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Are you a health and fitness focused woman struggling with binge eating, a missing period, digestive issues and/or constant thoughts and anxieties around food? YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I was in your shoes for 4 years, trying EVERYTHING to stop binge eating only to end up succumbing to that terrifying urge to binge week after week. I finally became COMPLETELY free from the urge to binge, got my period back (without the pill), healed my digestion and found a balanced relationship with food and fitness. I became a Registered Dietitian and since 2019 I’ve been helping other women do this too in my virtual private practice. On this podcast you’ll hear many of them sharing their journey to peace and freedom with food. You’ll also be inspired and educated on all things food, body image, fitness and physique goals, digestive and hormonal health so you TOO can become TRULY healthy and fit.
Queremos compartir contigo este podcast, que nace de la idea de romper paradigmas y desmitificar - con evidencia científica - aquellas experiencias que te han llevado a mantener una mala relación con tu cuerpo y la comida.
Somos Cami de @ (Psicóloga), Denisse de @ (Médico Especialista en Nutrición) y Tuti de @nutricontuti (Nutricionista ). Hablaremos de nutrición actual
Si quieres recobrar tu libertad y sanar el daño que las dietas te han causado; creamos este espacio para normalizar el ver #mujerescomiendo, generar discusión, aprender y sobretodo pasarlo bien! -
Hola, soy Hugo Viani, Bioquímico con 30 años de experiencia especializado en desórdenes metabólicos, nutrición y rendimiento deportivo.Este podcast busca como finalidad entregar conocimiento y herramientas que permitan mayor manejo en el ámbito de la nutrición.Estaré atento a todas sus preguntas e inquietudes, haré regularmente programas resolviendo dichas preguntasSiganme en redes sociales:Instagram y facebook: doctorproteinacorreo : nutricion@hugoviani.clPodcast producido por Virrey Media @VirreyMedia en instagram
Eating gluten free and trying to lose weight or just manage weight is a challenge. Sue Jennett, and her co-hosts are all on different weight loss/management journeys with one thing in common - they are all committed to a gluten free diet. Join the conversation weekly to catch up with the successes and challenges faced by each of the co-hosts taking a different path to control their weight.
“ Burning fat and building muscle has become over complicated. I aim to simplify it”
In this podcast, we hear stories from leading body transformation experts and exciting new personalities who offer easy body building–hacks, expert advice and debunk common body building myths giving you the tools to revolutionise how you eat, train and rest.
Hosted by Rich Williams – award winning fitness competitor, qualified personal trainer and internet entrepreneur. Who has worked with industry leaders, expert professional body building and stage posing coaches like Audrey Kaipio and Omar Ventura.
Omar, who coached 2019 Mens Physique Mr Olympia winner.
Get Shredded aims to inspire, empower and transform the way men over the age of 30 feel. Giving them tools to manage daily stress + anxiety, better balance family life with business or career and increase their confidence by becoming bigger, stronger and shredded.
When we come become shredded, we look better. When we look better, we feel happier!
When we feel happier we become unstoppable! -
Sentir hambre, ansiedad, la forma en que mi cerebro me habla, incluso si soy una persona delgada. Mi Cerebro Gordo son todas esas ideas, creencias, mitos, deseos con los que convivís día a día. ¿Cuál es nuestro propósito? Hablar de todas estas experiencias y darte estrategias efectivas para mejorar tu peso, tu salud y sentirte mejor.
Recordá...Mi Cerebro Gordo ¡siempre puede aprender!
Una producción de ICOMET (Instituto Costarricense de Metabolismo)