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Where there is darkness, there is an immense opportunity for light.
The Big Silence aims to normalize conversations around mental health and empower people to turn their challenges into triumphs. Hosted by Karena Dawn – mental health advocate, wellness entrepreneur, co-founder of Tone It Up, and New York Times bestselling author – The Big Silence is creating a safe space to share our story, and for you to share yours.
Like so many, Karena has experienced profound grief and trauma. Growing up with a mother diagnosed with paranoid-schizophrenia, her childhood was filled with traumatic experiences that resulted in repressed emotions of guilt, shame, depression, and eventually, a suicide attempt. Though filled with this darkness, Karena was able to find deep joy. And with The Big Silence, she's creating a space for you to find that joy, too.
This podcast will feature in-depth conversations with psychologists, spiritual leaders, public figures, friends, and anyone who has been impacted by a mental health condition – either themselves, or through a family member or a friend.
Suffering in silence only reinforces the stigma behind mental health issues and builds boundaries that prevent healing. Wherever you are, whatever you're going through, you have a spark of greatness inside of you.
No more embarrassment, no more shame, only healing.
A non-profit 501(c)3, The Big Silence Foundation provides resources and support to anyone directly or indirectly impacted by mental illness.
'The Big Silence' theme song was written and performed by James Nicholas Kinney.
Executive Handyman, Bobby Goldstein. -
❤ Ebben a műsorban gyakorlatias tippeket kapsz az önmegvalósításról, holisztikus táplálkozásról, fitneszről, olyan témákat érintve, mint önbizalomnövelés, a puffadás elmulasztása, érzelmi kiégés ellen, testi-lelki jólét, fogyás, edzés, formásodás. Könnyen feldolgozható, rövid epizódjaim célja, hogy informáljanak és inspiráljanak. ISSA Life Coach, NASM táplálkozástudományi szakértő, a középkorú nők egészségének szakértője, NASM személyi edző, dietetikus hallgató vezetésével.
Mióta az eszemet tudom beszélgettem, de tény, hogy egyre nehezebben találtam hozzá felületet- pedig én tényleg mindent megpróbáltam, egy dolgot nem- nem adtam alább.
Itt találtok más beszélgetést is, és ha akarjátok, támogathatjátok a létrejöttüket : -
Ne csak olvasd, hallgasd is, mi történt a sztárokkal! - A legizgalmasabb beszélgetések már nemcsak olvashatóak, de hallhatóak is. A mikrofonnál a Best magazin újságírói, akik profizmusukkal a legzárkózottabb sztárokat is képesek megnyitni és igazi baráti hangulatot teremtenek a stúdióban. Szó lesz kultúráról, művészetről, színpadról, sikerekről és kudarcokról… sztárköntösbe csomagolt valódi emberi sorsokról.
Hosts - Murugi Munyi and Lydia K.M.
This is a podcast about life as it is. Messy.
In love, work, money, relationships, friendships and everything in between. But we’re figuring it out and we’d love you to come along on the journey. #tmipodcastke #themessyinbetween #itsmessedup
Instagram handles - @tmipodcast_ @_lydiakm @murugi.munyi
Get in touch with us - [email protected] -
We are the 2 Be Better Podcast. Chris and Peaches read emails, answer questions and have hard discussions to help you on your personal growth journey. We are not licensed for anything but we have lived through a lot. Join us. Lets grow!!
Become a supporter of this podcast: -
Health news that you can use with New York Times Best-Selling Author and Fitness Titan, Kathy Smith. Listen up if you want the most up-to-date and accurate information on fitness, longevity, health, aging and motivation. Each show consists of the biggest stories in health as well as new breakthrough techniques to live a healthier, more vibrant life. You'll feel like you're part of the conversation as Kathy gets real on The Art of Aging!
Discussing life, faith, addiction, recovery, hope, homelessness, community, God, work, family, and everything in between. We'll be joined by VRM staff and graduates, as well as special guests from the community, to discuss what everyone of us has to offer...our own story and how it crosses yours.
Calling all entrepreneurs and purpose driven-women! Are you ready to become fearless in your body, mind, and business?
Learn how to change your identity, beliefs, and habits, so you can transform your health and your business from the inside out. It’s possible to achieve your biggest, life-changing goals without the frustration, obsession, or negative self-talk that so many women subject themselves to every day.
All you need are the right tools, the right mindset, and the faith to turn your dreams into reality. And I’m here to guide you along the way!
This podcast is for you if:
- You love learning about nutrition and health and how to optimize it.
- You're motivated to uncover the mindset blocks holding you back.
- You know you have a big purpose to fulfill and want help achieving it.
- You love going into the "woo" and desire to grow spiritually.
- You're here to make a big impact on the world through business, charity, or any other entrepreneurial endeavor.
My passion is helping entrepreneurial women become the best version of themselves while pursuing the kind of life they actually want.... one with abundant freedom, joy, and peace.
On this podcast, you'll learn about a wide variety of topics that impact your ability to live the life you desire, from nutrition, to fitness, to business, and much more.
And we're willing to have all the awkward, candid conversations so you can learn what you need to know to live your best life! -
Einblicke in aktuelle Entwicklungen der Bereiche Ernährung, Fitness, Medizin, körperliche sowie mentale Gesundheit.
Herzlich Willkommen ! ♡ Ich bin Laura, ganzheitliche Ernährungsberaterin, Trainerin, dreifache Buch Autorin und Content Creatorin. In meinem Podcast erhältst du Dich erwarten Tipps, persönliche Erfahrungen, jede Menge Wissen und spannende Interviews mit tollen Experten/Expertinnen.
Für mehr kostenlosen Content, Informationen rund um die Themen Ernährung, Gesundheit, Mindset und Fitness, Trainingsvideos sowie kostenlose gesunde Rezepte folge mir gerne auf meinem Instagram-Account @fit__laura:
Meine App:
Meine Bücher: -
Connect and laugh with us as we tell our most embarrassing funny stories. So. Much. FUN!!!
Have you ever made a fool of yourself? Well, you are not alone! Each week, join us as my girlfriends and I tell funny, embarrassing, humbling stories on ourselves that will make you feel less alone in your imperfections. Take a peek with us behind the sparkly filter of social media while we lower the bar for each other. Because NONE of us are as fancy as we look.
By the end of each episode, you'll have had some great girl time, a good laugh, and will be feeling much better about your own embarrassing moments! Subscribe to make sure you don't miss a single episode. -
ez egy híd (svédül: bro) világok között, hangosblog a hovatartozásról a budapest–stockholm tengelyen.
a műsor a halottnak a coach podcast tudatalattija, egy szabadabb, játszós verziója.
az eredeti személyes napló történetei mélyen érintik a külföldre költözés, a belső emigráció, a hazaszeretet és az önazonosság témáit. 2024-ben hazaköltözve új fejezet nyílt: a bro sorozatban stockholmi barátommal, D-vel beszélgetünk az élet kis és nagy kérdéseiről.
mesélő és főhős: bán andrás
bro: deák 'D' józsef
a régi blog:
iratkozz fel a hírlevélre: -