
  • Welcome to another episode of "Creating Powerful Impact," where I, your host Shay Wheat, dive deep into the transformative world of event planning for entrepreneurs. This week, I'm taking the stage solo to share my extensive knowledge and experience in the industry.

    For those seeking to transform their entrepreneurial ventures through the power of events, this episode is a must-listen. My guidance on venue selection is just one piece of the event planning puzzle, but it's an essential component that can elevate your event from ordinary to extraordinary.

    Join me on this solo journey as I share my wisdom on mastering event strategy for powerful entrepreneurial impact.

    Episode Highlights:

    3:09 Building Community Through Events

    9:43 Visualize and Plan Your Perfect Event

    17:51 Engaging Events With Guest Speakers/Musicians

    Key Takeaways:

    - Events are pivotal in creating a know, like, and trust relationship with your audience.

    - Hosting events positions you as an industry authority and provides a platform to amplify your message.

    - Successful events hinge on meticulous planning and aligning every detail with your vision.

    Venue Selection Insights:

    - I emphasize the significance of selecting the right venue to align with your event's vision and the desired ambiance. Whether it's an ocean view or a cozy lawn reception, the venue sets the tone for the entire experience.

    - I suggest visualizing your event in detail, considering aspects such as location, setup, time of day, length, and attendee engagement. By envisioning these elements, you can begin to craft an environment that resonates with your attendees and supports the event's goals.

    - Understanding your level of involvement and the support needed from your team is critical when choosing a venue. I encourage hosts to think about whether they prefer to focus solely on presenting or if they wish to be involved in the finer aspects of event management.

    - When visiting potential venues, I advise looking at them through the lens of an event producer. Pay attention to the flow of registration, seating arrangements, and how the space can accommodate the various segments of your event.

    Remember to subscribe to "Creating Powerful Impact" for more insights on how to build a memorable and impactful presence through events.

    If you're inspired to host your own event or if you have any questions about finding the perfect venue, reach out to me or leave a comment below. Stay tuned for the next episode, where we'll continue to explore the elements of successful event planning.

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  • Have you ever wondered why some expert-preneurs seem to have a magnetic pull that attracts success and high-profile opportunities?

    Melanie Benson, the authority amplifier, joins us to unravel the mystery behind million-dollar visibility—a powerful force that transcends mere exposure to craft a presence that aligns with your business aspirations and revenue goals.

    Dig into our conversation on the latest episode of Creating Powerful Impact, as we dissect the 'authority trifecta,' an essential framework for entrepreneurs looking to amplify their voice and establish their brand in a crowded marketplace.

    With Melanie's guidance, we uncover how a clear, magnetic message can act as a beacon, drawing in the exact opportunities to propel your business forward.

    Struggling to shine in a sea of entrepreneurs?

    This episode offers up a seven-step lifeline to help you define and own your message, cut through the noise, and make a lasting impact.

    Melanie and I walk you through surmounting the hurdles of time constraints, lack of clarity, and the fears that can dampen your entrepreneurial spirit. We share inspiring stories and examples that underscore the transformative power of authenticity, proving that a genuine message isn't just memorable—it's a catalyst for exponential growth.

    Lastly, we wade into the waters of Human Design and its pivotal role in aligning your career path with your intrinsic energy.

    Melanie and I explore how understanding your unique design can help tailor your communication and foster authentic connections with your audience. For those of you who've felt 'too much' or grappled with imposter syndrome, this segment aims to realign your passion with purposeful strategy, allowing you to inspire and create a powerful impact in your career.

    Walk away from this episode armed with the insights and clarity needed to elevate your professional presence and leave a mark on the world.

    Key Moments:

    3:50 Creating Million Dollar Visibility

    8:19 Visibility and Consistent Impact in Business

    12:44 Passion Ignites Authentic Authority

    17:06 Leveraging Authority in Podcasting and Shows

    Melanie Benson, Authority Amplifier & Possibility Ignitor for Expert-preneurs, shows you how to generate Million Dollar Visibility. Since 2000, Melanie has a proven track record of accelerating results for her clients (it's not uncommon to see 2-5x revenue increases in the first 6 months.)

    She’s the host of the Top 1.5% Podcast, Amplify Your Success, is the author of Rewired for Wealth, and’s Start-Up Guide to Starting an Information Marketing Business, and has been featured in Authority Magazine, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Woman’s Day, and Parenting.

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  • There comes a time when the endless chase for achievement leads us astray from who we truly are, and it's that moment of realization that sets us on a path of profound transformation.

    Alex Pursglove, master coach and advocate for self-love and authenticity, joins me, Shay Wheat, in an intimate discussion that delves into the heart of what it means to align success with our most authentic selves.

    We share insights on overcoming the daily struggles that plague many entrepreneurs and how embracing radical trust can enhance business performance and deepen our connections with those we hold dear on the latest episode of Creating Powerful Impact.

    Throughout our heartfelt exchange, we dissect the powerful pillars of trust—self-nourishment, presence, full expression, and embracing the unknown.

    It's a conversation that lays bare the truth about the inner critic that constantly seeks validation through achievement, and how letting go of that critic can liberate us to live more fully.

    Alex's journey and the transformative stories of her clients, including one who doubled her business while finding freedom and connection, serve as testaments to the life-altering power of aligning one’s professional endeavors with their true self.

    As we wrap up this enriching dialogue, we extend our deepest appreciation to Alex for her wisdom and encourage you, our listeners, to take these lessons to heart. By integrating these strategies into your life, be prepared to witness a metamorphosis in the way you navigate your personal and professional worlds.

    Key Moments

    5:33 Journey to Balance and Fulfillment

    11:33 Navigating Business Growth Authentically

    20:52 Quantum Leaps and Trusting Intuition

    24:43 Radical Trust

    Alex Pursglove guides women in becoming fully expressed and cultivating radical trust to elevate business growth, while living with more ecstasy in daily life. As a master coach, Alex has helped hundreds of women across the world with accelerating in business, and more importantly, learning how to accept and love their most authentic selves. She is a speaker and contributor to Authority Magazine, the host of the Igniting Ecstasy in Business podcast, and she has been featured on the SPEAK stage in New York as well as in Brainz Media and Swaay. She lives in Austin with her beloved husband, Adam, and their daughter, Stella Love.

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  • When Brian Hendricks, CEO of Dynamic Developments, revealed how 360-degree feedback revolutionized his listening skills, it struck a chord with me, Shay Wheat, your host of Creating Powerful Impact.

    His story is just a taste of what we cover in our latest episode, where we navigate the complexities of leadership communication. Together, we dissect the four dominant behavioral styles—Expressive, Analytical, Driving, and Amiable—and Brian, with his wealth of experience, shares the tailored strategies that resonate with each.

    Our conversation ventures into the realm of Dynamic Communication, where emotional intelligence becomes the linchpin in crafting messages that hit home with diverse personalities.

    I share some intimate moments from my own life, illustrating the profound effect of understanding and adapting to different communication needs, especially during high-pressure scenarios like sales presentations.

    These insights underscore the powerful impact of versatility in our interactions and how it can cultivate a nurturing team environment.

    Wrapping up our enlightening journey, we reflect on the importance of stepping outside our communication comfort zones. Embracing new methods can initially feel like a leap into the unknown, but it's a leap worth taking as we learn to connect with others in more meaningful ways.

    By tuning into the array of cues that people provide, we can truly elevate our communication game. Join us for this voyage into the essence of communication and discover how you can amplify your impact in both your professional and personal life.

    4:06 Effective Communication in Team Dynamics

    9:37 Dynamic Communication Process in Presentations

    15:10 Communication Strategies for Success

    Brian is the CEO of Dynamic Developments, a Performance Coach, and a Best-Selling Author of The Communicator’s Playbook. He is dedicated to transforming leaders into effective communicators. He specializes in team-focused, client-focused, and organization-focused development, and empowers leaders and teams to reach their full potential. He has a master’s degree in leadership and counseling. He is married with three young kids.

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  • Have you ever stopped to consider how unseen biases might shape your business landscape?

    That's precisely the topic we tackle head-on with Megan Fuciarelli, Chief Empowerment Officer at US² Consulting on the latest episode of Creating Powerful Impact.

    She brings a wealth of experience in education and social justice to the table, helping to illuminate the subtle yet pervasive role of implicit biases in marketing and communication. As entrepreneurs, understanding and addressing these biases is not just a moral imperative but a strategic one, vital for nurturing a company culture that champions diversity and inclusivity.

    This conversation is an eye-opener, delving into the responsibility we hold as business leaders to recognize our prejudices and the transformative potential of weaving social justice into our professional tapestry.

    The heartbeat of any thriving business is the connections we forge through conversation. This episode flips the script on mundane small talk, spotlighting the profound effects of active listening and sincere engagement.

    Imagine a workplace where every query stems from genuine curiosity, where each interaction leaves someone feeling seen and valued.

    Megan and I explore how such a shift can revolutionize relationships with clients and colleagues alike, fostering a community spirit that pays dividends in retention and promotion. Join us for an enlightening discourse that might just redefine the way you communicate within your business circles, and beyond.

    Key Moments:

    3:36 Understanding Implicit Bias in Society

    12:15 Value in Connecting Through Audible Communication

    21:13 Social Justice Transformation Quiz and Resources

    Megan Fuciarelli, Chief Empowerment Officer of US² Consulting and a former educator and superintendent with a deep commitment to social justice and education. My expertise lies in enhancing educational institutions with equity, diversity, and inclusion. My goal is to lead transformative journeys towards success that harmonize with social justice values, leveraging my unique background to build successful, equitable partnerships in education.

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  • When Amy said 'yes' to a marriage proposal that screamed 'no' in her heart, it was a wake-up call.

    As she tells her story on the podcast, you can't help but wonder: How often do we silence our inner voice for the comfort of conformity?

    Join me, Shay Wheat, and my inspiring guest, self-made millionaire Amy Sanders, as we tackle the rollercoaster of personal adversities and triumphs that define her journey.

    Her candid revelations open a window into the transformative power of self-belief and resilience. Together, we unpack the importance of honoring our self-worth and the courage it takes to trust our intuition, even when life's tempests howl their loudest.

    Feeling like a fraud in your own life story is an ordeal we address head-on, as Amy and I share our battles with imposter syndrome. From the personal story of standing up to her father's misguided advice, to Amy's struggle with authenticity versus people-pleasing, we lace our conversation with strategies that help reclaim our narratives.

    This episode is not just about the surface-level 'feel good'; it's a deep, practical guide on how to dismantle self-doubt, step by courageous step. We reveal how embracing your true self can lead to unexpected victories in both personal and entrepreneurial landscapes.

    Amy's ascent from financial distress to investing in million-dollar ventures is more than just inspirational—it's a roadmap for anyone ready to confront their money blocks and master the art of wealth management.

    The energy of money and how it mirrors our beliefs is a central theme, inviting listeners to heal their financial wounds and unlock the flow of prosperity. Our dialogue culminates in a call to action: to harness the power within and create an impactful ripple in your own world.

    True to Amy's life philosophy, we emphasize that dreams are not just fleeting whimsies, but potent signposts of our potential.

    Key Moments:

    6:28 Religious Commitment vs Personal Happiness

    12:27 Empowering Women to Find Their Voice

    17:50 Navigating Financial Growth and Imposter Syndrome

    22:11 Overcoming Money Blocks for Growth

    Amy Sanders is an entrepreneur at heart and master certified business & life coach. Amy's ups and downs, but after leaving an unhealthy marriage and becoming a broke single mom, she didn't recognize herself or her life. After hitting rock bottom she made some drastic changes, turned her life around and has since created five successful businesses and is now a self-made millionaire. Since then, she has taught and inspired thousands of women through weight loss, mindset, relationships and business. From her experiences, Amy has made it her life mission to help women uncover their purpose & expose their strengths so they can create a thriving life they love.

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  • Welcome to another episode of Creating Powerful Impact! In today's transformative journey of entrepreneurship, we're thrilled to be joined by the incomparable Kelly Roach.

    Kelly's expertise in business reinvention is nothing short of inspirational, and throughout our conversation, she illuminates the path to harnessing our unique gifts to leave a lasting impact on the world.

    Kelly shares invaluable insights into the art of strategic reinvention and how it propels long-term growth. We dissect the nuances of leadership and its pivotal role in the scalability of a business, exploring how expanding personal capacity can lead to greater success and innovation.

    By stepping out of our comfort zones and resolving foundational issues, we open the door to focusing on big-picture thinking and strategic decision-making.

    Kelly advises on avoiding the pitfalls of stagnation and emphasizes the importance of remaining energetically engaged to steer clear of a decline in business performance. We discuss practical strategies for breaking free from the hamster wheel effect and keeping our businesses surging forward with clarity and precision.

    Finally, we address the mental fortitude required to scale a business effectively, emphasizing the balance between intuition and data-driven decision-making. Kelly shares insights on building an operations team that complements your strengths and the step-by-step approach to achieving this. We also delve into strategies to make an impact and expand your reach, such as creating valuable content and leveraging advertising.

    Tune in for a treasure trove of actionable advice, including a mention of the reinvention playbook, which could serve as your guide in reimagining your entrepreneurial approach for sustainable growth and impact.

    Key Moments:

    1:26 Entrepreneurial Growth Through Reinvention

    6:52 The Art of Reinvention

    12:22 Building Emotional Capacity for Leadership

    17:59 Mastering the Mental Game of Entrepreneurship

    Kelly Roach is one of the only female founders in the online space to build her company from 0 to 8 figures with 0 debt, investors, or outside funding. Kelly is a former NFL cheerleader and Fortune 500 executive turned 8-figure+ entrepreneur empowering thousands around the globe to achieve financial and lifestyle freedom through entrepreneurship.

    Kelly is an 11x international best-selling author, Top 20 podcast host, and philanthropist who has been featured in major media such as ABC, NBC, Fox, and Forbes - as well as the recipient of prestigious awards such as #287 on the Inc. 5000 list, The Stevie® Awards Woman of the Year, TITAN CEO of the Year, and Inc.’s Best in Business.

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    Internal Shifts guide:

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  • Ever felt trapped in the whirlwind of marketing missteps?

    Erin Marcus, the powerhouse behind Conquer Your Business, joins me, Shay Wheat, to cut through the chaos and hand you the map to navigate the marketing maze on Creating Powerful Impact podcast.

    We tackle the "random acts of marketing" syndrome and lay out how a cohesive strategy can transform your erratic efforts into a client-winning machine. Erin's no-nonsense guidance isn't about copying someone else's success story; it's about crafting a narrative that's uniquely yours.

    Tune in for an episode that doesn't just talk shop but revamps the way you approach your marketing game.

    Scaling a venture is no small feat, and it's here that many entrepreneurs meet their match.

    But fear not, as Erin and I dissect the art of letting go to grow. From surrendering the minutiae to embracing your role as a visionary leader, we share the secret ingredients that can expand your business beyond the one-person-show.

    The conversation also ventures into the digital realm, weighing the pros and cons of AI in customer relations. It's a peek behind the curtain of business growth, where every entrepreneur is an asset, not just the architect.

    It's more than just business; it's about the choices that carve the path to a life you're eager to lead.

    Erin's stories are a testament to the power within to foster change and chase after the success you define.

    It's not just an episode; it's a battle cry for entrepreneurs ready to take charge and shape their destiny. Join us for a journey to empowerment, and leave with the conviction to make your mark, one decision at a time.

    Key Moments

    2:50 Random Acts of Marketing and Business

    21:11 The Power of Original Content

    33:49 Personal Responsibility in Business and Life

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    Ebook connect as a human 1st

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  • Do you ever find yourself letting the day take control rather than being intentional with your time?

    Do you fear you are not showing up?

    Are you unable to be present with those around you?

    If you answered yes to any of those questions, this episode of Creating Powerful Impact is for you.

    Listen as guest, Amy Vetter, CEO of The B3 Method Institute, joins me Shay Wheat to share the transformative power of pausing the relentless pace of professional demands to rediscover what truly invigorates your spirit.

    Amy's personal journey takes center stage as she recounts her evolution from a CPA to a yogi, revealing the power of stepping away from the constant demands of life to reconnect with inner passions and the people who matter most. This transformational tale is not just Amy's, but a universal lesson for all of us striving to find balance amidst the chaos of our professional and personal lives.

    Listen in as we tackle the often overlooked aspect of mental and emotional well-being in the workplace, focusing on the significance of mindfulness and setting boundaries to achieve a harmonious work-life integration.

    Amy's insights are invaluable as we discuss building resilience against life's inevitable stressors, sharing strategies that can serve as our mental 'toolbox' in times of need. Whether you're an entrepreneur or a corporate leader, this episode promises to enlighten you on the profound impacts of nurturing your mind and spirit for a more fulfilling and impactful life.

    Key Moments:

    6:29 Disconnecting to Reconnect

    15:32 Creating Habits Through Awareness and Accountability

    22:51 Practicing Techniques as Insurance

    Amy Vetter, CPA, CITP, CGMA, MBA, and Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) is the CEO of The B3 Method Institute and B3 Yoga, which provide ongoing learning to help people in all industries and career levels to achieve their desired potential in work and life.  Amy is a transformative keynote speaker, consultant, board member, author, and host of the podcast, Breaking Beliefs. As the creator of the B3 Method®for Business, Balance & Bliss, Amy has inspired thousands of people at hundreds of events on the mindful use of technology, change management, connected leadership, mindfulness in the workplace, and work-life balance.

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    30 day free trial membership to the B3 Method Institute, use code: 30free: 

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  • Have you ever considered the transformative potential of a book within your entrepreneurial journey?

    That's exactly what Jyotsna Ramachandran and I, Shay Wheat, get into on the latest episode of Creating Powerful Impact. Jyotsna, a best-selling author and esteemed author success coach, joins us to reveal how authorship can scale your business, bolster your credibility, and widen your sphere of influence.

    We examine the intriguing connection between a polished book and your high-ticket offers, and how this pairing can draw in clients, marking you as the go-to thought leader in your domain.

    Diving into the nitty-gritty, we dissect the strategic world of self-publishing, bringing to light the power of reader magnets and the importance of not overwhelming your audience with information. Instead, we discuss engaging them and leading them through a tailored funnel to foster brand loyalty.

    Have you wondered what the ideal book length is? Maybe thought about finding your unique voice among the author archetypes - creator, collaborator, or catalyst?

    Dive into this episode!

    Listen until the end as we wrap up with an insightful discussion on the evolution of the writing process, including the roles of ghostwriting and AI, and how these tools can be best utilized to complement human creativity.

    Jyotsna shares her own pivot to genuine authorship with "Job Escape Plan" and the birth of Happy Self Publishing, serving as an inspiration for all budding authors.

    This episode is more than just a conversation; it's a call to action for anyone ready to share their knowledge, experience, and create an indelible impact on their community and beyond.

    Don't just listen—let these words fuel your next big leap into the world of authorship.

    Key Moments:

    2:10 Utilizing Books for Business Growth

    11:09 Writing the Right Book Topic

    16:19 Lead Magnet Funnel Strategy

    25:56 Book Writing and Archetype Resources

    Jyotsna is a bestselling author, book publisher, TEDx speaker, and an international Author Success Coach who helps coaches, trainers, speakers, and experts build a super-profitable author funnel with the help of their book. She is on a mission to elevate the consciousness of humanity one book at a time by helping visionary leaders convert their messages into bestselling books in the easiest possible way. So far, Jyotsna has helped over 1000 authors globally through her global publishing agency, Happy Self Publishing.

    Connect with Jyotsna:

    Secrets of choosing a book topic

    Archetype gift

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  • Discover the extraordinary metamorphosis of Heather Hubbard on the latest episode of Creating Powerful Impact.

    Heather went from the courtroom's high stakes to the entrepreneurial stage, steering her own ship with laughter and insight as her compass.

    Listen as Heather and I go through her story of juggling the scales of health and ambition, unpacking the reality that a business's pulse often mirrors its leader's heartbeat.

    Heather candidly shares her personal health challenges and the sabbatical that turned the tide, offering a beacon of resilience for all who strive to maintain wellness amidst the demands of success.

    Step into the peaceful oasis of Miraval in Arizona with us, where Heather has mastered the craft of hosting transformative retreats, elevating the art of stand-up comedy from mere entertainment to a channel for healing.

    As Heather unravels the threads of her legal expertise and weaves them into her role as a master of ceremonies, she reveals how her past has beautifully orchestrated her present, enabling her to support and empower a community of women entrepreneurs.

    This episode isn't just a story—it’s a guide to finding your rhythm and harmony as you navigate the symphony of professional life.

    Key Moments:

    0:53 Transition From Lawyer to Entrepreneur

    7:59 Life Impact of Work Hiatus

    18:45 Discovering Strength in MC Work

    Heather Hubbard is a former lawyer turned entrepreneur and entertainer. She's the host of the popular podcast Hustle & Flow and leads luxury retreats for high-achieving women. She was named one of Nashville's 40 under 40 and has been featured in Grammy Magazine, Forbes, Business Insider, and more.

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  • .Welcome back to another electrifying session of Creating Powerful Impact, where I, Shay Wheat, along with trailblazers like Leo Kanell from Seven Figures Funding, unravel the mysteries of business financing.

    Listen in as Leo shares his journey from a young entrepreneur to an innovator in the funding space. Our discussion uncovers the hurdles that small businesses and startups encounter when traditional banking falls short, and how Leo's groundbreaking solutions and educational resources are empowering business owners to flourish even without a silver spoon or impeccable credit.

    In this enlightening conversation, we explore the world of building business credit and how savvy financial strategies can set you up for success.

    I get into the nitty-gritty with Leo on how paying down debt can skyrocket credit scores and open doors to programs like the 0% interest card stacks. These financial tools are more than just numbers; they're the lifeline for entrepreneurs investing in growth.

    We celebrate the victories of leveraging good debt, and I offer practical tips on nurturing business credit and fostering banking relationships that could lead to your next big funding breakthrough.

    Bringing this powerful session to a close, we delve into the nuances of financial strategies that are akin to a nurturing relationship. Imagine setting up a weekly "money date" to ensure your business's financial health is on track.

    We discuss how simple actions like timely bill payments, strategic credit score management, and responsible bank account handling can dramatically affect your funding opportunities.

    And for those on the lookout for innovative funding strategies, like the SBA Bolt Loan program, we discuss how these can be game-changers for businesses seeking to soar to new heights.

    Tune in for this riveting session filled with insights, success stories, and essential tips that could redefine the way you approach business funding.

    Key Moments:

    1:38 Entrepreneur's Journey Into Funding

    7:39 Financial Success Through Credit Card Strategy

    12:26 Business Funding Formula and Relationship Building

    Leo Kanell is the Founder & CEO of 7 Figures Funding, the 7 Figures Club Podcast, and Co-Founded the My Figures Fintech App & hosts the Go Figure Show on Youtube. He authored the best-selling book on Amazon, the Business Funding Formula. He and his teams have secured over Half a billion in funding for thousands of clients. Leo's calling is to provide funding for startups and newer small business owners with aggressive funding solutions on his funding marketplace and powerful education to empower his clients.

    He also has pioneered the buildout of the premier funding partner portal tracking software, with over 9,000 users nationwide. Loan brokers, consultants, and coaches can quickly secure funding for their clients at a 0% rate for up to 20 months to build their dream business. Leo is a Husband, Father of 5, Speaker, and Author and fights for relentless fitness endeavors. He, his wife Jill, and their 5 kids reside in Lehi, Utah where they wakeboard in the summer and snowboard in the winter.

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  • Every journey begins with a single step, but for Anjel B Hartwell, it was a leap into the unknown that catapulted her from single motherhood to a global messenger.

    Listen to my conversation with this evolutionary alchemist is not just a story; it's a revelation for all visionaries yearning to make an indelible mark on the world on the latest episode of the Creating Powerful Impact podcast.

    As we unpack Anjel's transformative insights, you'll discover the art of energizing your message and the necessity of self-belief to avoid the pitfalls of burnout.

    Prepare to be inspired by Anjel's narrative, a testament to the potential that lies within each of us, and learn how to sustain your energy to continue making a difference.

    Crafting a message that resonates and turns heads requires more than just a loudspeaker; it demands clarity, relatability, and a touch of 'expertifying' to make it stick.

    Anjel unfolds her strategies for those eager to amplify their impact. We navigate the intricacies of effective communication, from saying a resounding yes to oneself to building a support system that elevates your voice.

    For those who seek to bridge the gap between their passion and the needs of their audience, this episode provides an arsenal of techniques to refine your message and magnify your influence.

    In the world of visionary business strategy, blending the mystical with the practical is no longer a fanciful dream; it's a proven pathway to success. Anjel Hartwell's intuitive approach infuses spiritual practices with concrete business acumen, offering a seven-step framework that promises not just financial gains but also personal fulfillment.

    Wrapping up, we explore the 'five I's to wisdom,' guiding you from inspired action to practical implementation. This episode isn't just a guide; it's an invitation to transform your vision into reality, ensuring your personal and professional endeavors soar to new heights.

    Key Moments:

    4:28 Answering the Call

    11:48 Expertifying Yourself to Meet Customer Needs

    24:34 Leveling Up in Professional Success

    Anjel B Hartwell is an internationally known artist, author & evolutionary alchemist. Honored as a Be The Change “Movement To Watch” Award Winner and considered one of America’s Premier Experts, she has appeared multiple times in major media and is the Creator, Executive Producer & Host of the 9X Award Winning & Apple #1 Internationally ranked Wickedly Smart Women Podcast. Her book Be Heard By Millions & Live Your Destiny was a #1 New Release in 3 Categories. She is hired to consult with high achieving visionary leaders who are called to be the Vanguard of the Creative Age.

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  • Discover the alchemy of blending storytelling with holistic wellness as Laura DeFranco, CEO of Brave Healer Productions and Brave Kids Books, joins us to share the transformative journey from physical therapist to prolific author and publisher on today's episode of Creating Powerful Impact.

    This episode promises a treasure trove of insights on leveraging the written word for both personal enlightenment and business prowess. Laura and host Shay Wheat, unravel the concept of a book as the ultimate business card – a powerful trust-builder and legacy-maker. Laura's expertise illuminates the intricate dance between literature, legacy, and the timeless impression it leaves on readers and businesses alike.

    Embark on a quest for self-mastery with us as we delve into the crucial role of body awareness in cultivating a positive mindset and intentional living. Laura and I reveal 'ninja moves' – simple yet profound practices that anchor us back to the basics of self-improvement. Moreover, we tackle the common fears that often cloud our courage to share our personal stories through writing and other forms of expression.

    By honing in on our specific audiences, we underscore the magic that ensues from clear, targeted communication, enriching connections, and magnifying our impact. This conversation is a heartfelt call to bravery and a reminder that your voice has the power to echo through lives and generations.

    Key Moments:

    2:13 Journey From Physical Therapy to Author

    6:58 Permission to Change and Grow

    12:54 Overcoming Fear in Creative Expression

    Laura Di Franco is the CEO of Brave Healer Productions and Brave Kids Books, an award-winning publisher for holistic health and wellness professionals. She spent 30 years in holistic physical therapy, is a third-degree black belt in Taekwondo, and has authored 10 books. Her company has published over 60 Amazon bestselling books with a global community of over 1000 authors who are waking the world up to what’s possible for healing, one brave word at a time.

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  • Have you ever felt the adrenaline rush of closing a sale and then wondered how you could replicate that success over and over again in the event industry?

    Your host, Shay Wheat, teams up with sales wizard Rudy Rodriguez Live and in person, whose experience as a former naval officer has sculpted him into a sales strategy virtuoso.

    Our conversation breaks down the urgency of rapid responses to client queries, and we navigate through a sea of sales techniques and effective communication strategies that are sure to captivate your audience and increase event participation.

    We tackle the 'law of diminishing intent' head-on, providing you with actionable insights to keep your sales momentum from fizzling out. When it comes to the aftermath of your events, we address how to overcome the financial stress that can come from poor sales performance, emphasizing the value of a competent team that can handle attendee objections on the fly.

    Listen as we shed light on the pivotal decisions that shape the success of hiring for your sales team. We peel back the layers of the top-grading methodology and reveal how a nuanced approach to reference checks can help you assemble your dream team.

    Sharing stories of hiring mishaps, we illustrate the stark contrast between relying on volunteers versus investing in professional expertise. And for those leaders at the helm, we offer golden nuggets of wisdom on how effective leadership can leave an indelible mark on your team's performance and, ultimately, your event's success.

    Join us for this treasure trove of sales strategies and event management insights that are sure to change the way you think about your next big event.

    Key Moments:

    7:08 Event Leader's Back Room Management

    13:03 Individualized Sales Strategy for Enrollment

    21:49 Continuous Improvement in Event Planning

    29:18 Value of Professional Sales Teams

    Rudy Rodriguez is a former Naval Officer and Aviator who brings a unique and consultative coaching approach to help clients increase their sales. As the host of the Live Event Profits Podcast, Rudy has helped his clients generate over 50M in sales of coaching, education, and mastermind offerings since 2015. Rudy's approach is systematic and focused on tangible results, making his coaching light and fun while still delivering the outcomes his clients desire. Whether you're just starting or looking to take your sales to the next level, Rudy can help you achieve your goals.

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  • Unlock the code to business success and personal fulfillment with Tracey Watts Cirino, as we illuminate the path to harmonizing your passions with your entrepreneurial pursuits on the latest episode of Creating Powerful Impact.

    Tracey, a five-time number one international best-selling author and podcast host of Beyond Common Business Secrets, joins us to share her incredible insights on the synergy between luck and consistency, and how to transform audience curiosity into enthralling content.

    With her Beyond Common essential system, she teaches entrepreneurs how to navigate past their own obstacles, embody their business dreams, and forge a life brimming with zeal and intent. Tracey's adept methods for optimizing time, alongside her innovative approach to converting casual inquiries into valuable insights for a wider audience, are game changers for anyone looking to thrive in both their personal and professional lives.

    Tracey and I unravel the intricacies of aligning one's intrinsic gifts with the right opportunities as we traverse the landscape of business and personal development. We confront the necessity of pushing through fear to achieve alignment, essential for lasting satisfaction and success in any endeavor.

    We underscore the power of gaining clarity in tumultuous times, finding solace in a supportive community, and maintaining a positive, yet realistic, perspective amidst adversity.

    This episode is a treasure trove of wisdom for those eager to untangle the energetic webs of their lives, question their deepest motivations, and take incremental steps toward their grand visions.

    Tracey's journey in developing her certification program serves as a testament to the clarity and triumphs achievable with the right support, guiding listeners toward their own monumental achievements.

    Key Moments:

    1:45 Achieving Success Through Consistency and Intuition

    10:07 Protecting Peace Over Problems

    16:23 Vision and Alignment for Personal Growth

    21:01 Untangling Energetic Cords in Growth

    Tracey Watts Cirino is a 5-time #1 international best-selling author, award-winning business owner, highly engaging empowering speaker and podcast host of Beyond Common Business Secrets which is ranked in the top 5% of all podcasts.

    Tracey is a powerhouse dedicated to helping entrepreneurs achieve greatness. With dynamic keynotes, transformative retreats, immersive workshops, digital training programs, and exclusive mastermind groups, she empowers business owners and leaders to harness their personal power and create customized success systems.

    As the founder and CEO of Beyond Common Coaching & Consulting Company, a Cleveland, OH-based business that provides business growth strategies and speaking services to business owners across the world, Tracey is a Certified Success and Mindset Coach, Certified Canfield Success Principles Trainer, and John C. Maxwell certified speaker, coach, and trainer. With her gifts of clarity and cutting through the B.S. while serving companies all across the globe, Tracey has developed the proven BEYOND Common Essentials System and the BEYOND Common Method and is dedicated to helping you get out of your own way in order to achieve your business dreams while building a life you love. On any given day you will find Tracey passionately doing work she loves or enjoying spending time outdoors hiking, or cooking with her family and their beloved dog, Rocky right at their heels.

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    Unlock the 3-Step Process to Amplify Your Voice 🎙️ in Business and Life!

  • Join us as we celebrate an incredible milestone—our 100th episode of Creating Powerful Impact!

    In this special edition, we sit down with the remarkable Kayley Hamilton, a two-time Emmy award-winning journalist and founder of Uplvl Agency.

    Listen in as we explore the potent synergy between the glitz of Hollywood and the grit of entrepreneurship. Kaylee's fascinating journey from interviewing A-list celebrities to elevating CEOs into industry icons provides a treasure trove of insights on how embracing media opportunities can catapult your message and establish you as a thought leader.

    We delve into the transformative effects of visibility and storytelling, revealing how sharing your journey can inspire and elevate your community and beyond.

    The art of media engagement is a craft, and this episode serves up the strategies you need to succeed.

    Discover how to create compelling stories that grab the attention of journalists and make waves in your industry.

    I share my advice on leveraging current events, timing your pitches perfectly, and how researching and preparing for a winning conversation once you've landed that media interview.

    Whether you're an entrepreneur aiming for the spotlight or a seasoned CEO looking to amplify your voice, this episode is packed with actionable tips to ensure your narrative shines in the media landscape.

    Tune in and learn how to present yourself as the expert you are and make an unforgettable impact across various platforms.

    Key Moments:

    11:13 Crafting Authentic Media-Worthy Stories

    17:44 Media Interviews for Mental Health Outreach

    21:45 Mastering Interviews With Practice and Positivity

    Kayley Hamilton is the founder of UpLvl Agency and 2X Emmy-Award winning celebrity news reporter, journalist and producer. Kayley grew up mesmerized by the glamor of Hollywood and the influence of celebrity. Her childhood dream was to meet the people whom the world adored, to speak with them face-to-face and to connect with them as humans.

    She didn’t want to be them — she wanted to know them. Although she was an extremely shy young girl from Colorado, her heart was always set on the bright lights of Hollywood. As a celebrity journalist for 7+ years, Kayley has interviewed hundreds of A-list stars including The Rock, Kim Kardashian, Chris Pratt, Katy Perry & more — and she has done so on the biggest red carpets including The Oscars, The Golden Globes, The Grammys and The Emmys.

    In 2020 when life changed for us all, Kayley experienced a life transition and turned inward to search for guidance. Through the power of the media, thought-leaders, experts, high-value and heart-centered people found her. It was because of podcasts, digital articles, television segments, blogs, virtual talks and more that Kayley was able to discover not-so-distant mentors who expanded her outlook on life and helped her restructure the vision for what she believed was possible for her future. CEOs and entrepreneurs became her new 'celebrities.'

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  • Unlock the secrets to transforming a marketing career into successful franchise leadership with Leigh Feldman, the dynamic CEO of Bishop Cuts/Color.

    Leigh's journey from CMO to CEO is a masterclass in leveraging brand know-how from giants like Nike and Google to navigate the competitive landscape of hair salon franchising. Prepare to be captivated as we explore his cutting-edge strategies for brand consistency, franchisee empowerment, and the art of attracting a diverse clientele with mid-priced, unisex services.

    This episode promises to reveal not just the challenges but the triumphs of scaling a brick-and-mortar business where brand partnerships sparkle and a strong brand presence is non-negotiable.

    Step into the world of franchising opportunities with insights tailored for the corporate escapee yearning for executive-level income with the allure of flexibility. Leigh shares the blueprint for a semi-absentee business model that thrives on remote management and a supportive framework that adapts to the franchisee's unique market conditions.

    From the 'STOP' strategy for overcoming business hurdles to targeted support that evolves with your store's growth, this conversation is an invaluable resource for those ready to command their business destiny.

    Key Moments:

    7:12 Expansion and Franchise Growth Strategy

    15:49 Seasonal Promotional Campaigns for Clients

    20:13Franchise Organization's Customization and Flexibility

    Leigh Feldman is the current Chief Executive Officer and Brand President of Bishops Cuts/Color, a unisex hairshop franchise with 40+ locations in North America. Mr. Feldman served as Chief Marketing Officer for Bishops from February 2018 to March 2022, before being promoted to the head leadership role.

    Previously, he served as Vice President/Group Account Director for Rebel Industries in Portland, Oregon, and Los Angeles, California from May 2012 to March 2018, while also serving as Director of Media/PR and Brand Partnerships for Moonshine Events, a large-scale experiential events, and production company from January 2014 to August 2018. Leigh has worked with clients such as Nike, Adidas, Mazda, Google, Chelsea Football Club, Pabst Brewing Co., Warner Bros., LEGO, and more.

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  • Evelyn Knight, the entrepreneurial force behind Child Care Business Professionals, joins us on the Creating Powerful Impact podcast, to shatter the mold of traditional roles. Her story is poised to inspire anyone feeling anchored by cultural expectations or personal limitations.

    From her roots as a stay-at-home mom, Evelyn cultivated a flourishing multi-seven-figure empire, all while maintaining the warmth and dedication of family life. She opens up about the inner conflict and cultural pressures that nudged her towards a personal and professional revolution, crafting an identity that transcends the title of mother and CEO.

    Her story isn't just one of success—it's a beacon for anyone seeking to reclaim their name and narrative in life's grand design.

    This intimate conversation ventures into the trenches of entrepreneurship, where the balancing act of self-care and business finances becomes a daily performance.

    Evelyn lays out the stark realities of burnout, the long hours that can chip away at one's health, and the crucible of stress that tests even the hardiest of spirits. Yet, it's her candid moment of vulnerability, that pivotal reach for help, which captures the essence of true tenacity.

    As she highlights the importance of organizational know-how and self-investment, you'll discover the transformative power of admitting when the load is too heavy and the unexpected strength that emerges from community and mentorship.

    Evelyn doesn't just leave us with her story; she extends a lifeline of practical wisdom. Through the lens of her own experience with financial strife and business coaching, she exemplifies the surprising rewards of committing to change, even in the most dire circumstances.

    Her insights into the childcare industry are invaluable, but they radiate a universal truth applicable to any business journey.

    Key Moments:

    8:40 Transitioning to a Business Mindset

    14:22 Empowering Support in Business

    20:20 Achieving Financial Success Through Guidance

    Evelyn Knight is a 2 time TEDx speaker. She specializes in empowering women in business. Evelyn is a successful business owner who has mastered running an early childhood education business without giving up her life.

    Evelyn is the CEO and founder of Child Care Business Professionals. She is also the host of The Child Care Business Coach podcast. Evelyn specializes in helping leaders navigate the business and psychological overwhelm of managing programs.

    Throughout Evelyn’s career, she has seen children coming from preschool to adulthood and the skills they have gained; such as a deep level of problem-solving and open-mindedness. They are also mindful of diversity and equity. They are open-minded to the progress we need to see in the world.

    Evelyn has seen generational changes happening right in front of her. Evelyn is passionate about elevating the Early Childhood Education field and is leading the charge in the ECE Revolution! She is involved with Early Childhood education advocacy and is leading the way to our future through young children.

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  • Ever felt that dreaded imposter syndrome creeping in, just as you're about to make your big entrepreneurial leap?

    Karen Yankovich, CEO of Uplevel Media joins us to obliterate those fears, teaching us to embrace PR and LinkedIn as our new best friends in the quest to build a powerful personal brand. She's the guru when it comes to transitioning from a seasoned professional to a coaching or consulting dynamo.

    This episode is your golden ticket to transforming media appearances into concrete proof of your authority.

    We're cracking the code on creating relationships that aren't just surface-level connections, but strategic partnerships forged through media savvy.

    A polished LinkedIn profile can be your silent ambassador, working overtime to ensure that when journalists need a voice in your field, yours is the one they trust. Karen walks you through a real-life success story where a client's smart engagement with a journalist catapulted their professional standing.

    Whether you're a real estate maven looking to snag the next big listing or an event producer aiming to pack your next seminar, understanding how to leverage your media presence can be a game-changer.

    Listen to the end to hear how Karen targets the heart of business growth—networking and personal branding.

    With tips on expanding your circle without resorting to cold calls, and the inside scoop on high-value networking events, this episode transforms the dreaded "schmooze" into an art form.

    And what's more, we reveal how to scale your service's value by not just raising prices, but by revolutionizing the benefits you deliver. Tune in to this episode of Creating Powerful Impact and let Karen and I guide you to your next business breakthrough.

    Key Moments:

    5:58 Standing Out in a Competitive Market

    16:45 Networking for Ideal Clients

    19:37 Building Deeper Relationships for Success

    The CEO of UpLevel Media and Host of The Good Girls Get Rich Podcast, Karen offers results-oriented and expert conversational marketing strategies that position clients to bring in instant results. Her background includes over twenty years in the field of information technology, marketing, and customer relationships, making social media her ideal niche.

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