeper and people to come into alignment with your intentional parenting efforts. One of the biggest questions we get is how to handle extended family when their influence isn’t in alignment with your parenting approach. The Tolpins answer this question giving three keys to having the hard conversations that are needed. You can’t “go along to get along”. Tune in to get insights into having effective conversations that communicate what’s needed while deepening your relationships with others you love. You are the most important leaders in your children’s lives, but others who have influence can derail the spiritual health and even safety of your children.

    For all show notes, scriptures, and resources mentioned go to

    Companies we love who sponsor the show:

    Masterbooks; Homeschool curriculum we love and use

    Voetberg Music Academy; the online music class that children actually love and make progress with!

    Creating a Masterpiece; the preferred Art course by the Tolpin children

    Samaritans Ministry

    Support this podcast at —