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Billy Carson AKA 4biddenknowledge shares the untold truth about the worlds ancient past and how it relates to today’s technology and societies ways. From his own experience traveling around the world multiple times, visiting sacred sites, and interviewing natives, 4biddenknowledge has been able to uncover what actually took place in ancient times. He also delves deep into financial literacy, spirituality, metaphysics, and esoteric knowledge in this podcast series. Listen and learn about consciousness and our real history with Billy Carson and his expert guests. Support this podcast:
Wie kriegst Du es hin, am Monatsende mehr Geld übrig zu haben? Wie machst Du das mit Deiner Altersvorsorge? Was musst Du zu ETFs wissen? Welche Konten und Verträge brauchst Du überhaupt? Kurzum: Wie organisierst Du Dein Geld – und zwar auf einfache Weise und ohne Experte sein zu müssen?
Diese Fragen beantworte ich Dir in diesem Podcast. Ich bin Saidi von Finanztip und führe Dich Stück für Stück durch diesen Podcast-Kurs: Ganz praktisch lernst Du, wie Du Deine alltäglichen Geldgeschäfte organisiert, so dass es für Dich möglichst einfach, übersichtlich und kostengünstig ist. Und mit der Zeit werden wir uns auch an die großen Fragen des Lebens heranarbeiten: Wie z.B. entscheidest Du, ob Du Dir eine eigene Immobilie zulegen solltest – oder nicht?
Geld – muss nicht kompliziert sein. Sondern geht ganz einfach. -
À quoi ressembleront nos vies si on ne fait rien pour stopper la crise climatique ? Avec autodérision et beaucoup de taquinerie, Swann Périssé pose la question à des spécialistes de l’écologie. Histoire d’exploiter à fond le potentiel comique de la fin du monde.
Y'a plus de saisons, un podcast de Swann Périssé, produit par Binge Audio et Spriss Productions avec le soutien de l’Agence française de développement.
Pour accéder à la billetterie des prochains spectacles avec Camille Étienne et Fatima Ouassak, rendez-vous sur Eventbrite, par ici !
Meld je aan voor de dagelijkse nieuwsbrief:
Het laatste nieuws over de beurs, financiële wereld, economie, politiek en ondernemen vind bij De Belegger!
De inzichten op dit kanaal zijn voor educatieve doeleinden. Geen financieel advies hier – altijd zelf onderzoek doen voor je belegt. Beleggen kent risico's, dus beslis wijs! -
The Private Equity PErspectives podcast serves as a forum for private equity dealmakers to discuss navigating today’s dynamic investment environment, while preparing for challenges and opportunities on the horizon. In each episode, BDO’s Private Equity practice connects with leaders in the industry to talk deal activity, fund strategies, and portfolio company optimization.
Podcastul antreprenorilor din tehnologie, cu Sergiu Biriș, antreprenor în serie, investitor și mentor pentru diverse startup-uri tech. Este un podcast despre poveștile antreprenorilor români care au fondat startup-uri de succes, au reușit și au inovat în tehnologie sau cu ajutorul ei. L-am denumit "Neascultătorii" deoarece un lucru pe care îl au în comun antreprenorii care au reușit cu adevarat este acela că au știut când să NU asculte de cei care le-au zis că nu vor reuși. Au știut când să ocolească regulile, și nu s-au mulțumit cu cariere predictibile, lipsite de rollercoaster-ul specific antreprenoriatului în tehnologie. Îmi doresc de la acest podcast sa fie unul care inspiră alți viitori antreprenori și din care să descoperim împreună povești și lecții despre ce înseamnă să construiești un business de succes în Tehnologie.
Each month, we meet with inspirational people at the forefront of the sustainable movement, making innovative changes within their organisation to tackle the climate crisis. Each podcast will provide insights, knowledge, and tips for becoming a more sustainable business across various industries and sectors. Whether you’re looking to start or accelerate your organisation’s sustainability journey, Sustainability Solved will help you each step of the way.
Behind The Bricks is a podcast about New York City Multifamily Real Estate Investing. Specifically, I’ll interview and have discussions with the most active and fascinating NYC apartment building owners in the industry. The goal of these talks is to go behind the transactions and explore what drives these individuals and the investment choices they make. How do they balance opportunity with the obstacles and the risk with the rewards? Some shows are biographical, some are about management operations, and others will have a macro focus to uncover the philosophies and mindsets of these real estate icons. In essence, I am looking to uncover the skills, qualities, and experiences that have made them successful. Success is no accident and we all have something to learn from these achievers. In doing so, we can improve ourselves and the world around us. For more information about the show or investing in New York City, visit us at
Peter Von Der Ahe leads the top multifamily investment sales team in the NYC metro area. For more information about them and related opportunities, go to
If you are looking for more of this type of content focused on Multifamily investing around the USA visit -
Bei "Die Macher" trifft Inga Michler zum ersten Kaffee des Tages Menschen, die durchstarten, taumeln und wieder aufstehen, aller Widerstände zum Trotz. Denn Karriere geht nicht immer steil nach oben. Scheitern gehört dazu. In diesem Podcast geht es darum, was Menschen antreibt, die erfolgreich sind. Welche Hindernisse sie überwunden haben und was ihre Erfolgsgeheimnisse sind.
Im Special "Die Quoten-Frauen?!" porträtieren die Wirtschaftsjournalistinnen Inga Michler und Anja Ettel die mächtigen Frauen, die sich an die Spitze der Dax-Unternehmen kämpfen. Sie berichten von Begegnungen und lassen die Macherinnen selbst zu Wort kommen.
Aktuell erscheinen leider keine neuen Folgen. -
The Marketing Science Podcast from AZoNetwork is a series of podcasts for sales and marketing professionals working within Science, Engineering and Healthcare.
Each week we interview a different guest who shares their insights and experience from working on the front line of science communications.
#MarketingScience #SciComms #Marketing
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This Week in Intelligent Investing examines timely and timeless investment topics to help you become a better investor. Enjoy authentic, unscripted discussion, featuring Chris Bloomstran of Semper Augustus Investments Group, Phil Ordway of Anabatic Investment Partners, Elliot Turner of RGA Investment Advisors, and other thought-leading investors. The podcast is to you exclusively by MOI Global, the research-driven membership organization of intelligent investors. Your host is John Mihaljevic, Chairman of MOI Global.
Real Strategies. Real Investors. Real Wealth. Hosted by Ryan Bevilacqua and Cory Jacobson, The Wealth Juice Podcast delivers no-BS, high-value conversations with top real estate investors, entrepreneurs, and business leaders, who are actively building wealth. They go beyond theory, breaking down the exact strategies, lessons, and mindset shifts needed to achieve financial independence. Ryan and Cory are active real estate investors with a 70+ unit portfolio spanning long-term rentals, short-term rentals, multifamily apartments, and a boutique hotel. Previous show guests include: Tarek El Moussa – Real estate mogul, house-flipping expert, and HGTV Star; Marques Colston – NFL Legend, Super Bowl XLIV Champion, and multi-business owner; Brandon Turner – Real estate investor, bestselling author, and former BiggerPockets host; Tom Wheelright – Elite tax strategist, bestselling author, and advisor to Robert Kiyosaki; Robert Croak – Serial entrepreneur, decamillionaire and founder of global sensation Silly Bandz; Mikey Taylor – Former pro skateboarder turned investor, co-founder of Saint Archer Brewery and president of Commune Capital. If you’re looking to buy your first rental property, grow your portfolio while keeping your W-2 job, or learn the wealth-building strategies of top investors, this is the show for you. Connect with Ryan and Cory on Instagram @wealthjuiceofficial
* Disclaimer *
The information provided on this podcast is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be considered as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument or engage in any financial activity. The content presented here is based on the speaker's personal opinions and research, which may not always be accurate or up to date. Financial markets and investments carry inherent risks. Individuals should conduct their own research and seek certified professional advice before making any financial decisions. The links in the episode descriptions may include referral or affiliate commissions, and we may receive compensation from partner websites. -
Stand van Zaken is een maandelijkse podcast van BNP Paribas Fortis waarin hoofdeconoom Koen de Leus en Chief Strategy Officer Philippe Gijsels in gesprek gaan over wat er de komende maand staat te gebeuren in onze wereld en wat dat betekent voor de economie en de markten. Onderwerpen zoals de Amerikaanse verkiezingen, het K-herstel, een uitkijk naar 2021 en Brexit komen aan bod.
Volg het laatste beursnieuws met de podcast van De Aandeelhouder. Wekelijks brengen we je scherpe analyses, actuele aandelentips en duiding op het belangrijkste beursnieuws. Onze experts delen cruciale kennis over de beurs. Ideaal voor elke belegger. Of je nu een beginnende of ervaren belegger bent, hier leer je hoe je verstandig investeert! Elke vrijdag om 10.00 staat een nieuwe aflevering voor je klaar. Investeer in je kennis over beurs en beleggen en luister naar de visie van ervaren beleggers.
Beurs Talk is dé podcast over beleggen, wekelijks gepresenteerd door Rob Jansen, oud BNR beurs presentator. Voor de belegger die verstandig, dus gespreid en voor de langere termijn belegt, is er Beurs Talk. Elke week delen twee experts hun visie op de financiële markten, de economie, en wat dat betekent voor beleggers. In Beurs Talk hoor je welke aandelen, obligaties, ETF’s en vastgoedfondsen aantrekkelijk zijn en welke je juist moet mijden. En natuurlijk geven de experts wekelijks hun gouden beleggingstip.