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Мы — дзве Насты, якія працуюць у невялічкай незалежнай кнігарні «Кніжная Шафа» на Грушаўцы ў Мінску.
У гэтым падкасце вас чакаюць разнастайныя кніжныя гісторыі, звязаныя з нашай чытацкай практыкай і наведвальнікамі кнігарні. Будзем расказваць, чым жыве «Кніжная Шафа», раіць кнігі і адказваць на вашы пытанні.
Кніжная Шафа ў сацыяльных сетках:
Плэйліст нашай кнігарні: h
Привет! Это «Эй, Йоу!»-подкаст от Street Beat! На связи Эйоу Виталик, и я болею кроссовками с 2007-го года. Сникергейм для меня - не просто хобби. Это целая культура, образ жизни, багаж интересных фактов и настоящая любовь.
Теперь вместе со Street Beat я буду рассказывать вам об этом и, конечно же, заряжать нашей любовью к кроссовкам.
Будем говорить о тонкостях и глубинах сникер-культуры, отвечать на вопросы приглашенных гостей и обсуждать всё, что связано с безумно интересным миром кроссовок.
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Худший "аниме" подкаст от пацанов на русском языке!
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Brought to you by, it's all about New England's Casinos and Recreational Gambling. We will look at news, trends, promotions, and events in New England's nine casinos and insights and tips for the recreational gambler. Support this podcast:
This is a podcast about rock music from Grand Tartaria. Here we will talk and listen to different music - from blues to rap, made in the territory from the White to the Black, and the Baltic to the Bering Seas.
Это подкаст о рок музыке Гранд Тартария. Тут мы будем говорить и слушать разную музыку - от блюза до рэпа, сделанной на территории от Белого до Черного, и Балтийского до Берингового морей. -
The Connecticut Music Oral History Podcast is a deep-dive interview series with musicians, artists, conduits, collectors, and dedicated fans focusing on 20th century Connecticut music history across all genres. This project preserves narratives, heralds unsung movers and shakers, and defines Connecticut’s influential role in cultural history.
This Tagalog-English podcast is a celebration of the different forms of passion, art, literature, and humanity found in different places, experienced at different intensities. In this podcast, there will be random talks about general and specific topics related to my main fandom (MCU and ARASHI). There will also be series and film reviews, book and anime recommendations, music talks, and more! Join me every Saturday, as I celebrate and talk about the roller coaster of emotions and the Happy Feels that my fandom brought to my life. Welcome to the Happy Feels Podcast!🌻