A perusal of indian & world history of past 2000 years, though scripted by 99% of the wesern savish historians & slaves will reveal for all educated & well informed& analyzing citizens of the world that past 2000 years was perhaps the bloodiest of human history that is more than 50000 years old or older and that it is fake news factories and fake news peddling factories & thousands & thousands of paid sold out & slavish historians & loud speaker handlers that have instigated the ethnic cleansing & genocide of millions&millions of others who had refused to be part of the exclusivist cults & led to wipe out of thousands & thousands of indigenous civilizations for daring to be different!! Yes it is might & guns that rule the world even now!
History of india and majority hindus of past 1000 years is perhaps the greatest horror &misery & terrorism story where an entire nation & millions&millions of inhabitants were fooled, cheated& looted &made millions&millions of looted cheated and fooled people and their culture, heritage and customs of more than 25000 years trampled to ground brick by brick and spreading the word that when slapped on left cheek must show the right cheek & allowed the dacoits to fool cheat &loot forever without the danger of getting physically attacked or threatened ! May be british colonizers must get Nobel Prize for perfecting this tamfoolery to an art Using millions&millions of intellectual slaves&robots! What a Farce&Shame!
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Scanning of history of past 2000 years is a scary shameful re-run of the greatest fantasy horror movie ever except that the images of the horror movie are real and not fantasy or fiction and imagination and painful reminder how media mafias, loud speakers & 24 hour non-stop propaganda of lies, stunts &dramas have made billions all over the world believe that demons and demonesses are saints or gods & that those fooled cheated & looted millions&milions of gullible humans deserved wipe out or extinction too! What a farce& what a shame!
Though scientists & researchers & 99% logically thinking humans believe that human race came to the earth millions of year ago and not just 2000 years ago as some will insist or force their group members to believe, can technocrats& researchers cross the final frontier & judge which soul or souls are high caste or most beautiful or most powerful and mightiest of all souls or races? Can scientists & technocrats&geniuses do carbon dating of the human soul? Who Knows!
I was amused to read one of the recommendations of spotify team to highlight some episodes as special & worth listening to as one of the tricks of attracting larger number of listeners & to target larger number of listeners though I consider all my episode installments as special& pieces of history as seen by an indian research scientist and dreaming to project them as historical records for listeners say, 500 years or 5000 years or 50000 years or more in future!
I was living in a fool's paradise till age of 25 years & believing that whole world is a heaven and that there were no boundaries for an indian to visit any country of his choice provided he or she has the money to buy food and to pay for the hotel expenses, but was rudely shocked to see that an indian was free to travel only within the borders of india &to travel to FOREIGN countries, there were so many artificIal barricades like visa, entry permit etc even to visit the country that fooled cheated & looted indians of all their wealth for 300 years!
Thank God, my travel & life abroad of about 45 years convinced me that everything that glitters is not gold & convinced me that lies, stunts , misinformation, & fake news & fake news peddling by powerful vested interests & power brokers and media giants that control the world! In short I would have lived as a moron for life& fooled cheated and looted forever like millions & millions of naive helpless and innocent human being in world as a whole!
Sadly even modern social media titans like google, face book, Twitter etc are having their fingers in the pie& are busy creating fake news, peddling fake news and serving and dancing as slaves & robots of powerful money bags and powerful mafias and making traitors and demons hyped as angels& gods& making demons appear to the world as saviors and Gods too! Is exit possible from this octopus hold of media mafias? Multi trillion dollar question!
I am intrigued & compelled to shout that if acting is an art & Hollywood Bollywood & Indian actors & actresses have millions of die hard fanatic followers, should not indian and politicians of the world &rulers who act all their life, & use lies stunts & dramas & false hoods all their life & fool,cheat & loot billions for past 1000 Years & more, get life time achievement award and the cake&Trophy for Best Acting Feat & for so many decades too? Yes facts are million times stranger than fiction, Right???
While thanking all my favourite Gods & Godesses for the totally unexpected gift& honour of being one of the very few indians selected for the prestigious French Governent Merit Scholarship, without any political support or without greasing the palms of any one, I was reminded of the Tamil Prayer "what sort of intense prayers and blessings you may have done Yesodha to have such a legend and super human Lord Krishna in your womb?" & was thanking my amazing parents for making me what I am too!
When I had read as a school buy, the advice of Lord Krishna to disciple & warrior Arjun in Kurukhsetra Battle field in "MahaBharat Epic", to fight the injustice & enemies with all might& all weapons& that one is like a puppet whose journey and actions and path are dictated by a supernatural force, little did I realize that I will face that naked truth, face to face in my journey of life too! Yes, flow of events was beyond my expectations or wildest dreams and I seemed to be just obeying the diktats of a divine order like a robot on a divine mission! It was just divine bliss!
If 95% of five billion world citizens think & are DEEPLY convinced that ONLY they have brains & are super humans & that all "others" NOT belonging to the superior elitist human clans have THE right to DENY human rights & EVEN right to exist for 'aliens" not part of the excluvist gangs, dont they deserve to be labelled as hate filled terror preaching & genocide-preaching beasts? IS being a Majority A licence to be Terror&genocide Preachers?Zillion Dollar Question,Perhaps?
If 95% of 8 billion world citizens think & are convinced that Only they have brains & are super humans & that all "others" NOT belonging to the superior elitist human clans have the right to deny human rights & even right to exist for others JUST PURE HATE & SOURCE OF hate terror &genocide virus OF THE WORLD & wiped out thousands & thousands of others & civilizations& cultures for daring to be different ? IS being a Majority A licence to be Hate, Terror&genocide Preachers& Mass Murderers & Sacrificial Lambs dont have even right to scream? Just Asking!
After travelling and living as one of the billions of blessed human beings as an indian research scientist in over 30 countries, for a period of 45 years, and after having interacted with many thousands in 5 continents, I realized that I am not alone in searching for that answer and searching for the elusive dream of having peace, happiness& prosperity for all humans and wondering why some are destined to lead a dog's life while many others are blessed to have a good life at least for some decades! Or as one of the greatest saints, Adi Shankaracharya observed nearly 1000 years ago, is life a myth? May be Yes!
It is amazing how advent of internet social media and free speech uncensored by powerful international media&vested interests &pay-masters has liberated the world from dictators&power-brokers& vested interests&thousands&thousands of paid, bribed and sold out slaves & robots &loud-speakers &using fake news & peddling of fake news as a tool for past 500 years to fool, cheat & loot millions&millions of uninformed gullible and naive public & making ants appear as elephants& painting elephants as ants! This is Real Independence, perhaps for Millions&Millions of fooled, cheated &looted communities & public?
i dread to think what a moron I may have been if my favourite GODS had not blessed me to get out of the pond & given me the Golden blessing to travel and live in over 30 countries as a Research scientist & TO OPEN my eyes &see the himalayan fake news & peddling of fake news & vicious propaganda & fooling&cheating& looting&unbelievable crimes&Genocides done by powerful mafias & vested interests& power brokers&WISH TO thank from the bottom of my heart THE UNBELIEVABLE TECHNOLOGICAL TITANS OF internet, social media& podcast facility FOR GIVING ME THE LOUD-SPEAKERS to inform empower&educate the millions around the world WITHOUT GETTING CENSORED&BOYCOTTED BY VESTED INTERESTS&MAFIAS too!
Have Not media mafias and loud speaker handlers & thousands & thousands of mafia cheer leaders& paid& sold out pseudo intellectuals & image makers white washed indian & world history of past 2000 years & made genocide-makers of others real saints & angels & victims of millions&millions of sacrificial human sheep the worst villains who brought genocide-sin a justfiable , despicable result ? Does not media control & fixing of world affairs ,sadly continue even now& majority billions refuse to see the himalayan beast in the room!? Time for world community to Introspect & make amends for being silent colluders of himalayan crimes&Genocides& silently applauding & not caling out the real terrorists shouting that Only they are Right&Others are Demons &deserve to be extinct ?
How many of the billion & more indians &hindus know that when brtish dacoits arrived on our shored we had a GDP of a about 25 & was a super power in world trade wheil the brtishers had a GDP of 2% & when the brtishers left our shores in 1947, our GDP sank to 20% & that of Brtishers Jumped to 20& & making UK the richest nation on Earth & India the poorest on earth due to 24 Hour Looting of nearly 300 Years! What a Shame!
Thankfully my travel and life abroad opened my eyes&made me realize that mafias and vested interests that were controlling the loud speakers were controlling the world and that even international loud-speakers like BBC, CNN etc were just propaganda machines following their hidden agendas dictated by the vested interests & making the world believe that an ant was a dinosaur & elephants were ants & the journalists & news editors etc were just paid slaves& robots signing on the dotted line dictated by powerful mafias& vested interests& pay-masters!
The question all need to answer after looking in the mirror is "who were the real culprits and genocide makers of all others not prepared to succumb to the diktats of those who were convinced that they were or are super humans & that "others" are inferior creatures having no right for human rights& no right to live too? Indian sub-continent,sadly was the amphi-theatre for the worst ever genocide of past 2000 Years though western media&vested interests want the whole world not to know nitty-gritty of that unspeakable barbarity &himalayan crime though!
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