In this episode I interview my friend, Rachel. Rachel is a cradle Catholic whose faith really started to grow after a high school religion class. Rachel discusses the joys and challenges she faced traveling with Catholic speaker, John Wood. Rachel recalls her journey towards motherhood and explains what she does as a Catholic, stay-at-home mom. Like myself, Rachel struggled to find a solid OB provider before discovering Napro. She discusses her fertility journey more in next month’s episode.
John's podcastPart 1 -
part 2 -
A Mother's Rule of Life -
In this episode I interview Julie, the Executive Director of Waterleaf Women's Center. I first ask Julie about the services Waterleaf provides. Julie then shares a little about her background and how she became involved at Waterleaf. Finally, I ask Julie to share other good stories from her time at Waterleaf and ways we can help them.
Resources -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In this episode I interview my grandfather-in-law, known to many of us as Grandpa Joe. Grandpa Joe recalls how his faith grew gradually over time. He explains a particular revelation when he realized it was the Eucharist that was drawing him to the Catholic faith. Grandpa Joe discusses his favorite saints and gives marriage insight after being married 70 years to his recently deceased wife, Carmel.
In this episode I interview my friend, Elisa. I ask Elisa about the Worldwide Marriage Encounter and how it has influenced her own marriage. I also discuss resources I have found helpful for understanding and growing in holiness through marriage.
ResourcesWorldwide Marriage Encounter website
The Messy Family podcast
Elisa’s podcast The Deconstructed Woman
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by Gottman and Silver
Why Gender Matters by Dr Leonard Sax—Interesting findings, premature conclusions
Your School of Love by Agnes Penny
The First Society by Dr Scott Hahn
Three Secrets to Holiness in Marriage by Dan and Amber Dematte
In this episode I interview my friend, Madelyn. I first explain how I met Madelyn on the due date for my second son. Madelyn is a Catholic doula who made me feel very empowered. She tells her story growing up as a cradle Catholic with divorced parents. Madelyn explains how she found support and healing through the Catholic Church. She also shares other interesting insight having Fr Mike Schmitz as her campus chaplain and working briefly with Dr Gianna Emmanuella.
Fr Mike Schmitz
Bible in a year
Catechism in a year
Ascension presents videos
Homilies Gianna and Pietro Molla Home Giving Wounds
Three Secrets to Holiness in Marriage by Dan and Amber Dematte
These Beautiful Bones by Emily StimpsonWomen Who Run With The Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Untie the Strong Woman by Clarissa Pinkola Estes
The Genesis of Gender by Abigail Favale
PodcastsPints with Aquainas
Freely Rooted
Made for This App and book by Mary Hasselmen
Free Birth -
Happy Feastday to our podcast's patron saint, St Thesese of Lisieux! For this episode I interview fellow Catholic convert, Rose. Rose explains how her conversion to Catholicism was heavily influenced by St Therese and some other great friends on earth and in heaven. Rose also shares some resources she has created to help people grow closer to God.
Virtue Connection
Virtue Circle
Pray Like a Saint program
Rose's Written Conversion Story
Part 1
Part 2
Crazy Catholic Convert podcast episodes that mention St Therese -
In this episode I interview fellow Catholic convert Erica. Like myself, Erica was raised Methodist and converted to the Catholic faith as an adult. Erica shares her conversion story as well as some incredible visions she has had through her walk with Jesus.
Our Lady of Guadalupe
The Bible in a Year Podcast with Fr Mike Schmitz -
In this episode Teresa shares her journey with post partum depression. She recalls her symptoms and behaviors when it was undiagnosed and how she found and received help. Teresa explains how her struggle with post partum depression was a gift. In other words, she is living the EG Life.
In this episode Teresa Grodi tells her reversion story of going from a secular feminist to a devout Catholic. Following her reversion, Teresa explains the challenges she faced as she learned to live out her faith as a wife and mother. She also shares some of her favorite Catholic resources.
The Journey Home with JonMarc Grodi
Medjugory of the Nineties
Theology of the Body series of lectures by St John Paul II
St Ignatius Discernment of Spirits
C.S. Lewis Space Trilogy
New Polity Podcast -
In this episode Maggie Eckburg shares the strategies she used to grow closer to God through the acronym GRACE. She then continues telling her story of healing. I kept pulling my equipment back out as Maggie would tell more of her story and discuss more ways to pursue healing and live an EG life.
IG: (
Email to reach Maggie:
Sign up for Maggie’s email list to stay connected and updated with all the ways Maggie is helping people live an “EG” Life: -
In this episode, Maggie Eckburg shares how a traumatic event that happened in her early childhood shaped the next 30 years of her life. Maggie describes how she struggled and questioned her faith. Despite great times of darkness, Maggie perseveres and seeks healing. Maggie explains how she became inspired to live a remarkable life. She comes to realize this means seeing how everything that happens in life is grace.
IG: (
Email to reach Maggie:
Sign up for Maggie’s email list to stay connected and updated with all the ways Maggie is helping people live an “EG” Life: -
Throwback Thursday to my very first interview. I was learning how to record interviews and decided to bring my tech savvy, engineer cousin, Amy, along. I am grateful to Amy for so many reasons. Thank you Amy!
In this last episode with Darcy I ask her about her 11 children and how she homeschools them. Her 8th child, Elizabeth, joins us briefly to share her perspective on being homeschooled and growing up in a large Catholic family. Darcy gives encouragement to parents and practical ways to raise great kids.
Catholic Resources
The Golden Children’s Bible
Catholic Sprouts Podcast
A Saint a Day Podcast
Other Resources from Darcy
Easy Peasy All in One Homeschooling—good one for older kids to do on their own when you need to teach younger kids
Seterra Geography games -
In this episode I continue my episode with Darcy. I first discuss the music used for introductions and conclusions and why Darcy is "My New Darcy." Then I ask Darcy questions regarding having and raising a big family. -
In this episode I interview my neighbor, Darcy. Darcy is a fellow Catholic homeschooling mom and mother to 11 children. This first episode shares Darcy's gradual journey of faith—attending University of Steubenville, family life and other fun stories.
Darcy singing the Divine Mercy Chaplet
Story of a Soul by St Therese of Lisieux
St Therese was a Prima Ballerina
Theme and Variations
Swan Lake
The Nutcracker
Dr Peter Kreeft on the Existence of God -
In this episode I interview Catholic convert, Casey. Before converting to Catholicism Casey was a missionary in Cambodia. She recalls the struggle she faced when the beliefs she clung to so deeply were undermined. Casey then discusses other unexpected challenges and how she found healing in Theology of the Body and empathy from St Joseph.
Litany of Humility
A Thomistic Litany of Humility
Amy’s Litany of Motherhood (prayed as one-liners throughout the day).
Deliver me Jesus:
-From the desire for more"me time"
-from the belief that I have it harder than others
-from the fear of being woken up in the night
-from the desire to cook dinner with both hands
-from the desire for just 5 minutes of silence
-from the desire to "get my body back"
-from the desire to be recognized for doing a good job
-from the temptation to base my success on the behavior or happiness of my children
-from the desire to be in control
Jesus, give me the grace to desire it:
-that I may be more patient during the next tantrum
-that I may have a servant's heart as I clean up spilled milk for the 100th time
-that I may respond lovingly when I am interrupted
-that I may not groan as I roll out of bed at 3am
-that my little sufferings will be united to yours for the redemption of souls in my family and all over the world
-that my family will become holier than me as long as I become as holy as I should.
Catholic Answers
Counsel of Trent Podcast
The Journey Home
Asenscion Press
Bible in a Year with Fr Mike Schmitz
Catechism in a Year with Fr Mike Schmitz
St Paul Center for Biblical Theology
Word on Fire Institute -
Throwback Thursday to one of my most popular episodes, The Honest Answer: My Interview with Napro Physician and Fertility Specialist, Dr Stroud. In this episode I interview Napro physician and fellow Catholic convert, Dr Stroud. Dr Stroud is an OB/GYN who dramatically changed his medical practice in order to hold true to his Catholic faith. During the interview, Dr Stroud speaks on how traditional OB/GYN differs from Napro care. We discuss a wide range of topics from the causes of miscarriages, contraception, infertility treatments, and ectopic pregnancies. Dr. Stroud's answers provide hope to families who have felt the pain of infertility or pregnancy loss, and he empowers women to receive better care.
Dr. Stroud's Podcast
All Things Women's HealthDoctor Doctor: Episode #271
How Does Dobbs Really Change Abortion Laws and Medicine?
Doctor Doctor: Episode #280
The Truth About Treating Pregnancy Complications After Dobbs
Dr Stroud's Story -
In this episode I continue my interview with Sr Mary Bethany. I ask her about Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, her favorite saints, what she is reading now as well as practical parent questions.
Dominican Sisters of Mary website:
Openlight Media website:
Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week by Pope Benedict
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd -
In this episode I interview Sr Mary Bethany. I first explain how I felt called to send my son to Kindergarten so that he could be taught by Sr Mary Bethany. Sr Mary Bethany then shares her story of being called to the religious life. She also gives tips for engaging children in the mass.
Resources on the Mass
The Lamb’s Super by Dr Scott Hahn
Fulton Sheen's Calvary and the Mass
The Diocese of Toledo compiled a resource page here:
The Diocese of Brisbane did a video series about each part of the Mass here:
The National Eucharistic Revival website also has lots of resources, as well as an email newsletter sign-up which is a great way to receive new material. -
In this episode I ask former and upcoming guests about their thoughts and tips for bringing young children to mass.
Resources for kids at mass
My First Interactive Mass Book¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=gs-2020-10-16&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign&gclid=CjwKCAiA6byqBhAWEiwAnGCA4BcMbVey34EoPaZlWOyj41AuIDSl7BN6_bnLmFYtiobRXsg1mAczahoCZuYQAvD_BwE
A Missal for Toddlers**LP+-+Shop+-+pMax+-+Sacraments+%26+Occasions&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=1453680900&hsa_cam=17800919973&hsa_grp=&hsa_ad=&hsa_src=x&hsa_tgt=&hsa_kw=&hsa_mt=&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gclid=CjwKCAiA6byqBhAWEiwAnGCA4GeFpoy_bLvusWHHvMA8kuvNXVVph-MMWcCslMbVZxJViRhst6Wa3BoC9tYQAvD_BwE
Mass board with sliding window covers
Books mentioned in episodes of the past year
Rome Sweet Home by Scott and Kimberly HahnTheology of His/Her Body by Jason Evert
Time for God by Jacques PhillipeTrustful Surrender to Divine Providence by St Claude de la Colombiere and Fr Jean Baptiste Saint-Jure
The 4th Cup by Dr Scott HahnJesus and the Bridegroom by Dr Brant Pitre
33 Days to Merciful Love by Fr Michael Gaitley
Breaking Through: Catholic Women Speak for Themselves by Helen AlvareMade this Way by Trent Horn and Leila Miller
Introduction to the Devout Life by St Francis de Sales
Our Lady’s Wardrobe by Anthony Destefano
Dear Pope Francis by Pope Francis
The Rhythm of Life by Matthew Kelly
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. LewisThe Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by the La Leche League
Sweet Sleep by the La Leche League
Unplanned by Abby Johnson
The Story of a Soul by St Therese of Lisieux
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