Does rest seem like an impossible demand from God? In your busy life, do you find yourself squeezing in errands to run, people to meet and things to do when you know you wished you could rest? How can rest be part of our journeys of dreaming brave when our big dreams demand so much of us? In this episode, Dr. Wai Jia shares why rest is the key to our fruitfulness and abiding in God. And why rest, is the ultimate gift from God.
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Have you ever felt you’re unqualified or ill-equipped for what God is calling you to? Do you ever feel someone else could do a better job, or think: What can God possibly do with someone like me? If those are the questions you've asked, this episode is for you.
In this episode, Dr. Wai Jia speaks with Becca David, a hairstylist from Massachusetts, about how God freed her from feeling unworthy and uneducated, and turned her past sexual trauma into a purposeful ministry serving strippers in her local strip club.
Becca works as a hairstylist as her full time vocation. Her ministry and passion however, is to serve women who have been sexually exploited and trafficked specifically at local strip clubs in her community. The passion she has to walk alongside these women comes from the way the Lord gently pursued and regenerated her in the darkest seasons of her life.
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Do you often feel small and inadequate? Have you ever wondered how God could possibly do anything significant through someone as broken and flawed as you? God, why can’t I just be good enough to do something great in my lifetime? In this episode, Dr. Wai Jia share how God loves to use the weak and the lowly and why, if you’re feeling “not good enough” for His God-sized dreams for your life, that’s a good place to start.
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Have you ever wondered how you could do anything worthwhile for God if you yourself were neglected, abused or traumatized before?
In this episode, Dr. Wai Jia sat down with Ps. Jeanette Salguero from New York City, a Puerto-Rican pastor, coach and regular advocate at the White House for Hispanic legislation, to discuss what it means to live and lead from a posture of being loved, when we’ve been beaten down before.
Jeanette is a pastor at The Gathering in Orlando, FL, Vice President of the National Latino Evangelical Coalition, and Director of the Carrion Hispanic Leadership Institute at Southeastern University. She is a powerful voice on issues that affect Latino communities in the United States and advocates regularly at the White House. Focusing on immigration, education, and health, Jeanette was honored by the Department of Health & Human Services as one of the top 15 women in the nation for her leadership and work with vulnerable populations. She has many accolades to date, but most of all, she is a proud wife to Rev. Dr. Gabriel Salguero and a big mama bear to her two sons, Jon-Gabriel and Seth.
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Have you ever felt ashamed of your family of origin? Maybe you struggle with estrangement from your parents, siblings who have hurt or bullied you, family baggage that carries years of generational trauma and sin. You’re not alone. In this episode, Dr. Wai Jia speaks to us about how our family’s dysfunction does not exclude us from fulfilling God’s dreams for our lives.
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Have you ever felt disappointed that your dreams didn't turn out the way you expected? Is God telling me to let go of my dreams? And if so, then why does it feel so hard? If those are the questions you've asked, you've come to the right place.
In this episode, I'm so excited to have Bronwyn Lea with me. Bronwyn is originally from South Africa but now lives in California with her family, where she is a pastor at her local church, and a leadership coach and editor with Propel Women. She's an author, a speaker and also a mom to three children. Bronwyn loves to welcome people into her home and she has one of the biggest hearts I know.
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Have you ever felt like you didnt know where you were headed? You know you’ve heard God’s call, but then, it’s as if He’s gone silent and you dont know whats next. What steo do you take whe there’re so many options. Hello God, are you there? In this episode, Wai Jia speaks to us about how God’s plans for our lives comes through best when we come to the place of true surrender, and how, even in our uncertainty, we can still take steps of faith forward.
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Do you ever feel like your mental health struggles limit you from pursuing your dreams? How can God use me to impact others if I myself am struggling? In this episode, I sat down with Dave Quak, podcast host of Sunburnt Souls and pastor of Living Temple church in Brisbane to hear his journey with bipolar disorder, how he thrives with it, and why it doesn’t hold him back. I love Dave. He’s become a good friend who’s inspired me so much. You’ll be so blessed by this.
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Are you struggling with pain, heartbreak or setback? Ever felt like you’re carrying too much baggage or have gone through too much to ever be useful enough for God? In this episode, Wai Jia takes us into Joseph’s life and shares her own struggles with mental health, to show us how God uses our pit and prison experiences to prepare us for the palace. If you feel like you’re struggling to hold onto hope, this episode is for you.
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Have you faced opposition from your loved ones when you share your dreams with them? How do you discern good advice from the naysayers? In this episode, I sat down with Pastor Jason Min from Citizens Church to hear his remarkable story of confronting and managing parental expectations when his brother and him chose unexpected career paths. As a Korean-American at the intersection of eastern cultural expectations meeting western individualism, Jason gave great insights on navigating expectations and criticism, and what to do when those we love don’t support or agree with the dreams we feel God calling us to pursue. You’re going to love this episode.
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Have you ever felt lost amidst the many well-intentioned voices that advise you on your next steps? What if those voices don’t align with what you’re sensing God speak to you about His dreams for your life? When is it all right to choose not to yield to authority? In this episode, Wai Jia speaks to us about the principles that can guide us in hearing God’s voice, especially when they run counter to what our loved ones are saying.
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In the pursuit of your God-given dreams, have you ever felt like the sacrifice you had to make felt too great? Do you ever feel like backing out because the possibility of failure just seems too high? If those are the questions you've asked, this episode is for you. In this episode, Wai Jia sat down with her cancer-surviving, IronMan triathlete, stay-at-home-dad Canadian missionary husband, Cliff, to talk about what it means to count the cost for Jesus. This is a tear-jerking episode you don’t want to miss.
Cliff is a cancer survivor and a liver transplant recipient turned Iron Man triathlete. He is founder of The Ordinary Dad ministry, which ministers to stay-home-dads in Singapore, and the leader of his family, whom he leads courageously to follow God’s call around the world.
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Have you ever felt paralyzed by fear because stepping out into the unknown feels like too great of a risk? After all, we can still do good within our comfort zones. In this episode, Wai Jia shares with us why risk is a crucial part of our learning to walk by faith. If you’re holding back because you’ve counted the cost and it feels too hard, this episode is for you.
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Have you ever felt like your faith was too small or weak? Ever felt ashamed or guilty for feeling doubtful if your plans would work out? Friend, you’re not alone. In this episode, Wai Jia unravels the mystery of why Jesus rebukes His disciples for having “little faith,” then promptly says that a mustard-seed sized faith would be sufficient. If you feel like you’re falling short on faith, this episode is for you.
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Have you ever wondered if your dreams matter? After all, why pursue them if they seem far-fetched or the cost seems too high? In the first episode of Dream Brave with Wai Jia shares with us why our dreams matter, by recollecting a little dream that changed her life forever. If you’re tempted to squash a dream in your heart because it seems too whimsical, too silly, or just too much, this episode is for you.
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