
  • This is one of those episodes that has the potential to change everything for a person.

    For many of you reading now, pursuing the Spiritual Path has increased the feeling of never having been more ourselves but, at the same time it most likely created massive distance from those we once felt so close to. 

    So, where does this connection of family move to?

    To the beings that have signed up to help us fulfill our Soul Path.

    It was one of the most memorable moments in my life when I learned that I had Guides and Guardian Angels. 

    The feeling of connection to something I had always thought could be there was the closest I had felt to Source in all years prior. 

    It was one of the great heart-expanding moments of my life.

    Soon another of those would come from understanding the Source Facts of the world outside of what our eyes see as humans. I was in awe of how much the ones who "knew" about that world had gotten wrong and led me in the wrong direction with what they taught.

    There are profound facts that we need to know about connecting with our Guides and working with them that can either speed up our Soul Path/ Soul Pull or detour us in catastrophic ways.

    If you want to access all the help that is at your disposal in this life to achieve your Soul Path/ Soul Pull in this life, then you need the information in this episode. This is going to be a level-up moment for all those who are ready.

    In This Episode:

    Coming Soon...

    If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to and check out all of our amazing free content.

    If you don’t know where to start, start with getting complimentary intuitive insight.

  • Healing the body of sickness and disease is often one of the greatest desires forced upon people by situation and circumstance.

    There is also no shortage of modalities on the planet offering the promise of disease free healing and release from pain.

    How is it then that 98% of people find themselves unable to reach that coveted state or find themselves sick again after a "successful healing or surgery"? It would have to mean that they all are missing something or healing is not possible right?

    If we ask Source about this, you'll hear that every imbalanced state a human can have always a resolve.

    So why are we experiencing these kind of fail rates and slip backs across the majority of attempts?

    It's because we aren't incorporating the true components of healing.

    Healing is so much more complex than just surgery or just energy work. We have to take into account the Spiritual Energetic Scientific Laws of this universe case they are to specific to ever find with luck.

    In this episode we are going to get into the Source Science of how our bodies actually work according to God. The laws that need to be utilized before a complete healing of sickness and disease will ever happen.

    This is an episode that is going to change a lot of what you know about what it really takes to heal according to Source.

    In This Episode:

    Coming Soon...

    If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to and check out all of our amazing free content.

    If you don’t know where to start, start with getting complimentary intuitive insight.

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  • Relationships are hard. When they become unfixable, we end them. But are we doing the right thing on a Soul Level?

    Let's look further.

    You will find Relationships are often ten times harder than they should be if you are using the "mainstream cutting-edge advice" that's out there. Source hint, It's nowhere near the high-frequency information your Soul Self requires you to live by.

    The breakup and divorce rate in the US alone is at an unbelievably high number. Too high. Relationship breakups can be fine if that's what our soul path has written.

    The problem is about 97% of all breakups are not the wishes of the higher self. They happen because we lack understanding of what is really going on and causing problems.

    Have you ever noticed your problems tend to repeat with others when you have finally gotten rid of the person you thought was the source of your problems? The answer to this is going to blow your mind.

    This would never happen if we were ending relationships for the right reasons. And almost none of us are. Even cheating isn't the right reason for ending a relationship.

    I know this is a majorly triggering idea. One that only Source could make sense of to us. So that is exactly who we are going to pick the knowledge of in this episode. This is going to change everything and get us everything.

    In this Episode:

    Coming Soon...

    If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to and check out all of our amazing free content.

    If you don’t know where to start, start with getting complimentary intuitive insight.

  • **Continuation of previous episodes. Do not listen without prerequisite episodes.**

    Your spiritual path is everything to us and the world.

    1) Your Necessary Introduction to the World of Dark Forces Ep 19

    2)The Real Source Truth about Dark Forces (Demons) Ep 33

    3)Knowledge is Power when it comes to Demons Ep 45

    Dark Force Knowledge and Mastery are some of the most important skills a high-conscious high-frequency spiritual being can have. It conversely is a skill that the world will deter you from having.

    In most spiritual societies people are told The Dark Force world does not exist. So why in so many countries outside the United States and other similar countries do you start learning about the dark forces around the age of 5?

    In today's world, which seems to be built around fear, competition, and limited resource beliefs, dark forces are not only alive and well but, they are thriving.

    Not only that, but a large portion of humanity has resorted to their intoxicating powers and as a result, are messing up the conscious expansion of this planet and of your life. 

    They are also guaranteed to be interfering with your soul path/ soul pull.

    Intuition, health, healthy relationships, and career success will always be destroyed by dark forces.

    In this universe, there is a rule that states that Source/ God can only help in the ways you know to exist. If you don't know the physical steps that provide protection from dark forces, because of free will, Source will not enable that protection as it violates our contract with Source.

    If we begin the process of knowing everything there is to know about this world of dark forces we give Source the most cutting-edge ways and tools needed to protect us.

    It's time you take dark forces influence out from your Soul Path and connect with your highest potentials in this life.

    In this Episode:

    Coming Soon...

    If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to and check out all of our amazing free content.

    If you don’t know where to start, start with getting complimentary intuitive insight.

  • If you have ever struggled with your body putting on undesirable weight, then this episode will change your life.

    Our bodies have one of the most remarkable roles in helping us to find happiness in our lives. The second we start to place limitations on our idea of who we can be a whole process begins to help undo this damage to our creator fields and our lives.

    Our bodies putting on weight no matter what scale is a massive warning to how we are treating ourselves less than we deserve.

    Without our body alerting us to the critical state we have fallen into our worlds would start to circle a drain. Putting on weight anywhere in the body is a sign of ourselves becoming abusive to ourselves in at least one of the eight areas of our lives.

    The result will be the things we wish to be successful in starting to close opportunities on us. Our careers and those that hold the fate of our futures will start to become very critical of us and our actions.

    Our health will start working against us on many physical levels.

    Our important relationships in our lives will start to turn on us without this remarkable warning system our bodies have.

    This is going to change your relationships with your body in many profound ways.

    Coming Soon...

  • It's time for an episode that we should have had in the early stages of our lives.

    Acceptance is the thing that everyone tells you to do, but it seems no one really knows how to really achieve it.

    It is also a major key to healing sickness and disease in our lives and our bodies. It can unlock the most incredible love in any relationship and send our careers into new stratospheres of fulfillment and success. Lasting financial abundance cannot come without the ability to actively maintain this the Source state.

    It's time to change that. Source will teach us everything we need to know about how our bodies play a key role in our abilities to achieve true acceptance and how we can begin to align all parts of ourselves to actually find peace within the world, with ourselves and our negative experiences.

    Discover what it takes to embody this Source state that is the gatekeeper to truly enjoying the journey of our lives.

    In This Episode:

    The source definition of what acceptance really is and why it makes such a difference The reason why the majority of people struggle so much to ever achieve real acceptanceHow you can tell if you’ve achieved real acceptance with a situation or notThe body’s role in the process of acceptance and first steps to get your body to assist with this process versus working against youWhy acceptance is often the culprit for situations and body ailments not fully resolving or holding for yearsThe 3 categories of acceptanceThe life changing benefit of attaining a mastery over true acceptance and how it will significantly improve your relationships, careers, level of opportunities, happiness, health and so much moreA game-changing mental filter to apply to situations now to start finding and embracing acceptance in all situations A key consideration to ensure acceptance actually works for you 

    If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to and check out all of our amazing free content.

    If you don’t know where to start, start with getting complimentary intuitive insight.

  • If you’ve ever wondered what was keeping your business from being successful this episode is for you. 

    Everything you have been told about how businesses work has been the problem. 

    High-conscious beings can’t make low-frequency information work. They need source information. 

    In this episode, we are going to explain the heart of what will make your business successful. 

    In This Episode:

    Coming Soon...

    If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to and check out all of our amazing free content.

    If you don’t know where to start, start with getting complimentary intuitive insight.

  • Are you ready for knowledge that is going to turn what the world says on its head?

    How well do you feel the world handles addiction? If we are supposed to be God's children, how do our philosophies on addiction measure up to being an unlimited idea?

    For me, It was obvious we weren't approaching things like healing addiction from a Source perspective. I bet it's also been obvious to you as well.

    In this episode, we are going to discuss why people lose battles to all kinds of addictions. 

    More importantly, we are going to cover the groundbreaking reason people actually get into addiction.

    Source never creates situations on this planet that don’t have a solution. It’s our low-conscious understandings that make us think we need to live with negative situations.

    This episode is going to change everything you know about addiction.

    In This Episode:

    Coming Soon...

    If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to and check out all of our amazing free content.

    If you don’t know where to start, start with getting complimentary intuitive insight.

  • If you're drawn to this episode then it's safe to say your destiny probably matters a lot to you. It's probably become an uncontrollable pull. 

    But, do you know exactly how your destiny works? Like, can you fall behind on it?

    What things do you have control over? What can you trust in the process to be a guarantee?

    In episode 58 we talked about what a Soul Path is. Now it's time to talk about how it works and what is and isn't in our control with regard to it. 

    In this episode we are going to get a Source explanation of all of the above questions and so much more. We are going to talk about the potentials you're built with. 

    People always want to know how they come into play and what control they have over them. If they can fall behind and mess them up. Do they have any control?

    This episode is going to be very empowering to anyone who cares about their Soul Path. In the end, you will have the knowledge and understanding necessary to bring the greatest amount of certainty to your gifts and become the best version of your intended self.

    In This Episode:

    Coming Soon...

    If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to and check out all of our amazing free content.

    If you don’t know where to start, start with getting complimentary intuitive insight.

  • ***Important*** Before Listening See Prerequisite Episodes

    It's Time to Start Balancing your Perceptions like God. Ep22We Got it all wrong about Animals Ep32It's Time to Learn about Reflections and how You will Master Your Life with Them. EP35

    Beliefs and Identities can be a tricky thing. They have the ability to hijack our actions and lives before we even know what’s happening. We need to protect our Spiritual Growth like it’s the most important thing in our lives because, to most of us, it actually is.

    This episode has a high likelihood of challenging some things that may have become a part of your identity. In order to properly understand it there are some episodes that you should have listened to first.

    The truth does not need justification. It will always stand on its own. False ideas take a lot of commitment and effort and in the end, the truth always rises to the top. This information will make its way to the top of your knowing when it’s time.

    The truth will always be freeing. It in the end will open our lives to limitless potentials.

    It’s time to shed light and Source truth on how our bodies really work. How they were built and how this world is designed to wake us up and support our conscious expansion. One of the greatest ways to tap into our potentials is to give our bodies the nourishment they were designed for.

    A lot of the standard diet was not set up for our benefit. It was to make an industry for things that had no real value but were available in mass. Today a lot of our diet and future food sources are designed to quiet our dreams and aspirations. To physically change our bodies in undesirable ways. Whether it is being done on purpose or as a result of not knowing better it has no place in your lives. 

    Your soul path/ soul pull comes with obligations. One of them is to be the best version of yourself in order to give your Devine plan its best shot of succeeding in the world. 

    In this episode, we are going to get the Source facts on how our bodies are designed and how they are meant to be fueled. The results will align you with superhuman abilities in the brain and in the body. This is an episode that is going to change everything for you.

    In this episode:

    Coming Soon...

    If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to and check out all of our amazing free content.

    If you don’t know where to start, start with getting complimentary intuitive insight.

  • If your drawn to this episode then it's safe to say your destiny probably matters a lot to you. It's probably become an uncontrollable pull. 

    But, do you know exactly how your destiny works? Like, can you fall behind on it?

    What things do you have control over? What can you trust in the process to be a guarantee?

    In episode 58 we talked about what a Soul Path is. Now it's time to talk about how it works and what is and isn't in our control with regard to it. 

    In this episode we are going to get a Source explanation of all of the above questions and so much more. We are going to talk about the potentials your built with. 

    People always want to know how they come into play and what control they have over them. If they can fall behind and mess them up. Do they have any control?

    This episode is going to be very empowering to anyone who cares about their Soul Path. At the end you will have the knowledge and understanding necessary to bring the greatest amount of certainty to your gifts and becoming the best version of your intended self.

    In This Episode:

    Coming Soon...

    If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to and check out all of our amazing free content.

    If you don’t know where to start, start with getting complimentary intuitive insight.

  • What would your life look like if you never had to worry about another next step or ponder something that happened in your past?

    How many hours would you estimate you spent in either of these states of worry?

    82% of the population typically spends 8.5 hours of their day in these states. 82% of the population! What do you think that does to your Creator Field?

    Just talking about the Spiritual Energetic Law of Focus, you are going to make sure that tomorrow is going to greatly increase the amount of worry and disapproval you have.

    We have been misled to believe that being critical of ourselves and our choices will bring about success. But, according to the laws of this universe that can never happen.

    So, how would one stop worrying about how they have lived their life and how they are going to live their life?

    By Understanding who your Higher-Self is according to Source and what your higher self guarantees for you in your physical life. This is going to be a mind-blowing shift that is going to lead you to let go of your past decisions and mistakes once and for all and no longer worry about your future. This doesn't mean you need to give up your dreams. This will actually make your dreams more possible than ever before after downloading this knowledge.

    This is an episode you are not going to want to miss.

    In This Episode:

    Coming Soon...

    If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to and check out all of our amazing free content.

    If you don’t know where to start, start with getting complimentary intuitive insight.

  • If you never had another confirmation of being special in your life again what would happen to your image of self?

    If you were to ask Source what should happen, you would hear that it should have zero effect on how you know yourself to be.

    So, how would one go about doing this?

    Well, to fix something we don't understand how it happened is always a daunting task. But if we know all the things that caused us to end up this way, we could reverse engineer them.

    Not only that but we could build ourselves in a way that we were no longer affected by the world's impressions of us.

    Then, we would start effectively controlling how every person on this planet sees us absent of performance. What would it be like to have unshakable certainty of who you are and how amazing you are?

    Absolutely Incredible.

    Coming soon...

    If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to and check out all of our amazing free content.

    If you don’t know where to start, start with getting complimentary intuitive insight.

  • It's undeniable that AI is going to change our lives. But humanity is split at the moment on whether it is going to be good change or bad change. In order to decide that we have to understand the bigger picture of it and how it correlates to our Soul Paths. Because it does.

    In this episode, we are going to explore AI from the Source understanding. This is an episode that you won't want to miss. We are going to talk about why people have cravings for AI, and before it, the internet and what it means for your future.

    In This Episode:

  • Your Soul Path might be the Greatest part of your physical life. No, it definitely is. What prevents 99% of spiritual beings from connecting with theirs? Is being thrown off path something that can be prevented?

    The answers to this and so much more can only be found in the highest frequency information that comes from Source. If you want to massively improve your chances of attaining your Soul Path in this lifetime then, you need this Source information.

    This is going to be another Life Shifting episode. Join me to hear what the world has been keeping from you.

    In This Episode:

    Coming Soon...

    If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to and check out all of our amazing free content.

    If you don’t know where to start, start with getting complimentary intuitive insight.

  • What if you could alter any part of your body? Whether it was for sickness and disease or to gain advantages to help you fulfill your Soul Path more effectively? And what if it could be done in a way similar to how Source creates in our universe?

    Would I have your attention?

    Prepare to have your mind blown and unbelievable possibilities with your physical body realized.

    Today we are going to discuss a process that Guided Light Healing has pioneered known as Energetic Plastic Surgery. Wholly from a Scientific Perspective.

    Coming Soon...

    If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to and check out all of our amazing free content.

    If you don’t know where to start, start with getting complimentary intuitive insight.

  • What if everything we knew about aging was wrong? What would you do if you could tap into your youth again and heal your body permanently.

    You won't wan't to miss this episode and everything Source has to teach us about aging.

    Coming soon...

  • Today it is easier than ever before, to change your physical body. 

    For people who feel like there are specific parts of their bodies they dislike or even those wanting an entirely new body, there are now options to change it through modern surgery. 

    We now live in an unbelievable time where technology has the capability to alter and enhance our lives.

    With so many people electing to go this modern surgery route, why is it that the majority end up with more reflective lives after getting the changes they dreamed of?

    It seems to reason that getting the physical changes you want would brighten your life not lower the frequency of it.

    Today we are going to discuss this phenomenon. We are going to learn from Source what we need to know when considering any path of changing our bodies or our lives. 

    In this episode we'll cover:

    The mistake every person makes before making changes to their bodies or their lives.The laws we omit that keep us from ever being happy with the things that we attain. The key to making physical changes that will always feel rewarding after the fact.How meticulously our higher self chose our physical body and why. Why so many people on the planet feel like their physical body has at least one flaw.Why so many people are drawn to plastic surgery today.What surgery choices have to do with our soul plans and increasing our consciousnesses.Understanding the role of seeing our bodies as undesirable.Why Source has been wanting us to figure out about changing our bodies.The higher self-view of making changes to our bodies.Why we desire to change our bodies on the outside with surgeries.How to make decisions that won't backfire down the road in our life.The laws that we need to align with before we make changes in any part of our lives.The things that physical surgeris will not fix. The Source truth on why getting surgery is such a big focus in this part of history. 

    If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to and check out all of our amazing free content.

    If you don’t know where to start, start with getting complimentary intuitive insight.

  • Brilliance and true knowledge are not attained by the current system of learning that we have been taught. Find out how the world has kept you from reaching your genius potentials and why conscious expansion is done wrong.

    This is going to change everything for you.

    In This Episode:

    Coming Soon...

    If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to and check out all of our amazing free content.

    If you don’t know where to start, start with getting complimentary intuitive insight.

  • Seeking validation from the outside to fill a missing piece in your life is only going to keep you in that cycle. It's time for the Source truth on what truly overcoming your recurring soul lesson really looks like and the Spiritual Energetic Scientific Laws that will make it all possible.

    More Soon...

    If you don’t want to wait on your conscious expansion and learning you can go to and check out all of our amazing free content.

    If you don’t know where to start, start with getting complimentary intuitive insight.