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Speakeasy c'est 3 créateurs de contenus, représentés par /influx qui échangent ensemble une fois par semaine sur des sujets de philosophie de vie, méthodes de travail et adoption des nouvelles technologies.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Don Chisciotte racconta l’attualità economica a partire dai dati e dai report delle più importanti istituzioni di statistica e ricerca sia a livello nazionale che internazionale, e da oggi si unisce al catalogo dei nostri podcast e nella nostra programmazione editoriale.
In un mondo in continua trasformazione, dove l'economia influenza ogni aspetto delle nostre vite, "Don Chisciotte" offre gli strumenti necessari per capire i cambiamenti che ci circondano per ispirare un mondo con un nuovo motore economico. Un podcast per lottare con i dati contro le frasi fatte e i mulini a vento del dibattito economico in Italia, condotto da Oscar Giannino con Carlo Alberto Carnevale Maffé e Renato Cifarelli.
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In un mondo in cui spazio e tempo sono stati stravolti e ne abbiamo sempre meno di entrambi, esploriamo il mondo con The Essential, una rassegna che racconta l’attualità politica, economica e culturale in cinque minuti. Notizie scelte e raccontate ogni mattina da Mia Ceran.
Puoi inviare i tuoi suggerimenti per la puntata del sabato direttamente nei commenti dei singoli episodi su Spotify!
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The Private Equity PErspectives podcast serves as a forum for private equity dealmakers to discuss navigating today’s dynamic investment environment, while preparing for challenges and opportunities on the horizon. In each episode, BDO’s Private Equity practice connects with leaders in the industry to talk deal activity, fund strategies, and portfolio company optimization.
Welcome to Tranos and the Lived Experience!
A podcast confronting current events, politics, comedy, and calamity from the perspective of a Trans Titaness. She’s a verbal black belt, skilled in the Roast arts! The "Hell Mouth", "Doom Sayer."
C.E.O. of the Amazon Position! Here’s your host, Kamryn Ehlen Jerrel... -
Le média de la transition -
Leurs vies sont bouleversées, compliquées, extraordinaires mais elles racontent une histoire qui résonne en chacun de nous. Chaque mois, pendant une vingtaine de minutes, le podcast « Leurs vies » illustre un phénomène de société au travers du témoignage de celui qui l’a vécu et de l’éclairage d’un expert, pour aller plus loin.
Carina ist Landwirtin mit Leidenschaft, Herz und dem eigenen Hof in der Voreifel. Johannes ist ebenfalls Landwirt und arbeitet beim Landmaschinenhersteller LEMKEN im Produktmarketing. Im Podcast Boden&ständig sprechen die beiden zu den wichtigsten Themen aus der Landwirtschaft, mit Begeisterung, Witz und spannenden Gästen. Es geht unter anderem um den Beruf Landwirt, den Generationenkonflikt und natürlich ums Wetter.
Jetzt reinhören! Überall, wo es Podcasts gibt. -
You may be the farmer or married to the farmer - this podcast will help you balance family and merge your personal needs with your farm demands. You can have a profitable biz AND a lovely, fulfilled life. I teach you personal development tools & strategies to finally conquer overwhelm and the feeling that you're not doing enough in your family or in your business. You'll learn step-by-step how to create the results you want in life!
The Business of Fitness is a weekly podcast where we explore all things athletic industry-related through the lens of the women who are kicking ass in their professions. Want to open a yoga studio, work as a team manager, or create your own fitness line? From aspirational interviews with fitness industry leaders to actionable advice from women who are kicking ass in their small businesses, our mission is to go behind the scenes to figure out how these women keep their shit together.
Themen: Psychologie, High Performance, Positive Psychologie, Mental Health, Fitness, Training, Leistung, Gesundheit, Motivation, Produktivität & Coaching.
Jan Klein ist Lehrer am Gymnasium, Sportwissenschaftler und Absolvent des Masterstudiums an der East University of London in Positiver Psychologie & Coaching.
📳 Instagram ► janklein.offical
► Coaching Anfragen an [email protected] oder über Instagram.
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Interviews with people who have their own business and side projects. From yoga teachers, food bloggers, a world record beating Atlantic rower (in the making), to psychologists- Project Pod finds out how they developed their project, what they've learnt along the way, what are the ideas that drive their business and tips for people who might want to develop their own project or business.
We share unbelievable life stories from some of the most, real, captivating and inspiring: athletes, artists & businessmen and women and from around the world.We can all learn from each other's lives and experiences.IWe all know the value in hearing from someone who has been through the part of life you are in right now and has made it to the other side. Life IS Beautiful.#CrushLife
La Voie des Grands, c'est un podcast dédié à ceux qui cherchent à s'améliorer, à croitre professionnellement et personnellement, et à devenir meilleur.
Chaque semaine je reçois un invité de marque, du monde de l'entrepreneuriat, du sport, de l'art, de la musique et bien d'autres encore.
Ensemble on discute de leurs parcours, de leurs experiences, de leurs conseils, de leurs réussites, mais aussi de leurs échecs.
Vous y découvrirez des histoires inspirantes, mais aussi un tas de pépites qui pourront vous aider à vous aussi surmonter vos défis, croître et devenir un plus grand vous. -
Richard & John Spears answer your questions & discuss the oilfield services business. The Spears brothers have a combined 75+ years as leading industry experts and are prized speakers for events all across the globe.
The Drilldown will visit all topics in the oilfield services & equipment and discuss industry current events.
New episode every Monday!
Got a question? Send it to [email protected]