Hi! We're back! These episodes of these show have absolutely nothing happening so we do the podcast thing and derail as soon as possible. Hopefully you missed our delightful podcast voices more than our insightful Robotech opinions, because this episode has way more of the former than the latter! I really had a lot of fun doing this again with Manny though and I hope it comes through and makes it entertaining for all of you too.
Next Time: Episodes 4-5 of Southern Cross and Episodes 41-42 of Robotech.
Standing Ovation:
Bart Simpson Voice Actress being a bit weird:
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CW: Light discussion of the show's usage of Intellectual Disabilities
Look, you've seen it a billion times. A decade after the popular original, some wholly different team comes in and makes a gritty sequel or reboot that doesn't quite reach the highs of the original. Maybe it's in conversation with it in a way that still requires the original as a meaningful foundation, or maybe it just doesn't get the original at all. And sometimes there's an OVA sequel to a show that wasn't really all that popular in the first place that's like way better in every conceivable way???? Orguss 02 somehow really rips despite it all and it's really nice to talk to Mel about actually enjoying a thing for once. Thanks again to Mel for partnering with me for this, and please go check out her stuff!
Detour Quarry image mentioned:
Our email:
Mel's personal Twitter and Podcast Twitter:
The opening theme is just a cut down orguss theme and the ending theme is, uh, some other isekai anime chosen in tribute to Manny. We should be returning in January, from talks from up above, so be excited for that!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Hi I really needed to do something productive today so I finally got around to releasing this sorry to everyone it took so long! Anyway there are three of us and we talk about the finale of this show. Was the show good? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well no but when I listened to the opening bit I laughed at my own joke so at least there is clearly some productive work being done here with the podcast at least. Next time we're going to watch the full OVA of 02 so that's going to be exciting because what the hell do you do with this for a follow up?
This was recorded a while ago so if you sent in emails we will be answering them on the next episode! If you haven't yet you can send one in at
Mel's personal Twitter and Podcast Twitter:
The opening theme is just a cut down orguss theme and the ending theme is, uh, some other isekai anime chosen by Sanga. Please listen to the end for a bit of a gag!
Thanks again to Sanga! He doesn't have any links!!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome back! It's another Org-Time for another Org-Minute. Just don't ask about our Gasm's!!! Haha well anyway this time we talk about the middle third of Orguss, as it moves away from episodic stories and onto true Dunbine-esque isekai storytelling. Our heroes are tasked with a terrible choice that bellows ominously and vaguely in the distance, and also there's a lot of romantic tension between father and daughter and CONTINUING THE FAKE LOVE TRIANGLE WITH THE KID ROBOT!!!!!??? You know in speaking of weird fake romance with an adult and a kid has anyone seen Disney's Tomorrowland? That movie sucks. Truly a bad time.
Anyway this episode we go ahead and more directly summarize each individual episode which I hope will help for understanding if you aren't a true Orghead out there, and it's probably also better for discussion too. We hope you like it! Well, I can only speak for myself (and Manny). I hope Mel hopes you like it too!
Mel's personal Twitter and Podcast Twitter:
The opening theme is just a cut down orguss theme and the ending theme is, uh, some other isekai anime.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hi it's been a while! Manny is busy with some work stuff so he is gone forever and we're not friends any more :(. Don't worry though everyone I have special new friend Mel from Ultra Queue (a podcast about watching all of Ultraman in production order) to fill in with friendship and podcasting until Manny finishes his various tasks. We are watching the middle Duper Dimension Show: Orguss, over a period of 3 episodes (and then a fourth episode with the OVA sequel.) Is Orguss good? Uhhh well we're a bit divided but it's certainly no Macross. You can watch it if you want I guess. There's a dinosaur that cheats on his girlfriend, that's pretty good.
Next time: We will watch Orguss 13-24. As always, in the wise words of Linkara, the next episode will be "OUT WHEN ITS OUT" but it won't be too long probably.
Here's a bunch of links:
Mel's sourcing:
Mel's personal Twitter and Podcast Twitter:
The opening theme is just a cut down orguss theme and the ending theme is, uh, some other isekai anime.
You can reach us at
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hi! This episode we get one of the hosts of Reply All, one of my favorite podcasts of all time on! Alex Goldman is here and we discuss children's cartoons, spider crabs, and of course, small insular differences between some very boring episodes of television! Alex also reveals what I'm pretty sure still is the exclusive announcement for the release date of his new podcast!!! which is really funny and wild. If only younger Shane could see me now...having the spiritual sequel to Reply All revealed on my own podcast....after making Alex Goldman watch and discuss mid anime...
Oh yeah should I talk about something that actually happened in robotech? They took out the whole plot this time that's cool of them I guess.
Anyway I hope you have fun listening!!!!
Standing Ovation:
Goldman Plugs:
Twitter: (go here for news of new show when it's out)
Also fill out his survey please:
Alex's Song: or Youtube link:
Next time we will cover Robotech Episode 40 "Volunteers" and Southern Cross Episode 3 "Star Angel"
Our email is
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Hi! It's Season 2! A little weird since we started the Masters last time technically but we're really truly in it now! More importantly we bring iconic Abnormal Mapping host Jackson on as a guest! Experience me going through the pain of being seen as Jackson participates in our GGP Pokemon knockoff with Jojo Stands!! We also talk about how cool Jeanne (and later, Yamcha) is, Manny gets lightly owned for his Lady Gaga knowledge, and we even get to explain the huge variety of differences of Robotech up till now (not all that much lol.) Please enjoy!!
Next Time: Southern Cross Episode 2 "Make-up" and Robotech Episode 39 "Southern Cross"
Jackson Plugs:
(Not mentioned on the podcast but they also do Anomalous Readings- a sci fi book podcast I like a lot!:
Standing Ovation:
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Hi! Last Super Dimension Fortress Macross episode! It's been a long road, huh? Just last week we were talking about those funny little talking vending machines, and then we watched the rest of the show. Anyway here we handle the rest of the animated SDFM stuff with a bunch of music videos and then get into the meat of the episode, the first brand new exclusive original Robotech episo-
Nevermind, it's mostly a clip show! Sorry if you watched it on my recommendation lol you shouldn't have done that! Anyway we get to the ACTUAL meat of the episode which is going through everyone's ranked list of Minmei songs across both shows. As I say on the show, I don't know if it's great content but we had a lot of fun doing it! Thanks again everyone for sending in your lists, and also for listening!
Next time we're covering: Episode 1 of Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross and Episode 38 of Robotech aka the second episode of Robotech: The Masters Saga.
Standing Ovation:
All the Ranking of Minmei lists:
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It's the first episode without a direct comparison! It's also the first episode without an indirect comparison because there's nothing really going on with Codename Robotech other than me making fun of Carl Macek's bad commentary. So we're mostly just talking about the movie! Love it (Manny) or Hate it (Me) we can all agree that Hothead Henry is a better narrator the the normal guy. I hope you all appreciate the work that went into adding the bad commentary into this episode. I even went ahead and deleted like 300 of Macek's "uh's" so that the excerpt would be 2 minutes and not 40. What's that? You don't appreciate me making you listen to Carl Macek? Well, uh, okay. A little cringe there, audience. A little light for what the podcast is named after but hey look just listen to the GGP episode about the movie it's pretty good.
Anyway please send your lists for the Ranking of Minmei to us at! We desire your opinions! Here is the google doc with all the info again! We never really know when we're going to record but try to get it to us by 6/26 if you can.
Ranking of Minmei:
Standing Ovation:
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We did it Reddit! We watched 36 episodes of anime and 36 episodes of Americanimation and even podcasted about it. We're joined by the only person we know who's watched all of Robotech, Sanga, for some brand new viewpoints! And together we explore the complicated and messy finale of both shows, and the Venn diagram of messiness between them. This is one of the longer ones we've had in a while, and it's not just because we spend the ending looking at some old horrible Geocities fansite (which I will not be linking because of the doxxing!!!).
In other news I'm finally going to put the song list at the bottom here! Please send us your rankings for the ultimate RANKING OF MINMEI we would really appreciate it! (There's one songs we haven't seen yet from the movie but hey get a head start!!)
Join us next time for DO YOU REMEMBER LOVE and Codename: Robotech! Please only watch the former if you're following along lmao.
Standing Ovation:
SDF 2:
Oh hey the Kickstarter is open give Grant money:
Ranking of Minmei Song List:
Please send your list to our email:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We're so close to the baton pass! Except we're passing the baton to ourselves instead of to anyone else. Maybe that's what they should do, just get one really fast runner so they don't even need to bother about the baton. If you win the baton running championship with that advice please shout me out. Anyway this episode Manny lays out all the Blue Wind actors as we re-litigate past Diddy Kong arguments, as well as discussing Robotech's new and revolutionary ways to look down at the audience. We would never look down at you though, audience! Well, I might because I'm sort of tall but not figuratively at any rate. I hope you're excited for the Macross-finale soon too!!!!
Standing Ovation:
Our email is:
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Macross continues to use its precious little time left to engage us with the worst behavior of two horrible dudes. Robotech, on the other hand, uh, just mostly does that too. Luckily you, the audience, have two cool dudes in me and Manny to get upset about it for you! It might be one of the worst times in the show but it's at least an okay time in this podcast! Still, only 2 episodes left until what's sort of going to be the end of our first season! Our, uh 1st season/0.3rd season? Not sure how the math on that works out, but thanks for listening to us still!
(also sorry if you're a Grateful Dead fan i'm sure you're youthful in spirit or something)
Standing Ovation:
Our email:
also just because I mentioned it again:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hey this is the best dang episode we've ever done. We are joined by the one and only General Ironicus (who let us call him by his first name!?!?!) and it's so cool, y'all. Come for the bad melodrama, stay for the story of the Tea Party Pies.
Standing Ovation:
The Disappearances of Lydia Fountayne:
Kickstarter going live on 6/3/24:
And the other Ironicus Plugs to be Zoned:
Ironicus and Chip's Lets Plays:
Sex Archie:
Bizarre Podcast: Dogs Must Die:
No Seaquest Pod links yet but you can check for updates as well as follow Ironicus at his Twitter:
Smaller but still respectable Manny plug zone:
Tiny baby podcast plug zone:
Our email is
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The time is late, but also the time is nigh! For Macrossrobotech! The energy for this energy is actually surprisingly electric I think it's a lot of fun, maybe we should try recording way too late at night every single time? In this episode, I go to bat for Rick Hunter, Manny goes to bat against any audience member that would choose Robotech Minmei's singing voice, and I'm we're (mostly me) are really mean to Kiss for some reason. Sorry if you like Kiss I'm sure they're okay. Gene Simmons is truly insufferable that's for sure though.
Anyway yeah great ep. You should all look up Uri Geller too he's a fun guy for spoon bending and all that. Glad he's settled his Nintendo beef now. Oh yeah next episode is going to be really special!!!!
(I decided not to put the song list in this one but soon!!!)
Standing Ovation:
Our email:
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We have the middest stand of all time (beyond Part 3's many many mid stands) and a pretty mid episode where not a lot happens too! In this episode: I am forced to write about stupid Robotech lore in my summary (WHAT IS PROTOCULTURE!???), we argue over whether "Trad City" sounds cool or not, and behold the copification of Rickaru. Also why aren't Blue Wind all in beautiful relationships???
Fun fact: I tried to make an image of Azonia as a Tradcath tiktok wife but it looked really bad so I gave up. Sorry everyone!
Fun Fact from the future: We completely forgot Grel's name by next episode. Sorry, Grel.
(Do not go to the yuzu protoculture web page it will try to mine bitcoins from you though for real)
Standing Ovation:
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We're 30! The podcast is ancient, dinosaurs crawling on their last breath of life. In contrast, this episode highlights babies, who are notoriously not old. Unless you're the Boss Baby. Don't ask that little fella about Hillary Clinton, I tell you what. He will say some truly sexist and awful things about Hillary Clinton who you know of course politically I don't agree with either but no need to be gross about it you disgusting little Alec Baldwin murderer baby. Wow sorry didn't mean to get political in here about these babies. Just a very sensitive subject. Although coincidentally the baby highlighted in this episode is extremely (allegedly) not sensitive! Hard baby skeleton!!! I wonder if we will ever learn this baby's story!?????
Oh did I forget to say anything about the podcast or episode??? uh??????????? listen to it please?
(The Green Baby would never say sexist things about Hillary Clinton)
Standing Ovation:
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The Mushroom Men, I mean, Robotech Masters are here! Sort of! They're far away, doing some stuff, getting some irons in the fire. Mushrooms in the fire, maybe. To be honest Robotech has sort of blown it's big load last time so even though we get an exclusive scene it's still mostly back to regular differences as per usual. That being said we do have some good discussions of anti-Zentradi Karens and the continually fraught racial politics stuff of shows (one with less nuance than the other HMMM). Kai(yle)fun is still the worst fucking guy of all time and we hate him. We also give our top 3 Gundam characters near the end if you have been specifically clamoring for this for some reason. Mine is better though Manny agreed privately after it was over (he doesn't read these) enjoy!!!!!
Standing Ovation:
Our email:
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The energy is the highest it's ever been. Macross has a two year timeskip and somewhere along the way Robotech has become fully unhinged. The strange ghost of Fokker is here, the racism dials are turned up to 11, 15 monologues are inserted over silence, the narrator is spitting (who let him cook!???) and the inserted lore threatens to tear the show asunder. Lets. Fucking. Goooooo! The great promise of the podcast is finally paid and our blood sacrifice recognized. We also briefly talk about Frasier.
Standing Ovation:
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It's the first of many finales! This time, the original finale that would have happened if Macross didn't get incredibly popular by episode 3. In another world, would me and Manny have still done a podcast that ended here? Probably not we'd be doing like movies vaguely relating to star trek or something who knows. Anyway, fun episode! I do a small crime near the middle but I'm sure you will all forgive me, we talk about our feeling on the series so far, and what it would have been like if it all ended here. More importantly, we continue to prove this podcast should exist by pondering over the average daily labor of strange Robotech line adds and changes that don't really effect anything.
Standing Ovation:
Tribal Tattoo picture mentioned is the one in the episode photo.
Please wish Manny well at! Actually he is feeling much better already but don't jinx it by not sending him love, okay.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Heads up: Manny's audio got messed up (which effected our backup too) so he's gonna sound a bit weird even after some editing. That editing also involved some audio truncating so this episode is also shorter on a whole than usual as a result. I sound perfect as usual, though, if a bit more concise, so you can have all the fun in the world listening to us talk about people talking in meetings. This is the most "getting the pieces in the right place" episode we've had all season but that doesn't mean it's not good. And there are plenty of differences (they added 2 lines that don't make sense) with Robotech! This is the episode where Sexadore becomes real, however. Next time shit pops off and we also read a comic that will certainly not pop off (Robotech Final Fire), though, lmao.
Standing Ovation:
Stand video we watch:
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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