Welcome To CyberPunk'D, A live-play podcast were we explore Cyber Punk Red TTRPG. Join us as we explore the dystopian future in all its corpo glory . So many amazing stories to share.Content warning: Program contains strong acts of violence, drug usage implications, strong language, and gore. Possible trigger events may be involved. viewer discretion is advised.We believe that TTRPG is for all and stand with our fellow TTRPG enthusiasts in all walks of life and DO NOT support any forms of hatred. Game on fellow nerds, Game on.Come Chat with us and keep up to date on all our content atTwitter: @CYBERPUNKD1Discord: https://discord.gg/UTaaFQ7C6q Patreon: Become a Patron!most songs and sounds belong to and are used with correct licensing from:Sonniss.comMonument Studios Check them out at: https://www.monumentstudios.net/HUMBLE MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS FOR GAMES, FILMS, AND CONTENT CREATORS BUNDLE PART 2 :https://www.humblebundle.com/?hmb_source=navbar&hmb_campaign=humble_monthly&charity=1446&partner=dev&hmb_medium=banner