
  • After a data breach, many criminals are beginning to use deep learning AI to categorize the information they have stolen. They’re using a steady amount of micro attacks on individuals and businesses and not just full-scale assaults.

    Today’s guest is Robert Blumofe. Bobby joined Akamai in 1999 to lead the company’s first performance team. While serving as one of Akamai’s chief architects, he was instrumental in the design and development of their intelligent edge platform which now handles trillions of internet requests daily. Bobby’s technical past lends itself to a passion in machine learning and AI and he holds a PhD in Computer Science from MIT.

    Show Notes: [1:02] - Bobby shares his background and current role at Akamai. [2:32] - When he joined the company in 1999, he didn’t really know what Akamai did. [4:29] - Customers recognized that Akamai could have the capabilities to see all the traffic to their websites and potentially block attacks. [7:02] - Machine learning is really remarkable. Akamai has been using deep learning as a tool to solve problems for their security products. [9:25] - AI has become a big part of everything we do. [10:35] - The quantity and quality of the data used by AI is what differentiates the machine learning and models of an enterprise. [12:36] - Bobby discusses what the next five years could look like for cyber criminals. [15:24] - Criminals only need one success out of thousands or millions of targets. [17:32] - Social media platforms really do want to do the right thing but there’s only so much they can do. [18:39] - As a consumer, you have to be on guard and not necessarily trust where information is coming from. [20:42] - Any new significant development in technology is hard to differentiate from magic, especially in the early days of development. [23:04] - Machine learning is remarkable and as a technologist, Bobby wants to love it. But there are so many examples of misuse. [25:29] - Use the technology, but check the output. [29:10] - When solving a simple problem, does the AI really need to know everything? They access so much data that isn’t useful. [31:19] - Just because an entity can carry on a conversation, doesn’t mean it has authoritative knowledge. [33:04] - What is zero trust? [34:51] - A misconception is that AI will take over and plan like sci-fi movies. [39:11] - You need to have all the checks and balances in critical areas. [42:07] - Leadership in organizations needs to prioritize efforts and be very involved. [44:52] - We need to assume that AI will continue to develop and criminals will continue misusing the technology in new ways. [47:23] - The changes and advances have been so fast recently, that we may need the opportunity to pause.

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  • AI search tools are being used by criminals to sort through data breaches and data dumps they’ve stolen to target as many individuals as possible. After your phone has been swapped, they’ll have the ability to access all your SMS messages and phone calls. But there are precautions you can take.

    Today’s guest is Mark Kreitzman. Mark is a seasoned cybersecurity expert with over 20 years of experience in building cybersecurity companies. Mark brings insights into evolving threats facing mobile security and data privacy. His expertise in our increasingly mobile world makes him a valuable resource in discussing how to mitigate your risks as it pertains to mobile communications.

    Show Notes: [1:02] - Mark shares his background in cybersecurity and what he does now in his career. [2:08] - In 2017, Mark experienced a SIM swap scam. [5:30] - He used his anger and paranoia to help develop Efani, a cybersecurity focused mobile service. [8:51] - When you get SIM swapped and the carrier recognizes that you’ve been attacked, they go into liability protection mode. [11:16] - Mark shares some of the details of what happened in his experience and explains that he still doesn’t know if he was specifically targeted. [14:00] - Through fraud, scammers can actually become resellers. [17:27] - SIM swapping started as a way to target and harass celebrities. [20:52] - Once scammers have information, they can get into many different accounts because people tend to use the same passwords. [23:14] - Everybody’s information is floating out there. Data breaches give scammers and fraudsters access to so much. [24:19] - Mark describes what you will see on your phone from your end when a SIM swap scam has occurred. [28:42] - Efani is a mobile service provider. Mark explains how they are different. [31:28] - With a $5 million insurance policy, Efani does everything possible to protect it. [34:54] - Efani is extremely busy because there are so many cases of this problem. [37:07] - When you give a carrier your social security number to open an account, you are essentially opening a credit account. [39:58] - Unfortunately, many people don’t know about this type of scam. It is a silently growing trend. [42:08] - With Efani, mobile carriers are never given a customer’s information. [45:45] - Mark tends to live on the paranoid side after being a victim of this type of scam. He shares what he does when he travels. [49:05] - Using a VPN while traveling is a great idea to help protect yourself. [51:44] - Right now, Efani has a promo code you can use for your plan just for Easy Prey listeners:

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  • Many assume that scammers just target the more mature in age, but they go after everyone. Younger people who may have been manipulated may not have the same amount of money to lose, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t being targeted.

    Today’s guest is Kathy Stokes. Kathy is the Director of Fraud Prevention Programs with AARP. She leads the AARP social mission work to educate older adults on the risks that fraud represents to their financial security. She currently serves on the advisory council to the Board of International Association of Financial Crimes Investigators and on the advisory council to the Senior Issues Committee of the North American Securities Administrators Association.

    Show Notes: [1:02] - Kathy shares her background, what she does at AARP, and what AARP actually is. [3:50] - AARP has had a Fraud Watch Network for a while, but its current form is different from years past. [5:29] - There is a concerted effort to bring the generations together to educate others in the community. [7:26] - It is a common misconception that older people are targeted more often than other age groups. [10:38] - The biggest barrier is something that is beginning to break down. It’s the shame and victim blaming. We are at a turning point. [12:50] - Unfortunately, police officers are not able to do much for financial crimes, but it is still important to report them. [16:01] - Most scams are considered “low ticket” items, even if it is several thousand dollars and that’s all you have. [18:08] - AARP has a resource for how to talk about scams with family members who have been a victim of a scam. [20:50] - Rewording how we talk to and about victims of scams is changing. [24:23] - You have to have a strong and unique password for literally everything. [25:27] - Even just one extra layer of protection in the form of two-factor authentication is helpful. [28:10] - No one will ever ask you for an authentication code over the phone. [30:20] - There’s got to be something we can do as a society to help victims with the money they’ve lost. [32:48] - We cannot trust incoming communication, including calls, emails, and texts. [36:45] - Education and continuing to talk about this will help keep the trend of less victim shaming going. [39:30] - Victims can change the verbiage as well. Report the scam and file a police report. [41:29] - You can and should also report scams you know about even if you did not experience a loss. [43:10] - A number to use to reach the Fraud Watch Network is 877-908-3360. [48:09] - If someone you know has been a victim of a scam, don’t get mad at them for “falling for it,” get mad that this was done to them.

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  • Moving money has never been easier. We no longer need to go into a bank, fill out a slip, and hand it to a teller to receive our money. We can now transfer money instantly. Scammers are taking advantage of unfamiliar technology to either hack in and take our money or to deceive you into sending it to them yourself. Deciding if the bank is responsible for the loss is becoming more and more of a conversation.

    Today’s guest is Uri Rivner. Uri has been fighting financial crime for 20 years working closely with the world’s largest banks on developing strategies against online fraud and scams. Prior to founding Refine Intelligence, Uri was co-founder and Chief Cyber Officer at BioCatch, the global leader in behavioral biometrics for fraud detection. Earlier, Uri served as Head of New Technologies at RSA. Innovations Uri spearheaded, such as risk-based authentication, are now saving the industry billions of dollars each year in fraud.

    Show Notes: [1:19] - Uri shares his background in fighting fraud for the last 20 years. [3:43] - The companies Uri has worked for, founded, and co-founded work with banks and financial institutions to help protect against fraud. [5:10] - In a fraud situation, people are tricked through social engineering to hand over their information, but the fraudsters move the money. [6:41] - Fraud is unauthorized. A scam is an authorized payment. [7:39] - Uri describes some of the history of frauds changing over to scams. [10:42] - Although there’s a difference between fraud and scams, the lines can be blurred. [14:10] - Remote access malware became a real problem. [17:13] - What are the differences between how the banks handle fraud and how they handle scams? [19:08] - Banks can look at data and account action to determine if a criminal moved money or if the victim did it for them. [20:36] - It is much more difficult for banks to detect scams. [23:29] - If banks see something unusual, they typically reach out to the customer to hear the reason. This doesn’t always work due to social engineering. [28:13] - Engaging customers is tricky because people don’t typically answer the phone or criminals are coaching the victim through what to say. [30:17] - This year, in the UK, banks will be held liable. [33:17] - By design, banks are supposed to know their customers. But that’s not the case these days. [36:48] - For banks, it is harder now to connect with customers to find out exactly what happened. [39:31] - Uri explains what happened with the US introduction of instant money transfers through Zelle. [41:50] - There is an increase in Zelle scams, but banks were able to offer some support and reimbursement. [43:59] - Scams are the most effective tools criminals have. [46:45] - Uri describes what we can look out for and how to best prepare ourselves to prevent scams. [49:19] - When money is moved from a bank account, it is the end of a chain of events that led to it. What is the responsibility of the platform that transferred it?

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  • It sounds like an episode straight out of Criminal Minds. The FBI’s Highway Serial Killers initiative hunts for long-haul truckers behind at least 850 murders of mostly female sex trafficking victims along our nation’s highways.

    Today’s guest is Frank Figliuzzi. Frank was the FBI’s Assistant Director over Counterintelligence. He served 25 years as an FBI Special Agent in assignments across the country. As the head of all espionage investigations, Frank frequently briefed the White House, the DNI, and the Attorney General. For the past seven years, Frank has been a national security analyst for NBC News and MSNBC. He’s the author of a national bestseller, The FBI Way: Inside the Bureau's Code of Excellence, and now Long Haul: Hunting the Highway Serial Killers.

    Show Notes: [1:30] - Frank shares his background and what his role was in the FBI for 25 years. [3:52] - His most recent book is Long Haul: Hunting the Highway Serial Killers and is about the FBI’s Highway Serial Killers initiative. [5:57] - These cases go back several decades and remain unsolved. [7:13] - Trucking is a crucial part of our society, but there are different types of truckers and some are more likely to commit crime. [9:12] - The success of the initiative really relies on local police departments. [11:13] - Frank describes some of the things he learned from experts in street-level human trafficking. [14:27] - Frank gives examples of some of the things he did for research. [15:53] - The type of trucker that Frank is most concerned about are the ones with very little interaction with other people. [17:21] - There is more security and tracking of truckers in more corporate organizations. [18:44] - The corporate job is less attractive to someone who is motivated to commit crime. [20:03] - Frank was amazed at how high tech trucking is these days and the brains needed to understand it all. [23:03] - Frank describes his experience as he shadowed a trucker and immersed himself in the lifestyle. [26:43] - The number one profession for serial killers is a trucker. What is it about the job? Does it attract killers or make killers? [29:17] - Most people think that people they know would never be a victim of a crime like this. [31:06] - Human trafficking is most commonly initiated by someone the victim knows. [32:56] - Get rid of the notion that this can’t happen to your family. That’s dangerous in and of itself because you’ll never see it coming. [34:40] - Connecting with potential victims has moved online. [37:57] - Trafficking victims are often victimized more and treated like criminals themselves. [40:01] - What are the similarities between crime scenes in many of these cases? [42:42] - The 850 unsolved cases only account for the ones that are known. [43:46] - There is an organization called Truckers Against Trafficking (T.A.T.). Frank explains what they do and how they help. [46:48] - Technological advances are making a huge difference, particularly in DNA. [49:19] - These crime scenes are the worst Frank has ever seen even after his 25 years in law enforcement. [52:40] - Sometimes, a victim’s name is not known for many years if at all. It is hard to track the solve-rate of these crimes. [55:12] - There are DNA testing organizations that work with police departments.

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  • Scammers have gone from postal mail and faxes to email and phone calls where you never see the person, but now with AI, you can even have a live video call that seems completely real with deep fake technology. It’s no longer safe to just see a person, but there are other things you can do to know if you’re communicating with the individual they claim to be.

    Today’s guest is Anna Rowe. Anna is the founder of Catch the Catfish and co-founder of LoveSaid. She is a Subject Matter Expert in Romance Fraud and Victim Support.

    Show Notes:

    [0:55] - Anna shares her background as a teacher and describes how she was catfished in 2015.

    [2:52] - How can you make genuine informed consent when someone is deceiving you at that level?

    [3:45] - A therapist’s suggestion of researching narcissists and psychopaths started her healing journey.

    [5:35] - Anna learned that this type of scam commonly comes from West Africa and the scammers are known as Yahoo Boys.

    [7:44] - Romance fraud can be in person, like with Anna’s experience. But there are romance scams that are online only.

    [9:32] - It is common for romance scammers to also be perpetrating other types of fraud at the same time.

    [11:44] - Pig butchering includes another problem, where scammers themselves are also trafficked.

    [13:59] - A lot of victims don’t realize they are interacting with a scammer for a long time because they aren’t asking for money.

    [17:51] - In years past, Photoshopping an image to appear realistic wasn’t as easy as it is now with AI.

    [19:26] - Blending a new face onto an existing photo can even be used in video.

    [21:15] - Voice cloning is also often used and apps to do this are free.

    [24:24] - Deep fake scammers use content on social media stories and live streams to record long pieces of video.

    [26:20] - This technology is improving quickly, but Anna shares some of the ways you can tell if something is a deep fake.

    [28:51] - There are simple things to check on profiles that you can notice as red flags before getting involved with someone.

    [33:01] - Scammers also really like using cryptocurrency because it is unregulated.

    [34:14] - Scammers build a reality typically by using the 5 C’s of reasons why their spouse is gone.

    [37:30] - There are different strategies to look for certain things as you “become your own detective” on various social media platforms.

    [40:57] - When scammers know that you are “onto them” they know what they can change.

    [43:36] - Every decision a scammer makes is premeditated.

    [46:50] - Scammers will keep you hooked and space away from them could get you in a space of trusting your gut.

    [53:32] - Reverse image searches are extremely helpful.

    [57:50] - Anna describes some of the ways she was able to determine what her scammer was doing.

    [61:10] - Anna was put into an open relationship without her consent.

    [63:05] - Future faking is common in narcissists and psychopaths.

    [64:26] - These scams are really damaging and it is important to not use victim shaming language when discussing it.

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  • Many years ago, people chose to stay with the same employer for decades. Today, employees are changing jobs more regularly. Each company needs to have processes in place allowing access to systems needed to do their jobs, but there’s also a risk of when they leave that they may still have access to certain programs.

    Today’s guest is Craig Davies. Craig started in banking, holding many roles including CSO. As the CISO and the Executive Director of Gathid Ltd., he is passionate about helping organizations strengthen access management without completely overhauling their people, processes, physical infrastructure, and technology. Craig has spent more than 25 years in cybersecurity working with infrastructure operations, security architecture and software, web development and operations. He was the first CEO of Ost Cyber and at Atlassian he helped develop the security program for all aspects of their business, including security, cloud operations and protection.

    Show Notes: [1:32] - Craig shares his background and what his roles are at Gathid. [4:52] - When bringing on new employees, there are several front-end issues that a company and employee can face. [6:22] - It can be really frustrating for a new employee when there are so many different programs to learn and manage. [8:18] - We have to think about the employee’s journey. [10:59] - In many cases, new employees receive a ton of access without learning the process during onboarding. [11:49] - Offboarding can be a nightmare because we don’t always think about all the things that are connected. [15:26] - We need to protect the person who is leaving. [18:06] - One of the challenges is knowing who should be responsible. [19:12] - There needs to be a list of all the programs and systems that an employee may have access to. [21:17] - Offboarding is not typically a priority but not focusing on it can be a huge risk. [24:43] - Smart use of control is important especially in onboarding and offboarding. [27:26] - Working remotely makes systems and access even trickier. [29:39] - There is a reason the large companies have large systems. [31:50] - Every company has the same problems. The ones that have a process in place have likely experienced a crisis. [34:57] - What are the challenges to the new ways of working post-pandemic? [36:26] - You can’t get rid of risk, but you can manage it. [44:50] - These processes all start with a conversation.

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  • There are entire communities set up to fight fraud that use synthetic IDs as well as scammer gangs that are advancing their creative ways to use these documents. This is changing regularly as biometric authentication advances continue.

    Today’s guest is Stuart Wells. Stuart is the CTO of Jumio and is responsible for all aspects of Jumio’s innovation, machine learning, and engineering. He is an industry veteran with more than 30 years of tech experience. He was previously the Chief Product and Technology Officer at FICO, and held executive positions at Avaya and Sun Microsystems.

    Show Notes: [1:18] - Stuart shares his background and what he does at Jumio as the Chief Technology Officer. [3:20] - The science behind document protection is literally decades old. [5:06] - Stuart describes the process of verifying a document at Jumio. [5:57] - What are the practical uses of synthetic IDs? [7:39] - There are large volumes of both fraudulent and honest individuals creating and using synthetic IDs. [9:25] - A lot of businesses are seeking verification from places like Jumio to protect themselves and their reputation. [11:49] - Biometrics as a tool to use against fraudsters has grown globally. [13:54] - Biometrics are very useful, but there are challenges. [15:31] - Stuart shares a recent story about a fake video interaction that cost the victim millions of dollars. [17:37] - At this point in the technology’s development, there are some signs of deep fakes that we can spot. [19:03] - How can this negatively impact an individual? [20:18] - Listen to your inner voice and check with another source before sending money. [22:52] - You don’t have to be a programmer to use these tools. The creators have made them easy to use and people are using them to do harm. [25:46] - The early versions of deep fake technology had a lot of easy-to-see abnormalities, but they are getting tougher to spot. [27:26] - Although these negative impacts are concerning, there is some excitement about the positive uses of these advances. [32:07] - What direction is verification headed when it comes to biometrics? [33:54] - Documents have anatomy and security measures in place. [36:43] - Most security systems are layered. [40:00] - This landscape is continuously changing.

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  • Imagine booking a vacation only to find out that the company files for bankruptcy a week later. As a consumer, would you know what your rights are? There’s a big difference between travel insurance and travel protection. One can leave you with no way to get your money back.

    Today’s guest is Michelle Couch Friedman. Michelle is the founder and CEO of Consumer Rescue. She is an experienced consumer reporter, advocate, mediator, author, and licensed psychotherapist. Michelle has also been a columnist, contributing editor, and former executive director for Elliott Advocacy, a non-profit organization dedicated to consumer advocacy.

    Show Notes: [1:02] - Michelle shares her background and what she does through Consumer Rescue. [5:00] - The only way to get money back from a bankrupt company is through your credit card company if you paid with one, or if you have travel insurance. [6:36] - Right before announcing their bankruptcy, Vantage did a “sales blitz” and offered great deals to loyal customers, knowing that they wouldn’t deliver. [9:49] - Vantage was unique in that it had been a successful business for 40 years and had a loyal customer base. [12:44] - Looking back at the way Vantage behaved after the pandemic, there were some red flags. [15:43] - Michelle explains the difference between travel insurance and travel protection. [17:36] - Travel insurance should be purchased away from the company taking you on the trip. [19:47] - Make sure you can find a clause somewhere that says you are protected against the insolvency of the tour operator with or without bankruptcy. [22:10] - If the tour operator is not able to deliver, you could file a credit card dispute. But there are some limitations. [26:04] - You should always pay with credit cards. Don’t be tempted by discounts offered with bank transfers. [31:21] - The average age of Vantage Travel clientele was older and scammers took advantage of their vulnerability. [33:10] - When filing claims and filling out forms, personal information makes its way to scammers on a “victim list.” [36:09] - Cryptocurrency is a red flag in cases like this as well. [38:41] - There is some information you can find by contacting the court in the jurisdiction of the bankrupt company. [41:53] - A company bought Vantage Travel’s customer list and had all of their contact information. [43:57] - In order to protect yourself, even if you have full trust in the company, do research and find red flags and reports. [46:26] - Never pay with a bank transfer, even if they offer a discount. [50:40] - Make sure the travel insurance policy protects against insolvency, not just bankruptcy. [53:34] - Michelle shares how to reach Consumer Rescue and what services they provide for free.

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  • Learning how to keep your business safe and protect your online data can be advantageous for your home and personal life as well. Your children and family can create awareness at school and with friends. Today’s guest is Greg Tomchick. Greg is a former professional baseball player turned award-winning cybersecurity coach. He has worked with more than 250 world-renowned companies, including American Airlines, Caterpillar, and Trinity Rail. He is regularly featured live on ABC, Fox, and is an expert contributor to Inc. Magazine. He is now the CEO of Valor Cybersecurity and host of The Connected Mindset.

    Show Notes: [1:10] - Greg shares his background coming from a military family and then as a professional baseball player before learning cybersecurity’s impact. [2:42] - As an entrepreneur, Greg’s business experienced a cybersecurity attack. [5:45] - The Connected Mindset is helping people become more consciously aware of how they navigate life both physically and digitally. [7:26] - Greg explains why they set up budgets of companies and individuals for cybersecurity at Valor. [9:25] - The focus should be on the mindset first. [10:27] - An unexpected positive is that cybersecurity gives a company or business a competitive advantage. [12:58] - Most people don’t think about security until after something has gone wrong. [14:43] - What is the difference between culture and mindset? [15:50] - Greg shares some of the mindsets and cultures that are unhelpful. [18:09] - As connected as we constantly are through technology, we have never been more disconnected. [20:50] - When Greg’s business had been attacked, there was no place to report the incident. Things have improved in recent years. [24:48] - No matter the size of the business or amount of money an individual has, everyone can be a target. [27:08] - Some companies are risking things by going remote without any plan, structure, or security in place. [28:45] - Every new device or software that is introduced needs to be considered. [30:16] - Greg discusses AI, including the costs and benefits. [34:03] - What is the minimum cybersecurity mindset that the everyday person needs to have?

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  • The media loves sensationalized romance scams, but we need to understand that anyone can be emotionally seduced and it's not just the lonely. No one is off limits to being targeted, no matter the age, status, or career. And the impact is far greater than just financial.

    Today’s guest is Becky Holmes. Becky is the creator and voice behind the popular Twitter account Death to Spinach. Becky’s book Keanu Reeves is Not in Love With You looks at all aspects of romance fraud, from the heartbreaking to the hilarious, the academic to the anecdotal, and discusses where we’ve gone wrong in dealing with those affected.

    Show Notes:

    [1:08] - Becky runs a Twitter account where she spends a lot of time wasting the time of romance fraudsters.

    [2:38] - An unintended consequence of messing with fraudsters, Becky became a sounding board to victims of romance fraud.

    [4:56] - Once you engage with a fraudster, your name is put on a “sucker list.”

    [6:13] - Becky explains what romance fraud is.

    [7:22] - Victims of romance fraud are generally assumed to be lonely, middle-aged women, which is a stereotype.

    [8:27] - The media sensationalizes victim stories, but this could happen to anyone.

    [9:53] - There’s not a lot of services and support for victims of romance fraud.

    [11:40] - The damage extends farther than the financial loss.

    [13:43] - When it comes to scams, we focus so much on a victim “falling for it” which implies that they are somehow complicit.

    [16:31] - Becky describes an experience she had as a victim of fraud.

    [18:19] - Coercive control is at the center of all types of romance fraud.

    [19:56] - Becky explains confirmation bias and its prevalence in all types of scams.

    [21:25] - Romance fraud is really hard to deal with because it involves the heart.

    [22:43] - Becky shares how scammers usually start conversation and how they navigate getting you on a different app.

    [26:44] - In addition to social media and dating apps, fraudsters also send messages on online games.

    [28:07] - Another common technique is for scammers to pretend to be a celebrity.

    [31:24] - A very successful tactic is when fraudsters pretend to be a part of a charity.

    [34:18] - Becky explains the inspiration behind the title of her recent book.

    [35:56] - We should be looking out for our friends and family.

    [37:21] - If we see something happen, how can we help someone?

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  • We can easily stereotype those we believe are susceptible to a scam. But the scammers are keeping up with current events and are prepared to take advantage of our basic human emotions. The impact of these frauds is underreported due to the shame and embarrassment.

    Today’s guest is Alan Castel. Alan is a Psychology professor at The University of California Los Angeles. He studies learning, memory, fraud, and aging. His work has been featured in The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Time Magazine. He recently published a book entitled Better With Age: The Psychology of Successful Aging.

    Show Notes:

    [1:08] - Alan shares his background and what he focuses on as a psychologist.

    [3:33] - We are all susceptible to scams, regardless of the stereotypes.

    [5:50] - Scams focus on our human nature of trying to make sense of the world and our emotional brain. Scams prey on our basic emotions.

    [7:34] - Scams are tailor made to expose our vulnerabilities.

    [8:50] - Some scams are situational and can be completely believable.

    [10:05] - There are people who are much more vulnerable to scams, but it’s not based on stereotypes.

    [12:48] - Education and awareness can come from podcasts like this, but it also needs to come from people who have experienced a scam.

    [15:33] - Although scams don’t only target older adults, the elderly tend to be more susceptible to scams that target their need to help others.

    [18:19] - There are some phrases that aren’t always recognized as false because they sound scientific.

    [20:48] - There are websites and organizations that support scam victims, and it is highly recommended that you report anything that happens.

    [22:32] - Alan admits that he has fallen victim to a scam on a website, entering his credit card information to purchase something.

    [26:37] - Alan describes a reinforcement schedule, which is a psychological tactic to build relationships.

    [28:10] - Scams are clever and Alan sees their potential to use psychological principles to part people from their money.

    [32:30] - How does memory play a role in scam vulnerability?

    [35:05] - Alan describes the “foot in the door” technique.

    [37:02] - It comes down to curiosity as human nature.

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    Alan Castel at UCLA

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  • In this episode, we’re shining a light on a pervasive threat that often lurks in the shadows of corporate environments: insider fraud. We’ll explore the insidious nature of insider threats, the various forms they can take, and most importantly, how organizations can arm themselves with knowledge and strategies to mitigate these risks effectively.

    Today’s guest is Claire Mailet. Claire is an award-winning financial crime prevention expert and has worked in the field for over ten years. In her spare time, Claire assists universities in the UK to support staff and students who stammer and she’s currently undertaking a part time Ph.D at the University of Portsmouth, looking at internal fraud in FinTechs.

    Show Notes:

    [1:05] - Claire shares her background and what she does now in her career.

    [5:18] - The growth of counter-fraud in academia has increased in the last few years.

    [6:31] - Insider fraud is a type of fraud that isn’t really well known right now. It is under researched and underestimated.

    [7:59] - When people think about fraud, they think about the customer. They will very rarely think about people on the inside.

    [9:09] - What is insider fraud?

    [10:13] - An underestimated form of insider fraud is when employees who leave a company aren’t removed from internal systems and still have access.

    [12:50] - Organizations need to have vetting measures in place at the time of onboarding to ensure fraud is not committed on a CV.

    [15:18] - The more in depth you can go, the more safe and secure you are.

    [16:41] - Deterrents get lost when prevention is focused on.

    [18:35] - Cost is a real issue for many companies.

    [21:35] - Companies need to get on board with the idea of having things in place for protection.

    [23:40] - Current employees working from home can be a risk to data.

    [27:07] - It doesn’t matter how ethical and good someone is.

    [30:22] - In a lot of startups and small businesses, business owners will hire best friends or family members over someone who can best do the job.

    [33:50] - What could someone’s motivation be to commit insider fraud?

    [36:30] - There are a lot of different ways to commit insider fraud, such as falsified time sheets and information on a resume.

    [38:42] - For every possible way a person can commit fraud, there needs to be something in place. Owners need to think through these possibilities.

    [40:27] - The whole business needs to be involved in the education and prevention of fraud.

    [42:20] - It is common for employees to think that if “fraud” is not in their job title, they don’t have to worry about it.

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    Fraudible Podcast

  • Understanding our cognitive biases can help us realize that we sometimes are too trusting of emails, texts, or calls from someone we perceive to be an authority. Today’s guest is Martina Dove. Martina is a researcher with a fervent passion for fraud prevention. Her expertise focuses on persuasion, scam techniques, and individual characteristics that make people susceptible to fraud. She is passionate about fighting fraud by teaching people how to spot scammer techniques and has recently published a book on fraud psychology.

    Show Notes:

    [0:50] - Martina shares her background in cybersecurity and what she does in her career now.

    [1:56] - Martina learned a lot about techniques scammers use by noticing cognitive bias.

    [3:27] - Through interviews with scam victims, Martina learned that it is not always the case that victims are just gullible. She has also been scammed.

    [5:48] - One of the scales that Martina developed is about how people perceive authority and how gullible they think they are.

    [7:03] - There are five fraud vulnerability factors: compliance, impulsivity, decision time, vigilance, and the belief in justice.

    [9:57] - Somebody who follows rules more than breaks them, there’s a persuasion technique that scammers use to dupe them.

    [11:19] - We tend to rationalize why bad things happen to other people.

    [13:06] - When we are under visceral influence, we lose our ability to reason.

    [15:42] - Some scams evoke social norms, especially in charity scams and fake social media posts.

    [19:06] - Scammers are always one step ahead.

    [21:37] - A good scammer will go a long way to support their story.

    [23:20] - Websites are very believable. How can you tell when one is legitimate?

    [24:36] - Fraud situations are complicated because no two human beings will be the same.

    [26:44] - Even if you have to lie, make it a rule for yourself to not make a decision right away.

    [29:20] - Scams work because humans are vulnerable and can be persuaded.

    [30:47] - Martina describes the way scammers control the conversation with a victim.

    [33:51] - The grooming component of fraud is hard to break.

    [35:17] - Prevention is always better than intervention.

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    The Psychology of Fraud, Persuasion, and Scam Techniques by Martina Dove

  • The tech world is ever-changing and it can be difficult to keep up. As businesses and individuals, it's important to remember to keep your software up to date and apply patches as they are released. Today’s guest is John Hammond. John is a cybersecurity researcher, educator, and content creator. As part of the Adversary Tactics Teams at Huntress, John spends his days analyzing malware and making hackers earn their access. He is an online YouTube personality showcasing program tutorials, malware analysis, dark web threats, and other cybersecurity content.

    Show Notes:

    [1:01] - John shares his role at Huntress and his side work as a YouTuber that creates content to help educate people about cybersecurity.

    [2:26] - John explains how he found himself in cybersecurity as a career.

    [4:10] - He hasn’t been a victim of a scam, but in his pursuit of catching hackers in the act, he has certainly been a target.

    [5:25] - What is doxxing and how can someone track down your information?

    [7:23] - When popular software is compromised, it is a really big deal.

    [9:22] - There’s a balance between companies releasing information about a threat and that information causing more damage.

    [13:17] - It is so important to update software and patch right away.

    [15:22] - Consumers are not always on the lookout for patches and updates. It’s crucial for companies to relay this information.

    [17:49] - One tactic for hackers is the use of remote software to access devices.

    [19:37] - It is best practice to not allow anyone to use your computer.

    [21:28] - Since 2020, there has been an increase in people working from home, which means that company devices are now out of their safety and control.

    [23:54] - John describes the People’s Call Center collaboration and the mission of bringing the fight back to scammers.

    [25:28] - John explains some of the tricks he has used to social engineer the scammers right back.

    [29:43] - The experience of keeping someone from being scammed or even just making a scammer’s life more difficult was rewarding for John.

    [31:09] - What is the dark web?

    [35:09] - John shares why he interacts on the dark web to research and learn how threat actors operate.

    [39:02] - By researching on the dark web, John has learned a lot about how cybercriminals work and think.

    [41:01] - Some of the ways cybercriminals work are better and more successful than some legitimate businesses and startups.

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  • As businesses embrace digital transformation and rely on interconnected networks for their operations, the vulnerabilities within the digital supply chain become increasingly apparent. From data breaches to third party vulnerabilities, the threats are multi-faceted and ever-evolving.

    Today’s guest is Kevin Kumpf. Kevin has more than 20 years of IT Security and Compliance experience including over 10 years of cybersecurity, governance, and critical infrastructure experience working in the energy, medical manufacturing, transportation, and fedramp realms.

    Show Notes:

    [0:54] - Kevin shares what he does in his current role and his background in the industry.

    [3:38] - He began his career in cybersecurity at a time when cybersecurity was not a priority.

    [4:30] - Scammers target anyone and everyone. Even Kevin has been a victim.

    [6:53] - It comes down to ownership.

    [8:19] - Know your baseline and who is responsible.

    [10:07] - Kevin makes an analogy to help us better understand the supply chain.

    [12:30] - Most of the time, people don’t know where and how their data is being transferred back and forth.

    [14:12] - You trust a process and then when something breaks, how do you find out about it?

    [17:01] - Kevin describes an example of observing an organization’s work and discovering crypto mining.

    [19:51] - What should be asked about the organization’s environment?

    [21:34] - Think about all the things you use regularly that are connected to something. Now expand that thinking to companies and businesses.

    [23:27] - Where do all of these components come from?

    [26:47] - Kevin points out the challenges in the cybersecurity legislature.

    [28:46] - Ask questions and accept the answers. Determine what is acceptable risk.

    [31:22] - The trickle down of data is really what the supply chain is.

    [33:17] - Kevin shares some information about articles for further reading on this topic as well as some interesting numbers about recent breaches.

    [35:48] - If you don’t know what is normal, you won’t know what is abnormal. This is why knowing the baseline is so important.

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  • There are significant risks to be aware of when using crypto and over the past two years, many tokens have imploded. As you choose to invest digitally, do your research and understand the commodity that you use. Today’s guest is Natalie Burnell. Natalie is the host of the #1 woman-led show in the bitcoin space, Coin Stories. She is a bitcoin educator, a frequent media commentator, and an award-winning journalist.

    Show Notes:

    [0:50] - Natalie shares her background and the mission behind the Coin Stories Podcast.

    [2:19] - Learning about bitcoin gave Natalie a little more hope as she came from having no background in financial literacy.

    [3:48] - Anyone can issue a token and it is hard to tell what cryptocurrency is legitimate.

    [6:42] - There are some that are regulated and unregulated. Natalie shares some red flags.

    [8:09] - Choosing to work with companies that are Bitcoin only is one way to stay safe because of regulatory clarity.

    [10:01] - A major red flag is overpromising and guaranteeing unrealistic returns.

    [11:59] - Longevity should stand out.

    [14:08] - Natalie explains how Bitcoin custodians work and how you can take your own custody of Bitcoin.

    [16:29] - Self-custody could be intimidating, but it just takes a few steps to learn.

    [19:15] - Natalie shares a clever analogy to make the concept easier to learn.

    [20:47] - Bitcoin offers more privacy than other monetary technology.

    [22:38] - There are a lot of frictions in banks and the system is ultimately very fragile.

    [26:07] - If exchanges receive Bitcoin and they don’t know where it came from, they are contacted by agencies like the IRS.

    [28:56] - The knee-jerk reaction to people wanting privacy is to assume that they want to do something bad.

    [31:17] - Look for verified accounts to interact with. Be careful if someone says they’ll send you money.

    [33:39] - Some companies are trying to help people recover their funds. But most of the time, it is impossible.

    [34:50] - If you send your money somewhere, you are likely not getting it back.

    [36:40] - Natalie has several tutorials on her YouTube channel that can help you protect yourself and your money.

    [38:52] - Bitcoin the block chain was built beautifully for security, but that means it can only fit so much. Bitcoin is “slow” for a reason.

    [41:20] - Consider Bitcoin built in layers.

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    Coin Stories Podcast

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  • In this episode, we uncover the intricate web of tax-related scams that prey on unsuspecting individuals every year. From phishing emails promising tax refunds to elaborate identity theft schemes, join us as we expose tactics used by scammers to exploit fear and ignorance during tax season.

    Today’s guest is Richard Gilbert. Richard is the Director of the Examination Division with the North Carolina Department of Revenue. He has been with the department for over 25 years. He is a licensed CPA and has received his Bachelor’s of Business Administration from North Carolina Central University.

    Show Notes:

    [1:10] - Richard shares his background and what he does in the Examination Division at the North Carolina Department of Revenue.

    [2:38] - Taxes can get very complicated for a lot of people.

    [5:17] - The vast majority of tax professionals do their job well and serve their clients honestly. But there are some people who don’t focus on the right thing.

    [8:09] - Tax preparers who say they can get you the largest return, ask questions.

    [9:36] - Like any other business you employ, you should ask for references.

    [11:43] - If you can afford a CPA, hire one.

    [12:39] - Be wary of YouTube tutorials and advice. You are responsible for your taxes and if you are audited, it is all on you.

    [13:52] - Richard shares some of the things that a good tax preparer will ask for.

    [15:11] - There are scammers that will try to file someone else’s tax return before they do and direct their refund somewhere else.

    [17:49] - There are things in place that slow down the process that can be frustrating, but are there to protect you.

    [19:29] - It is highly recommended to file your tax return as early as possible.

    [20:10] - You will never be contacted over the phone, via text, social media, or email by a legitimate tax collector. It will always begin through the mail.

    [21:28] - If someone is telling you there is only one way to make a payment, be suspicious.

    [24:33] - The biggest problem in mail correspondence is when people do not respond. Open your mail especially during tax season.

    [26:31] - There is a form of identity theft in which people use another person’s Social Security number to gain employment.

    [28:06] - Be sure that you have everything available to validate your identity when verification is asked for.

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    North Carolina Department of Revenue

  • In this episode, we shine a light on the sinister phenomenon of virtual kidnapping. From deceptive phone calls to the psychological manipulation tactics, join us as we delve into the dark world where fears are exploited for profit, leaving victims shaken and families torn apart.

    Today’s guest is Titania Jordan. Titania is a nationally renowned tech, social media, and family expert who has appeared on programs such as the Today Show, Good Morning America, Fox News, CNN, and more. She is the author and founder of Parenting in a Tech World and serves as Chief Parent Officer of the online safety company Bark Technologies.

    Show Notes:

    [1:06] - Titania Jordan shares her background and what she does at Bark Technologies.

    [3:04] - Virtual and cyber kidnapping are the same thing. Anything that involves kidnapping without actually moving a person’s physical location against their will.

    [4:26] - Titania explains a recent event in which an exchange student was targeted.

    [6:18] - Children and adults alike are targeted everyday, but Titania explains that older teenage boys are heavily targeted and impacted.

    [9:20] - Another type of scam is actually targeting the family and loved ones of someone to require a ransom for a kidnapping that hasn’t happened.

    [11:17] - Built-in location services are very helpful. Parental controls and alerts are also something important to have in place.

    [13:53] - Be careful answering the phone from a number you don’t know.

    [16:20] - Contact law enforcement immediately if this is something that happens to you.

    [19:51] - It is never a bad idea to be prepared.

    [22:17] - These events are opportunities to have really important conversations with your children.

    [24:41] - Flip the script and ask your children to help you do a safety audit.

    [27:52] - If it feels off, it probably is. Don’t hesitate to report it and talk about it.

    [30:26] - Bark Technologies offers a lot of programs and even a family smartphone that can help keep kids safe.

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    Bark Technologies

  • In this episode, we navigate the ever evolving landscape of messaging app dynamics, examining the challenges and opportunities in striking the right balance between preserving user privacy, ensuring robust security measures, and maintaining accountability in an ever changing digital landscape.

    Today’s guest is Kurt Long. Kurt is an entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience in starting, growing, and building Information Security and Privacy businesses. Kurt is the Executive Director of The Long Family Force for Good Foundation which focuses on supporting not-for-profits dedicated to improving the mental health of families and children. Kurt is also the Co-Founder and CEO of BUNKR.

    Show Notes:

    [1:09] - Kurt shares his background and what he does through The Long Family Force for Good Foundation and BUNKR.

    [5:01] - He found himself interested in technology and the idea of doing something bigger than himself with a team.

    [9:26] - Currently, Kurt’s work is directed to messaging apps.

    [13:22] - In the early days of messaging, there was an inherent trust. We didn’t think about the bad guys yet.

    [15:57] - Communication platforms were never intended to secure communication.

    [17:31] - Most communication apps now do begin with good intent. Kurt describes WhatsApp as an example until it was purchased by Facebook.

    [19:50] - We want information and access, but we want safety, too.

    [21:38] - We have to put trust in someone to strike a balance.

    [23:41] - The Federal Trade Commission has announced apps that don’t support legal due process and implemented a fine for use of them.

    [25:56] - Kurt shares a true story that is a great example of inside trade problems in messaging apps.

    [28:28] - Using secret messaging apps or apps that feature disappearing messages are hard to track. You could be affiliated with someone doing something illegal.

    [30:29] - Privacy and security do help us retain rights we have.

    [32:35] - Messaging issues also impact the medical industry.

    [34:07] - Some countries have legislation that ban secret messaging apps, but they aren’t really being enforced.

    [36:25] - BUNKR has consumers and public usage in 32 countries worldwide and is popular with families.

    [37:52] - When companies have more control over their app, there is less criminality involved.

    [40:02] - This service is invitation based. You cannot receive random messages from anyone you do not invite.

    [41:55] - “The entire planet deserves to conduct their affairs with dignity at bank level security.”

    [44:29] - Kurt leans towards following United States laws and legal action, but also has a large legal team to help guide through unusual situations.

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