My guest today is Kate Bidstrup who travels through the Australian outback with her husband Tim Gentle, on a brightly coloured coach called Rocky, using story-telling and the latest technology to educate children and adults about where their food and fibre comes from, and to inspire them to enter into the Australian food industry. Personally, I think we need to fly her and Rocky the coach over to the UK to do the same over here.
Thanks for listening and see you next time.
Welcome to my conversation with Vidya Frazier, who is one of the world's leading speakers on how humanity is currently experiencing a chaotic process of transformation.
She believes people across the globe are waking up to a profound understanding that old structures need to crumble before new ways of being can emerge. And, it is time to answer the call to assist, in anyway way we can, the ushering in of a new age of human evolution on the planet.
If you would like to contact Vidya, please go her website: huge thank you to my producer, Martin Redfern.
Thanks for listening and see you next time.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Welcome to Embracing Your Mortality Podcast. Sophia Campbell-Shaw is the founder of Woven Farewell Coffins, where you can learn to weave your own coffin. She believes that facing death is a gift which brings meaning and purpose into focus.
What’s more, 5% of the proceeds from of your willow coffin making goes to the The Woodland Trust, the UK's leading woodland conservation charity. Sophia believes this gifting towards a life-sustaining organisation is symbolic of the life-death-life cycle, an essential pillar of our philosophy in crafting coffins.
You can find out more about Sophia and her wonderful woven coffins by going to her website:
Big thanks to my producer, Martin RedfernThanks for listening and see you next time.
Today my guests are Lin Carruthers and Kate Clark, authors of a wonderfully helpful and practical book called Slow Down When Someone Dies.
Lin is a trustee of Pushing up the Daisies, a charity formed in 2016 by Kate Clark. Their work is aimed at anyone who wants and needs practical options and to know their legal rights immediately after someone dies, especially for those wanting to keep the body at home after death.
For more information about Lin and Kate, and Pushing Up the Daisies charity, please go to
Huge thank you to my producer, Martin Redfern.Thanks for listening and see you next time.
Today, my guest is Micheál Connors, director of The Natural Academy, a not for profit Eco Social Enterprise, which offers accredited training courses for organisations wanting to work with nature and for people seeking a career in health, and wellbeing, ecotherapy and eco-depth psychology.
Lots of people are talking about the importance of connecting with Nature to find a sense of inner safety and healing, and the Natural Academy is taking this deeper by addressing the deep longing and yearning to be fully human.
Our conversation ends with the most beautiful song written by Micheál to honour our death and dying process.
A huge thank you to my producer, Martin Redfern.Thanks for listening and see you next time.
My guest is Terry Le Page, author of Eye of the Storm: facing climate and social chaos with calm and Courage.
Terry is an American transitional minister and hospice chaplain. She facilitates non-violent communications groups, grief circles, and social justice groups locally and for the international Deep Adaptation Forum.
Due to increasing global volatility I believe Terry's book will be one of the most important to come out this year. I recommend it to everyone and I hope you will be inspired and uplifted by our conversation.
Special thanks to my producer, Martin RedfernThanks for listening and see you next time.
Happy New Year to you all! What a year's it's been, and I think 2024 will continue to be just as intense.
This is why I am delighted that Neuropsychiatrist Dr Peter Fenwick is my first guest of the year, talking about consciousness and his own dying process. Peter has reached the grand age of 89, and is engaging robustly with his end of life preparations.
For me, he certainly puts life back into perspective, and makes me question my own life path and the importance of preparing for death with a fearless open heart. I hope you will enjoy our conversation and become inspired by Peter's beautiful engagement with his mortality.Huge thank you to my producer, Martin Redfern
Thanks for listening and see you next time.
Today my guest is bee expert Paula Carnell who is an international speaker on bees, head beekeeper at the wonderful Newt in Somerset, and the author of ‘A’s to Bees', and 'Bees in Bhutan.' Such is her passion for bees that she runs Bee Safaris to educate people about the importance of these amazing life-giving and life-enhancing buzzy creature. She is also the Winner of ‘Environmental Consultant of the Year 2023’
You can find out all the information about her work with bees, where she is speaking next, and also listen to her podcast, Creating a Buzz about Health through her website,
Episode sponsored by The Wisdom Space
Special thanks to my producer, Martin RedfernThanks for listening and see you next time.
I am so delighted that my guest this month is Liz Rothschild, performer, celebrant and founder of the award winning Westmill Burial Ground, located on the Oxford/Wiltshire border. Liz is also the mastermind of the wonderful Kicking the Bucket Festival, which is taking place in Oxford over the weekend - the 1st weekend of November 23. This of course, synchronises with the famous Mexican Day of the Dead celebrations.
Liz believes - and I agree with her - that living and dying cannot be separated and part of our problems with death is that we are trying to do just that. Her festival, now in its 4th year, proves how people are so grateful for the opportunity to talk openly about death and dying in the company of others also wanting to do the same.
Liz is the author of Outside the Box, which explores people's experiences of death and dying, and her new book Weathering The Storm: Stories Of Love, Life, Loss And Discovery In The Time Of Covid is now available through PCCS: more information about the KtheB festival, please go to
Huge thanks to Martin Redfern, my producer.Thanks for listening and see you next time.
Today, my guest is freelance garden writer, historian and photographer Liz Ware, whose passion is introducing Silent Spaces into public parks, gardens, and green spaces where anyone can go to reflect silently in nature.
Liz started Silent Space in 2016, initially as a not-for-profit project, which has now evolved into full charitable status, supported by major gardening societies and leading garden experts.
Liz’s articles and photographs have appeared in leading horticultural magazines and she is a member of The Garden Media Guild and Professional Garden Photographers’ Association - and she says her work with plants has taken her to every corner of the globe.
I love Liz's vision of inviting visitors to switch off from their daily lives, and quietly attune to the healing sounds of the natural world.
I hope you do too.
You can find out more about Liz's work through her beautiful website: Silence Spaces
Andrew Harvey speaking about the Alchemy of Awe:
Special thanks to my producer, Martin Redfern.Thanks for listening and see you next time.
My September guest is Madison, better known as Maddie, King, an internationally recognised practitioner, teacher, writer and educator in the field of natural healthcare. Maddie built an immensely successful career in the advertising world, but began to realised she was yearning for something more to life than worrying about the colour of bottle tops.
Maddie followed the call of her heart, chucked in her career, and began to explore a path in the healing arts. Life completely changed for her when she met and started training with Donna Eden and the Eden Method of healing. Maddie became a founding faculty member of Eden Energy Medicine USA (or EEM) where she now oversees and teaches the Advanced Year 4 training, sits on the EEM Council responsible for maintaining the integrity and evolution of the work, and has recently retired as training director of Eden Energy Method, Europe.
Maddie offers powerful yet simple healing techniques to help us all to connect more deeply to our own inner resources, and how to use our healing energy to help our animal friends as well.
Big thank you to my producer, Martin Redfern.Thanks for listening and see you next time.
Today my guest is Robert Pardi, author, life coach, and mentor, whose passion and commitment is to help people understand that personal growth and transformation are part of the human experience. He writes, ‘The arc of all our journeys involve confronting challenges, learning lessons, winning victories, and returning transformed as a symbol of what is possible.’
Robert’s own journey started when growing up with an alcoholic father and all that entails. But he says, his awakening happened when his 31 year old wife, who was a palliative care doctor, was diagnosed with breast cancer which metastasised. Robert became her full-time carer until her death. This inspired him to work with others going through difficult times and to help them make sense of what is happening.
Special thanks to my producer Martin Redfern.
Thanks for listening and see you next time.
This month I am joined by Alex Hunter who I met at the Quirky Campers festival in May. Alex and her boyfriend, Doug, recently set off on an epic adventure in their micro camper car to explore the far reaches of Eastern Europe to raise money for two favourite charities. They encountered all sorts of issues from closed borders due to Covid, to the impact the Ukraine War is having on neighbouring countries. Alex, who confesses to be 'an anxious-type' and works in palliative care, talks about how her work and her love of travelling inspired her to set forth into the unknown and to trust that all would be well.
I hope her courage and boldness will encourage you to embrace an adventure that might feel scary, but you know is calling to you.
Thanks for listening and see you next time.
I am so delighted to be joined by my birthday sister Alexandra Pope (she's two days older than me). Alex and I both hit seventy this year, and we relished our gritty conversation about becoming older women who have been round the block more times than we care to remember, and what it means to have death appearing on the horizon.
Alex is the co-founder of the Red School with Sanje Hugo Wurlitzer, which they set up to educate women (and men) to take responsibility and control of their natural body rhythms so they can positively attune to their ageing process. Alex and Sanje are also the authors of the best selling Wild Power about the spirituality of menstruation cycles, and Wise Power which talks about the importance of conscious menopause.
I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as we did!Thanks for listening and see you next time.
This month I am joined by Patrick Leo Holland, actor, TEDx speaker, and author of The Ultimate Power of You. Patrick believes there is a secret to life, and we all hold the answer to this secret within us. I love his mission statement which is about helping people to develop honesty, integrity, boldness, and compassion - essential qualities for living your truth and connecting to your innate wisdom. Patrick's acoustics aren't great, but what he has to say is profoundly moving and inspiring. I do hope you enjoy our conversation.
I also want to say a big thank you to my podcast producer, Martin Redfern, who worked his magic on balancing the sound as best he could.Thanks for listening and see you next time.
Felicity Warner is the founder of the international Soul Midwifery Movement and the Soul Midwives School. Felicity's life changed in her early teens after she witnessed her beloved, eccentric grandmother dying in a sterile environment. She knew she wanted to revolutionise how we care for the dying. Felicity went on to develop award winning courses which have trained thousands of people to help to soothe the dying and bring a new dimension to how we care for everyone at the end of life. In 2017, Felicity was named End of Life Care Champion by the National Council for Palliative Care at the House of Lords. She was also named End of Life Doula of the Year in 2017 by the Good Funeral awards and was named one of the year’s Most Inspirational Women of the Year by the Daily Mail. I am so fortunate to have known Felicity for the past twenty years, and hope you find our discussion about the dying process as inspiring and uplifting as she and I did.
Thanks for listening and see you next time.
I am joined today by Gabby whose life drastically changed after a suitcase fell on her head when she was twenty-three. Since then she has had to come to terms with living with constant neurological pain and grapple with massive questions about the meaning of life due to her physical condition. Before the suitcase 'event' she describes her life as' fast-paced, jammed packed, with no room for error.' Now she has no idea how she is going to be feeling from one day to the next. Nevertheless, Gabby has learnt to be incredibly resilient and her ability to cope with what's happened to her is truly touching. She hopes her story will help others in a similar situation.
Gabby does not have a website. If you want to contact her please send an email to me and I will forward it onto her.Thanks for listening and see you next time.
This month I am joined by William Peters, Founder of the Shared Crossing Project and Author of At Heaven's Door. William talks about his extensive research into what happens during the dying process, and how many people report extraordinary experiences called Shared Crossings which are profoundly healing both for the dying and their family and carers. His mission is to positively transform our relationships to death and dying through education and raising awareness about shared crossings and their healing benefits.
For more information about William's work and training programmes, please go to: The link to the Shared Crossings Project is: for listening and see you next time.
Happy New Year's Day! To usher in 2023, my first guest is Roz Savage, MBE, Environmentalist, Ocean Rower, and author of An Ocean in a Drop: from Crisis to Consciousness. Her highly acclaimed new book is a bold and thought-provoking examination of how we can create a new story about what it means to be human in the twenty-first century. Roz is an exceptionally inspiring speaker who challenges you to think differently. I dare you to defy her!
Roz's interview kicks off a new structure for Embracing Your Mortality podcast. Throughout 2023, on the first day of the month, I will be posting an interview with a global influencer who is at the forefront of helping all of us to embrace our mortality so we can live more consciously for a better world. So don't forget to sign up, and please do spread the word about Embracing Your Mortality podcast. Together we can build a world which celebrates integrity, gratitude, and respect.Thanks for listening and see you next time.
How good are you at listening to others? In this final episode of Series Four, Sue Brayne speaks with Ruth McCarthy, who is on a mission to help us to develop good listening skills to transform our thinking, encourage engagement, and transform how we relate to each other.
Thanks for listening and see you next time.
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