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Welcome to EXIT 27, a Mount Holly, NC podcast. This podcast explores the history, people and current events of Mount Holly. Hosted by Greg Blackwood, and recorded downtown Mt. Holly in the historic Summey Building, EXIT 27 documents and brings to life the stories of our friends, family, and neighbors.
Following the death of Michael Jackson, an album of the pop star's unreleased songs made headlines around the world when his family and fans claimed that some of the songs on the album were fakes. Packed with explosive new evidence, Faking Michael uncovers the inside story of the music industry scandal you were never meant to hear about.
In this podcast, hosts Juliet Fromholt and Jocelyn Robinson will share gems from WYSO’s extensive archive, featuring the work of women musicians, and women radio hosts and presenters in different stages of the station’s history. The podcast series will celebrate women’s voices past and present, and look at the role those voices were given in the local and national music scenes with a critical lens.
Were you born in the Seventies? Join us for the sounds of the 70s every Saturday morning. Martin and Venetia will take you to the decade of denim flares, burnt orange kitchen bench tops and the birth of disco and glam rock! Each week we’ll have a 70’s theme that we’ll explore, such as songs from disaster movies, movement anthems, one hit wonders, daggy duets, funky numbers, and disco tracks that steamed up the dance floor in many an LGBTI venue, to name just a few. The 70s produced some amazing music and we’re here to make sure that music is shared and never lost. NOTE: Due to music licencing requirements this podcast is unavailable outside of Australia.
This podcast examines the perennial quest of Latin Americans and Latinx peoples to create more just and equitable societies. The series focuses on the political project of Latin American rock en espaรฑol, a musical genre that challenged the hegemony of English rock and began in the 1970s.
During the 1970s, a number of Latin American countries were faced with dictatorships and military coups that led to the โdirty warsโ in which citizens were traumatized, tortured, and murdered. This project will be examining the lyrics for main themes of social justice that circulated during the dirty wars of Mexico, Chile, and Argentina in particular.
We will also feature intergenerational conversations to examine the legacies of this music in our present moment and how Rock en Espaรฑol was employed by LA Latinas and Latinos to fight against anti-immigrant rhetoric and politics in 1990s California.
This project is supported in part by the University of California Office of the President MRPI funding M21PR3286.
In the summer of 1972, the Rolling Stones swept across an America still smoldering from the tumult of the โ60s, bringing their gritty masterpiece Exile on Main St. to the masses. Rolling Stone magazine journalist Robert Greenfield was along for the ride, writing the seminal rock book STP (Stones Touring Party) โ culled from weeks on the road and more than 60 hours of interviews with the band and their entourage. Now, for the first time, Greenfield and fellow STP vet Gary Stromberg share that tape archive, allowing listeners to sit in on intimate chats with the Stones in their prime. Written and hosted by Jordan Runtagh, with original music by Noel Brown and Mykal Alder June, Stones Touring Party is an all-access pass to the sights, sounds, riots, bombings, drug busts, death threats and other assorted mayhem from this pivotal moment in American history.
Every week, “WHAT THE RIFF?!?” takes a look at a ROCK AND ROLL album that debuted or peaked on the U.S. Billboard charts during a random month between 1965-1995. Four friends discuss the artists and 4 tracks from the album as it plays in the background. Then we riff on 4 “staff picks” of other artists that were also in the charts during that month and year. You’ll hear some familiar tunes as well as some deeper cuts and entertainment tracks as we share a little look into the culture and happenings of that day— having fun recalling that “old time rock and roll.”
We hope to bring back memories for you — and we encourage you to find and purchase the tracks and albums from iTunes, Spotify or your other favorite music service.
You’ll find each episode with a short blog on this site. Please subscribe so you don’t miss any release! We also invite you to follow us and learn more about us @whattheriffpodcast on Facebook. -
About A Girl is a scripted narrative anthology series about women whose stories have long been eclipsed by the legends of their famous partners. Bowie, Elvis, 2Pac, Prince, Miles, Biggie. Each of these icons created some of the most celebrated and enduring music of the modern age. But there's more to their stories than you know. About A Girl brings focus to the many women without whom the landscape of popular music might be very different.
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A podcast about the 90s Australian alternative music scene - whatever the hell that means.
Discover or relive the stories of how this scene came to be - through the bands, the labels, the technology, the magazines, the TV shows and more. It's part history, part documentary and part memoir of a music fan who was there and spent too much money at the time. -
A podcast anthology series exploring the eras, subcultures, and obsessions we can't leave behind. In this season, hosts Raymond Wiley (Out There Radio, Disinformation, The Shadow of Ideas) and Audra Wolfmann (Speakeasily vs. the '80s) focus on the 1990s, the decade that made us.