
  • Do we make buying decisions as individuals or individuals who are part of a group?

    The answer may surprise you.

    Gary David, PhD is a Professor of Sociology and Experience Design at Bentley University. Dr. David has been researching sociology and its intersection with the business world for several decades.

    His findings challenge the status quo when it comes to drivers of consumer behavior and how CX leaders should think about engaging customers.

    We discuss how consumers perceptions of their social identities impact their brand loyalty, and ultimately, bottom line results.

    In this episode we explore:

    šŸ‘‰ How social identity impacts buying decisions

    šŸ‘‰ How to design experiences that connect with consumers social identity

    šŸ‘‰ Where most companies get it wrong

    šŸ‘‰ Strategies on how to understand social identity and design experiences that earn customer loyalty


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    The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Linkā€”a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content.

  • The Science of Brand Love

    What makes brands like Apple and Nike not just recognized, but truly loved.

    Dr. Ahuviaā€™s book, The Things We Love, explains the psychology behind brand love, and it has been named by Amazon as a ā€œbest business book.ā€ He conducted the first scientific studies of brand love some 30 years ago and continues to lead research on this topic. His research on dating sites led to an appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show.

    On this episode of šŸŽ™šŸŽ™šŸŽ™The Delighted Customers Podcast we explore the science behind ā€œbrand loveā€ and strategies companies can use to drive customer advocacy.

    Highlights of this episode include:

    šŸ‘‰ Understanding Brand Love**: Learn how 'brand love' evolves from mere satisfaction to deep emotional connections, much like human relationships. It's not just about the quality of products but how brands make consumers *feel* that determines loyalty and advocacy.

    šŸ‘‰ Strategies to Cultivate Brand Love**: Discover actionable strategies such as anthropomorphism (think Siri or Alexa), connecting brands to relatable personalities, and aligning with universal values to foster a closer bond with your audience.

    šŸ‘‰ Impact on Financial Performance**: Grasp the clear correlation between brand love and profitability. Brands that achieve emotional resonance with their consumers typically see enhanced financial outcomes.

    šŸ‘‰ Warnings of reaching too far** - when deploying brand love strategies


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    The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Linkā€”a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content.

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  • In today's fast-paced networked economy, professionals (especially CX pros) must work harder than ever to maintain and improve their business skills and knowledge. But technical mastery of one's discipline is not enough and thatā€™s why Charles H. Green co-authored the Trusted Advisor (and the recently published the 20th Anniversary edition).

    The key to change leadership is the ability to earn the trust and confidence of key stakeholders.

    The stakes are even higher for CX leaders who typically have constrained budgets, small teams and limited positional authority.

    Charlie returns to the show and shares some fresh insights that leaders can use immediately to boost their impact on change on this episode of The Delighted Customers Podcast.

    Highlights include:

    Why trust and trustworthiness are critical to any change leadership role

    How trust plays into the decision-making process

    Busting myths about trust - like it must take time to build or rebuild

    Lessons from Lincoln: The strategic importance of perception


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    The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Linkā€”a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content.

  • Lessons from Taylor Swift About How to Create Superfans with Brittany Hodak

    Have you ever wondered why some celebrities create a swarm of superfans that become lifelong advocates for them (and others, not so much)?

    My guest on this episode of the Delighted Customers Podcast worked her way up from radio station mascot to the head of a marketing agency that promoted the biggest name stars from Taylor Swift, Katy Perry and Dolly Parton along with some of the biggest brands like Walmart, Amazon, and Disney.

    Now an author and speaker, Brittany Hodak and I explore her book, Creating Superfans: How To Turn Your Customers Into Lifelong Advocates.

    Highlights from the show:

    What lessons can leaders take from Taylor Swiftā€™s incredibly loyal fanbase?

    The power of ā€œcommon lessonsā€

    How to cultivate customer loyalty

    Understanding personal brand influence

    And much moreā€¦


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    The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Linkā€”a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content.

  • Jennifer Ashman is a CX thought leader and experience design expert. She has been in the field for over two decades and is a Professor of Practice at Michigan State University, where she teaches Experience Design in the Master's Degree program in Customer Experience Management.

    Jennifer shares some real world examples to help make the conversation easily relatable.

    Content Highlights:

    - **Deep Dive into Qualitative Research**: Jennifer unpacks the myriad ways this research method informs decision-making to avoid costly missteps and enhance customer engagement.

    - **The Art of Human Interaction**: Discover the irreplaceable value of human-led research methodologies in drawing out the rich, personal details that AI tools often miss.

    - **Journey Mapping Mastery**: Learn about the art of crafting journey maps from the customer's perspective with actionable insights, as Jennifer shares her hands-on approach to customer-centric problem solving.

    - **Real-World Impact**: Be inspired by stories of organizations that transformed their practices and customer relationships through the actionable intelligence gained from qualitative research.


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    The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Linkā€”a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content.

  • Youā€™ve just been hired as the Chief Experience Officer to run a financial services firm. What are the keys to driving sustained success?

    Join CXO Eric Smuda share his insights on the keys (and the challenges) to leading successful change by driving outstanding customer experiences.

    My favorite quote from Eric? ā€œIf youā€™re not using CX as your growth engine, what are you doing???ā€

    Some of the key lessons for this episode of The Delighted Customers Podcast (link in comments below):

    'CX and Profit': Good customer experience merges business benefits with customer satisfaction. 'Interaction ROI': Show return on investment in CX by linking experience improvements to CX Suite imperatives such as enhancing acquisition, retention, customer lifetime value, and lowering service costs. 'Digital Impact': Enhance digital CX to increase conversion rates and decrease abandonment, demonstrating clear benefits. 4. 'Relationship Building': Build strong relationships by learning about colleagues' business areas and contributing to shared goals.

    And lots more gems.


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    The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Linkā€”a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content.

  • How can you design experiences to drive customer loyalty?

    Kevin Budelmann is an Experience Design expert, a professor at both Michigan State and Northwestern Universities, and authored Brand Identity Essentials.

    He brings over a quarter-century shaping design, strategy, and brand experience. We explore the converging paths of behavioral economics, design thinking, and customer experienceā€”all through the lens of his extensive expertise. On this episode of the Delighted Customers Podcast.

    šŸ”‘ **3 Key Takeaways**:

    **Trust & Emotion in Branding**: Kevin illuminates the critical role of emotional connection and trust in shaping the brand experience - imperative in an era where customers' decisions are heavily influenced by both. **Understanding Beyond Surveys**: We explore they why and how of recognizing customersā€™ deeper needs and desires, which often go unspoken, to excel in tailoring your product offerings. **Impactful Design Decisions**: Discover how design touches our everyday experiences, sometimes subtly, other times overtly, but always with the potential to create a strong impression ā€“ and why this matters to your brand.


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    The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Linkā€”a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content.

  • Dr. Judy Wolfe, who still practices as an ER doctor, talks about the transformative power of patient experience in healthcare. We dive into the critical role of trust, and how reimagining job titles and communication training can revolutionize caregiver-patient interactions. Dr. Judy highlights the urgency of embracing change management and the dire consequences of stagnation in patient care. Dr. Judy prescribes helpful tips from "shift hacks" to loyalty driver tips to "teach backs." Tons of gems in this episode from one the top medical care facilities in the world.


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    The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Linkā€”a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content.

  • Keith Ferguson brings his wealth of experience as an entrepreneur along with his career in academia (MSU and FSU) to share his wisdom on customer advocacy. Keith defines customer advocacy and then we talk about the financial impact of having customers who truly advocate for your brand. Keith shares some common mistakes about consumer behavior through a visualization of the customer lifecycle and provides 3 actionable steps leaders can take to create more advocates for their business.


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    The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Linkā€”a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content.

  • Joe Pine is on my Mount Rushmore of Customer Experience. He shares the exact moment, quite by accident, that the concept of "experience" as the next economy after the service economy was hatched. In 2020 Mr. Pine and his partner James H. Gilmore re-released in hardcover The Experience Economy: Competing for Customer Time, Attention, and Money featuring an all-new Preview to their best-selling 1999 book The Experience Economy: Work Is Theatre & Every Business a Stage. Joe believes that goods and services are no longer enough; what customers want are experiencesā€”memorable events that engage each individual in an inherently personal way. Join me on The Delighted Customers Podcast as Joe shares a vision for businessā€”a world focused on human flourishing, where individuals become better people and achieve their goals. Discover how understanding your customers' wants, needs, and desires can help you create greater value and make a positive impact. Joe shares practical insights and real world stories of how you can drive business outcomes. Here are some highlights:

    The concepts of mass customization and the experience economy Creating robust, cohesive, personal, dramatic, and transformative experiences Comparing work to theater and the importance of intentional and engaging experiences Changing the world of business to focus on human flourishing The importance of not wasting customers' time and aligning value with what customers value The concept of "customering" and the individualization megatrend


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    The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Linkā€”a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content.

  • Pink Zebra Moving: Differentiating on CX for Explosive Growth with CEO, Ron Holt

    I canā€™t think of a better illustration of how to prove the ROI of Customer Experience.

    Ron Holt sees opportunities in bad customer experiences.

    In fact, he built a successful home cleaning based on disrupting a legacy industry by differentiating the experience his customers receive.

    The model allowed him to scale a one-store cleaning business into a $40M nationally-recognized brand with 90 locations across the country.

    Ron shared his entrepreneurial journey and the compelling story behind his company, Pink Zebra Moving. Itā€™s more than just a business success story - it's a masterclass in innovation, customer experience, and entrepreneurial spirit in the home services industry.

    šŸ”„Here are 3 key takeaways from our conversation:

    - **Innovate With Customer Experience in Mind:**

    Ron emphasizes the importance of making the moving process fun. By focusing on building personal relationships and creating memorable experiences for customers, Pink Zebra Moving stands out in the highly competitive moving industry.

    - **Cultural Fit is Key When Scaling:**

    As the company expands, Ron is careful to maintain its unique ethos. Selecting franchise owners who genuinely share the company's mission is crucial for preserving the brandā€™s vision and ensuring consistent, high-quality service across all locations.

    - **Fail Forward and Commit to Your Vision:**

    Ron's honest reflections on the challenge of scaling a business and transitioning between industries reveal that perseverance and a clear vision are essential. Embracing mistakes as learning opportunities is a part of the entrepreneurial path toward success.


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    The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Linkā€”a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content.

  • Whatā€™s the Pioneering Edge for Todayā€™s CX Leaders according to NPS Creator, Fred Reichheld?

    Thereā€™s so much to unpack in this episode:

    Fred shares about a personal vulnerability

    Whatā€™s the right way to listen to customers?

    What is the huge mistake companies make relative to referrals?

    How do you know if youā€™ve won or lost?

    What is financial capitalism and why should it die?

    Whatā€™s on the pioneering edge today for CX leading companies?

    Will Southwest Airlines recover?

    And a ton more!


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    The Agile Brand is produced by Missing Linkā€”a Latina-owned strategy-driven, creatively fueled production co-op. From ideation to creation, they craft human connections through intelligent, engaging and informative content.

  • Someone once said Marketing creates the brand promise and CX delivers it. But too often there's a gap between the two that's eroding customer loyalty and business performance. Nick Zeisler is a Lean Six Sigma expert and Professor of Practice in Michigan State University's Customer Experience Management Masters of Science program. In this episode Nick shares some valuable insights including: - the significant concept of 'Brand Alignment' was introduced, highlighting the imperative of aligning a company's customer experience delivery with its brand promise. - the importance of continuous improvement in process engineering was emphasized, advocating for a customer-centric approach to Lean Six Sigma prioritizing projects based on customer impact rather than traditional resource-focused methods - loyalty as a process beyond the initial purchase was underscored, with the suggestion that it's influenced by the consistency of the customer experience and alignment with the brand promise.


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  • This episode features someone who has been at the forefront of the customer experience movement, tirelessly leading the charge in understanding how trust shapes our interactions: CX luminary Bruce Temkin.

    Bruce co-founded the Customer Experience Professionals Association and broke the news on this episode, that he will be transitioning as Head of the XM Institute (Qualtrics) to the next chapter of his life.

    This is a very special episode because Bruce and I explore the critical importance of trust as it relates to CX and ultimately, generating positive financial results.

    In this episode:

    Why the XM Institute declared 2024 as "The Year of Trust" the misconceptions CX leaders have about trust, and how can these potentially lead to ineffective customer experience strategies the connection between game theory and trust-building and how leaders can benefit by understanding that connection the difference between cognitive and affective trust Meyer Davis and Shorman's definition of trust is discussed and how does this definition informs our understanding of interpersonal and professional relationships How to repair broken trust A sneak peak about what Bruce has planned for the next chapter of his life

    Meet Bruce

    Change creator, thought shaper, and movement maker who helps organizations become more human-centric. I help leaders gain clarity amid paralyzing levels of ambiguity, complexity, and uncertainty. I've advised many of the world's leading brands and hundreds of tech companies -- from start-ups to software behemoths.

    I'm often referred to as the ā€œGodfather of Customer Experienceā€ for defining and propelling the disciplines of Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience (EX), and Experience Management (XM). I've helped shape multiple industry mega trends, including: Internet economy, cloud computing, digital transformation, CX, EX, and XM. The core of my work is an ability to forecast technology-driven trends, anticipate their impact on human beings, simplify the complex, and provide clear and actionable advice.

    I'm a builder who has led the creation of multiple global organizations. As an engineer at heart, I'm always intrigued by how things work. I study human behavior and how it is affected by different environments such as being a customer, employee, patient, fan, or senior executive. My advice always considers how different decisions will affect people, and how those moves will play out at scale and over time.

    So what is my profession? I have no idea. All I know is that I'm on an ongoing learning journey, continuously looking for ways to improve the world through a combination of empathy, strategy, experience design, leadership, and organizational behavior.

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  • Every customer experience leader should know the basics of UX and how it fits into the overall CX landscape.

    In this episode, I talk with UX expert Darren Hood, who has 28+ years of human-computer interaction, information architecture, and usability experience. He's a faculty member in the Masters of Science in Customer Experience Management at Michigan State University as well as several other colleges where he teaches UX.

    The show is packed with useful insights and practical tips like:

    The parallel importance of CX and UX in understanding and improving customer experiences. How UX heuristics were applied to the Fathead custom decal upload process to reduce abandonment rates? intervention with a heuristic analysis at Rocket Mortgage serve as a case study for the immediate impact of UX on a companyā€™s profit margin? the risks of implementing AI in UX design without a solid grounding in UX principles What he statistics from IBM, NASA, Coca Cola, Apple, and Whirlpool reveal about the return on investment and competitive advantage of being a design-led, UX-focused company

    Meet Darren

    Darren is extremely passionate about all things UX, holding 28+ years of experience in the discipline. Darrenā€™s professional footprint spans such organizations as Ford Motor Company, General Motors, DigitasLBi, MRM/McCann, Wunderman Digital, Bosch, Ryder, Rocket Mortgage, Omnicell, Cengage Learning, National Geographic Learning, Sherwin-Williams, Duracell, and USA Networks, to name a few.

    In academia, he serves and has served as an adjunct professor, teaching UX-related courses at several universities including UCLA, Michigan State University, Lawrence Technological University, Brandeis University, and Kent State University.

    Darren is one of the authors featured in the book ā€œ97 Things Every UX Practitioner Should Know.ā€ You can also hear Darren on The World of UX podcast, available through a host of popular sources. Darren is currently a doctoral candidate, completing a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from Northcentral University.

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  • Employee experience and customer experience outcomes are inextricably linked.

    That data (going back to the Service Profit Chain) provides evidence of that correlation.

    But there's a lot of confusion about the difference between employee experience and employee engagement and the impact that each has on CX.

    Employee Engagement is too often overlooked in terms of it's importance to the customer experience and financial performance.

    In this episode with Employee Engagement expert, Mary Poppen, President, Employee Experience Division, HRizons, and Professor of Practice, CXM Master's program at Michigan State University, unpacks how to get to the magical state where "contagious enthusiasm and customer intimacy live."

    Also in this episode:

    Defining and differentiating employee experience and engagement Avoiding Engagement Pitfalls: Learn how to navigate common mistakes like uniform incentive structures and insufficient listening channels that undermine true connection with your workforce. Building Virtual Bridges: In a remote work era, one-on-one meetings are more than just touchpoints; they are lifelines that foster support and connection amidst isolation. The Intimacy Factor**: Explore how trust and understanding in professional relationships enhance recognition and nurture a supportive work environment.

    Meet Mary

    Mary Poppen is President of HRIZONS Employee Experience and
    Professor of Practice at Michigan State University teaching in the
    Customer Experience Management (CXM) Masterā€™s Degree program. She
    is also a CS Angel investor.

    Prior to her current focus, Mary was Glintā€™s Chief Customer Officer at
    LinkedIn and Chief Customer Officer for SAPā€™s Global Cloud business
    before that. Mary holds a Masterā€™s Degree in Industrial/Organizational
    Psychology and has over 20 years of customer delivery, business
    consulting and executive leadership experience. She is a well-recognized
    customer and employee experience thought leader, speaking at global
    events and authoring several publications in this space. She recently
    published a book entitled ā€œGoodbye, Churn. Hello, Growth!ā€

    In addition to her current roles, Mary enjoys serving as a Board Advisor
    and executive coach, and has a passion for giving back through female
    mentorship programs. In her spare time, Mary enjoys traveling with her
    husband and two sons, playing Pickleball, and wine-tasting with friends.

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  • Listen for some insights that provide a fresh perspective on how to overcome the challenges CX leaders face. We uncovered why being a trusted guide is more impactful than a heroic leader and how to prove your value through a winning CX roadmap. My guest, Patty Soltis, shared priceless insights on gaining influence, and I revealed my own journey of overcoming stakeholder resistance.

    If you're a CX leader looking to elevate your game, you'll hear useful tips and get a sneak peak at The Trusted Guide Roadmapā„¢ Master Class.

    In this episode, Patty Soltis, CCXP and I explore:

    The roadblocks that impede and often derail customer experience efforts How lack of trust is a silent killer to real change Why some stakeholders may be resistant to your recommendations The 4 keys that help CX professionals and other change agents overcome common obstacles: Earning Trust Becoming a Guide Building Your CX Roadmap Proving the Value

    Patty Soltis is a Senior Customer Experience Manager at Upwork, the worldā€™s work marketplace that connects businesses with independent talent from across the globe.

    Patty's experience includes a CX leadership role at The Moffitt Cancer Center, Neiman Marcus, Lord and Taylor and more.

    Patty can be reached here:

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  • How would you rate your emotional intelligence?

    It turns out that the core of any successful customer experience initiative is deeply intertwined with the capacity and willingness of employees to communicate effectively. Emotional intelligence is a fundamental skill when it comes to communication.

    Sandra Thompson is an EI expert and ranks as a top 10 Emotional Intelligence leaders on LinkedIn. She joined me on The Delighted Customers Podcast to help leaders navigate EI and understand the very real impact EI has on the customer experience, and ultimately employee and customer engagement.

    "You have to put in the work!" Sandra says. "Some may be able to do it (improve their EI) on their own...while others may need an accountability coach to hold the mirror up and ask them tough questions."

    Sandra shares practical suggestions that business leaders can implement right away to lift their emotional intelligence personally and organizationally.

    Here are some of the highlights included in this episode:5 tips for improving emotional intelligence

    5 Tips to Improve Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence and it's connection to CX The Jellybean Game and the importance of visceral customer experiences The impact of bad customer experiences and the inflection point for loyalty The practice of gratitude and its impact on starting the day positively

    This episode is rich with ideas and insights and I love the British accent!

    Meet Sandra!

    Sandra Thompson is the first Goleman Emotional Intelligence Coach in the UK. She started out as a Customer Experience consultant in 2010 when she founded Exceed all Expectations, a management consultancy focusing on improving customer and employee experience. Sandra rebranded as The Ei Evolution in Jan 2021 because she believes that the skill of emotional intelligence can transform the way businesses behave, improve the relationships between customer and employee and between colleagues too. She is still working in the field of customer experience but the new brand enables Sandra to work more with schools ā€“ she believes that teaching young people how to become more emotionally intelligent could help them thrive.

    Sandra has been fortunate to work with clients such as: Vodafone, Arsenal Football Club, Waitrose, Open University, Battersea Dog & Cats home, and Network Rail. She gives keynotes and frequently presents on webinars and podcasts to an international audience on all matters CX, EX and EI. Sandra has been fortunate to lecture part-time at a Business School in London on the topics of People Management and Leadership and Professional Behaviours and Customer Management and she runs a series of postgraduate courses in Customer Experience and Emotional Intelligence. She presented her first academic paper in 2019, TEDx in 2020, and intends to start a PhD in 2025. Itā€™s true to say that sheā€™s a lifelong learner.

    Recommended Book:

    Man's Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl -

    Here is the reference to the cards:

    Lisa Feldman Barrett link for her publications:

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  • How could you leverage AI to earn growth from customer referrals?

    Andy Cockburn, CEO of Mention Me, took his knowledge and experience of working with Bain and with Fred Reichheld during the infancy phase of NPS's launch to create an AI tool that does just that.

    The Earned Growth Model, advocated by Reichheld in Winning on Purpose, posits a very specific point of differentiation from other growth models. It states that the customers who love you the most are where you can mine the most future growth.

    But how?

    Andy unveils how he pioneered a model to translate into customer love into earned growth.

    In this episode:

    Importance of Earned Growth and Referral Programs Leveraging earned growth as a vital metric for success Optimizing Customer Journeys for Advocacy Insights gained from referral networks about customer behavior The Concept of Extended Customer Revenue Using AI to assess customer propensity to refer and predict revenue Relying on advocacy for organic growth and stronger business relationships

    ...and so much more

    This episode is packed with gems!

    Meet Andy!

    Andy Cockburn is CEO and Co-Founder of Mention Me, the Customer Advocacy platform empowering brands to turn fans into a powerful growth driver. Since co-founding the business in 2013, heā€™s scaled Mention Me to employ more than 120 advocacy experts who have delivered over USD $2.2bn in revenue for more than 500 clients, including Puma, Charlotte Tilbury, Michael Kors and other major brands worldwide.

    Prior to Mention Me, Andy was the UK Managing Director of VRBO, the world's largest market-place for vacation rentals (that floated on the NASDAQ for $3bn), and formerly the founder and CEO of Wigadoo, a technology start-up in the social payment space. He has an MBA from INSEAD and MA from Cambridge University.


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  • Imagine a world where AI not only understands but acts on unsolicited customer and employee conversations, tapping into a treasure trove of data ā€” from contact center chats to doctor's scribbles.

    Leslie Pagel is a CX thought leader who led organizations across industries in CX strategy during her 20 plus years at Walker. Now she's helping healthcare organizations provide better experiences by empowering them to tell stories with data.
    We talk about ways that AI can be used to tell stories that simply couldn't be captured without the technology that's available today.

    In this episode:

    Utilization of machine learning to identify customer care frictions Processing of unstructured data like doctor notes and health records The Role of Storytelling in Data Presentation AI's role in improving healthcare strategies The Future of Surveys in Customer Insights

    Hear Leslie share her mission of leveraging AI to help humans understand humans.

    Meet Leslie

    Leslie Pagel is the Chief Evangelist of Authenticx ā€“ a conversational AI company dedicated to improving the way healthcare companies engage with patients and customers. In this role, she creates awareness, across the healthcare industry, of more efficient and effective ways for healthcare organizations to leverage the authentic customer voice to achieve the desired health and business outcomes. With over two decades of working with customer and patient experience teams, Leslie helps clients actualize the voice of the customer to show how these voices prompt meaningful action.

    Hereā€™s a link to Conscious Capitalism:

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