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    In this conversation, Chris discusses his personal journey of transformation and how he helps dads improve their lives. He shares his experience of going through phases of discipline and inconsistency, and how he reached a point of dissatisfaction that motivated him to make a change. Chris emphasizes the importance of connection and the power of a supportive community in helping dads overcome their struggles. He also addresses the challenges that arise in relationships when one partner is working on self-improvement while the other is not, and the need for open and effective communication in these situations. The conversation explores the importance of commitment in relationships and the impact of mental health on fathers. It emphasizes the need for self-care and personal growth, as well as breaking cycles of negative behavior. The role of community and support in improving mental well-being is highlighted.


    Personal transformation requires discipline and consistency.Connection and support from a community are crucial for overcoming struggles.Open and effective communication is essential in relationships.Friction and discomfort can lead to growth and positive change. Commitment in relationships requires saying yes or no forever, rather than questioning compatibility during arguments.Focusing on discipline and physical well-being can lead to better overall well-being.Self-care involves internal work and dialogue, not just external activities like going to the spa.Breaking cycles of negative behavior requires self-reflection, journaling, therapy, and support from others.Building a community of like-minded individuals can provide accountability and help in personal growth.

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    Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. En...
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    I just came back from a trip to Italy and there was a moment at a park where I realized something....we need to connect more with ourselves and those we love.

    I polled our Instagram audience and 50% of parents feel disconnected and of these, 43% feel disconnected from their partners.

    If you can relate to this, have a listen to this short solo episode.

    You can also read the blog post I wrote about this and add a comment:

    If you want to join the waitlist for our upcoming community called the Reflective Parent Community this Fall, click the link below:

    Purchase the Reflective Parent Journal below (get $10 off if you email me the review you leave for the podcast):

    Thanks for listening!

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    Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. En...
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    In this conversation, Bridget Callaghan PhD, discusses her research on the gut-brain-microbiome connection and the impact of generational adversity. The study they conducted found that different forms of adversity were associated with unique signatures in the child's microbiome, and some of these microbes were associated with the emotional health of the children. In this conversation, Cindy and Bridget discuss the impact of early environments on children's gut health and microbiome. They explore the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns on children's gut composition and the importance of exposure to germs for developing a healthy microbiome. They also touch on the role of diet in gut health and the challenges of studying and interpreting scientific research. Bridget shares her hopes for future studies, including investigating the mechanisms by which gut microbes influence the brain and behavior. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity of gut health and the need for a more nuanced understanding of its impact on overall well-being.

    Early life experiences can have a significant impact on health across the lifespan, including physical and mental health.The science of the gut-brain-microbiome connection is still evolving, and more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms and potential interventions.Parents should not worry excessively about the impact of their own experiences on their children, as there are many factors at play and individual outcomes can vary. Early environments, including exposure to germs and a diverse diet, play a crucial role in shaping children's gut health and microbiome.COVID-19 lockdowns had an impact on the gut composition of children.The Mediterranean diet is often associated with a healthy gut and overall well-being, but the research on diet and gut health is complex and ongoing.Interpreting scientific research requires understanding that individual studies provide limited guidance for personal decisions, and that scientific knowledge evolves over time.

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    Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. En...
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    In this conversation, Cindy Hovington speaks with Matt Brown and Leah Blain about the experiences of military families and their children. The conversation highlights the need for awareness and understanding of the unique lifestyle of military families and the support they require. The goal of the conversation is to shed light on the experiences of military children and promote empathy and support for them. Military families face unique challenges, including frequent moves and deployments, which can have negative impacts on children's academic and social-emotional well-being. However, research shows that with proper support and resilience-building skills, children can thrive in these environments. Parents play a crucial role in helping their children adapt to new situations and develop the necessary skills. Preventative measures, such as teaching mindfulness and emotional regulation, can be effective in supporting military families' mental health. There is a need for better access to mental health support and resources for military families, as suicide rates among service members and veterans are alarmingly high.

    The experiences of military children can vary, with some developing resilience and others struggling with the stress and changes.Awareness and understanding of the military lifestyle are important for supporting military families.Supportive communities and resources can help mitigate the challenges faced by military families and promote resilience. Frequent moves and deployments can negatively impact the academic and social-emotional well-being of children in military families.With proper support and resilience-building skills, children can adapt and thrive in these environments.Parents play a crucial role in helping their children navigate the challenges of military life.Preventative measures, such as teaching mindfulness and emotional regulation, can support the mental health of military families.There is a need for better access to mental health support and resources for military families, as suicide rates among service members and veterans are alarmingly high.

    Military Family Clinic
    Chimney Trail

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    Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. En...
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    In this episode, Cindy Hovington interviews Kei Nomaguchi and Melissa Milkie about their research on parenthood and well-being. They discuss the concept of intensive parenting and the societal expectations placed on parents, particularly mothers. The conversation explores the pros and cons of intensive parenting and the challenges faced by parents in balancing work and family responsibilities. The need for workplace support and community connections is emphasized, as well as the importance of recognizing the rewards and meaningfulness of parenting. The episode concludes with a call for societal changes to better support parents and create a more balanced and fulfilling parenting experience. The conversation highlights the lack of support and resources for parents, the need for a proactive society, and the impact of supporting parents on children and society as a whole.


    The US mental health system for parents is lacking in support and resources, leaving many individuals to struggle on their own.A proactive approach to supporting parents is necessary, rather than waiting for symptoms of mental health issues to arise.Supporting parents not only benefits the well-being of the parents themselves but also has a positive impact on their children and society as a whole.

    Parenthood and Psychological Well-Being: Clarifying the Role of
    Child Age and Parent-Child Relationship Quality

    Parenthood and Well‐Being: A Decade in Review

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    Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. En...
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    In this conversation, Jacqueline discusses the application of the science of wellbeing in daily life. She shares her personal journey of implementing wellbeing practices and emphasizes the importance of vulnerability and self-reflection. The conversation explores misconceptions about happiness and the role of circumstances in our overall wellbeing. Jacqueline also highlights the significance of understanding and embracing different perspectives on happiness. The conversation delves into redefining success and shifting career paths, as well as the importance of acts of kindness and overcoming the 'What the Hell' effect. The discussion concludes with practical steps for parents to nurture their wellbeing and the need for supportive work environments.


    Wellbeing is a holistic concept that encompasses physical, mental, and emotional health.Taking care of one's physical health through exercise, nutrition, and sleep is crucial for overall wellbeing.Mental wellbeing involves managing stress, practicing mindfulness, and seeking support when needed.Emotional wellbeing is about understanding and expressing emotions in a healthy way.Prioritizing self-care and making time for activities that bring joy and relaxation is essential for wellbeing.

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    Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. En...
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    As a child of divorce, I know that it can be very difficult to go through. I have been getting lots of emails around this and so I asked my dear friend Dr. Tamara Soles to join me today.

    We break down divorce into before, during and after so that you have all the tips and advice you need to navigate this in a way that is best for you and your child.

    We discuss arguing in front of your child, what repair looks like, how to talk to your kids and how to co-parent.

    Don't miss this!

    Join me this Wednesday at 12:00pm ET for a FREE webinar called Reflective Parenting: Learning How to Shift Perspectives and Reduce Your Stress
    with the Amazing Dr. Michele Kambolis.

    Register below:

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    Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. En...
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    Navigating the tender complexities of mental health as a parent can often feel like a solitary journey, but it doesn't have to be. Nathalie shares candidly from the heart about her postpartum experiences, while Dr. Tina Montreuil of McGill University blends these personal narratives with academic insights. Together, we unravel the challenges and celebrate the resilience of birthing parents, marking World Maternal Mental Health Day as a beacon of support and solidarity.

    In the warm embrace of this episode, we create a safe space where the intricate dance of psychological and physiological changes in parenthood is not just acknowledged, but deeply understood. We delve into the critical role of self-care for mothers, often overshadowed by the baby's needs, and how midwifery and culturally sensitive care can lighten the load. The transformative power of empathy, the necessity of accessible mental health tools, and the importance of self-compassion stitch together a narrative that advocates for a holistic approach to parental well-being.

    We round out our conversation with a contemplation of the barriers that many new parents face when seeking mental health support, emphasizing the urgency of action before reaching a crisis point. Our dialogue calls for an empowered community, where parents feel seen, heard, and cared for, and where reaching out for help is seen not as a weakness but as an act of profound love and caring. Thank you again to Nathalie and Dr. Montreuil for their vulnerability and expertise, and to you, our listeners, for joining us on this journey to foster kinder, more compassionate parenting experiences.

    Livre Blanc
    Quebec Alliance for Perinatal Mental Health
    Réseau des Centres de ressources périnatales du Québec

    Episode with Kristen Neff: Apple Podcast or Spotify

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    Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. En...
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    Hello my dear friend,

    I get it, I have said this over and over myself. However, today, I would like you to take a step back and really reflect on this thought "I don't have time for myself".

    I walk you through some reflection prompts and how you can view this problem a little differently and work through it.

    Making time for yourself doesn't need to be 2 hours every day. It is a little moment of connection, a little moment that reminds you that you are important.

    Don't skip this activity this week, take a moment to reflect on what your needs are and how you can start making space for them. You matter, lease don't forget that my dear friend.

    I hope you have a beautiful and lovely week,


    Join me in Palo Alto, California on April 25th:

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    Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. En...
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    Let's chat about self-compassion with the scientist that created the self-compassion scale herself!

    Today, I am joined by Dr. Kristen Neff, Tedx speaker and author of Self-Compassion: The proven power of being kind to yourself. Leading expert in self-compassion, Dr. Neff walks us through what it means to be self-compassion and how we can start with baby steps to be kinder to ourselves.

    I remember being a first time mom and how I had so much guilt around everything I did with my daughter. Our inner dialogue can be so tough on us, while on the other hand, we offer a nurturing hand to our friends. I know I am not alone in this because many moms and dads have shared these struggles with me.

    If you are ready to be kinder to yourself and to see this impact on your mental health and physical health, then take 47 min to listen to this powerful conversation! '

    Watch this in YouTube:


    Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself

    Visit her website or join her NEW Self-Compassion Community:


    Her Tedx Talk

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    Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. En...
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    Have you ever found yourself scrubbing baseboards and questioned why you place so much pressure on yourself? As I prepare for my trip to California at the end of the month, that exact introspection led to a profound realization about the 'shoulds' in my life, a topic I eagerly explore with Erica Djossa, therapist and author of "Releasing the Motherload," on our latest Curious Neuron podcast episode. Together, we scrutinize the mental load that mothers bear, addressing the invisible tasks and the ever-elusive balance between self-care and parenting.

    We offer you strategies for dealing with the intense emotional landscape that comes with parenting, ensuring that you feel seen, understood, and empowered to align your actions with your personal values. Wrapping up our conversation, we touch upon the cultural myth of the perfect mother, the critical importance of articulating boundaries, and how to advocate for yourself in an often overwhelming parenting journey. It's an episode for mothers and parents at any stage, tune in for a guiding light through the complexities of maternal mental health and well-being.

    Buy Erica's new book:
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    Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. En...
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    I really messed up last night and I want to share this with you so that you can learn from my mistake.

    When we are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, it can trickle down to our kids. If we don't notice this, then all we see if a child that is "misbehaving" when in reality it is a child that is dysregulated, doesn't feel connected, doesn't feel validated or seen.

    When we NOTICE this, it makes it easier for us to switch our own behaviour or thoughts with the goal of changing how it is impacting our child.

    In this episode, I share the bedtime story that would might be able to relate to and I share some reflection prompts to help you work through it the next time this happens to you.

    If you connect with this episode, please take a moment to rate it or review or. You can also email me to say hello!

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    Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. En...
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    Let's talk about executive functions and how these skills support your child's academic performance!

    In today's episode, I chat with Dr. Stephanie Carlson, Tedx speaker and Distinguished McKnight University Professor in the Institute of Child Development at the University of Minnesota. She investigates basic developmental processes in executive function in children.

    If your child often gets stuck in their emotions, struggle with staying focused or struggles with getting organized or planning, this is a must-listen episode for you!

    We chat about emotions, sleep (I learned that total hours of sleep isn't as important as I thought!) and how you can support your child in their early years to help them build these important skills that create the foundation of their future emotional and physical health.

    Are you ready to become a reflective parent? Purchase my 100-page workbook! (send me a screenshot of your podcast review to get $10 off!)


    Study: Metacognitive processes and associations to executive function and motivation during a problem-solving task in 3–5 year olds

    Join her study!
    Dr. Carlson is currently conducting a fully online research study examining the predictors of career interests in children, as EF skills might be one overlooked predictor of the topics and jobs students are drawn to in high school and beyond. To be eligible for this study, you must live in the United States, and your child must be in 4th or 8th grade in the 2023-24 school year. Families will be contacted each year for 4 years. Compensation (wide selection of gift cards) depends on level of participation and ranges from $10-$50 per year.

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    Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. En...
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    Ever wondered how your stress levels could be painting the world for your little ones? I unpack the spillover theory and zero in on pivotal insights from current studies that reveal the depth of our influence on our kids’ behavior. It’s a journey of reflection—a look in the mirror at our own stress and parenting styles—and a step towards cultivating a nurturing and conscious home environment.

    Finally, I arm you with the strategies to manage stress effectively. From recognizing what you can control and influence to establishing vital boundaries, especially in your most intimate relationships. I dive into coping strategies that target the source of stress and ways to address tension in marriages, comprehending how these can reverberate through the family. By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with a deeper understanding and practical solutions to enhance not only your well-being but also that of your family.

    Purchase the Reflective Parent Workbook (100 pages of reflection prompts that support your psychological well-being):

    (get a $10 coupon if you send me a screenshot of your review and rating for the podcast!)

    Work–Family Spillover and Subjective Well‐Being: The Moderating Role of Coping Strategies

    Linking family relationships with peer relationships based on spillover theory: A positive perspective

    Spillover in the Home: The Effects of Family Conflict on Parents' Behavior

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    Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. En...
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    Ever wonder how your earliest experiences of love and connection with caregivers are playing out in your adult relationships? Join me, along with couples therapist Vanessa Morgan, as we uncover how attachment styles developed in infancy can have a far-reaching influence on our interaction patterns with romantic partners and even our children. Vanessa guides us through understanding different attachment styles, the importance of self-reflection, and the powerful effect of establishing secure connections that can rewrite our relationship narratives for the better.

    We learn that expressing personal needs and understanding the physical sensations linked to emotions are essential skills for healthier interactions. Vanessa and I also tackle the delicacy of parental conflict, the necessity of a post-argument narrative for children's emotional security, and how these moments of repair can strengthen our bonds.

    Lastly, we highlight the importance of addressing personal traumas, the principles of secure functioning in partnerships, and how these steps can prevent negative cycles from repeating in future generations.

    Follow Vanessa:

    Listen to Similar Episodes:
    Dr. Tracy Dalgleish: How to maintain a healthy relationship after having kids

    Protecting yourself and healing from a narcissistic person with best selling author Dr. Ramani Durvasula

    Watch this episode on YouTube:

    Purchase the Reflective Parent Workbook ($29.99) or get $10 off if you leave a review for my podcast and send me a screenshot at [email protected]

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    Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. En...
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    As a mom of three with a neuroscience background, I've come to understand that the emotional health of fathers is a critical but often overlooked topic. That's why I invited Dr. Matt Englar-Carlson, an expert in counseling and male psychology, onto the podcast. Our conversation offers an essential guide for anyone invested in the development of healthy boyhood and supportive environments for men as they embrace parenting, with insights into breaking cycles of anger and fostering emotional regulation.

    In our final thoughts, Dr. Englar-Carlson and I reflect on the significance of building healthy relationships for life success. We explore how being a positive force in the lives of children, partners, and friends can be the cornerstone of well-being. For fathers and all listeners seeking to enhance their mental health and emotional expression, this episode is an invitation to explore new pathways and embrace the journey toward more fulfilling personal connections.

    MENTAL App:

    Accentuating positive masculinity: A new foundation for the psychology of boys, men, and masculinity.

    The American psychological Association's practice guidelines for men and boys: Are they hurting rather than helping male mental wellness?

    Rate AND review the Curious Neuron podcast and send me a screenshot to get my Reflective Parent Workbook for FREE (offer valid until Sunday, March 11th, 2024)

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    Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. En...
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    As I dive into leadership and business books, I can't help make the link with parenting. I think leadership books are the best parenting books!

    I gave a workshop this week to a leadership team and realized how many of these tips applied to parenting so this week, I break down 3 aspects of this talk and give you some reflection prompts to apply this to your home.

    Want more reflection prompts that support your emotional health? Purchase my Reflective Parent Workbook below (send me a screenshot of the podcast rating and I will give you a $10 coupon for the workbook!)

    Listen to more Curious Neuron Podcast episodes similar to this one:

    How to start a business while also being a stay-at-home mom Being a parent is similar to being a CEOMelinda Wenner Moyer: Raising kind humans

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    Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. En...
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    Dr. Ramani and I rigorously tackle the complexities that emerge when parenting with or alongside a narcissist, offering invaluable strategies for setting boundaries and cultivating a nurturing environment for both parents and children.

    We discuss the often-overlooked impact narcissistic parenting has on the developmental stages of children, from their tender infancy to their more independent years. We confront the harsh truth that parenthood doesn't magically reform a narcissist and discuss the imperative role of a supportive, responsive parent in mitigating a narcissist's unpredictable influence. Delving into the intricacies of equitable parenting and its significance on familial harmony, this episode sheds light on fostering a balanced family dynamic, even amidst the challenges posed by a narcissistic partner or parent.


    Read Dr. Ramani's new book It's Not You:

    Dr. Ramani's YouTube Channel:


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

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    Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. En...
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    My grandfather Roger always said that the true measure of character is found not in comfort, but in the face of challenge. In this episode, I share my story of a day I called my grandpa pretending to be sick when I was in high school.

    This story is a reminder that we need to place our children in uncomfortable situations to help them work on their inner dialogue and motivation. It also reminds, the parents, that we need to do the same.

    I hope you enjoy my story about my grandpa Roger, he was the world to me and taught me so much!

    Ready to start working on yourself? I've got you!
    Get The Reflective Parent workbook (100 pages!) and if you leave a review for the podcast, email me [email protected] and I will give you a $10 coupon code!

    Watch this episode of YouTube:

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at [email protected]

    Purchase the Reflective Parent Journal:


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    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

    Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. En...
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    Being a new parent can make you feel really alone. But don't worry, I talked to Dr. Kelly Elliott and Dr. Tracy Vozar, and we had a chat that might make you feel better.

    Today, we talk about the different ways people raise kids and how it can affect our feelings. We also look at how feeling anxious and trying to be the perfect parent can make us feel really lonely. We talk about how social media can help connect parents and make them feel less alone.

    We don't just talk about the problems, though. We also give you practical tips and resources to help you through the tough times of being a new parent. The Baby Steps lab at DU has a lot of useful stuff, and we share some simple self-care ideas to help you take care of yourself. Let's celebrate the small moments that make being a parent a bit easier, and work towards a future where parents' mental health is a big deal in our community.

    Resources mentioned during the conversation:
    Alexandra Sacks, M.D TED TALK
    Baby S.T.E.P.S. lab resources HERE
    We mentioned the term "good enough parenting" and cited Circle of Security
    Maternal Mortality and Morbidity article HERE
    Tracy and team's publication on P-PTSD HERE
    Infographic on intrusive thoughts HERE

    Curious Neuron Podcast Episodes for new parents:
    5 tips for new parents HERE
    Advice for new parents HERE
    What new parents should know about brain development HERE

    When should a tantrum become a concern? Article HERE
    Watch this episode of YouTube: https://

    Please leave a rating for our podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify! Email me at [email protected]

    Purchase the Reflective Parent Journal:


    Facebook group:

    THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! Get some discounts using the links below
    Thank you to our main supporters the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute at The Neuro and the McConnell Foundation.

    Discounts for our community!

    Pok Pok app. Click on the link below to get 50% off an entire year of this amazing open-ended play app for kids! BetterHelp is the world’s largest therapy service, and it’s 100% online. Click the link below to get 15% off the first month of therapy Holstee Inspiration and tools to help you live a more meaningful life. Membership, reflection cards for kids and adults:. En...