
  • Is your will to win for sale?

    The real differentiator from those who win in life and those who don’t is often the unyielding WILL to win. This episode is all about understanding and harnessing that indomitable spirit. I’m speaking to you 1:1 about what it takes to hold fast to your dreams against all odds.

    Today, I challenge you with this question: Is your will to win for sale? This isn't just about overcoming adversity; it's about recognizing that the journey towards success isn't just paved with challenges but also with the temptation to give up when those challenges become overwhelming.

    Together, we explore:

    - The pivotal role of resilience and grit in achieving success

    - How true winners negotiate the price of their dreams upfront, committing to endure whatever it takes

    - The critical importance of attaching your efforts to profound, personal motivations—those elements that make the journey worth every hardship

    - Strategies to strengthen your resolve and keep your eyes on the prize, regardless of the setbacks

    This episode is a call to evaluate your determination and to inspire you to see your battles through to the end. It's about deciding once and for all that your vision for a victorious life is NON-NEGOTIABLE.

    It’s time to fortify your will to win!
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  • Unlock the Secrets of Leadership Mastery with Ed Mylett and David Novak!

    Leadership isn't just a role; it's a journey of constant learning and adaptation. This week, I'm excited to host David Novak, the legendary co-founder and former CEO of Yum! Brands, on a deep dive into the dynamics of transformative leadership.

    Together, we'll explore not just the fundamentals but the nuances that distinguish GOOD leaders from GREAT ones. Here’s a sneak peek at what you'll discover in this episode:

    The synergy between Active Learning and effective action

    How to turn knowledge into results

    Why continuously seeking fresh ideas is crucial for leadership growth

    The critical role of creating a vibrant leadership culture within your organization

    Vision and recognition: How these elements fuel motivation and commitment among teams

    The real reasons talented employees might leave and how to address these issues proactively

    The transformative power of mentoring and coaching, and why storytelling remains a vital skill for every leader

    These insights are packed with actionable strategies that can help you elevate your leadership game, whether you're leading a family, heading a startup or steering a multinational corporation. Prepare to be inspired, learn profoundly, and start implementing the kind of leadership practices that not only drive success but also foster genuine admiration and loyalty.

    If you're committed to excelling in leadership, this episode is your roadmap to achieving excellence and influencing others positively. Get ready to transform your approach and cultivate a legacy of effective leadership!
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  • WORDS have POWER. This FLASHBACK MASHUP episode will teach you how to HARNESS that power by becoming a master communicator.
    You’ll hear profound teachings from me and one of the greatest communicators on the planet, John Maxwell.
    This episode is packed with valuable strategies that will up your communication and leadership game by leaps and bounds.
    We’re bringing you our practical and actionable communication skills including insights on:
    - The 3 Stages of Communication
    - How to Increase Your Influence
    - The power of telling a GREAT STORY
    - Key Lessons from 13,000 Speaking Engagements
    - The difference between talking about FAILURES vs. SUCCESSES
    - Build a Powerful Movement in Business & Life
    I've always said that the ability to communicate effectively is a major component of what separates the good from the great. Whether you're leading a team, building a business, or just trying to make meaningful connections, how you express yourself and connect with others is crucial.
    Grab a pen and paper and dive into this communication MASTERCLASS!
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  • In today’s episode, I’m revealing how high achievers focus their minds for peak performance AND I’m giving you my not-so-common 9 KEYS TO A WINNER’S MINDSET.  

    You were born to DO SOMETHING GREAT and these 9 KEYS are a big part of how you’re going to realize your full potential. 

    Your mindset can be your greatest ally or the thing that holds you back more than anything else. When you ADJUST YOUR THINKING to create a favorable framework you often remove the biggest barriers. 

    In this episode you’ll: 

     - Learn the significance of defining what winning means to you personally, and why it's critical to your success.

     - Discover how cultivating a sense of inevitable success can transform your efforts and outcomes.

     - Gain insights into how to gather motivational fuel from both positive and negative sources to fire up your drive. 

     - Learn an entirely new way to approach to goals. 

    - Learn to manage the highs and lows effectively, maintaining focus and emotional control through all situations. 

     This is a toolkit for anyone ready to elevate their life's game plan. The insights shared here will help you recalibrate your goals and supercharge your journey.  

     These 9 KEYS TO A WINNER’S MINDSET will not only redefine your achievements, but also enhance the way you perceive challenges and opportunities!
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  • Click the link below to grab your Free Ticket To Tony & Dean's "The Game Has Changed Virtual Live Event" 👉

    Learn the science of achievement and master the art of fulfillment in this power-packed episode with my good friend, Dean Graziosi!

    We're exploring why so many struggle to find fulfillment amidst the hustle and bustle of our fast-paced world AND revealing practical strategies that you can begin implementing in your life starting today to turn it all around including:

    Understanding the evolving nature of the American Dream and how to adapt your aspirations to today's world

    Discover the critical role of purpose in achieving lasting fulfillment and how to identify what truly drives you.

    Strategies to get unstuck, start moving, and keep pushing forward, regardless of the obstacles.

    Embracing failure as an invaluable teacher and a stepping stone to greater success.

    Insights into handling the challenges posed by both the short-term and long-term economic climate.

    Uncover common characteristics shared by those who achieve uncommon success.

    Dean and I are here to push you beyond your limits, to help you find your true calling, and to start living a life filled with joy and peace.

    This episode is your guide to transforming your life into one of profound achievement and deep fulfillment. Dive in and make the shift that could change everything!
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  • Join me on a journey to flashback to a few of my previous guests as we share our strategies on how to harness the power of visualization in this new “mashup” episode! 
    Ready to transform how you think about your potential and success? This episode dives deep into the power of leverage, featuring flashbacks to some of my most impactful guests including Alex Hormozi, Dean Graziosi, Garrain Jones and Tom Bilyeu. 
    We’re exploring not just the financial aspects but the broader scope of leverage that can amplify your efforts and skyrocket your outcomes.
    Here’s what you’ll learn:
    ⁃ Learn the true meaning of leverage beyond financial contexts—how it can magnify your efforts across various aspects of life.
    ⁃ Types of Leverage:From labor and capital to code and media—and how each can be utilized to enhance your productivity and success.
    ⁃ Practical Applications: Gain insights into practical ways to apply leverage in any business setting, whether you’re an entrepreneur, employee, or leading a company.
    ⁃ Explore strategies to widen the gap between input and output, ensuring that your efforts yield maximum results.
    This episode is packed with actionable advice that can help you harness the concept of leverage to not just meet but exceed your personal and professional goals. Whether you’re looking to enhance your business efficiency or multiply your personal effectiveness, understanding and applying leverage can be your game-changer!
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  • Ready to revolutionize your goal-setting strategies and develop habits that serve your greatest potential?

    In this powerhouse episode, I lay down the blueprint to transform your lofty dreams into rock-solid realities through actionable steps and real-world advice.

    I’m giving you the 7 CRITICAL STEPS that have not only shaped my path but have also helped countless others align their vision with their reality. 

    Plus, learn why being vague is your biggest enemy in goal setting and how pinpoint precision can set you up for success.

    Discover how the right habits can bring your goals within reach and why your daily routines are the groundwork of your achievements.

    And I'll guide you through identifying that crucial first step that can initiate a domino effect towards your success.

    These are strategies you’ve NEVER heard before and exactly what you need to to help you revolutionize your goals and develop habits that serve you.
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  • What are the habits and thoughts that make a great life?

    You’re about to hear a big dose of the most practical, down-to-earth wisdom you can put to use now in a wide-ranging chat with one of the foremost thought experts in the world, ROBIN SHARMA!

    This week, Robin and I explore how to cultivate a peak positive mindset and live not just a good life, but a great one. This episode is packed with actionable strategies and thought-provoking ideas that will challenge you to rethink how you live and work including:

    The five “PENIM FORCES” that guide our lives

    Why small steps make a huge difference

    Living with a sense of URGENCY

    How to generate peak experiences that enrich your life

    Generating wealth beyond money

    Strategies for living life on your own terms

    The power of “going ghost”

    Sharpen your daily routine with Robin’s MVP strategy—Meditation, Visualization, and Prayer

    Get ready to dive deep into the mechanics of personal excellence. We're breaking down the barriers to success and fulfillment, making this wisdom accessible to everyone, no matter where you are on your journey.
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  • I vividly remember days when SUCCESS seemed like a distant DREAM…

    But it was through the ART OF VISUALIZATION, I painted a clear picture of where I wanted to be, aligning my actions with that vision. Whether it was visualizing speaking in front of thousands or closing significant business deals, THIS METHOD helped me solidify my intentions and turn them into tangible actions.

    Every major achievement in my life first took shape in the workshop of my mind, setting the stage for the reality I live today.

    Visualization isn't just about dreaming big — it's about creating a vivid mental blueprint of your success before it even happens.

    It’s the #1 tool I've utilized to not only envision but also to achieve my goals. Whether it's sports, business, or personal development, understanding how to effectively visualize is a game-changer and in this episode, I’m breaking down how to MASTER THE ART OF VISUALIZATION.

    Here’s what I’m unpacking:

    Learn how to harness your mind's power through directed, intentional visualization techniques

    I’ll show you how to apply visualization not only in achieving positive outcomes but also in managing and responding to life's inevitable challenges


    Discover how top athletes and successful business leaders use visualization to enhance performance and make critical decisions under pressure


    I’m walking you through specific, practical exercises designed to strengthen your visualization skills


    Learn to enrich your visualizations with sensory details and emotions to make them more powerful and effective

    Visualization is a lifestyle approach that can elevate your performance, enhance your mental strength, and lead you to live a life aligned with your deepest desires and ambitions. Tune in to reshape the way you see your world and how you operate within it.
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  • We are talking money this week with Vivian Tu, aka “Your Rich BFF”, as we decode the art of wealth creation.

    In this episode, we'll explore everything from smart budgeting techniques and essential investment strategies to the psychological aspects of wealth. You'll learn how to harness your mindset for financial success, and why emotional intelligence can be your greatest asset in the market. Vivian and I will also tackle the tough questions about risk, teaching you how to navigate the uncertainties of the financial world with confidence.

    You’ll also learn:

    A possible blueprint for financial freedom that’s as smart as it is straightforward.

    A challenging discussion regarding retirement accounts

    Discover the crucial importance of having a robust emergency fund and how to build one

    Get practical tips on managing and prioritizing debt to maintain financial health

    Understand the nuances of planning for the future, whether it's retirement or achieving your dream lifestyle.

    This isn't necessarily about getting rich; it's about enriching your entire life through the power of financial knowledge. So whether you're trying to pay off debt, invest in your future, or simply find more financial stability, join Vivian and me as we guide you through the ins and outs of the financial landscape.

    This episode will help transform your approach to money, and maybe even your life, right here on today’s show.
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  • Step into the driver's seat and master the art of decision-making today!

    This episode is a game-changer! Join me as we dive deep into the 10 strategies that will empower you to make decisions with clarity and confidence.

    I am going to teach you how to SHIFT your thinking from worrying about making the right decisions to focusing on making decisions the right way…

    You can’t control outcomes, but you CAN control your PROCESSES and STRATEGIES to give you the best chance of getting the outcomes you want. You must focus on PROCESS OVER PRIZE.

    Whether you're facing small choices or major life decisions, the insights from this episode will equip you with the tools to move forward effectively. We're talking about more than just making decisions; we're exploring how to make your decisions work for you, turning potential setbacks into stepping stones for what’s next.

    You’ll learn:

    My 10-Step Process that will guide you in making informed and impactful decisions

    Discover how approaching decisions with certainty can significantly influence outcomes and boost your confidence

    Find out why timing is crucial in decision-making and how you can capitalize on the right moments to maximize success

    Overcome common obstacles like doubt and procrastination that can hinder your decision-making process

    Learn how to use SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis to assess the potential impacts of your decisions

    Every decision has the power to reshape your destiny. It's time to step into your potential and make choices that align with the life you want to live.

    Don't miss this opportunity to revolutionize your approach to decision-making and see firsthand how the right strategies can lead to a more fulfilling life.
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  • Skyrocket your potential with transformative strategies from Leila Hormozi! If you need to transform fear into fuel, enhance your ability to make strategic decisions, and generate relentless growth, THIS EPISODE is for you!

    Leila Hormozi is a titan of industry and a master strategist. Her current company,, is a portfolio that currently has over $200 million in annual revenues across a variety of business sectors. She has scaled numerous businesses by creating strategic infrastructures and magnetic systems and is now here to teach you how to use her insights to fuel growth in every area of your life.

    Join us to delve deep into the psyche of decision-making that has propelled her and countless others to remarkable heights.

    Here’s what you’ll gain from this powerhouse episode:

    Learn the frameworks that Leila has utilized to make critical decisions that align with long-term visions, not just short-term gains

    Move beyond conventional metrics to embrace a success that is deeply personal and infinitely sustainable

    Discover the unconventional strategies that have helped Leila turn standard business practices on their head and achieve extraordinary results

    Engage with insights that foster resilience, promote personal growth, and prepare you to face the challenges of the entrepreneurial journey with confidence

    Learn how to leverage your unique challenges as stepping stones towards achieving greater success

    Leila’s insights offer more than just strategies; they invite you to a journey of transformation where every decision, every challenge, and every success is a step towards realizing your ultimate potential.
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  • Your PERSPECTIVE directly determines THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE.

    This week, I’m doing a deep dive into how your perspective defines your reality and shapes our lives, emotions, and successes. AND I’m giving you 3 KEYS TO SHIFTING PERSPECTIVE to improve the quality of your life.

    This episode isn't just about adjusting your outlook; it's about foundational changes that lead to monumental growth and fulfillment. Whether it's overcoming challenges, appreciating life's nuances, or shifting your emotional responses - understanding the role of perspective is crucial.

    I’m revealing the 3 pivotal strategies that can help you shift your perspective:

    1. Asking Better Questions: Learn how the quality of your questions determines the quality of your life. By enhancing the questions you ask yourself, you can unlock more meaningful and positive thought patterns.

    2. Changing Meanings: I'll guide you through how to assign empowering meanings to your life experiences. This approach not only changes how you view challenges but also transforms them into stepping stones for success.

    3. Reconnecting with Your Center: Discover practices that ground you and reconnect you to your core, whether it's through spirituality, nature, or personal rituals that foster peace and clarity.

    All of these feed into a greater mission of knowing and paying attention to yourself to a higher degree.


    It's time to reshape your world by reshaping your perspective.
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  • Unleash your hidden strengths— “Your greatest limitations are your greatest opportunities…”

    This week, I'm thrilled to introduce someone who has had an impact on my life from the moment we met—Steven Furtick. He's not just a pastor at the globally renowned Elevation Church; he's also a Grammy-winning composer, songwriter, and a New York Times best-selling author. His latest work, "Do the New You: 6 Mindsets to Become Who You Were Created to Be," is essential reading for anyone on a quest to uncover their true self and lead a life of greater joy, kindness, and bravery.

    Steven brings a refreshing take on living authentically, emphasizing the importance of GROWTH over settling for a lesser version of ourselves—one that might not align with what God has planned for us. His insights are not just transformative; they're ACTIONABLE, providing you with the tools to flourish in a challenging world.

    In this episode, we dive into:

    How modern believers can navigate their spiritual journeys amidst today's unique challenges

    Strategies to accept your imperfections, realize your full potential and overcome imposter syndrome

    How your biggest hurdles can become your greatest victories through faith

    The Six Mindsets for a Fulfilled Life: Practical steps to reshape your thinking and enhance your life

    Understanding how to feel and recognize the love from a heavenly father

    Insights into what lies beyond this life and how to prepare for it

    Steven's profound narrative will show you that the moments you feel confined by your limitations are often the times God is setting you up for the greatest revelations about your potential.

    Join us for a journey of discovery that promises not only to enlighten but also to empower you with a renewed sense of purpose and peace. This may be your pathway to a life you’ve never imagined possible.
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  • Defeat FEAR and find the courage to step away from the crowd and INTO your own uniqueness!

    In this episode, I’m teaching you how to cultivate a mindset geared for personal greatness and the strategies to make it a reality.

    Mahatma Gandhi once said, “To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest.” This powerful statement echoes throughout this episode as we explore how living your truth is not just a path to personal fulfillment but also a commitment to integrity.

    It’s about making your actions reflect your deepest beliefs and values.

    Here’s what you’ll learn:

    The importance of choosing to be different and why setting yourself apart is crucial in achieving true success and fulfillment

    Overcoming the fear of criticism and how to stay true to your path, despite external pressures

    Practical steps for breaking conformity

    Understand how to see challenges not as obstacles but as opportunities to grow stronger and more capable

    Get equipped with methods to maintain your course towards personal excellence, even when it’s tempting to revert to comfort

    This episode will empower you to redefine success on your own terms. We'll discuss how to set and pursue goals that resonate with your personal vision, not just societal expectations. Learn how to craft a life that feels rich and rewarding, filled with passion and purpose.

    We’ll delve into the psychology of self-actualization and how to keep pushing the boundaries of what you can achieve.

    Transform your life by living with intention and conviction and chart a course that’s uniquely yours.
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  • Discover the power of second chances and the road to recovery with Darren Waller’s inspiring journey.

    This is a powerful story of redemption and the possibility of a second chance in life. Darren Waller, an NFL tight end for the New York Giants, is sharing his harrowing yet inspiring journey through drug and alcohol addiction, and how he transformed his life post-rehabilitation.

    From abusing oxycodone at 15 to a life-threatening overdose in 2017, Darren’s experiences are not just his own but reflect a battle many face silently. This episode offers hope, inspiration and practical strategies for anyone struggling with addiction of any kind including; substance abuse, work addiction, gambling or shopping addiction, sex addiction and many others.

    In our candid conversation, Darren offers profound insights into:

    The day he overdosed and what it felt like to hit rock bottom

    Rehabilitation and how treatment offered him a new lens to view life

    Why professional achievement doesn’t necessarily equate to personal happiness

    The critical role of morning and evening rituals in maintaining mental health

    How to combat internal uncertainties and stay focused on recovery

    Embracing the journey of life and addiction recovery moment by moment.

    Darren Waller’s story is not just about the trials of addiction but also about overcoming great odds to rediscover your potential.

    Tune in for an episode you don’t want to miss!
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  • 20 years ago, a pivotal moment reshaped my entire life's trajectory. It wasn't about success or achievements—it was about the powerful, life-altering question a doctor asked me:

    “Do you want to walk your daughter down the aisle on her wedding day, Ed?”

    This episode dives into the heart of that story, Bella's wedding day, a narrative that didn't just save my life but holds the key to the blueprint for harnessing the power of emotional leverage to foster lasting change in any area of your life.

    I'm sharing this life-changing story and the 4 steps you can take to fuel lasting change including:

    - Pinpointing the deep-seated reasons that motivate and drive you, which are crucial for enduring change

    - Establishing powerful, emotional triggers that propel you forward and keep you committed to your goals

    - Utilizing leverage not just as a tool for success, but as a profound influencer in your personal transformation

    - Understanding the dynamic between seeking joy and avoiding pain, and how this balance can radically alter your path

    Each of us has our "Bella’s wedding day" questions—those deep, personal challenges or goals that define our paths. Join me, as we explore how to harness these transformative strategies to craft a future filled with health, happiness, and fulfillment and where our actions and choices align with our deepest values and desires.
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  • You’re about to hear one of the most difficult but important interviews I’ve ever done. Recovering from the death of a loved one in the prime of their life is one of the most challenging things anyone can endure. But when that death is by suicide, and you’re a public figure with three children, the challenges are exponential.

    This week, I'm joined by Allison Holker, an extraordinary dancer known from "So You Think You Can Dance," who faced the unimaginable when her husband, Stephen “tWitch” Boss, tragically ended his own life. Allison's story is not just one of profound loss but also of resilience, healing, and the redemptive power of opening up about mental health.

    In this deeply personal and impactful discussion, Allison shares her ongoing journey through grief, providing insights that resonate with anyone facing their own battles with loss. This episode isn't just about coping with grief; it's about allowing grief to fuel personal growth and awareness.

    Here's what you'll gain from todays episode:

    Allison's insights on navigating heartache with children in the wake of loss

    The critical importance of giving and receiving love when you're naturally reserved

    How cherishing every second is a pathway to healing

    Strategies for slowly rebuilding your capacity for happiness and finding light after darkness.

    How viewing your life through a lens of beauty and appreciation can alter your healing journey

    The strength and comfort drawn from spiritual beliefs during the toughest times

    Managing relationships with those who give energy and those who take it away.

    Allison's openness offers hope and a roadmap for those navigating the murky waters of grief, particularly the unique sorrow that follows suicide. Her courage in sharing her story aims to light the way for others, emphasizing that while the pain might not completely vanish, the strength we discover in our darkest hours can lead to a personal transformation.

    Join us for a conversation that promises not just to touch your heart but also to offer real strategies for anyone dealing with grief to find a way forward.

    This is about more than survival; it's about learning to live again with joy, purpose, and gratitude.

    If you or someone you know is having a mental health emergency call 911

    Or reach out to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by dialing 988
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  • Ready for a quantum leap in how you perceive and engage with your life? 

    This episode dives deep into the crucial distinction between living from a place of history and memory versus vision and imagination. 

    Many of us unknowingly replay the same scenarios, bound by our past experiences and limitations. But what if you could shift to a life driven by your dreams, aspirations, and the untapped potential of your imagination?

    I'm sharing 4 huge transformative insights and practical strategies to help you break free from the cycle of cognitive immobility (living from a place of history and memory ). This is a blueprint for anyone feeling stuck or confined by their past, and ready to embrace a future filled with possibilities.

    Here's what you'll gain from tuning in:

    Learn the power of Possibility Projection - your ability to craft and live into a future fueled by your aspirations

    Learn why a “Phone Fast” might be the key to reclaiming your focus, presence, and mental health

    Discover the technique of “Small Box Focus”, a method to train your brain for presence and appreciation of the moment

    And “Name the Dummy”— a practice to help you recognize and label the part of you that dwells on negativity, enabling you to gain control and redirect your thoughts towards constructive paths.

    Whether you're young and feeling overwhelmed by the noise and expectations of the world, or at any stage of life seeking a pivot towards a more fulfilling future, this episode offers the insights and steps to shift from a life defined by past constraints to one shaped by your greatest visions. 

    It's time to turn your imagination into your reality.
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  • Revolutionize your well-being with Science-Backed Secrets to Brain Health and strategies to build Mental Resilience!

    I’m excited to reconnect with my good friend and a titan in the realm of neuroscience, Dr. Daniel Amen. With an illustrious career that spans 5 best-selling books, pioneering clinics across the country, and transformative health strategies, Dr. Amen's insights have the power to change lives across all ages. 

    Stress, digital overload, and lifestyle choices constantly challenge our mental equilibrium, which means understanding the fundamentals of brain health has never been more critical. 
    Here's a sneak peek of the insights from today’s episode:

    Mind vs. Brain: What’s the difference and how to nurture both 

    Learn about Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTS) and practical steps to counteract their harmful effects on our mental state

    Explore the impact of diet—caffeine, sugar, and beyond—on brain health, mental clarity and resilience

    The critical importance of bonding and attachment, not just for children but in relationships at all ages

    Discover strategies to build resilience in the face of adversity, enhancing your ability to bounce back stronger from life's challenges

    Learn the value of holding oneself accountable and the role of physical activity in maintaining a healthy brain.

    Addressing the modern challenge of screen time and social media, offering balanced approaches for healthy engagement.

    Dr. Amen's expertise extends beyond individual wellness to also include strategies for raising mentally strong and happy children, making this episode a vital listen for families too. 

    Explore the science-backed secrets to unlocking a healthier, more resilient mind and brain. Whether for yourself or your loved ones!
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