How can smart data utilization enhance eCommerce business performance?
This is the main question we explore with a little help from our friend Stefan Loncar, founder and CEO of Loncom Consulting, a company specializing in data analytics and systems implementation. Stefan's passion for data has resulted in creating a service that helps companies use data for informed decision-making, mining the gold of their data.
· How proper data analysis can improve inventory management and sales strategies?
· What are the most common mistakes e-commerce businesses make in inventory management—and how to fix them?
· What are the most important e-commerce analytics metrics, including sell-through rate, and how to use them for strategic decision-making?
Join us as Stefan shares his professional journey and we discuss the key services Loncom Consulting provides and how they help businesses optimize their operations through data analysis and system implementation.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
What’s the deal with the performance marketing world lately?
X is growing, Reddit suddenly improved in search rankings, Meta is blooming for eCommerce businesses, Google is losing its dominance with younger audiences, TikTok remains in the US…?
It’s not easy to stay on top of all these trends but luckily we have the right man to unravel this whole mess for us.
Goran Čandrlić is a performance marketing expert with 20 years of experience. He worked with numerous startups, scaleups, and Fortune 500 companies in eCommerce, travel, SaaS, cloud computing, and high behaviour.
· How to then structure the campaign hierarchy on Google and Meta ads
· First-party data and attribution, where to start, what should we look out for?
· Can GA4 be the right tool for eCommerce businesses or shall we explore other platforms?
· How do CRMs and CDPs fit into performance marketing?
Stay tuned and enjoy this interesting walk through the performance marketing and eCommerce landscape.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
After gaining basic finance knowledge, we still struggle with financial planning and investing.
Help is on its way. Tamara Vrhovec Sekač, the International Business Expansion Manager at Finax, will introduce us to intelligent financing, a popular concept today.
Tune in and find out:
· How well-informed is the average person about managing finances intelligently?
· How has technology, particularly automation and AI, changed how people manage their finances?
· How can individuals balance risk and reward when pursuing intelligent financial strategies?
· How can automated financial tools and robo-advisors help individuals make smarter financial decisions?
Let’s improve our financial literacy and look at what innovations and changes are shaping the world of finance over the next ten years.
Additional notes:
Finax YouTube channelFinax LinkedIn pageHosted on Acast. See for more information.
Working, traveling, and personal growth – looks like digital nomads have it all, however, is everything that easy and simple for them?
Let’s dive in and explore all the benefits and obstacles within the nomadic lifestyle in the company of Kate Shifman - who designs spaces and experiences for the Flexible Generation, is NASDAQ featured, Coliving founder, Award-winning community builder, Speaker on digital nomadism and life-centric living, and Digital media expert for 10+ Years.
· How do we make a transition to the nomadic way of working and living?
· What are the top challenges digital nomads face and how to overcome them?
· What is AOMA Coliving + Coworking, and how does it support nomadic professionals?
· What tools and strategies are essential for staying productive while living nomadically?
If you ever considered taking the leap into a nomadic lifestyle this is the episode you can’t miss. Enjoy.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Koliko je važan brending vaše kompanije, toliko je važan i vaš osobni brending pogotovo ako ste mikro poduzetnik ili jednostavno želite biti prepoznatljivi u svojoj poslovnoj zajednici.
Kada je lice u pitanju, žene se oduvijek poigravaju šminkom, a unazad 10-ak godina u staylingu muškaraca sve veću ulogu igraju frizura i brada. Zato smo se za profesionalni savjet i čašicu razgovora obratili Marku Šimunoviću, barberu i vlasniku Polyboy barber shopa.
Na koji način izgled može utjecati na percepciju osobe na konferencijama ili u medijima, postoji li određeni stil koji odaje profesionalizam te koliko je važno prilagoditi stil (odjeću, frizuru, bradu) platformi ili kontekstu - npr. televizijskom nastupu nasuprot online videu; samo su dio tema koje smo pokrili.
Uz to saznajte i što je te kako je nastao barber pool, zašto kupovati u second hand shopovima, ali i kako pravilno oprati kosu. 😉
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Smanjite rizik od kibernetičkih prijetnji i osigurajte svoje poslovanje.
Zaronite u osnovne principe kibernetičke sigurnosti - neophodan vodič za svaku organizaciju. U tome nam pomažu renomirani stručnjaci u svijetu kibernetičke sigurnosti: Tomislav Vuk i Alen Delić, koji je također i Zamjenik predsjednika Hrvatske Udruge Menadžera Sigurnosti.
Otkrijte ili utvrdite znanje o ključnim pojmovima, kao što su phishing, malware, enkripcija, te najbolje prakse za izradu i upravljanje kibernetičkom sigurnosti. Naši gosti također pružaju praktične savjete i jednostavne korake koje možete odmah primijeniti kako biste zaštitili svoje zaposlenike, podatke i online privatnost.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
How to optimize product listings to rank higher in Amazon’s search algorithm (A9)? What strategies help maximize return on investment (ROI) through effective advertising strategies?
In this episode, together with Dylan Lam, an experienced business and marketing consultant, we dive deep into the world of Amazon sales, covering essential topics for sellers aiming to succeed on the platform.
Dylan shares his journey in the eCommerce space, offering valuable insights on how Amazon has evolved as a marketplace over the years. We explore the debate between Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) vs. Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) and discuss the key factors sellers should consider when deciding on their fulfillment strategy.
Whether you're a seasoned seller or new to the game, this episode provides critical insights to help you stay ahead of the competition.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Couple of weeks ago we have had a pleasure of making cutting-edge technological discussions with some of the most brilliant minds in design, development and digital products management areas. They were all part of Digital Labin, a prominent two-day conference, focused on bringing together professionals from various digital industries such as web and mobile development, software design, UX/UI design, and project management.
The event featured keynote speakers, panel discussions, and masterclasses covering the latest trends and best practices in digital product creation. And they are here for you. Enjoy the show!
From 0:30 Eric Sangarné and Arthur Gall from Immersive GardenFrom 8:58 Rijk van Zanten from DirectusFrom 16:50 Pragya Jauhari from Booking.comFrom 26:40 Camilla Zampolini and Filippo Cipriani from Adoratorio StudioFrom 40:11 Dragana Ačanski from Levi9From 50:15 Jonas Emmertsen and Steffen Christiansen from Studio 28KFrom 1:08:15 Tomislav Bilić from InchooFrom 1:21:27 Bruno ArizioFrom 1:33:30 Joseph Corasaniti from StripeFrom 1:47:35 Jurica Vuković from Mater AgencyFrom 1:57:40 Domagoj Ostović from Lloyds DigitalHosted on Acast. See for more information.
Trafostanica je razgovorna emisija u kojoj obični ljudi iz naroda pričaju u svojem životnom putu, usponima, padovima i svemu što im padne napamet. Urednik i voditelj je Zlatko Višćević.
Bio sam gost u jednoj od epizoda, a djelić iste možete slušata u ovoj epizodi. Cijelu pak epizodu možete pogledati na YouTube kanalu Trafostanice.
U Trafostanici nema senzacija, glamura, pikanterija, sjajnih savjeta za vrtoglavi uspjeh i bajki, ali ima poneka životna mudrost koja proizlazi iz životnog iskustva običnog čovjeka. Radi toga i vrijedi pratiti istu.
Kako Zlatko kaže, ako zaključite da su emisije baš jako dosadne, uvijek ih možete navečer iskoristiti kao uspavanku.
Dodatni resursi:
službena web stranicaFacebook stranicaLinkedIn stranicaInstagram profilYouTube kanalHosted on Acast. See for more information.
Iz godine u godinu svjedočimo sve većoj integraciju digitalne komunikacije i interakcijskog dizajna.
Koju ulogu u digitalnoj transformaciji tradicionalnih industrija kao što su namještaj, arhitektura, moda, i sl. igraju festivali poput Zagreb Design Weeka? U kojim aspektima digitalne tehnologije pomiču granice?
Samo su dio pitanja na koje nam odgovore donosi idejni začetnik i organizator Zagreb Design Weeka Daniel Tomičić.
U ovoj epizodi otkrijte više o sinergiji dizajna i digitalnih tehnologija, a od 25. do 29. rujna budite dio povijesnog trenutka u kojem Jadran film po prvi put otvara vrata za čak 25.000 posjetitelja ZGDW-a. Ovogodišnja tema je "Breaking the Glass Ceiling", u prijevodu "Razbijanje staklenog stropa: Revolucija dizajna", kojom se promoviraju različitosti, jednakosti, kreativnost i suradnja u dizajnu.
Dodatni resursi:
Službena web stranicaInstragram profilFacebook stranicaLinkedIn stranicaYouTube kanalHosted on Acast. See for more information.
Došlo je vrijeme za još jednu unplugged epizodu u kojoj soliram i radim pregled našeg dosadašnjeg putovanja kroz ovaj podcast, ovaj put od od epizode #31 do #40. Također najavljujem i ono što nas čeka u narednih devet epizoda.
Hvala vam na slušanju, propitkivanju, ispitivanju i vašem angažmanu - nastavite svoja istraživanja uz Digital Economy 101, a vidimo na FuN Zagreb 24.9.! 😃
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Why not take the best of both worlds, the physical and the digital, even when it comes to art?! Is there a gap between these two realms and how challenging is it to combine them, let’s hear it from Robert John, London's artist and surrealist.
His work channels the Surrealism art movement to interpret the world around him and the reality in which it exists. Throughout his career, Robert has worked across many iconic brands as a designer for the BBC.
Dive into the world of an artist who, in his work, often plays with the perception of "what's real". Find out how modern cameras and technology affect our perception, and what is the role of storytelling in various artistic projects.
Additional resources:
What I See When official websiteGet creative and drawLDN REiMAGINED: A Surreal Visual Journey that will Change your Perception of LondonInstagram profileHosted on Acast. See for more information.
Digitalizacija je svugdje oko nas, neizbježna je, pa čak i kada je glumačko umijeće u igri.
Da li više pomaže ili odmaže provjerili smo s višestruko nagrađivanom glumicom Minjom Peković, poznatoj po autobiografskoj predstavi Bravo za klovna i ulozi Nevene Gavran u seriji Tunel.
Družimo se i saznajemo kako je digitalizacija utjecala na njezin rad ispred i iza kamere te na pozornici, koliko joj digitalni kanali pomažu u promociji njezinog rada te razmišlja li o projektima koji bi uključivali virtualnu stvarnost na kazališnim daskama.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Kako je digitalna ekonomija promijenila način na koji satira dopire do publike i kako satiričari mogu monetizirati svoj rad u ovom novom digitalnom okruženju – otkriva nam poznati hrvatski satiričar Siniša Mareković Car, koji je stekao prepoznatljivost po svojim duhovitim i oštrim komentarima na društvenu i političku scenu.
Tijekom razgovora, Siniša dijeli svoje iskustvo o tome kako je započeo svoju karijeru u satiri, kako bira teme za svoje satirične radove, te kako se nosi s negativnim kritikama i reakcijama. Također, istražujemo ulogu satire u današnjem društvu i kako ona može služiti kao alat za edukaciju javnosti o kompleksnim ekonomskim temama.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The revolution of event ticketing is here, giving control back to event specialists through flexible and empowering solutions.
Keal Blache, one of the key figures in the global ticketing industry, shares how his company Vivenu, an innovative platform transforms ticketing for sports, festivals, music, conventions, and performing arts by enabling organizers to build direct customer relationships and independent data pools.
The discussion covers the technological advancements that keep the platform at the forefront of the industry, helping event specialists adapt to the ever-evolving landscape. The episode also delves into the company's global reach, catering to the unique needs of various sectors, and their vision for the future of ticketing.
Keal also offers valuable advice for event organizers looking to maximize their ticketing systems and shares inspiring success stories from their journey.
Tune in for practical insights and a glimpse into the future of ticketing, showcasing how innovation is making ticketing more flexible, efficient, and impactful.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Check out the hottest SEO topics of the year from the biggest SEO Summit in the region and beyond.
Why is SEO still one of the most lucrative digital marketing channels? How to be ahead of the curve with search engine evolution and constant algorithm updates?
Trends, and the future of SEO we bring it all directly from the most wanted Zagreb SEO Summit 2024 speakers:
Tin Đudajek, one of the organizers and SEO specialist – from 0:30Lilly Ray, NYC-based creative and passionate SEO professional – from 3:44Jes Scholz, organic channel consultant and SEO futurist from Australia - from 9:07Helene Jelenc, an SEO consultant within the niche of B2B SaaS startups – from 12:57Fery Kaszoni, owner of the largest Digital PR agency in the world, Search Intelligence - from 17:55Cindy Crum, founder & CEO at MobileMoxie, specialized for mobile-focused SEO – from 24:27Robert Petković, well-known Google Analytics guru – from 29:49Alex Galinos, international SEO expert and Content Marketing Strategist – from 35:42Marko Pačar, SEO expert with a special focus on e-commerce and inbound marketing activities – from 41:55Sarah Presch, Digital Marketing Director who enjoys blending psychology with SEO – from 48:23Krešimir Ćorlukić, technical SEO expert, one of the organizers – from 55:03Enjoy the episode!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
SMS in 2024?!? Oh yes, businesses use it, and people respond to it.
Dive into the world of SMS marketing with Tadej Bogataj, co-founder and CEO of CartBoss who shares his insights on what sets SMS marketing apart from other digital marketing channels and its key benefits over email marketing and social media.
What is the effectiveness of text messages in engaging customers, how important is personalization, and what are the essential components of a successful SMS campaign? Find out as Tadej also highlights the main features of the CartBoss platform and shares a success story of a business that significantly benefited from using their service. Additionally, we touch on the legal and regulatory challenges in SMS marketing and how CartBoss addresses these issues.
Tune in and discover how SMS marketing can boost your customer engagement and drive sales.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
How to say no? When and why is it crucial to say no, and how can it be done correctly?
We asked Hans Ulrik Madesen, an experienced sales director, to give us a hand.
Explore the transformative power of saying no as Hans Ulrik shares his insights on why mastering the art of refusal is crucial in today’s fast-paced world and offers practical advice on how to do it effectively without burning bridges.
Join us as we delve into:
The psychological impacts of always saying yesCommon scenarios where people struggle to say noPractical strategies for setting boundariesReal-world examples from Hans’s professional journeyKey benefits of confidently saying noOvercoming the challenges associated with this practiceWhether you’re looking to improve your personal life or professional career, this episode will provide valuable tools and perspectives to harness the power of saying no.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Za dobro funkcioniranje affiliate prodajnog kanala neophodna je transparentna tehnologija, kao što je affiliate mreža, u okviru koje web trgovci prate i optimiziraju affiliate prodajne kanale.
Zato nam u goste stiže Marina Kostkova, Business Development Manager u CJ VIVnetworksu te nam detaljnije pojašnjava modele rada sustava, na koji se način uklapaju u digitalnu strategiju i kako unutar ovakvog sustava zaštiti svoj brend.
Kako je došlo do popularnosti ovog prodajnog kanala do te mjere da ga koriste gotovo sve svjetske vodeće web trgovine, a koji se temelji na provizijskom modelu suradnje. Također, okrećemo se i trendovima koji tek dolaze u Europu, diskutiramo o izazovima praćenja i pravima privatnosti koje utječu na svaki biznis.
Dodatni resursi:
CJ VIV Networks web stranicaCJ VIV Networks LinkedIn stranicaHosted on Acast. See for more information.
Dinamičan svijet gaming industrije danas nadmašuje čak filmsku i glazbenu industriju zajedno po prihodima. A kako se strast prema igrama spaja s poslovnim inovacijama, otkriva nam Darijan Kosić - serijski poduzetnik, dopredsjednik udruge eCommerce Hrvatska te CEO hrvatskog game development studija, Today's Games.
Raspravljamo o globalnim trendovima koji oblikuju razvoj igara, izazovima koje donosi integracija AI tehnologije i virtualne stvarnosti, te na koji način tim Today's Game studija razvija "ReSetna", igru koja cilja specifičnu nišu na tržištu. Također, razvijaju i B2B rješenje TGI koje olakšava razvoj igara za kolege u industriji.
Dodatni resuri:
Today's game studio web straniceToday's game studio Facebook stranicaToday's game studio YouTube kanalToday's game studio Instagram profilHosted on Acast. See for more information.
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