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This podcast is the perfect way to get back to that easy conversation flowing between friends over a cup of coffee; those conversations and interactions with friends that came so frequently and easily in college but the daily grind of "grown-up" life has drowned out. Let's be silly and yet purposeful as we chat about subjects such as relationships, crafting, health, and more with the intention of bringing God into everything. Whether it’s cooking, working, or decorating your living room, we believe God can be a part of it.
Hosted by sisters Lawren Fogg and Alyssa Vliet, you are invited to journey with us as we attempt to learn from Him in every part of daily life to be the women He created us to be; grounded in grace. -
Judaism has a deep and rich tradition of storytelling, of passing down stories from one generation to the next. To carry on that tradition, Stories We Tell, from, will share a new story with you every Thursday. Whether you listen while driving to work, preparing Shabbat dinner, or taking your kids to school, each episode will give you a new story to reflect on and discuss with the people in your life.
Stories We Tell is a project of the Union for Reform Judaism, a leading voice in the discussion of modern Jewish life. -
Pairadocs is a podcast with a Christian take on life, family, and culture. Jimmy and Josh will provide marriage and parenting insight, to be sure; however, don't be surprised if other topics emerge, such as sports, entertainment, politics, or the latest episode of Pioneer Woman!
The Pairadocs have two formats: interview and content. One episode a week focuses on interviewing some of the greatest Christian minds around. For the other episode Jimmy and Josh discuss a cultural or familial topic you're sure to enjoy!
Grab your spouse and listen Pairadocs together! It's like having two free therapists in your pocket! -
The Rethinking Youth Ministry Podcast is for youth ministry leaders, pastors, volunteers, workers, and anyone who cares about middle school and high school students. Each episode, we hope to raise the bar for youth ministry by asking questions, interviewing thinkers, and having real, honest conversations about what it looks like to lead the next generation. Rethinking Youth Ministry is a podcast from the Orange Students team. Our mission is to help you, the youth leader, influence the next generation. We do that through this podcast, other resources, and our weekly curriculum, XP3. If you'd like to learn more, check out
Welcome to "What Matters Most with Matt Popovits," a daily radio broadcast of new and old sermons from St Mark Houston and MPM. Matt serves as pastor of St. Mark Houston, in Houston, Texas and is the founder of Matt Popovits Ministries. He's also the host of "Make It Simple," available wherever you get your podcasts.
You’re listening to Encounter
Encounter was launched with a mission to offer a safe space to encounter the transcendent God in the midst of the noise of our daily routines.
It is a daily podcast of sacred and mindful meditations to help you encounter the divine presence of God throughout your day. -
Emilia Vuorisalmi on lääkäri, tietokirjailija, yrittäjä sekä kahden lapsen äiti. Emilian intohimo on rohkaista ja inspiroida ihmisiä sekä auttaa jokaista löytämään oma yksilöllinen resepti terveeseen ja täyteen elämään. DocEmilia-podcastissa keskustellaan mielenkiintoisista terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin liittyvistä teemoista eri alojen johtavien asiantuntijoiden kanssa. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Perusasento-podcastissa Elli Kinnunen ja Ninja Korpelin keskustelevat koirien kanssa harrastamisesta ja kisaamisesta sekä koiraperheen arjesta. Keskeisessä asemassa ovat kouluttaminen ja koiran käytöksen ymmärtäminen. Lisäksi luvassa on suoraa puhetta koiraharrastuksen haasteista ja ongelmista.
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