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El objetivo de Máquina de Ventas es que cualquier dueño de empresa, gerente o vendedor pueda vivir una vida "más rica". Que disfrute cerrando muchos negocios y haciéndolo en menos tiempo.
Te traeremos conversaciones, historias y casos de éxitos que te permitan convertirte en un vendedor con éxito financiero y personal.
Queremos que en cada episodio te lleves herramientas que puedas aplicar de inmediato.
Encuentra herramientas, cursos, regalos y todo sobre Máquina de Ventas en nuestra web, y escúchanos en tus plataformas favoritas.
Marc Vidal es analista económico y divulgador tecnológico. Ha sido seleccionado como TopVoices LinkedIn, Top100 Forbes Influencers, Top100 Líderes Innovadores Siglo XXI y Top100 Forbes Most Creative People in Business.
Lidera su consultora Allrework con clientes como Microsoft, IBM, Allianz, Deloitte, Mercedes Benz, Amazon. Es advisor del Mobile World Capital, consejero de la aceleradora Conector Startup y analista en diversos medios. Dirigió el Postgrado en ED IL3 en la Universidad. de Barcelona y el Grupo de Investigación en Nueva Economía de la UPM.
En 2006 anticipó a la crisis financiera por lo que su blog que fue galardonado con los EuroBlogs Awards al mejor blog europeo. Expansión lo nombró como uno de los analistas independientes a seguir.
Ha publicado ‘Contra la cultura del Subsidio’, ‘Una hormiga en París’ (traducido a varias lenguas) y ‘La Era de La Humanidad’. Su anterior consultora, Cink, fue adquirida por la multinacional Llorente y Cuenca.
Ha vivido en 7 países. -
Conviértete en un seguidor de este podcast: -
Hablemos de dinero, hablemos de inversión pero desde la perspectiva de las Finanzas Personales, con las personas en el centro y no el dinero. Un podcast que busca ayudar a dejar de sufrir stress por lo material, a usar el dinero como lo que es: una herramienta
Este podcast (el primero argentino pensado para este formato) es un espacio para contar historias de productores de alimentos. Pymes argentinas de campo, agroindustriales, que son sinónimo de legado familiar, de esfuerzo, de desarrollo irradiado hacia otras actividades en pequeños pueblos y ciudades de todo el país. Cómo empezaron, que piensan, qué sienten y hacen los, como me gusta decirles, OLI-nada-GARCAS. Anfitrión: Juan I. Martínez Dodda.
En Startupeable, entrevistamos a los emprendedores, inversionistas y expertos detrás de las compañías de tecnología más exitosas de Latinoamérica como Mercado Libre, Cornershop y Clip. Aquí, no hablamos de teoría. Analizamos las estrategias y tácticas que convirtieron a estos negocios digitales en empresas multimillonarias. Conducido por Enzo Cavalie. Para recibir los resúmenes de nuestras entrevistas, suscríbete en .
Producido por Explora Podcasts.
Distribuido por Genuina Media -
Do you dream of an easier way to scale and grow your business? Do you wish you didn’t have to work so hard and put in as many hours? Do you find growth too slow, or hard to sustain?
This podcast—Scaling Up Business with Bill Gallagher—can help you achieve and maintain the growth you want.
A message from your host: “I’ve been in your shoes as a founder, CEO, and executive leader. I’ve coached and trained many leaders just like you over more than 15 years to grow their businesses successfully and profitably. But more than that, I’ve helped give them their time and sanity back. My core strength is making the growth process easier, faster, and way more fun.”
A dynamic thought leader, Bill talks with fascinating and brilliant guests each week, including visionary CEOs, trailblazing entrepreneurs, best-selling authors, renowned business strategists, and more.
Broadly, each episode focuses on one of the four major decision areas every entrepreneur and company must get right: People, Strategy, Execution, and Cash. More specifically, the show explores topics such as:
* Business Growth & Scaling.
* Customer Experience & Marketing.
* Innovation & Differentiation.
* Leadership Development.
* Delegation & Accountability.
* Vision & Strategy.
* Team Dynamics.
* Hiring & Talent Management.
* Company Culture.
* Employee Engagement.
* Crisis Management.
* Effective Communication.
* Influence & Persuasion.
* Business Strategies.
Running a business is ultimately about freedom. Subscribe to this podcast to learn how leaders like you can get your organizations moving in sync, create something significant, and still enjoy the ride. Subscribe if you want to elevate your business to unprecedented heights by tuning in to a masterclass in business excellence.
For information on Bill Gallagher’s coaching and training programs, and Scaling Up Workshops, visit -
Welcome to Mario Caira Entrevistas (a Mario Caira Podcast)Here you will find the interviews with the most outstanding protagonists in thems like: Comunications ( ) , #Entrepeneurships, Sports, Shows, Culture, Gastronomy, Travel (, and much more! You can not miss it!EspañolBienvenido a Mario Caira Entrevistas (un podcast de Mario Caira), Aquí encontrarás las entrevistas a los protagonistas más destacados.Temas: Comunicación ( ) ,Emprendedorismo, Deportes, Shows, Cultura, Viajes ( y más! Support this podcast:
How would it feel to unapologetically chase YOUR definition of success? I’m on a mission to do this and I want you to come along with me in becoming an Unapologetic Entrepreneur. This is someone who has defined or is on the path to defining success on their terms and is committed to setting boundaries and making progress towards achieving that success…without any apologies. Pop in those earbuds so we can explore topics such as success, goals, mindset, marketing and money. You will walk away inspired through stories and ready to take action through clearly defined steps. Let’s dig in! - Success - Goals- Mindset - Marketing - Finance
Aligned & Unstoppable is the only show that demystifies the intersection between business and spirituality. Join entrepreneur and highly sought-after intuitive energy healer Emily Aarons to understand the energetic side of growing your brand. A mixture of high-vibe spirituality and cutting-edge strategy with a dash of unfiltered, real-talk that feels more “normal” than “woo-woo”.
Emily uses a down-to-earth approach to get you out of the stress of overworking so that you can build a business in alignment with your soul's purpose. In addition, she features industry experts who share unconventional ways to grow and scale your business using astrology, human design, minimalism, marketing strategy, and more!
New episodes every first and third Tuesday. Listen anywhere and please follow, rate, and review the podcast if you’re loving it! Learn more about the podcast and Emily at -
On The Brink is a podcast where the goal is to help you better "see, feel and think" about your business, your job, your personal life and your purpose. There will be great interviews and conversations with people who are deeply involved in change—consultants, change agents, managers transforming their teams, entrepreneurs just starting out and CEOs running well-established companies.
Interviews with members of The Deming Institute community, including industry leaders, practitioners, educators, Deming family members and others who share their stories of transformation and success through the innovative management and quality theories of Dr. W. Edwards Deming.
As a health practitioner, you have the power to significantly change lives, prevent disease, heal the body, and support people in their quest for happiness and health. This podcast is dedicated to helping you leverage your knowledge, training and practical experience to make a bigger impact on the world. You’ll get quick tips, insightful interviews and actionable strategies so you can get your program out into the world to change more lives and grow your practice.
En este PODCAST vas a escuchar y aprender de Marketing. Social media tips. Estrategias para crecer tu negocio más rápido por medio de estrategias de marketing y desarrollo de redes sociales. Tips, consejos y entrevistas con entrepreneurs. Hablaremos de temas reales para crecer como persona y entrepreneur!!!
Award Published Photographer, Marketeer por mas de 15 años, Fundadora de Mir Salgado Photography y BOSSMOMCOACH.
Speaker internacional y Coach de emprendedores, solopreneurs y marcas personales.
Cursos online de redes sociales y Asesorias de marketing dig -
Hoy el podcast Escucha y emprende ya cuenta con más de 3000 mil descargas, y más de 165 episodios y estoy super entusiasmado de esta nueva etapa y por ende nueva temporada, la número 4.
En cada episodio del podcast Escucha y Emprende encontrarás claves para emprender como freelancer y trabajador remoto, además de reflexiones y conversaciones con otros profesionales que nos permiten entender mejor la actualidad del emprendimiento, la innovación y lo que ocurre e impacta a los negocios en América Latina.
Just The Tips is a business talk show for entrepreneurs and business owners who are tired of listening to the same old stodgy content. Interviewing (and sometimes roasting) top entrepreneurs from around the world, each episode is fun, witty and informative. It's a must listen for anyone wanting to transform their marketing, sales and business while having a laugh instead of falling asleep. We, not so humbly, believe it's the best business and marketing podcast in the world.
Your host and online advisor Jim Baker gives you tips, tools and strategies to expand your business to the USA.
Here you will find 100% free the best information for businesses in the United States: laws, finances, immigration, taxes, LLC incorporati