Culture Crush Business Podcast is the only podcast that does a deep dive into a variety of companies that are crushing it with a great company culture. There are many podcasts out there that focus on business, supporting employees, highlighting values and company missions… but there is only ONE that focuses only on company culture, how to keep it strong and how to use it to support the growth of the company.
Culture is not just a tag word to be thrown around. It is not something you throw in job descriptions to draw people to applying for jobs within a company.
According to Marcus Buckingham and Ashely Goodall in their book Nine Lies About Work, “Culture is the tenants of how we behave. It’s like a family creed. This is how we operate and treat each other in the family.”
On this long form podcast we highlight companies, both local to Arizona and nationally, that are crushing it with great culture!
We talk with company leaders to learn about real-life experiences, tips, and best practices for creating a healthy work environment where employees are finding joy and satisfaction in their work while also striving and growing within the company. We also search and showcase the companies out there that provide resources to help achieve and support great culture within companies.