
  • Our "Positivity Coach", Prisca, is taking Davi on a neighborhood walk among the cracked and broken Atlanta sidewalks today! Will we learn the difference between what is "positive" and "toxic positivity"? Have you ever been addicted to the challenge of turning the hater? Is it time to celebrate forgetting certain anniversaries? Is it time to celebrate being "too sensitive"? Is that ringing in your ears intuition or tinnitus? 
     If you're feeling the guilt that comes along with setting boundaries and healing, Prisca brings you the "Elevator Analogy". And Davi has a message for all those "bullying is my love language" people.  Ruminate on it!

    You want access to the exclusive audio missing from this episode? Hear all the bits that no one else gets, like "My Lymph Node Tried to Yolanda Me!" or long, lost episodes "10 Things Your Boss Should NEVER Say to You"!  SEARCH and SUBSCRIBE to : "Davi The ScapeGOAT PLUS" on the platform you listen to your favorite podcasts and you'll get updates directly to your app! 
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  • Let's give this podcast some fresh air! Davi and Blair take the mobile rig to the "whimsical" backyard of Haus Crimmins. Let's discuss big butts and their self-defense benefits! Do you have "intrusive thoughts" or cautious thoughts? Do the neighborhood cats think you're a God...or an idiot? Do you think people still ask Richard Gere about the gerbil? 
     In this episode we'll learn about The Butt Cheek to Hole Ratio,  A shocking and heartbreaking discovery is made when we find out Blair is 100% All ButtH*le while Davi keeps a rusty, backup husband in the garage. And what may be the MOST RELATABLE QUESTION of all time; "If I fell on it... would you believe me?" 
    You want access to the exclusive audio missing from this episode, "Blair's Home Alone"? Hear all the bits that no one else gets, like "My Lymph Node Tried to Yolanda Me!" or long, lost episodes "10 Things Your Boss Should NEVER Say to You"!  SEARCH and SUBSCRIBE to : "Davi The ScapeGOAT PLUS" on the platform you listen to your favorite podcasts and you'll get updates directly to your app! 
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  • Davi and Blair are back in the ScapeGOAT studio to continue part 2 of the discussion "Has Therapy Language Jumped the Shark?" Blair gives us his expert opinion on this mental health awareness phenomenon as they continue to read from  'Therapy Speak': Is It Healthy Or Is It Being Weaponized? by Doctor of Clinical Psychology, Perpetua Neo.
     Should we be using more "Animal Psychology" to explain inequity at the office? Because that new hire just did a fancy little dancey for the bossman and now he got your promotion and they're golfing besties. Let's roast gaslighting, authenticity, authentically being LiT from all the gas in your house, and avoiding those that collect the vulnerable in a sanctimonious display of "look at my new little freak! i got one!"
    What if your mediation is just plotting? What if your being diagnosed by a non-medical professional? What if your team is starting to feel a lot like that family in 'Saltburn' ? What if you're storing trauma in your hips and he's storing trauma in his fists? And how come country folk be all zen af? Let's talk about it! 

    Want more access to stories, exclusive episodes, and our VIP content of DTSG? Hear the bits no one else gets, like the uncensored "Therapy Language Jumped the Shark" or "My Lymph Node Tried to Yolanda Me!" or the long, lost episodes "10 Things Your Boss Should NEVER Say to You" and "Looking for The Upside with Callie Dauler"!  SEARCH and SUBSCRIBE to : "Davi The ScapeGOAT PLUS" on the platform you listen to your favorite podcasts and you'll get updates directly to your app! 
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  • WARNING! It's being weaponized in your home, your relationship, and your workplace! We need to talk about the double-edged-sword that is "Therapy Speak". Blair and Davi will discuss 'Has Therapy Language officially "Jumped the Shark" and their own personal experiences with the trend. Also, what the hell does it mean to 'jump the shark' anyhow? Blair will tell us of the olden days of "Happy Days" and Davi will give us some updated sayings for us to use when our entertainment chooses to "Drop the Ice Cream Cone" or "Sting the Thomas Jay". Ladies, are you storing all your "trauma" in your hips? They told me to do yoga about it but naaamaste-traumatized and go get me a ZENsation Zalad instead.
    They read over 'Therapy Speak': Is It Healthy Or Is It Being Weaponized? by Doctor of Clinical Psychology, Perpetua Neo.

    Want more access to stories, exclusive episodes, and our VIP content of DTSG? Hear the bits no one else gets, like the uncensored "Therapy Language Jumped the Shark" or "My Lymph Node Tried to Yolanda Me!" or the long, lost episodes "10 Things Your Boss Should NEVER Say to You" and "Looking for The Upside with Callie Dauler"!  SEARCH and SUBSCRIBE to : "Davi The ScapeGOAT PLUS" on the platform you listen to your favorite podcasts and you'll get updates directly to your app! 
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  • Let's get real! Let's dig deep! It's a FAMiLY MEETiNG where our hosts Davi & Blair Crimmins' dark secrets come to the light! Davi has an embarrassing confession about the classroom prep she did for Blair and if you thought THAT was bad, just wait until you hear Blair's confession to Davi. "It's SERIOUS!" 
    Are you suffering from "Brain Rot" or is it genetics? Ever woke up from an accident with a whole new special set of skills and interests you never knew you had? Blair teases for us the tale about the time he had a great fall and all of Grady Hospital put him back together again! And another thing...why is Humpty Dumpty always portrayed as a dapper egg? They never actually say that he is an EGG nor what tax bracket he's in to be dressed so sophisticated. Loitering on a wall, midday, with no health insurance? No, I don't want no scrubs! 🥚

    Want more access to stories and exclusive episodes of DTSG? Hear the bits no one else gets, like "My Lymph Node Tried to Yolanda Me!" or long, lost episodes "10 Things Your Boss Should NEVER Say to You" and "Looking for The Upside with Callie Dauler"!  SEARCH and SUBSCRIBE to : "Davi The ScapeGOAT PLUS" on the platform you listen to your favorite podcasts and you'll get updates directly to your app! 
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  • Today in the ScapeGOAT studio we're talking RUNAWAY stories with Blair Crimmins! Everyone has a runaway story. Maybe you had minimalist dreams of a nomadic lifestyle, all your belongings within a handkerchief on the end of a lil' stick. Or maybe you once picked up on a vibe, trusted your intuition, packed a bag, and did a FULL King Curtis impression down the driveway as you exited the situation. Blair and Davi will discuss their personal runaway experiences from childhood to adulthood, the fig newton diet, partake in a roger miller sing-a-long, and give tips on what to pack and what NOT to pack. Probably don't need to bring the "4 Player Minimum Board Game"

     Davi corrects Blair on an outdated term but he doubles down because you know what? It's time to "bring it back". How come men are called "realists" while women are called "pessimists"? Maybe it's time for you to become the villain they always wanted you to be! Maybe you're due for a good adulthood run away, a move on, or a quit? Like most ScapeG.O.A.T. episodes, we find the positive in the GREATEST runaway story turned hostile workplace metaphor OF ALL TIME! Remember, sometimes you have to reach your dreams to find out they're actually trash that's weighing you down.

    Want more stories from when our frontal lobe wasn't fully cooked yet and access to exclusive audio missing from this episode? Hear the bits no one else gets, like "My Lymph Node Tried to Yolanda Me!" or long, lost episodes "10 Things Your Boss Should NEVER Say to You" and "Looking for The Upside with Callie Dauler"!  SEARCH and SUBSCRIBE to : "Davi The ScapeGOAT PLUS" on the platform you listen to your favorite podcasts and you'll get updates directly to your app! 

    Help keep America's runaway and homeless youth safe and off the streets! Are you or a friend considering running away? Are you a runaway that would like help getting back home to your family? They're here to help you! Call: 
     1-800-RUNAWAY (or) 1-800-786-2929
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  • Today we're back in the ScapeGOAT studio with Moote and he's requesting a posthumous digital "clean up crew". What secrets are you hiding? What do you want to be hiding? A secret family, perhaps? Proof of your embarrassing first date at Home Depot? Were you the schoolyard magician or were you just a bully? If all the world's a wrestling ring, are you a heel or a hero? And Davi demands we all Vote NO to 'Cute Kid Privilege' at the Renaissance Festival joust this year - because she's had enough!  

    Want to have access to exclusive audio missing from this episode? Hear the bits no one else gets, like "You better Man-o-pause!" or long, lost episodes "10 Things Your Boss Should NEVER Say to You" and "Looking for The Upside with Callie Dauler"! SEARCH and SUBSCRIBE to : "Davi The ScapeGOAT PLUS" on the platform you listen to your favorite podcasts and you'll get updates directly to your app! 
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  • Moote got lost on his way back to ScapeGOAT studios and in this episode he'll come to terms with his extreme GPS reliance. Let's discuss the trauma response of not asking for clarity, freezing up in social situations, and making the uber driver your bestie. Davi and Moote got a HOW TO be the productive WFH spouse, navigate the dumbest marital arguments and triggers, recovering from the disgusting rentals we lived in, and much more! But seriously... why curtain when blanket? 

     Want to have access to exclusive podcast episodes and edited content no one else hears? Listen to the bits no one else gets! SEARCH and SUBSCRIBE to : "Davi The ScapeGOAT PLUS" on the platform you listen to your favorite podcasts and you'll get updates directly to your app!  
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  • Today in the ScapeGOAT studio, Davi and Blair Crimmins are WOmanifesting!  It's like MANifesting - but a lil more bitchy! Hope you don't mind if they start to sound a little crunchy, granola, "woo-woo" with all this hippy talk. There seems to be a lot to unpack here after their life-changing trip to Mazatlán, Mexico for the total eclipse of the sun. Does the path of totality bring good fortune? You be the judge! 

     Davi wants Blair to bring back this phrase from their early days of dating. They reminisce on the time she had to 'Harry and the Hendersons' a waitress to save their marriage. They'll discuss the massive difference in how men and women argue. Can you help Davi figure out how to make the ADHD work FOR you instead of against you again? They'll discuss the biggest bummer of homeownership, stopping Davi from reading the comments, and keeping good vibes while we say "Goodbye" to our Italian Cypress trees with a SPOT ON impression of those spicy meatballs! 

     Want to have access to exclusive podcast episodes no one else hears? Listen to the bits no one else gets! SEARCH and SUBSCRIBE to : "Davi The ScapeGOAT PLUS" on the platform you listen to your favorite podcasts and you'll get updates directly to your app! 
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  • Today on Davi The ScapeGOAT our cohost Moote asks the real deep questions... "If you could go back in time - Would You Punch You in the Face?" The friends reminisce on self-frustrations, lessons learned, and the most awkward stand up comedy moments. As Moote prepares for his new show, Davi wants to teach him how to stay on top of current trends. The pair discuss their weirdest For You Page discoveries. It's time for us all to accept the fact that "If your FYP is gross then SO ARE YOU." 
     Want to have access to exclusive podcast episodes no one else hears? Listen to the bits no one else gets! SEARCH and SUBSCRIBE to : "Davi The ScapeGOAT PLUS" on the platform you listen to your favorite podcasts and you'll get updates directly to your app! 
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  • Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to welcome into the ScapeGOAT studio for the first time ever, Brian Moote! He's still alive and kicking, despite a recent loss - a feeling Davi knows all too well! Radio has, once again, killed the radio star! 

     Moote will show us how to conquer being killed off with positivity and laughter! They'll discuss the dwindling industry, missing radio regulars, and the toxicity of surrounding yourself with "yes men". How do you stay true to yourself when the corporate monster hires you for your unique talent and perspective, then immediately tries to change you? And what's more AMERiCA than saving the stoned guy stuck in the elevator? 🇺🇸
      Davi and Moote discuss it all AND where you can find him and his new show! 

     Want to have access to exclusive podcast episodes no one else hears? Listen to the bits no one else gets! SEARCH and SUBSCRIBE to : "Davi The ScapeGOAT PLUS" on the platform you listen to your favorite podcasts and you'll get updates directly to your app! 
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  • We're celebrating 100 EPISODES today in the ScapeGOAT studio! Davi and Blair Crimmins will reminisce on their favorite moments and go over the highlights requested by our ScapeGOAT listeners. Time to crown our most memorable ScapeGOAT Cohost! Who do YOU think is "the best at being the worst"? 
     Want to have access to exclusive audio missing from this episode? Hear the bits no one else gets, like long, lost episode "10 Things Your Boss Should NEVER Say to You"! SEARCH and SUBSCRIBE to : "Davi The ScapeGOAT PLUS" on the platform you listen to your favorite podcasts and you'll get updates directly to your app! 
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  • Thomas Ryan Lawrence from Q+ Equality is back in the ScapeGOAT studio answering the listeners' questions with more "legal advice from non-professionals non-attorneys"! Thomas helps us write an email to listener Jill's sympathetic supervisor, who just made a bunch of crummy business decisions. Can Jill be totally honest with boss? And the two cohosts are sensing all sorts of trouble coming from listener Ariel's workplace. Could cutting her hours be some sort of retaliation? 

    You've probably heard tell of the gaslighting and manipulating supervisor - but have you heard The Legend of the Sympathetic Supervisor? We'll get into it! Thomas doesn't care for Davi's system while Davi is "physically hurt" by Thomas's new vocal non-warmup we call "Saying Less." You know it's serious when Thomas pulls out the tough love and says, "Your organization failed you." 

    Got workplace questions? Ask our HR Rep, Thomas Ryan Lawrence, and the G.O.A.T.! Hit us up

    ScapeGOATs can donate to Q+ EQUALITY FOUNDATION here:

     Want to have access to exclusive audio missing from this episode? Hear the bits no one else gets! SEARCH and SUBSCRIBE to : "Davi The ScapeGOAT PLUS" on the platform you listen to your favorite podcasts and you'll get updates directly to your app! 

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  • All aboard! You're going on a sobriety journey - deep into the unconscious minds of this Atlanta based couple, Davi & Blair Crimmins. In this episode they'll discuss a new local option for 'mocktail' lovers, conquering these booze-soaked holidays with your integrity intact, and the vivid dreams that follow! Let's discuss these intense times of rest and figure out what they mean together! 
    🎶 Sweet dreams about frogs and keys! Who am I to interpret these? We traveled the web and used google for free... everybody wants access to exclusive episodes!  SEARCH and SUBSCRIBE to : "Davi The ScapeGOAT PLUS" on the platform you listen to your favorite podcasts! 

    Got questions, comments, drama, requests, or need advice? Hit us up :
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  • Davi is back in studio with Thomas Ryan Lawrence from Q+ Equality, answering ScapeGOAT listeners' questions! Today our letter comes from listener Ted, who feels trapped back in the closet thanks to some new policies at work that made the news. Davi and Thomas's advice may surprise you! They'll discuss why rainbows trigger the south, how to manage a company that you feel doesn't have your back, being a vulnerable leader, and why compromise isn't always perfect. 

    Got workplace questions? Ask our HR Rep, Thomas Ryan Lawrence, and the G.O.A.T.! Hit us up

    ScapeGOATs can donate to Q+ EQUALITY FOUNDATION here:

     Want to have access to exclusive audio missing from this episode? Hear the bits no one else gets! SEARCH and SUBSCRIBE to : "Davi The ScapeGOAT PLUS" on the platform you listen to your favorite podcasts and you'll get updates directly to your app! 
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  • We're back in the ScapeGOAT studio with our newly engaged friend, Kyro. He finally finishes his proposal story - with MORE tangents! Do we need a mercury in retrograde bunker? Who do we call the NEW "big show"? Do ducks even deserve name-brand? Secret bank accounts, the alleged nasty women who have them, and other fun secrets to keep from your partner. They also discuss the marital traditions that need to go, guys being "giddy", Davi's marriage advice, and how, in some cases, the grass actually is greener on the other side. 

    It's time for the official 'Pre-Nuptial FAQ's' - like 'What movie is your relationship model?' Kids? Moving? Bills? Changing names? Should the old dude from UP remarry? And other Pixar sequels nobody wants...

     You want the bits that are missing from this interview, like Kyro's fun game? Get access to exclusive episodes in the palm of your hand! SEARCH and SUBSCRIBE to : "Davi The ScapeGOAT PLUS" on the platform you listen to your favorite podcasts! 

    Got questions? Ask the G.O.A.T.! Hit up
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  • Davi is back in studio with Thomas Ryan Lawrence from Q+ Equality, answering listeners' questions! You wanted advice for dealing with a workplace bully - you got it! You wanted a HOW TO on addressing your workplace bully - here it is! You wanted to know WHY do adults still bully? Davi and TRL give it a ponder! 

    They'll also discuss how to prepare yourself in a hostile workplace - FDF, baby! As well as the negative impacts of bullying, why no one speaks up, and Thomas helps us write another *calm* email! 
      + Do you actually know your employee rights? Maybe not! 
      + Is ScapeGOAT Listener Charice losing her benefits BECAUSE she has a disability? 
      + Remember to let that interview breathe! 

     Got workplace questions? Ask our HR Rep, Thomas Ryan Lawrence, and the G.O.A.T.! Hit us up

    ScapeGOATs can donate to Q+ EQUALITY FOUNDATION here:

     Want to have access to exclusive audio missing from this episode? Hear the bits no one else gets! SEARCH and SUBSCRIBE to : "Davi The ScapeGOAT PLUS" on the platform you listen to your favorite podcasts and you'll get updates directly to your app! 
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  • Davi is back in studio with comfort human Kyro! He's giving us all the life updates complete with an exciting announcement! They'll also discuss wall cats, death by squirrels, accessorizing for men, and Kyro's theory on THE WORST zodiac sign! 

    Got questions? Ask the G.O.A.T.! Hit up

     You want the bits that are missing from this interview, like Kyro's fun new game? Get access to exclusive episodes in the palm of your hand! SEARCH and SUBSCRIBE to : "Davi The ScapeGOAT PLUS" on the platform you listen to your favorite podcasts! 

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  • Thomas Ryan Lawrence is back in the ScapeGOAT studio to explain the Workplace "Family" Paradox AND we get an update from LIstener Cynthia who emailed last year looking for advice on navigating trouble at work as a true leader. Thomas has the best advice for an instant workplace morale boost that ALL managers MUST hear. They'll discuss attempting to fill the void of a dysfunctional family wound with a dysfunctional workplace "family" later in life, disarming narcissistic bosses, learning to "act your wage", and bringing back retirement parties. 
     And another thing;
     It's time to STOP APOLOGIZING - say this instead! 

     Got workplace questions? Ask our HR Rep, Thomas Ryan Lawrence, and the G.O.A.T.! Hit us up

    ScapeGOATs can donate to Q+ EQUALITY FOUNDATION here:

     Want to have access to exclusive episodes in the palm of your hand? SEARCH and SUBSCRIBE to : "Davi The ScapeGOAT PLUS" on the platform you listen to your favorite podcasts! 

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  • Davi took the podcast to visit iHeart studios again, where Moote, Kimmie, & Otis broadcast on The Bull in Atlanta. They're talking home renovation horrors, competitive Valentine's Day gifting, Kimmie got ghosted by Tiny Tim Mcgraw, worst celebrity comparisons, AND a step-by-step guide on HOW TO DANCE! 

    Want access to the exclusive video recordings of Davi The ScapeGOAT "Elbows in, Wieners out" LiVE at iHeart studios? Join the Club - get a password - watch and enjoy! + many other member perks! 
     Want to have access to exclusive episodes in the palm of your hand? SEARCH and SUBSCRIBE to : "Davi The ScapeGOAT PLUS" on the platform you listen to your favorite podcasts! 

    Got questions, comments, drama, requests, or need advice? Hit us up :
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