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In June 1993, Elizabeth Stevens, 18, was murdered on her way home from the bus stop. Her death began a seven-week reign of terror for the people of Frankston. A serial killer was on the loose. No one was safe, not young mother, Debbie Fream, 22, taken on a trip to the shops, nor Natalie Russell, 17, murdered on her way home from school. The serial killer, Paul Denyer was captured and sentenced to life in prison. On appeal, he was granted a 30-year minimum sentence. Fast forward 30 years and Denyer has applied for parole. Award winning crime writer Vikki Petraitis was on patrol with police the night the final murder took place. She wrote the bestselling book, The Frankston Murders which has never been out of print. Vikki has revisited the case in a longform podcast to remind the world why Denyer must never be released. The Frankston Murders Podcast uncovers new material and new victims stalked by Denyer in the lead-up to the killings. Vikki interviews prison guards, police officers, family members, and people caught in the periphery of a serial killer.Credits:Created by Vikki PetraitisResearch and writing by Vikki PetraitisAudio production and scoring by Mike Migas ( production by Anthony TelferArchive production by Catherine Seccombe/Arcdive ( audio supplied by The Footage Company / Nine Network Australia
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Over the course of nearly half a century, Siegfried & Roy performed 30,000 shows for 50 million people and generated well over $1 billion in ticket sales. Although the German-born illusionists and pop culture icons were mega-famous, much about their private lives, eccentric public personae, and tragic final show remained shrouded in mystery…until now. Emmy®-winning filmmaker and journalist Steven Leckart, in his very first podcast, takes you behind the velvet curtain to reveal shocking moments, surprising details, and hidden truths about two men who were lionized by millions of fans, lampooned by the media, criticized by animal welfare advocates, and endlessly scrutinized by the public.
Minden téma mögé bekukkantunk, mindent kielemzünk mégha túlságosan is kockázatos! Mindennapi dolgok, rendkívüli életesemények, élethelyzetek és világesemények kockázatainak elemzése a téma. Tanulunk belőlük és feldolgozzuk az információkat annak érdekében, hogy minél tudatosabban tudjuk élni az életünknek.
Crime, Corruptions & Cocktails will focus on reviewing cases of police, corporation, and government corruption and negligence. We will take at look the different elements of corruptions and how people's lives are often dramatically affected by forces outside of their control.
Cry Like a boy is a documentary and interview podcast that explores how men are defying stereotypes and promoting gender equality. The series brings you to five African nations to discover how local communities are working towards change. Cry like a Boy is the first original podcast of Euronews, produced with the support of the European Journalism Center and of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Available in English and French.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Az utolsó szegedi papucs készítő, a bősárkányi gyékényfonó, az erdélyi taplász és a kopjafa-faragó… Műsorunk olyan személyiségeket szólaltat meg, akik nemcsak őrzik a hagyományokat, hanem éltetik is. Munkásságukkal, műveikkel és életükkel is bizonyítják, hogy néprajzi, népművészeti, kulturális, ipari örökségünknek fontos helye van a 21. század mindennapjaiban is.
A riportműsor erősíti a nemzet kulturális identitását és a népi kultúra egykori jelenségeinek ismertetésén túl bemutatja azok máig élő formáit, hatását és nagyvárosi továbbélését a családokban, különös tekintettel a kiskorúak érdeklődésére, ismereteik gazdagítására.
Csakugyan: Körbejárjuk azt, ami csakugyan számít - Bendl Verával. A Józsefváros Újság podcastja
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8 és fél óra: Kulturális, közéleti, társadalmi félóra hetente a Józsefváros Újság munkatársaitól és vendégeiktől. Fókuszban Józsefváros, de nyitunk az egész világ felé.