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Hindi and English stories.
For 5 to 13 yrs.
Stories play an important part in the development of children. Good stories inspire and inculcate values to live righteous life and gives children confidence to excel in life.
Various stories uploaded in this channel are based on teachings by Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya. 🌞🌻🙏
कहानियां बालक/ बालिकाओं के निर्माण में अहम भूमिका निभाती है। अच्छी कहानियों से वह जीवन उपयोगी शिक्षा भी सीखते है साथ ही अपना जीवन श्रेष्ठ बनाने की प्रेरणा भी लेते है। इस चेनेल में अपलोड की गई कहानियां पं. श्री राम शर्मा आचार्य द्वारा सिखाए गए मूल्यों पर आधारित है।🌞🌻🙏 -
Are you looking for creative, entertaining ways to develop godly character in your preschool through early elementary aged kids? A child’s faith is developed through what is seen, heard and experienced. Fish Bytes Jr. podcast for Christian kids offers enjoyable short stories that illustrate how to apply biblical principles to every day life!
#kids, #Biblestoriesforkids, #Biblicalvaluesforkids, #christiankids, #character, #JesusChrist, #developingChristiancharacterinkids, #developfaithinJesusChrist, #bedtimestoriesforkids, #storiesforpreschoolers, #kidstories, #fishbytes4kids, #roncarriewebb -
Добре дошли в магичния и красив свят на Златните приказки! Тук детските истории, които всички помним и обичаме, оживяват и се претворяват като нежен танц на спомените. Изданието “Златна книга на приказките” от '96 година на Colibri бе част от детството ми - така многолик и чуден спомен, който искам да споделя с повече деца.
Присъединете се към нашето голямо приказно семейство - любими приказки - класически и нови, стихове, гатанки и литературни изненади очакват всеки малък и пораснал мечтател, на който му се иска някой да му почете...
Сърцатият подкастър,
Диляна -
“Cuéntame un cuento Mamá!” Pretende ser una herramienta para los padres que a diario escuchamos esta frase de nuestros pequeños. Los cuentos son maravillosos, siempre nos benefician y en nuestro afán de lograr reducir en nuestros niños el tiempo frente a las pantallas nos resulta una excelente opción que escuchen los cuentos, ademas les hará volar su imaginación. Ya sea antes de dormir, en el carro, o en un momento de relajación, un cuento siempre será bien recibido por ellos.