
  • In February 2012 - a year after the war in Syria had started - photographer Paul Conroy and Sunday Times correspondent Marie Colvin smuggled themselves into the war-ravaged Syrian city of Homs. As the first journalists on the scene, they witnessed the targeted attacks perpetrated by the Syrian government on women, children and civilian hospitals. 

    As they were broadcasting the siege of Homs live to the world, the Syrian regime was using their satellites to locate and target them. The missile attack that followed killed both Marie and French photojournalist Rémi Ochlik and severely injured Paul. 

    Ten years on since the start of the conflict in Syria, Paul Conroy talks to former Sunday Times journalist and colleague of Marie Colvin, Tom Pattinson, about those fateful hours in Homs.

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  • If you could cheat death, would you?

    Technology has progressed at a phenomenal rate, allowing us to do things deemed impossible. In this episode, Edwina Stott takes a look at the tech, which could enable us to live forever and asks whether an eternal digital afterlife is something we really want.

    She speaks with Eugenia Kuyda, founder of Replika, who built a chatbot from her dead friend’s text messages; Professor Michael Graziano, who firmly believes that one day we’ll all upload our brains to a digital universe and Associate Professor Patrick Stokes, who explains why we’ll all have a digital afterlife - whether we like it, or not.

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    DEF:Tech #002 - Show Notes

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  • In Everyone Loves Britney, we investigate the complex conservatorship case of Britney Spears.

    The series looks at her troubled past and what led to her being put under a conservatorship. We question the legality of the processes that took place, and analyse the problems within the probate court system. We speak to people who have been through conservatorships and the attorneys who want to see change. And we ask who stands to benefit from Britney's ongoing conservatorship that has cost her millions.

    Does Britney really need the conservatorship, or is she being held against her will?

    IV. Blackout
    Britney's father has controlled her conservatorship for 13 years, but Britney has now said she will no longer perform whilst he is in control. In this episode, we look at who has been making money from Britney's estate and whether Britney really needs the conservatorship or not.

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  • In Everyone Loves Britney, we investigate the complex conservatorship case of Britney Spears.

    The series looks at her troubled past and what led to her being put under a conservatorship. We question the legality of the processes that took place, and analyse the problems within the probate court system. We speak to people who have been through conservatorships and the attorneys who want to see change. And we ask who stands to benefit from Britney's ongoing conservatorship that has cost her millions.

    Does Britney really need the conservatorship or is she being held against her will?

    III. Toxic
    Britney’s previously absent father takes control of her life and wealth as her conservator but questions are asked as to whether she needs or wants a conservatorship. In this episode, we look at a system that has failed many of the most vulnerable it is meant to protect and what is being done to change the system.

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  • In Everyone Loves Britney, we investigate the complex conservatorship case of Britney Spears.

    The series looks at her troubled past and what led to her being put under a conservatorship. We question the legality of the processes that took place, and analyse the problems within the probate court system. We speak to people who have been through conservatorships and the attorneys who want to see change. And we ask who stands to benefit from Britney's ongoing conservatorship that has cost her millions.

    Does Britney really need the conservatorship or is she being held against her will?

    II. Circus
    At the height of her fame, Britney's struggles become apparent as the media frenzy around her starts to become dangerously intrusive and chronicles every aspect of her personal life. The collapse of her marriage and losing custody of her kids send her spiralling out of control and the public become judge and jury in a case that sees her locked into a court-appointed conservatorship.

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  • In Everyone Loves Britney, we investigate the complex conservatorship case of Britney Spears.

    The series looks at her troubled past and what led to her being put under a conservatorship. We question the legality of the processes that took place, and analyse the problems within the probate court system. We speak to people who have been through conservatorships and the attorneys who want to see change. And we ask who stands to benefit from Britney's ongoing conservatorship that has cost her millions.

    Does Britney really need the conservatorship or is she being held against her will?

    I. Glory
    Britney Spears shot to fame in 1998 with her hit single Baby One More Time. She became the world's media darling with her catchy pop hits selling millions around the globe. But the teenage singer was already witnessing the dark side of the media whose obsession with her personal life was starting to take its toll

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  • The Silk Road was an anonymous marketplace created by Ross Ulbricht on the dark web. Designed with libertarian principles, Ross hinted on his LinkedIn profile what he was working on:

    “I want to use economic theory as a means to abolish the use of coercion and aggression amongst mankind. Just as slavery has been abolished most everywhere, I believe violence, coercion and all forms of force by one person over another can come to an end. The most widespread and systemic use of force is amongst institutions and governments, so this is my current point of effort. The best way to change a government is to change the minds of the governed, however. To that end, I am creating an economic simulation to give people a first-hand experience of what it would be like to live in a world without the systemic use of force.”

    Two technologies enabled Ross to achieve his goals with the website:
    - The Tor Browser: enabled the IP address of the server hosting the website to be hidden, while also allowing users to browse and purchase from the website anonymously.
    - Bitcoin: enabled buyers and sellers to transact pseudonymously with each other without using debit or credit cards.

    While the website allowed for the trade of any goods, it was primarily used for and became synonymous with drugs, with listings for all types of recreational and over the counter drugs in almost any quantity.

    One of the key features of the website was the ability to leave reviews of sellers, which led to a fairer system than the street trade. Sellers did not want to risk losing business, so they could set the grade of their products. This also, arguably, protected buyers by reducing the risk of 'bad batches' and sellers cutting their products with other impurities, something is often seen in the street trade to increase profits.

    Ross created a pseudonym, Dread Pirate Roberts, to act as the master admin for the site and he claimed he passed this onto another person early on in the project. It was this pseudonym and master admin, that became the target of multiple law enforcement agencies, across the world.

    In October 2013, the FBI was able to access the servers and close down the website. Ross was apprehended in an uncover sting at the San Francisco Library on October 2nd and charged with:
    - Possession with intent to distribute controlled substances (dropped in sentencing)
    - Distribution of narcotics by means of the internet
    - Narcotics trafficking conspiracy (dropped in sentencing)
    - Computer hacking conspiracy
    - Fake ID trafficking conspiracy
    - Money laundering conspiracy
    - Continuing criminal enterprise, aka the kingpin charge

    On 4 February 2015, Ross was convicted of seven charges and received a double life sentence + 40 years, condemning Ross to spend the rest of his life in prison.

    The case presents many complex issues, from the harshness of the sentence to the role of the state. The subject is highly emotive with valid arguments on both sides of the drugs debate. Some argue that the war on drugs is a failure and the Silk Road enabled buyers and sellers to transact in a safe and non-violent way, while opponents would say that the website made it too easy for vulnerable people to gain access to dangerous and hard drugs.

    The case also brings up wider topics for discussion, should we as humans be free to put in our bodies what we choose or do we need protection from the state? Why is alcohol legal when other drugs aren't?

    The Silk Road included information for buyers on the safe use of drugs and Meghan Ralston, a former "harm reduction manager" for the Drug Policy Alliance, was quoted as saying that the Silk Road was:
    “A peaceful alternative to the often deadly violence so commonly associated with the global drug war, and street drug transactions.”

    In this interview I talk to Lyn Ulbricht, Ross's mother about Ross, his arrest, the case and the US prison system. Lyn raises important questions around the harshness of the sentence and the growth in life sentences for non-violent crimes.

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  • Britney Spears' father has controlled her career and finances since 2008, in a hugely controversial, court-ordered conservatorship.

    In Everyone Loves Britney, we speak to the people fighting for her freedom as part of the #FreeBritney campaign and take a look at those who have benefited most from her fame and fortune.

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  • If you could modify your brain, would you? What if an implant or device could make you more efficient, store your memories, or even help you move in ways you are currently unable to?

    It might seem like a throwaway, theoretical question, but it's one we all may have to consider and potentially, sooner than you'd think.

    Brain-Computer Interfaces are being developed by gaming companies, social media giants and even the world's richest man, Elon Musk. It's big business, and the possibilities are endless. So what does it mean for us? What are the risks? And could this change society forever?

    To find out, Defiance Tech's Edwina Stott speaks with The University of Pittsburgh's Dr Robert Gaunt, BCI pioneer Nathan Copeland, neuroscientist Sophia Batchelor and Andrew Jackson, Professor of Neural Interfaces at Newcastle University.

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    DEF:Tech #001 - Show Notes

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  • In September 2020, KuCoin, a Singapore based cryptocurrency exchange was hacked for around $285 million of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Exchanges which hold large amounts of cryptocurrency are a constant target for hackers. 

    Lazarus Group, are a cybercrime group with strong links to North Korea. Over the past decade they have been accused of a number of high profile attacks including the 2014 Sony data breach, the 2016 Bangladesh Bank robbery, the ‘WannaCry’ attack and most recently the $285 million KuCoin hack.

    With North Korea the subject of heavy UN sanctions and the economy struggling, exacerbated by COVID-19, it has had to look to its sophisticated state funded hacking team Lazarus to fund its large army and condemned nuclear program.

    In this interview, we hear from Paul French, author of North Korea: A State of Paranoia and an expert on the region. We discuss how the Lazarus group is increasingly looking to cryptocurrency to fund the North Korean regime.

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    DEF080 - Show Notes

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  • For 28 years, Lebanon's Lira has been pegged to the US Dollar. But 18 months ago, following widespread protests, the government collapsed. Loan defaults and central bank mismanagement saw the Lira devalue and the people of Lebanon could only watch as the value of their savings dropped by the day.

    Currency controls have meant that getting access to US dollar savings is heavily restricted in Lebanon and converting them into local currency at the bank rate is almost worthless.

    But a small group of entrepreneurs in Beirut have created an underground Bitcoin market. These Bitcoin dealers meet clients in quiet corners of supermarkets to convert their hoarded dollars into Bitcoin in a bid to preserve their value from the banks 80% devaluation. And to convert overseas dollar remittances into dollars at a real market rate to enable residents to pay for essential services.

    As Lebanon is on the brink of collapse, we look at how the Beirut locals are increasingly looking to Bitcoin as an alternative to their broken banking system.

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    DEF079 - Show Notes

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  • Last week a group of Redditors from the subreddit r/WallStreetBets took on Wall Street when they collectively bought shares of the struggling video game retailer GameStop.

    This movement started when it was discovered that approximately 140% of GameStop shares were sold short. With the collective buying power of the millions of subscribers to the WallStreetBets subreddit, they initiated a short squeeze. By driving the price higher, those who had short positions had to buy back the stock to cover their positions, again driving the price higher.

    In less than two weeks, the share price went from around $20 to over $460. 

    Amongst the people on the wrong side of this trade were Melvin Capital, a Hedge Fund that started the year with over $12 billion under management. After frantically trying to cover their position, GameStop wiped out a staggering $4.5 billion of their assets and reported a 53% loss on its investments in January. 

    At the height of the rally, and with WallStreetBets out for blood, Robinhood, the world's most popular retail trading platform ceased trading on a number of heavily shorted assets, most notably GameStop (GME).

    The company claimed they were not prepared for the frenzied trading and that they lacked the capital to continue operations. However, some have suggested that the company's decision to cease trading was down to influential Wall Streeters.

    To better understand what has been happening over the last few weeks, and the implications on the future, I am joined by Bill Barhydt, Hester Peirce, Jaime Rogozinski, Max Keiser, Nathaniel Whittemore & Preston Pysh.

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    DEF078 - Show Notes

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  • Fifty years ago, a war on drugs was launched. Its aim was to irradicate drugs by stopping the supply and punishing use. That war has failed as drug use is more prevalent than ever before. Hundreds of thousands die from overdoses, prisons are clogged with users, and the cost to the economy and society is devastating.

    But attitudes are changing. Twenty years after Portugal set the global standard by decriminalising the possession of all drugs, Oregan has become the first state in the US to follow that lead. With tax proceeds from legal cannabis sales going to drug healthcare programmes, the attitude has started to shift from making drugs a criminal issue to a healthcare one.

    In this episode, we speak to the Oregon lawmakers, and drug reformers in the US and the UK about what is being done and what's next. And Joao Goulao - the doctor who established the Portuguese drug reform model 20 years ago - explains the huge success that Portugal has experienced because of these reforms.

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  • With the COVID-19 lockdowns forcing people to stay in their homes and, if possible, not go into the office, businesses have adapted, and remote work has boomed.

    Remote work tools have been available for years, but companies and individuals have realised that the office is less critical while on lockdown. With workers no longer having to go into the office and restaurants, bars and entertainment either closed or heavily restricted, what is the benefit to living in the city?

    There has been a growing exodus from major cities during the pandemic, but the coronavirus restrictions are not the only reason. Many in the US have moved to other states or even countries, to benefit from preferred business regulations or tax rates.

    In A Borderless World, we find out what is behind this exodus from major cities, how accessible global migration will change the way we live and what cities of the future will look like.

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    DEF076 - Show Notes

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  • Following Joe Biden's victory in the Presidential election, Donald Trump and his allies have continually called the election's validity into question and stated that it was fraudulent, with Trump demanding the result be overthrown. 

    Following the election, surveys have found between 70-80% of Republicans thinking that the result was fraudulent, whilst Democrats have faith in its integrity.

    Last week, the tensions reached boiling point when a Trump-supporting mob stormed the Capitol building in Washington D.C, which ultimately led to five people's deaths.

    We are now just days away from Joe Biden's inauguration, and there are fears that there will be further protests and violence from Trump's supporters. Further, it is looking like Trump will be impeached for a second time.

    How did we get to this point where people do not trust the integrity of an election?

    In this interview, I talk to Isaac Saul, founder of Tangle, a daily, non-partisan political newsletter. We discuss the claims of fraud in the presidential election, partisan news and the political divide.

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  • America has the highest prison population of anywhere in the world, and young black men have a 50% chance of ending up in jail by the age of 23.

    Seventy million Americans currently have a criminal record, leading to challenges accessing legal aid, housing, healthcare, voting rights and most importantly, the ability to get a job. Without an income, many fall back into crime and return to jail.

    The economic and social costs to both society and the individuals is devastating, but with high urban poverty, widespread gang violence, a semi-privatised prison system, and little political will, very little is being done to reform the system.

    Former convict Richard Bronson is on a mission to change that. He has established the Commissary Club which helps find jobs for those with criminal records as well as finding mentors and support systems for the recently released.

    In this episode, we speak to Richard Bronson and two former gang members Sean Dupree and Victor Lombard - known as Divine - about their experience of finding work since their release from incarceration.

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  • In October, Nigerians took to the streets to protest against police brutality in the #EndSARS campaign. 

    SARS is the Special Anti Robbery Squad is a Nigerian police unit specialising in combating violent crimes ranging from robbery to kidnapping. However, they have been accused of corruption and committing human rights violations including executions, torture, rape and extortion.

    The movement began in 2017, but October 2020 saw a spike in interest and the protest that began in Nigeria spread worldwide. 

    While the #EndSARS protests have been peaceful, on October 20th, the Nigerian police and army opened fire on protesters killing at least 12 people, in what has been named the Lekki Massacre.

    In this interview, I talk to Ire Aderinokun and Tomiwa Lasebikan, to discuss the #EndSARS Movement, corruption in Nigeria, women's rights and equality and how they are using Bitcoin to help the Nigerian people.

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  • While division in politics is certainly not new, the Trump era in America has arguably pushed it to an all-time high. News outlets and social media platforms provide a 24/7 source of highly partisan content and elected officials leverage division to grow their support.

    However, what I've found in making this series is that there isn't any one thing to blame for the growing divide, it's everything. 

    In the final episode of Chaos, I have asked Chart and Julie to return for a recap on the series and see if their opinions have shifted in the aftermath of the presidential election.

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  • Social media has infiltrated every part of our lives, especially politics. Social media can quickly push people into echo chambers where highly partisan ideals are championed rather than challenged.

    We have seen the role that social media has played in elections with companies like Cambridge Analytica exploiting peoples data to profile and target potential voters, but what role does it play in pushing political agenda, spreading misinformation and creating division?

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    The success of Defiance will be largely down to the support of you, the listener. Below are a number of ways you can help:
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    If you have any questions then please email Defiance.

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  • We’re in a strange political limbo: Joe Biden is systematically dealing with the transitional process in a composed manner and with full confidence he will be inaugurated on January 20th. However, in the foreground Donald Trump and his allies continue to protest that the election was stolen and Trump has been demanding the result be overturned. Following the election, surveys have found between 70-80% of Republicans think the election results were effected by fraudulent means, whilst Democrats have faith in the integrity of the election.

    At the same time, the US is dealing with an early winter Covid surge. There has been a dramatic increase in hospitalisations across the country, and concerns about how high the death rate will go prior to the effective distribution of a vaccine. As with the results of the election, this critical issue is being made more difficult because of partisan divisions. There are significant differences of opinion on both sides regarding the seriousness of the disease and the need for measures and controls to limit its spread. The problem is that the decision to save lives through lockdowns and controls, whilst trying to support the economy, is a zero sum game. It is an issue that needs compassion and compromise, but instead the debate is increasingly polarised and bitter. The result is a confused picture of the seriousness of the virus where even mask wearing has become politicised.

    While we contend with society living in alternative version of reality, people are still losing their livelihoods, people are developing serious mental health problems, and people are continuing to die.

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    Show notes and transcription:

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    Coming soon…

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    The success of Defiance will be largely down to the support of you, the listener. Below are a number of ways you can help:
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    If you have any questions then please email Defiance.

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