
  • Have you ever considered how setting personal boundaries could transform your life? In our latest episode, we explore the journey of self-discovery, beginning with a discussion on how reconnecting with nature and indulging in creative activities can rejuvenate the mind and spirit. We also reflect on the demands of a hectic work week and share insights on maintaining a sense of balance amid a whirlwind of fittings and filming.

    We delve into the evolution from people-pleasing habits to prioritizing self-care, and the struggles of maintaining boundaries in personal relationships—highlighting how issues like abandonment can influence these dynamics. The conversation touches on the crucial aspects of letting go of control and embracing self-awareness to foster emotional growth.

    As we conclude, the focus shifts to practical advice for setting healthy boundaries both professionally and personally. We emphasize the need to disconnect from work during off-hours to protect mental space and the importance of not taking on others' emotional burdens. Through personal anecdotes, we highlight the significance of self-care routines and listening to one’s intuition, while offering tips on overcoming guilt and prioritizing personal well-being. Join us for an episode that promises insights on achieving a balanced, fulfilled life by mastering the art of boundaries and self-care.

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  • Ever found yourself treading back to familiar paths, despite your resolve to march ahead? That's the raw honesty we're bringing to the table this week as we confess about rekindling with an old flame. Weaving through these vulnerable tales, we confront the intricate dance of personal growth and self-accountability, offering up our own experiences as a mirror to the universal quest for emotional honesty.

    The spotlight then shifts to the behind-the-scenes of the glitzy TV industry,. Yes, we love our job, but at what cost? As we share stories from the trenches, we underscore the importance of self-care and the pursuit of authenticity even when the script of life demands a different character. Join us as we muse over the empowerment found in keeping it real, despite the pressures to conform.

    Wrapping up, we champion the act of facing our fears. Making self-worth a daily practice, we chat about the transformative power of routine, from fitness to gratitude apps, and how these seemingly small habits can spiral into a life of empowerment and self-respect. Tune in for a conversation that's equal parts heart and humor, as we celebrate the quirks that make us unique and the journey towards aligning with our higher selves.

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  • Have you ever caught yourself in the mirror and pondered whether the reflection staring back was truly yours? We sure have, and it's led us down the rabbit hole of understanding self-worth and the coping mechanisms we often employ. In a blend of humor and raw honesty, we traverse the peaks and valleys of our individual paths to sobriety. More than just personal narratives, we unpack how breakups and life's stressors baited us into substance use, and how we emerged with stronger resilience and healthier strategies to handle emotional pain.

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    Thank you so much for your support and for listening to us. please click the follow button if you like us and leave us some feedback in the comments below! we will be back every Thursday with a new episode.

  • Have you ever wondered how your love life might change if you swapped cocktails for coffee on dates? Join us in a heartfelt and humorous journey as we swap tipsy tales for sober insights. We discuss the landscape of modern romance, from the hilarity of shoeless escapades on London Bridge to the transformative clarity that sober dating can bring.

    This week's conversation isn't just about swapping spirits for sparkling water; it's packed with candid reflections on the dating game. We debate the nuanced dance of who takes the lead on a first date and why planning matters, all while weaving in tales of personal growth and the red flags we've learned to recognize. With sober tales that reveal as much about ourselves as our dates, we uncover the importance of setting boundaries, interpreting signals, and maintaining self-respect in the quest for connection.

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    Thank you so much for your support and for listening to us. please click the follow button if you like us and leave us some feedback in the comments below! we will be back every Thursday with a new episode.

  • Embarking on a sober journey isn't just about giving up alcohol; it's about rediscovering who you are without it. That's why we've dedicated an entire episode to the twisting path of the first 30 days of sobriety. We're pulling back the curtain on the good, the bad, and the ugly of waving goodbye to the bottle, arming you with the kind of insight only those who've walked this road can offer. From the daunting fears that creep in when you're facing the unknown to the surprising joys of newfound clarity, we're here to share it all—our stories, our strategies, and even our screw-ups. And let's not forget about 'retraining the puppy brain' to cultivate healthy habits that stick.

    We're talking about those tricky social situations where the drinks flow and the pressure mounts. Find out how an 'Irish exit' might just become your new party trick, and why sober friendships could be the secret ingredient to your personal evolution. Laugh with us as we recount the trials of balancing work and sobriety, and the unexpected hilarity of navigating life's little challenges sans hangover. Whether you're sober curious or deep in the trenches of your own sobriety journey, this episode is an honest, heartfelt, and sometimes cheeky guide to not just surviving but thriving in a world awash with alcohol.

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    Thank you so much for your support and for listening to us. please click the follow button if you like us and leave us some feedback in the comments below! we will be back every Thursday with a new episode.

  • Ever found yourself in a mischievous twist of fate, like turning a disabled toilet into an impromptu podcast studio? That's just a sliver of the mayhem you'll get a peek at as my co-host Tarah and I rummage through the cluttered world of ADHD, sprinkled with doses of humor and candid personal insights. Our latest episode is a rollercoaster ride through the ups and downs of managing ADHD, with the added twist of navigating sobriety. Karleigh also brings her own sobering revelations on how ditching the drink brought mental clarity to her life with ADHD.

    Listen in as Karleigh shares a pivotal moment that nearly led her to rehab and the support from her 'London mother' that kept her grounded. We get real about the seductive call of old habits and the strategies that fortify our resolve. It's a conversation that's not just about the struggles, but also the triumphs of self-discovery and the acceptance of a helping hand when the road gets rocky. So, pour yourself a cup of coffee (or tea, if that's your jam), and get ready for a heartfelt exploration of the intersection of ADHD and alcohol, without the hangover.

    Please be advised that explicit language is part of our dialogue. If you're seeking support in your own journey towards sobriety, we recommend checking out helpful resources such as the "Drinkless", "Reframe", and "Everything AA" apps, available on various platforms. Additionally, you can explore valuable insights on website for the thailand free rehab centre is ''

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  • Welcome to "DRUNK GIRLS GONE SOBER"! In today's episode, we delve into the intriguing topic of the "brain worm" and its influence on our journey towards sobriety. We're here to introduce ourselves, share our experiences, and shed light on the path we've traveled without alcohol.

    Throughout this discussion, we'll explore the challenges posed by societal norms, the allure of sobriety, and the relentless grip of the brain worm— that persistent urge after that initial sip.

    Join us as we navigate through the complexities of navigating social settings, reflect on the cinematic and television landscapes, and celebrate the freedom found in embracing sobriety. This is a judgment-free zone where you can express yourself freely, even if that means being a little wild and uninhibited.

    Please be advised that explicit language is part of our dialogue. If you're seeking support in your own journey towards sobriety, we recommend checking out helpful resources such as the "Drinkless", "Reframe", and "Everything AA" apps, available on various platforms. Additionally, you can explore valuable insights on Let's embark on this journey together!

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    Thank you so much for your support and for listening to us. please click the follow button if you like us and leave us some feedback in the comments below! we will be back every Thursday with a new episode.