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ياللا بينا نغير حياتنا و نبتدي بدايه صح💪💪
بداية تغيير حياتنا للاحسن و نعترف بعادتنا الغلط اللي محتاجين نعدلها علشان نعيش حياه صحيه و نبعد شويه عن ضغوط الحياه او بمعنى اصح نحول كل الضغوط اللي حوالينا لحاجات ايجابيه تسعدنا و تشجعنا على الاستمرار فى الحياة بشكل ايجابى🤩 خلينا نبدأ و نحكي حكاياتنا و نبتدي سلسلة بود كاست نيللي و حكايات الدايت🧚♀️
يلا نحقق اهدافنا
حياة صحية❤
وزن صحى🧜♀️
أكلات صحية 🍒🍎🍇
وحنرفع مع بعض شعار الدايت مش ورقة وميزان 👻
وحقدر اوصل لاكبر عدد ممكن للناس اللى عايزة تستفيد وتفهم وتغير حياتها ان شاء الله👩⚕️
حقدر انشر تصحيح لمفاهيم كتير غلط منتشرة فى سوق الدايت من غير المتخصصين وده بمساعدتكم👩💻
مع نيللى وحكايات الدايت حياتك صحية وسعيدة ومثالية ان شاء الله 🧚♀️🧚♀️
بسم الله ✍✍
#نيللى_وحكايات_الدايت -
مرحبًا بكم في بودكاست "سوالف صحة " حيث نتعمق في عالم التغذية والصحة
في كل حلقة، سنتناول جانبًا مختلفًا من التغذية، من أساسيات المكونات الغذائية إلى دور النظام الغذائي في منع الأمراض المزمنة
سواء كنتم تسعون لخسارة الوزن، أو تحسين مستويات الطاقة الخاصة بكم، أو ببساطة اتباع نمط حياة صحي، فان بودكاست "سوالف صحة" سوف يساعدكم على تحقيق ذلك
أ.ايمان العوضي
أخصائية تغذية ورياضية
ماجستير علم الرياضة والتمرين التطبيقي
Health Talk
Approximately 90% of people who lose weight will eventually regain it; especially if you jump from one fad diet to the next. Join nutrition expert, food scientist and chemical engineer, Christine Hronec, every week she dives into the science behind the challenges and complexities of sustained fat loss. Each episode contains life changing information to help you discover nutrition and training strategies that are best suited for your body type, your health goals, and the game changing habits behind maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
The Star Ingredient, a documentary podcast series, will take you on a culinary journey across Africa where we’ll meet communities and local chefs on a mission to revive the continent’s indigenous crops - all while sharing delicious new recipes and flavours.
Ce podcast en français: La surprise du chef.
This project was funded by the European Journalism Centre, through the Solutions Journalism Accelerator. This fund is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Ayurveda & Yoga are sister sciences that are thousands of years old and yet they are more relevant today than ever.
But what actually is Ayurveda and what lies behind terms such as Dosha, Vata, Agni & Co?
In this podcast we get weekly to the bottom of the Ayurvedic and Yogic way of life and experience how we can integrate them into our modern lifestyle in small steps.
This includes tips, meditations, things worth knowing, exercises and whatever else I can think of...... All in just 5 minutes!
It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or a veteran yogi, there's something for everyone here.
Looking forward to it!
Publishing details, legal disclosure, licenses, informations, terms and conditions found under -
I empower females all over the world to live a more fulfilled life while learning to balance taking care of others, their own health and embrace the confidence to thrive in all areas of life. No matter what hat you wear any day of the week-mom, wife, entrepreneur, or just fierce driven female, this podcast is for you!!!
Nicole Chenard, MS, RD, LDN, has helped develop some of the most ground-breaking performance programs with a special expertise in sports nutrition, fitness and lifestyle coaching. She is the host of the Nicole Chenard podcast, where she interviews legendary clinicians, professional athletes, chefs and experts about food science, performance, health law and evidenced-based success. For her ground-breaking work in the field, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics named Nicole "Emerging Dietetic Leader of the Year 2020" and she has been described as "Master Class" by her medical mentors.
Fit Is the new Rich - Get the inside track on lifestyle, fitness and success stories as our hosts Rob Sharpe chat with elite athletes, industry experts and with VIP guests. Learn about the best life hacks, success stories and fitness as they also share their 30 years of experience in the fitness industry as entrepreneurs.
The Dietitian Side Hustle podcast is for dietitians and students looking to be inspired, further their professional development, and perfect (or start!) their side hustle.
My name is Katie Dodd and I built a six-figure side hustle before leaving my full-time job- to do things I love!
Each episode is filled with information, inspiration, and action items to build the side hustle of your dreams. Let’s do this! -
The Australian Dental Association Victoria Branch brings you the latest news and need-to-know information from the world of dentistry.
- What’s happening now
- What you need to know
- Your questions answered. Email us at
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @Ausdentalvic. Visit us at -
This is the podcast to listen to if you're a mom who wants to lose weight. I'm a certified life coach and a certified nutrition coach and I'm going to teach you what you need to know to make weight loss easier. I'll cover the physiological and the mindset side of things to make sure you're using your body and your brain to lose weight in a simple, sustainable way.
What’s the best way to lose weight? How do I get rid of belly fat? How do I stick to my plan? What if I’m an emotional eater? Is it possible to lose weight during menopause? And the biggest question of all… Once I’ve lost the weight, how do I keep the weight off?
Welcome to the Keep the Weight Off Podcast, where we answer ALL of these questions, and so much more! Week after week, host Dr. Angela Zechmann, a medical doctor and specialist in Obesity Medicine, brings you the science, the psychology and the wisdom you need to achieve one of the most challenging goals out there -- LASTING weight loss! Dr. Angela shares tangible tips and strategies she has used with thousands of patients and online clients to help you understand how to ditch diets forever, develop the right mindset for lasting weight loss, understand the chemistry of your body, develop new strategies for managing your emotions, and so much more! -
Il nostro concetto di benessere é totalmente "made in Italy", ho come obiettivo trasmettere il messaggio che uno stile di vita sano non é sofferenza ma é godersi i piacere della vita nel rispetto del proprio corpo, con il relax e la bellezza della tradizione italiana!
Vi darò tanti piccoli consigli per cambiare il vostro stile di vita, per andare passo passo verso un corpo in equilibrio, una alimentazione consapevole e una cura della bellezza naturale! -
Jeder kennt den Spruch: der Mensch ist ein Gewohnheitstier! In diesem Podcast geht es darum, unsere Essgewohnheiten mal neu zu denken. Das stressige unausgewogene Frühstück, das schnelle Mittagessen am Arbeitsplatz, oder die abendliche Schokolade auf dem Sofa – all das sind Essgewohnheiten, die uns meistens selber stören. Michael Stranak ist gelernter Koch und Lebensmittelverarbeitungstechniker mit einem besonderen Fabel für gesünder Ernährung. Der Trainer und Coach gibt Tipps wie man einfach und unkompliziert Essgewohnheiten genussvoll ändern kann.
Join us on the Veganism podcast and discover the plant-based lifestyle! From tasty recipes to ethical and environmental considerations, our discussions will guide you towards a healthier, more compassionate way of living. Subscribe now and join the vegan movement! - Check out our Streaming Service for our full collection of audiobooks, podcasts, short stories, & 10 hour sounds for sleep and relaxation at our website