We often refer to tapping for stress and feeling overwhelmed as emotional first aid. That is because we are applying a tool for quick relief in the moment in the same way we would use first aid for a physical injury.
But there is one key difference between first aid and emotional first aid.
When we are physically injured, our first thought is "I need to take care of this right now!" When we need emotional first aid, we are so caught up in our emotions that we don't realize we need to do something about what we are feeling.
Listen to this week's podcast to learn how to use tapping as an emotional first aid tool and how to ensure you reach for tapping in the moments you most need it.
Because it doesn't do you any good to know how to tap for stress, but don't actually do it! Following these simple steps will ensure you tap more and short circuit stress and overwhelm promptly.
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A number of years ago I was visiting my friend "Mike" and his family.
Mike asked his youngest son, who was about five at the time, to tidy his room before dinner.
His son replied, in the most overwrought and dramatic voice possible, "But whyyyyyyyyyyyy? I am just going to make it messy again!"
I can relate!
There are SO MANY tasks on my to-do list that I dislike doing and there are even some that I despise.
In this week's podcast, I share some simple ways you can clear your resistance to doing the tasks you despise.
I can't promise that tapping will make those tasks enjoyable, but you will get more done and you won't have those dreaded tasks hanging over you any longer.
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There is a huge difference between bouncing back from being tired and being exhausted.
When we are tired, we simply need to refill our tank.
When we are exhausted, we first have to recover from being exhausted before we can even consider refilling our tank.
In this week's podcast, I share seven simple ways you can help yourself when you are feeling exhausted or emotionally drained.
And the great thing about these seven ideas is that you don't have to do them all in order to bounce back. Instead, you can pick and choose the two or three that work best for you.
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One of the hardest parts of being a caring person is witnessing others in pain.
When we see someone struggling, it feels natural to want to step in and help.
With that being said, there is a fine line between being helpful and taking responsibility for someone else's suffering.
This becomes doubly hard where emotional burdens are concerned. While we might be able to assist with practical struggles, we can't pick up someone else's emotional struggle.
In this week's podcast I explore:
Why we are prone to picking up other people's emotional burdens How to release these burdens without feeling unkind or selfish How to avoid picking up the emotional burdens of others in the futureIf you care deeply about others but often find yourself overwhelmed by their emotions, this episode is for you.
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There is this moment in every tapper's life when we move from "This tapping thing is amazing" to "Oh my goodness there are soooooo many issues for me to tap on. Every time I clear one issue I find four more!"
It's easy to feel frustrated and demotivated when this happens.
You might even stop tapping altogether because it feels like the tapping is creating more problems than it is solving (when we know it is really just uncovering what is already there).
This week in the podcast, I share with you what I do when I feel overwhelmed with all the work I need to do and the fact that there seem to be so many emotions.
By tapping in this way we can move from feeling overwhelmed by our emotions, to recognizing it is just one more step on our healing journey.
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Over the years, so many of my clients and students have told me that two of the biggest obstacles preventing them from sitting down to tap are having too many issues so that they don't know where to start, and the fear that their emotions will be too big to handle when tapping.
It makes total sense that these obstacles make it hard for us to tap because they are both rooted in our subconscious mind's wish to keep us safe.
When it comes to having too many issues, the subconscious mind is worried about us wasting time. It is concerned that we are going to pick the wrong issues or an issue that will not make a big difference. Even though we tap, we aren't doing it in the most useful way. So, in order not to waste our time, we get around to tapping at all.
Where being overwhelmed with emotions is concerned, the subconscious is just trying to keep us safe. It knows how deeply we can feel emotions and it doesn't want to feel the pain of being SUPER emotional.
This week in the podcast, I share a simple way for you to overcome both of these issues so that you can tap in the most useful way and allow healing and transformation to happen.
The process is called the Container Process. Listen to the podcast to learn the process, when it is best used, and follow along with my demonstration. You don't even have to memorise the process, just follow along and tap as I do all the heavy lifting.
This is a process every tapper should know.
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Even though we might not be conscious of it, every time we sit down to tap, our desire is for total, instantaneous, eternal transformation.
While our desire makes a lot of sense, there are two obstacles in our way.
First, we don't always have access to total, instantaneous, eternal transformation. For better or worse, sometimes transformation just takes time. Second, swift transformation isn't always the safest way for us to move forward.
This week in the podcast, we explore our relationship (and frustration) with how long it can take to heal, how we can be sure we are SAFELY getting the most out of each round of tapping, all the while not being too discouraged by the pace of change.
Once I understood and embraced these ideas, it actually improved the quality and speed of my transformation. I found that slowing down allowed me to heal more quickly, which has also informed the work I do with my clients and students.
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Sometimes tapping feels nothing short of magical!
We are struggling with an issue or an emotion and then, after a few rounds of tapping, we feel so much better. This transformation can feel profound to the extent that the world actually looks different. (That is not an exaggeration. My clients often report how the world literally looks brighter and more welcoming after tapping.)
Then there are those issues where despite putting in the time to tap, nothing changes. We try different approaches. We make lists of every possible tail-ender and aspect.
But no matter what we try, we just can't seem to make any progress.
Not only does the tapping feel like a waste of time, we start to lose faith in tapping altogether.
In this week's podcast, I share with you what to do when it feels like your transformation has plateaued and your tapping is not working.
Being stuck like this is more common than you might think. Join me for straightforward tools and approaches that will help you to start moving forward again.
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One of the fundamentals I repeatedly return to when I am working with clients or teaching practitioners is: We emotionally respond to the world in the way that we describe it.
That is to say, the words we use when talking about our lives impact how we feel about our lives or a particular situation.
Recently, I have started adding the word "feel" when I describe what I am thinking, feeling or experiencing at any given moment. This has created a powerful shift in how I perceive situations AND it has made it easier to create change and transformation in my life.
This week in the podcast, I share with you how I have started using this simple word in my daily life, the tangible positive change it has created, and how you can do the same thing.
It is easy to dismiss or overlook this idea, but I encourage you not to miss out on a powerful tool.
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For the longest time, I found tapping for feeling overwhelmed one of my most frustrating issues.
The reason it was so frustrating is because no matter how many times I tapped for overwhelm, it always came back. Sometimes it came back multiple times in the same day.
When we aren't making the progress we want, it is easy to get frustrated with the fact that "I have to tap for overwhelm again!" We not only lose faith in tapping for that particular issue, we may also find our faith in tapping overall is eroded.
This frustration went away for me once I realized there are some issues, like overwhelm, that will not be resolved forever. Instead, these issues require a certain approach.
Making this discovery moved me from being discouraged to excited about tapping for feeling overwhelmed.
This week in the podcast I explain why issues like overwhelm are different AND the best way to tap for them.
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One of the most commonly used tools in transformation and healing is affirmations.
When I did a quick internet search on the "history of affirmation," the first article I clicked on started with the line, "The first recorded use of affirmations dates back to the ancient Egyptian civilization. Affirmations were inscribed on amulets and other objects."
BUT affirmations don't just work. For an affirmation to create change, it needs to be a useful affirmation. Notice that I didn't say the "right" affirmation. That's because one affirmation might be useful today but not tomorrow.
In this week's podcast I explore how to gauge whether an affirmation will be useful for you AND how to use tapping to supercharge the power of the affirmation.
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The dawning of a new year is a great time for reflection and planning. We have the chance to see what we would like to release, what we would like to change, and what we would like to add to our lives.
Something that causes me the most frustration is when I have created a vision for the life I want to live and then end up not making it reality because of self-sabotage.
One of the biggest causes of self-sabotage is impostor syndrome. When you feel like you do not belong, you keep our head down so you aren't noticed. That means you don't take action, which makes it impossible to create the life you desire.
This week in the podcast, I share how I uncover the impostor syndrome in myself and how I use tapping to clear it.
AND yes, we do lots of tapping.
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In episode #634 a few weeks ago, I shared with you five easy steps to make tapping part of your daily routine.
The more often we tap, the better it is for us. (Yes, that might be the most obvious thing I have ever written!)
Once we are tapping on the regular (even if it isn't daily), the way in which we track our sessions can help us to get even more out of every tapping session.
This week in the podcast I share with you how I track my tapping sessions. The process I use encourages me to tap more, helps me to get back in the habit after periods where I am not tapping as much as I would like, and how I capture the insights from my tapping sessions so I can reinforce my future growth and healing.
You can download the tapping tracker I use here:
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One of the realities of our relentlessly connected world is our ability to know what is happening anywhere in the world in an instant.
For the most part, this is great. It is an opportunity for us to connect with and learn from people we would never have had the opportunity to meet a generation ago.
At the same time, constant and instantaneous updates on everything that is going wrong in the world can take their toll.
Most of these situations are too big or too far away, or both, for us to be able to do anything about them and they are difficult to process. This can leave us feeling small and hopeless AND when we feel this way about the world at large, it seeps into every part of our life making all feel unmanageable.This week in the podcast I share how I tap when the world feels too big, too overwhelming, and too scary. This tapping grounds me, frees me from feeling overwhelmed and paralysed, and allows me to take positive action in my own life.
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Tapping is a wonderful tool to help us improve our health and well-being.
Recently, I came down with a bad cold. In addition to reaching out to my doctor, drinking lots of water, and resting, of course I spent some time tapping for what was going on physically in my body.
I tapped for:
The aches and pains My lack of energy Letting my system know it was safe and allowed to heal To strengthen my immune system For sleep to come quickly and be gentle and healingBut before I did any of that, I tapped for something else. AND it had nothing to do with my physical health. Instead, I spent some time tapping for my emotional response to what was going on.
I tapped for the frustration of falling behind in my work because I was in bed. I tapped for the disappointment of what I was missing out on by having to stay home when I had plans to see friends. I tapped for a whole constellation of emotions around being sick.
Doing this first made a huge difference in my mood, and by extension it made my healing process easier.
This week in the podcast I share the two-step process I used to help me to recover.
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A common complaint I hear from my students and clients is that sometimes the act of tapping can be uncomfortable or even painful.
This can apply temporarily to a few specific tapping points, for example sinus problems would make it painful to tap around the eyes, or because of injury, illness or a specific sensitivity.
This week in the podcast I share with you six different ways to approach tapping when the more typical version of tapping causes discomfort or pain.
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A common complaint I hear from my students and clients is that sometimes the act of tapping can be uncomfortable or even painful.
This can apply temporarily to a few specific tapping points, for example sinus problems would make it painful to tap around the eyes, or because of injury, illness or a specific sensitivity.
This week in the podcast I share with you six different ways to approach tapping when the more typical version of tapping causes discomfort or pain.
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One of the biggest struggles I have when being honest with myself is looking at the times when resistance has gotten the best of me.
When I give in to resistance it means I knew what to do, how to do it, and why to do it…but I still didn't take action. For me, this feels like the worst type of failure because it feels so personal.
I didn't do something poorly that led to my failure. I failed because I couldn't get myself to take action at all.
When we think of resistance, we often think in all-or-nothing terms. Either I do not encounter resistance and am able to take action easily OR the resistance wins and I can't take action at all.
In reality, resistance is more nuanced. This week in the podcast we explore the different stages of resistance and how we can tap for each of these stages to keep moving forward to create a life we love through consistent, authentic action.
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A common human struggle is when we find ourselves in two minds about a situation or event.
This most commonly happens when we are facing a choice between two (or more) options that are far from perfect.
Over the course of the last number of months I have been hearing from my clients and students about a different type of "being of two minds".
Instead of being caught between two options, they are caught between two emotions. In these conversations we have come to the realization that the best course of action is not to choose one of these emotions because that means denying our humanity.
This week in the podcast we explore what it means to be of two minds emotionally, and how we can tap to support these moments.
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I love sharing tapping with new people. So much so, when the topic of tapping comes up, I will preface my enthusiasm by saying, "This is something that I am passionate about and I can go on and on about it. The moment I start to share too much, just tell me to stop!"
When talking about tapping I usually list all the ways that tapping can be used:
emotional first aid clearing limiting beliefs fears and phobias healing past trauma generational healing physical issuesEven though everything on that list is something that we can tap for, tapping for physical issues isn't something most people do.
Recently, I had a conversation with one of my students about her resistance to tapping for physical issues. It was an enlightening discussion not just about what was holding her back, but what turns out to be one of the biggest reasons people don't tap for physical issues.
This week in the podcast I explore why we don't tap more for physical issues and share a simple checklist that will make it easier for you to do so.
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