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Les lundis et les jeudis, prenez 3 minutes pour en apprendre plus sur vos chiens ! Education, comportement, clichés, Tony parle de ce que vous avez à savoir pour améliorer votre relation avec votre chien !
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🐶 La seule méthode d'éducation au monde, tournée avec un chiot !
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👨🎓 Formation professionnelle théorique d'éducateur canin
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Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations. -
Breaking Down Parenting: A ParentNormal Podcast is a show that’s for imperfect parents by imperfect parents. Hosted by humorist and imperfect parent of three Chris Cate, every episode breaks down a topic that causes parents to break down, such as putting kids to bed, potty training, the terrible twos, homework, family communication, clothing, discipline, cleaning up, cooking for kids, etc.
The mission of the show is to help parents laugh when they want to cry. By the end of each topic breakdown, parents will hopefully realize they aren’t alone in their struggles and that the craziness all parents go through is actually quite funny when it’s looked at in the right light.
Longtime listeners will know the show began as The ParentNormal Podcast. For nearly 100 episodes, it featured celebrity interviews, parenting fails and even a few skits. All of those episodes are still available, but the best is yet to come.
Breaking Down Parenting: A ParentNormal Podcast is diving deeper than ever into the crazy realities of parenthood with more stories and hilarious confessions from real parents all over the world. -
Me cuentas el cuento otra vez?
Si tus hijos quieren volver a escuchar uno de sus cuentos clásicos favoritos del podcast "Cuentos a la luz de laluna", pero sin la música "aburrida" del principio, éste es tu podcast (y el de mis hijos). Sin música, saludos ni despedida, sólo los cuentos. Al instante!
Los cuentos relatados por Carlos desde el Bosque del León de Piedra son los clásicos cuentos infantiles adaptados al lenguaje actual. Envíame tus comentarios a o través de iTunes.
Un saludo y hasta el próximo cuento! -
Reto Bilingüe® Educación y Crianza Bilingüe
Soy una madre mexicana que educa a su hijo bilingüe Inglés- Español, me siento orgullosa que mi hijo a sus 3 años pudo hablar y mantener conversaciones en los dos idiomas .
Este canal comenzó cuando una amiga me pidio consejos de como he logrado que mi hijo sea bilingüe, después otra amiga me pregunto lo mismo y luego otro familiar. Así inicio la idea hacer el video podcast poner mis experiencias y consejos.
Te invito a que nos sigas y acceptes el #RETOBILINGÜE el canal para padres educando a niños bilingües, encontrarás consejos, experiencias, estrategias, entrevistas con otros padres de familia, temas de educación bilingüe, educación bicultural.
Te invito a que acceptes el #retobilingüe ¡Suscribete!. Nuevo video semanal. -
When President Franklin D. Roosevelt took office in 1933, one in four Americans was out of work nationally, but in some cities and some industries unemployment was well over 50 percent. Equally troubling were the bank panics. Between 1929 and 1931, 4,000 banks closed for good; by 1933 the number rose to more than 9,000, with $2.5 billion in lost deposits. Banks never have as much in their vaults as people have deposited, and if all depositors claim their money at once, the bank is ruined. Millions of Americans lost their money because they arrived at the bank too late to withdraw their savings. The panics raised troubling questions about credit, value, and the nature of capitalism itself. And they made clear the unpredictable relationship between public perception and general financial health—the extent to which the economy seemed to work as long as everyone believed that it would. To stop the run on banks, many states simply closed their banks the day before Roosevelt’s inauguration. Roosevelt himself declared a four-day “bank holiday” almost immediately upon taking office and made a national radio address on Sunday, March 12, 1933, to explain the banking problem. Then until 1944 FDR spoke to America as the depression gave rise to World War II.
This podcast is a dialog about challenges and opportunities parents face as they raise kids, enjoy marriage, and live a purpose-filled life. These honest conversations give parents fodder so they can talk to each other, be encouraged, and recognize they aren't raising kids alone.
Podcast semanal basado en la filosofía Montessori y Crianza Positiva. Con entrevistas a profesionales, hablaremos de crianza, rabietas, embarazo y maternidad, parto, lactancia, alimentación, conflictos con bebés y niños de todas las edades, celos, adolescentes... recordad que somos los responsables de criar y educar a los hombres y mujeres del futuro. Presentado cada lunes por Almudena Palacios, maestra de primaria, antropóloga y educadora de familias en Disciplina Positiva. Si necesitas más información sobre este tipo de crianza o el método Montessori visita mi blog o descarga mi -ebook- 17 ESTRATEGIAS PARA PREVENIR Y AFRONTAR LAS RABIETAS en