
  • What would it mean to you to forever change the trajectory of someone else’s life?

    Because that’s what helping a person redefine their relationship with alcohol can do. It catalyzes profound changes not just for them, but for society as a whole.

    When Karolina stopped drinking, the alcohol-free movement was small. It was hard to find people who decided to eliminate drinking just because it didn’t fit in with what they wanted out of life. Today, the movement has grown and it is igniting!

    More and more people are reevaluating their relationship with alcohol.

    Imagine if every individual, empowered by their own alcohol-free journey, inspired others? Think about the freedom and potential it would create. It’s a major grassroots movement for change.

    And Karolina wants to see MORE leaders in the alcohol-free space, because that’s how the world changes: with all of us standing up and doing our part.

    If you know you are meant to be a leader in the alcohol-free movement, get certified as an alcohol-free life coach along with 4 other modalities in the Empowered AF 5X Coach Certification Program.


    The underrecognized health dangers of alcohol, from heart disease to brain damage, and why many of these aren't correctly attributed to alcohol consumption Similarities between alcohol and cigarette marketing, targeting youth to create lifelong customers Shocking stats about alcohol, including: 60% of people over-drink; 52% want to drink less; and 88% are metabolically unhealthy How addressing alcohol issues can trigger a cascade of positive transformations in health, career satisfaction, and overall life purpose Incredible stories of impact and transformation and how to be part of this grassroots movement with Karolina!


    In this episode Karolina mentions Annie Grace’s book, This Naked Mind.

    If you know you’re meant to help other people change their relationship with alcohol and achieve deep healing (along with their bigger dreams), apply for the Empowered AF 5X Coach Certification Program – and get 5x certified as a world class alcohol-free coach.

    Lose your desire to drink and lean into your dream life with Karolina’s book Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You. When you order today, you’ll also unlock tons of resources and checklists to support you on your journey.

    Loved the book? We’d be honored if you left a review!

    If you're still in the process of reevaluating alcohol on your own right now, I invite you to join Become Euphoric first, which will support you in reprogramming your subconscious mind.

    Follow on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

  • Sometimes going alcohol-free can bring up some uncomfortable emotions.

    This is the situation today’s guest, Didi Jordan, found herself in during her third month of not drinking. With alcohol no longer there to mask her insecurities, Didi found herself having to sit with all kinds of personal anxieties, from aging to body image.

    But, as she can attest now, this is where the magic happens. When we sit with those uncomfortable emotions: that’s when we find emotional freedom and unlock our potential.

    Didi is an alum of the Become Emboldened and Empowered AF Coaching Certification programs which helped her go from starting from scratch to now a global brand that has popularized the concept of a sober chapter, which has inspired her business, podcast, and her soon-to-be book.

    If you love spirituality and are into signs and serendipities, then this episode is for you. There’s something about having somebody on the podcast who’s been through the whole process of going alcohol-free and discovering her deeper purpose.

    If you know you’re meant to be a leader in the alcohol-free movement, get certified as an alcohol-free life coach along with 4 other modalities in the "Empowered AF 5X Coach Certification Program"


    Didi’s transformation from a party girl struggling with anxiety and shame to a respected coach helping others achieve personal growth and sobriety The concept of a "sober chapter" and how taking 22 months off alcohol led Didi to significant personal and professional breakthroughs Didi’s global coaching business, Sober Chapters, her podcast, her upcoming events, and her upcoming book Real-life experiences of spirituality and self-discovery, including Didi’s interpretation of the number "69" as a meaningful sign Didi’s advice on recognizing and understanding fear-based patterns, and her realization that many successful leaders avoid alcohol for greater personal growth The concept that “feeling is healing,” and the power in learning to sit with our emotions (especially those we might have masked with alcohol)


    Follow Didi and learn about Sober Chapters, listen to her podcast, The Sober Chapters Podcast, and read the book she recommended, Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill.

    Sign up for Karolina’s FREE masterclass, How I Made My First Six Figures Off My Passion, and learn how to harness your transformation and translate it into multiple streams of income.

    If you know you’re meant to help other people change their relationship with alcohol and achieve deep healing (along with their bigger dreams), - apply for the "Empowered AF 5X Coach Certification Program" – and get 5x certified as a world class alcohol-free coach.

    Lose your desire to drink and lean into your dream life with Karolina’s book Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You. When you order today, you’ll also unlock tons of resources and checklists to support you on your journey.

    Loved the book? We’d be honored if you left a review!

    If you're still in the process of reevaluating alcohol on your own right now, I invite you to join Become Euphoric first, which will support you in reprogramming your subconscious mind.

    Follow on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

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  • Imagine attending a party where you could step into the shoes of your future self.

    At this party, you would have already experienced the success you dream of: you’d have written the bestseller, started the uber-successful business, and booked the all-star clients. You’d perform the role in costume with props and conviction.

    This kind of party was one of the highlights of the recent Empowered AF 5X Certification program retreat in Palm Springs. It was a weekend Karolina will never forget, and in this episode, she talks about the highlights – and how to take part yourself.

    To some people, this kind of party might seem silly – or even crazy! – but performing this act among people who believe it’s possible for you can help you visualize these plans and make them feel not only attainable, but absolute.

    If you want to join this type of next-level community filled with people who believe in you, apply for the "Empowered AF 5X Coach Certification Program" – which includes FIVE certifications in different modalities, an all-expenses paid weekend retreat, and a four-month business mastermind.

    And be sure to attend Karolina’s FREE masterclass, How I Made My First Six Figures Off My Passion, about how to harness your transformation and translate it into multiple streams of income on September 25 (replays available!) which is the last free event of the year.


    The impact of visualizing your success by embodying your five-year future self at an alcohol-free “Come as You Will Be” party (coined by Jack Canfield) Karolina’s free masterclass, “How I Made My First Six Figures Off My Passion” on Wednesday, September 25, at 11 a.m. PST (2 p.m. EST) The importance of being able to lean into our deeper why and looking at “hard things” in the context of what some of our ancestors had to go through The life-changing wisdom of Tony Robbins and the power of being with people who believe that anything is possible for you The amazing coaching opportunities that exist in all industries, from health and wellness to business


    Karolina is hosting a FREE masterclass, How I Made My First Six Figures Off My Passion, about how to harness your transformation and translate it into multiple streams of income, on September 25, with replays available.

    If you want a next-level community filled with people who believe in you, apply for the "Empowered AF 5X Coach Certification Program" – which includes FIVE certifications in different modalities, an all-expenses paid weekend retreat, and a four-month business mastermind.

    Lose your desire to drink and lean into your dream life with Karolina’s book Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You. When you order today, you’ll also unlock tons of resources and checklists to support you on your journey.

    Applications are now open for The Empowered AF 5x Coach Certification. The next cohort starts in October. Learn more here and apply!

    If you're still in the process of reevaluating alcohol on your own right now, I invite you to join Become Euphoric first, which will support you in reprogramming your subconscious mind.

    Loved the book? We’d be honored if you left a review!

    Follow on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

  • Karolina used to think the most successful people in life started out with confidence.

    But here’s the raw truth: a lot of us DON’T start with confidence.

    What you really need is the courage to take that first leap. Courage is a choice. Investing in your dream might feel hard, but confidence will follow as you practice and commit.

    This is the second installment of a two-part episode about what Karolina wishes she knew when she started her business. (Make sure you listen to Part 1 if you haven’t already!)

    Karolina talks about the choice to be courageous, why she invested $24,000 in a mastermind, the risks and rewards of entrepreneurship, and how to get out of an employee mindset.

    People whose businesses take off aren’t necessarily smarter. They’re just brave enough to take action faster. Consequently, they fail faster and reach success faster, too.

    If you want to have more impact, freedom and autonomy in your career and become a highly sought after coach, apply for the "Empowered AF 5X Coach Certification Program" – which includes FIVE certifications in different modalities, all expenses paid weekend retreat, and four month business mastermind.

    Don’t miss your chance to apply now and join the Fall 2024 cohort, which starts in mid-October.


    The #1 expense associated with an online business – and why it’s the most worthwhile investment Employee mindsets vs. entrepreneurial mindsets (and the benefits of having skin in the game vs. hanging out in your comfort zone for too long) Karolina’s favorite practical tips for embracing fear and how to bounce back after setbacks The staggering statistic about millionaires, and the percentage of them who are entrepreneurs! The traits that ALL successful people share and the speed with which they make decisions


    Lose your desire to drink and lean into your dream life with Karolina’s book Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You. When you order today, you’ll also unlock tons of resources and checklists to support you on your journey.

    Applications are now open for The Empowered AF 5x Coach Certification. The next cohort starts in October. Learn more here and apply!

    If you're still in the process of reevaluating alcohol on your own right now, I invite you to join Become Euphoric first, which will support you in reprogramming your subconscious mind.

    Loved the book? We’d be honored if you left a review!

    Follow on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

  • Giving yourself permission to be a beginner might just be the best decision you'll ever make. Ever wondered what turning curiosity into passion looks like?

    Jordan Tarver’s journey from solo backpacking through Europe to becoming a bestselling author and speaker will inspire you to take that leap of faith.

    And he’s not just thriving professionally – Jordan has been alcohol-free for over 224 days, amplifying his creativity, energy, and confidence.

    In this episode, you’ll hear his secrets to success and how he sold over 30,000 copies of his book across multiple countries.

    A journal was what changed everything, setting off a chain of events to where he is today.

    Karolina and Jordan also unpack societal norms around drinking, and how breaking free can unlock your true potential.

    It's never too late to pivot and find what lights you up. Apply for the "Empowered AF 5X Coach Certification Program" – which includes FIVE certifications in different modalities and an all expenses paid weekend retreat!

    Don’t miss your chance to apply now and join the Fall 2024 cohort, which starts in mid-October.


    Jordan’s solo European adventure that led to selling 30,000 copies of his bestselling book, “You Deserve This Sh!t” How 224 days of being alcohol-free fueled Jordan’s creative fire, and unlocked his productivity and self-confidence Why giving yourself permission to fail can ACTUALLY lead to unexpected success The importance of cultivating passion through relentless curiosity and trying new things How Jordan knew he wanted to work for himself, plus his early experiences with photography and brand partnerships


    Lose your desire to drink and lean into your dream life with Karolina’s book Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You. When you order today, you’ll also unlock tons of resources and checklists to support you on your journey.

    Applications are now open for The Empowered AF 5x Coach Certification. The next cohort starts in October! Learn more here and apply!

    Connect with Jordan on Instagram and TikTok and check out his bestselling book, You Deserve This Sh!t.

    Jordan also recommends the books, Write Useful Books by Rob Fitzpatrick, and Don’t Believe Everything You Think by Joseph Nguyen.

    If you're still in the process of reevaluating alcohol on your own right now, I invite you to join Become Euphoric first, which will support you in reprogramming your subconscious mind.

    Loved the book? We’d be honored if you left a review!

    Follow on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

  • When Karolina first started her business, she would reach an uncomfortable edge every time she had to invest into it.

    Even the very first $20 domain name made her nervous.

    But she realized over time, that in the online coaching and education business, you have some of the lowest expenses and startup costs of any business model.

    You don’t have to invest in office space, get a lease, pay for cost of goods, production or factories, tons of employees, etc.

    Most traditional business models require $500,000 - $1,000,000 in upfront investments to just get the business off the ground.

    But the one thing she realized is the biggest and most important investment?

    Education and mentorship.

    Education into your skills and your business know-how.

    For Karolina, her vision for Euphoric started to take shape while she was working full-time. Hear how much she saved from her paycheck every month, how nervous she was to invest in each program, certification, or coaching she took, and how she’s come to realize that continually investing in your skills and business know-how is the lifeblood of your company.

    Furthering your skills (as a coach) and your business and marketing know-how is literally the most important investment in the business, and the only real big expense in an otherwise low-cost business model.

    Over the years, Karolina has poured over $200,000 into education, coaching, and personal development, with phenomenal returns grossing well over a million dollars in revenue!

    But how did she get there? In this episode, we’ll start at the beginning and normalize each stage of creating a wildly successful online business.

    You’ll hear her favorite hacks for making your first business investments, and how to get your partner on board.

    Believing in your vision fiercely is the type of commitment that will lead you to unparalleled growth and transformation.

    If you’re ready to go all in, apply for the "Empowered AF 5X Coach Certification Program" – which includes FIVE certifications in different modalities and an all expenses paid weekend retreat!

    Don’t miss your chance to apply now and join the Fall 2024 cohort, which starts in mid- October.

    And tune in next week for Part 2 of this episode.


    Why the online education/coaching space has some of the lowest start up and maintenance costs of any business model, but why investing in this one area is a must How to make “courageous” investments and bet on yourself, whether for a $20 domain name, or a higher ticket coaching program How Karolina took the leap from full-time employment to running her own business, and how much she leveraged from every paycheck to get there Why you have to 100% believe in yourself and have conviction, without wavering for a second on your vision The “burning the boats” mentality and how making a decisive commitment to your purpose can propel your success!


    Lose your desire to drink and lean into your dream life with Karolina’s book Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You. When you order today, you’ll also unlock tons of resources and checklists to support you on your journey.

    Applications are now open for The Empowered AF 5x Coach Certification. The next cohort starts in October! Learn more here and apply.

    If you're still in the process of reevaluating alcohol on your own right now, I invite you to join Become Euphoric first, which will support you in reprogramming your subconscious mind.

    Loved the book? We’d be honored if you left a review!

    Follow on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

  • The alcohol-free movement is growing year after year. 52% of Americans actually want to drink less or not at all.

    As we get more health conscious as a society, alcohol is going the way of cigarettes.

    And if you’re passionate about the alcohol-free space, why not jump in?

    Changing your relationship with alcohol could be your ticket to an AMAZINGLY fulfilling career.

    If you feel called to help people…create ripple effects…and have more impact, freedom and autonomy in your career...

    Becoming a coach (or deepening your coaching skills!) is one of the fastest ways to actually align your life with your values and have a career made of impact.

    Karolina is spilling her secrets on how she created an exhilarating life that marries her passions for travel, personal development, and the alcohol-free movement.

    As Gary Vaynerchuck said, alcohol-free is the biggest trend of today–

    The opportunities are truly limitless.

    You’ll also get the tea on Karolina’s accredited "Empowered AF 5X Coach Certification Program" – which includes FIVE certifications in different modalities and an all expenses paid weekend retreat!

    Don’t miss your chance to apply now and join the 3rd cohort, which starts in October.


    How to use your alcohol-free transformation as a catalyst for a new career path Why over 52% of the population is rethinking their relationship with alcohol – and the incredible opportunities this creates in the market How Karolina’s Empowered AF Coach Certification can support you in becoming nearly ANY kind of coach The magic of stepping into your “leadership era” and seeing it reflected in your bank account Who the Empowered AF Coach Certification is for (and how signing up can catapult you into an inspiring and impactful career!)


    Lose your desire to drink and lean into your dream life with Karolina’s book Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You. When you order today, you’ll also unlock tons of resources and checklists to support you on your journey.

    Applications are now open for The Empowered AF 5x Coach Certification. The next cohort starts in October! Learn more here and get special pricing.

    If you're still in the process of reevaluating alcohol on your own right now, I invite you to join Become Euphoric first, which will support you in reprogramming your subconscious mind.

    Loved the book? We’d be honored if you left a review!

    Follow on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

  • What happens when you mix the courage to overcome ADHD, the passion for creating alcohol-free spaces, AND the magic of manifestation?

    You get Rachel Hechtman, who went from overwhelmed “party girl” to an emerging leader revolutionizing New York City’s event scene. Her chic, alcohol-free space, Soft Bar, which opens in Brooklyn in 2025!

    As a client of Karolina’s Empowered AF Coaching certification, ditching alcohol completely unlocked Rachel’s creativity, helped her combat negative self-talk, and led to a life brimming with purpose – she’s even writing a book!

    Rachel shares her intriguing manifestation rituals, how alcohol inspired her to lose weight, her ADHD journey, and why she harnesses moon cycles and crystals to draw in positive energy.

    P.S. If you know you’re meant to help people like Rachel did, Karolina’s signature Empowered AF 5x Coach Certification starts in October. Apply now!


    How going alcohol-free and investing in her skills transformed Rachel into a vibrant leader, igniting her creativity and personal growth How much weight Rachel lost when she went alcohol-free All about the Lion’s Gate portal and the power of manifestation, including Rachel's favorite rituals, and moon cycle manifestations What kind of viral content she posts to reach the past version of her How Rachel combats negative self-talk and emotional turbulence with her ADHD diagnosis and helps others do the same The beautiful, alcohol-free space Rachel is creating in Brooklyn (and why we need MORE leaders in this space – there is room for everyone!) Getting out of instant gratification culture and trusting the beauty of life’s timing


    Lose your desire to drink and lean into your dream life with Karolina’s book Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You. When you order today, you’ll also unlock tons of resources and checklists to support you on your journey.

    Applications are now open for The Empowered AF 5x Coach Certification. The next cohort starts in October! Learn more here and get special pricing.

    Connect with Rachel on her website or her Instagram, @soberincentralpark. Her alcohol-free space, Soft Bar, opens in Brooklyn in 2025.

    Loved the book? We’d be honored if you left a review!

    Follow on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

  • What happens when you want to start sharing about the benefits of alcohol-free living or start a career in the alcohol-free movement, but you’re worried about professional or personal judgment when you “come out?”

    Will people assume things about you? Make up stories about you?

    In this episode, Karolina is tackling those fears head-on and sharing four powerful ways to proudly step into your power and become the influential leader you were always destined to be.

    Hear about the one figure who almost stopped Karolina from starting her career in the alcohol-free movement and how to believe that being alcohol-free is a competitive edge (and professional advantage).

    Everybody drinks, and if we’re being accurate, everybody drinks a little too much. It’s only the leaders that decide to embark on an alcohol-free lifestyle.

    This episode is a motivating, juicy pep talk that will inspire you to confidently declare your alcohol-free status and embrace your greater purpose as a leader.

    P.S. If you’re ready to take a bigger, bolder leap, Karolina’s signature Empowered AF coaching certification opens in October. Get on the waitlist now!


    Karolina's nerve wracking experience preparing to share her alcohol-free journey publicly How to confidently express your alcohol-free status by positioning yourself as a leader in the rapidly growing alcohol-free movement Inspiring stories of influential people who are proudly alcohol-free (and how embodying their energy can transform your own journey) 4 reasons to motivate you to eat that frog and just do it.


    Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. When you get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today, you’ll also unlock tons of resources to support you on your journey.

    Get on the waitlist for The Empowered AF Coach Certification. The next cohort starts in October! Learn more here and get special pricing.

    Loved the book? We’d be honored if you left a review!

    Follow on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

  • Can you truly have fun without alcohol?

    Spoiler alert: Alcohol is NOT the key to joy—it’s your mindset!

    Karolina is revealing the incredible science behind our brain’s dopamine system (and how it gets hijacked by drinking).

    This episode will inspire you to rediscover unfiltered pleasure in your everyday activities – including the occasional midnight dance party and your next bucket list worthy trip.

    Karolina takes you behind the scenes of her own alcohol-free journey, weaving in analogies and busting all the myths, while challenging you to reclaim your dopamine and rediscover joy in life's little moments.

    This week is the LAST week to join our next 22-day Dry Bootcamp.

    For the first time ever, you can join for as low as $59 and learn how to relax and have fun without alcohol, build a sustainable, alcohol-free lifestyle, and discover your deeper why. Plus, you’ll get all the guides, rituals, and meditations to help you connect to your higher self. We start August 6th. Sign up now.


    Alcohol ISN’T the gatekeeper to joy – and why stepping away can unlock a world of authentic, exhilarating experiences you didn’t know you were missing How alcohol hijacks your brain’s dopamine response (and the liberating journey of rebalancing your system) Redefining fun by reflecting on joyful, creative, and playful memories from childhood The most common myths about fun and pleasure that are tied to alcohol How Karolina enjoys vacations (and dance parties!) without alcohol


    Dry Bootcamp starts August 6th! If you’re ready for a life-changing break from alcohol or want to recommit, this program will inspire you to cut subconscious ties to alcohol and meet your needs in healthy ways. Sign up now for just $59!

    Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. When you get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today, you’ll also unlock tons of resources to support you on your journey.

    Check out the other episodes in this series: Episode 232: Isn’t Drinking Cultural?!, Episode 233: The Myth of Normal Drinking, and Episode 234: Won’t I Be The Odd One Out?!

    Loved the book? We’d be honored if you left a review!

    Follow on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

  • Our sense of belonging and acceptance has been tied to alcohol for so long.

    But you have the power to reshape your life, influence your community, and live with radical fulfillment. There are SO many people in the world who are putting their dreams first and not just living for the weekend to drink.

    Who are the five people that you see the most? Do you want their life? Or do you want something bigger, something more, something that isn't so mundane?

    Karolina shares tons of practical tips for transforming your social life and finding new, vibrant communities and friendships that don't revolve around drinking.

    We also cover the dangers of perception bias, the psychology behind our need to belong, and how we can become a “wolf” and inspire others to redefine their relationships with alcohol too.

    You’re not just ditching a drink—you’re embracing leadership, taking a brave stance, and redefining what belonging truly means!

    For the price of just 3 drinks at a bar, you can join Karolina’s 22-day Dry Bootcamp and learn how to relax and have fun without alcohol, build a sustainable, alcohol-free lifestyle, and discover your deeper why. Plus, you’ll get all the guides, rituals, and meditations to help you connect to your higher self. We start August 6th. Sign up for just $59.


    Flipping the script from being the “odd one out” to becoming an alcohol-free trailblazer in your social circle The powerful concept of perception bias and how it shapes our view of what’s “normal” in drinking culture Karolina’s tips for finding and consciously creating alcohol-free communities online and offline that align with your lifestyle A real-life example of a book club’s transformation when one person took a stand (plus the profound ripple effects it created!) Exciting details about Karolina’s upcoming Dry Bootcamp, where you can transform your relationship with alcohol—all for the price of just three drinks at a bar


    Dry Bootcamp starts August 6th! If you’re ready for a life-changing break from alcohol, this program will inspire you to reevaluate alcohol through daily lessons and an immersive community. Sign up now for just $59!

    Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. When you get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today, you’ll also unlock tons of resources to support you on your journey.

    Check out the other episodes in this series: Episode 132: Isn’t Drinking Cultural?! And Episode 133: The Myth of Normal Drinking.

    Loved the book? We’d be honored if you left a review!

    Follow on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

  • In honor of dry July, Karolina is debunking the most common myths and objections about going alcohol-free.

    What if everything you believed about "normal drinking" was a lie?

    Society puts "normal drinking" on a pedestal: the cultured person who enjoys just one glass of wine over a nice dinner. But is this achievable or even desirable?

    It turns out that 60% of regular drinkers overdrink, and it's also been proven that 40% to 50% of our drinking is underreported.

    And drinking doesn’t feel good - would you rather be someone who drinks normally and never gets the wake up call? Or would you rather be a person who gets the negative consequence, reevaluates alcohol, and wakes up to the life you were really supposed to live?

    When you join Karolina’s 22-day Dry Bootcamp, you’ll learn how to relax and have fun without alcohol, build a sustainable, alcohol-free lifestyle, and discover your deeper why. Plus, you’ll get all the guides, rituals, and meditations to help you connect to your higher self. We start August 6th. Sign up for just $59!


    Why "normal drinking" is actually a myth and why what society views as normal is often an unhealthy illusion

    The majority of people underreport their alcohol consumption by 40% to 50% (!), plus, what this means for your perceptions of "moderate" drinking

    How intuition and listening to your body’s signals will shift you into greater confidence, courage, and purpose

    The REAL impact of even a single drink on your body (think disrupted sleep cycles and metabolic changes!)

    A sneak peek into Karolina’s 22-day Dry Bootcamp, which starts August 6th. Break free from alcohol and align with your highest self.


    Dry Bootcamp starts August 6th! If you’re ready for a life-changing break from alcohol, this program will inspire you to reevaluate alcohol through daily lessons and an immersive community. Sign up now for just $59!

    Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. When you get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today, you’ll also unlock tons of resources to support you on your journey.

    Loved the book? We’d be honored if you left a review!

    Tune in to Episode 132: Isn’t Drinking Cultural?!

    Follow on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

  • Is drinking really tied to our cultural roots, or is it a habit we can choose to reshape?

    Since 2018, Karolina’s been crisscrossing the globe, proving that you can experience the vibrant charm of cities like Paris, Madrid, and Tokyo without a drop of alcohol.

    Imagine enjoying the same joys of a wine country weekend or a sunset dinner on the patio without the next day fog.

    Detaching from alcohol not only enriched Karolina’s travel experiences, but propelled her to a path of radical fulfillment and empowerment.

    If you’re curious about redefining your drinking rituals without feeling left out, this episode is your guide to navigating an alcohol-free lifestyle, even while jetsetting across the globe and having all the cultural experiences.


    What makes drinking cultural? Karolina shares the two elements and how can we take the good and leave out the bad Inside the booming alcohol-free movement in Europe Karolina’s candid reflections on shedding the subconscious need for alcohol during her global travels (and how it catalyzed profound personal growth!) Unpacking Spain's paradoxical position as both a nightlife haven and the world's largest consumer of alcohol-free beer How going alcohol-free will beautifully impact future generations and change the culture


    Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. When you get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today, you’ll also unlock tons of resources to support you on your journey.

    Loved the book? We’d be honored if you left a review!

    Tune in to Episode 229: Have the Best Alcohol-Free Summer Ever

    Check out some of Karolina’s favorite alcohol-free beverages: Wild AF and Oddbird

    Follow on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

  • If you’ve ever felt like you're "not enough" or "too much", now is the time to confidently and BOLDLY take up space in your life.

    Allison Guilbault is here to get real on boundaries and self-worth. As a top-tier therapist and empowerment coach, she has a flair for helping high-achieving women overcome anxiety, trauma, and intimacy issues.

    Are you caught in the "yes" trap? Allison shares how saying yes to everything drained her. Pro tip? Listen to your body. Say yes to what aligns with your passion!

    We also question societal narratives that affect women and why it can be so hard to ask for help if you struggle with hyper-independence.

    This episode is packed with juicy mindset tips that will empower you to step into your confidence and reclaim your highest self (even in the bedroom!)


    How we can dismantle societal beliefs about associating confidence with being “cocky” and assertiveness with "bossy” The power of boundaries and how Allison now allows herself to take up space with confidence (in her personal and professional life) A liberating practice of saying "no", especially when something doesn't align with your passions The magic of building confidence with self-affirmations to transform insecurities into strengths Why Allison chooses to lead her life alcohol-free, plus the positive impact it has had on her mental health


    Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review.

    Learn more about Allison on her website, A Note From Your Therapist and follow her on Instagram. You can also tune in to her podcast, Becoming Unstoppable on Apple or Spotify.

    Follow on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

  • Karolina is sitting down with the incredible psychotherapist Jane Ballard to uncover your burning questions around purpose, body image, mental health, and the ripple effect of alcohol on our lives.

    These are the top challenges women face every single day behind closed doors.

    But having purpose can be our lifeline and quite literally extend our lives, while adding depths of fulfillment and happiness.

    We’ll dig into ALL the practical strategies for cultivating mindfulness, and why you don’t actually need to do 2 hours of spiritual practices a day to get there!

    Plus, we’ll cover Jane’s philosophy around self-compassion when it comes to our body image, and how to go from craving “fun foods” to a lifestyle of intuitive eating.

    If you’ve been questioning your habits, Jane offers some of the BEST reframes on mindfulness.

    Jane allows us to challenge ourselves to cultivate kindness and truly "remember to remember" the preciousness of our one beautiful life, so we can extract meaning and joy from every corner.


    How to tap into your inner reservoir of calm with practical rituals like meditation and yoga Jane’s heartfelt philosophy on body image and how to shift from self-criticism to body neutrality and gratitude The life-changing magic of purpose and why the mantra "remember to remember" can guide us to appreciate life fully and steer clear from living life on autopilot The inside scoop on Jane’s views on alcohol and our potential Jane’s favorite books that have shaped and supported her spiritual journey


    Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review.

    Learn more about Jane on her website and Instagram.

    Check out Jane’s book recommendations: Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy by Thomas Lynch, Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, and The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday.

    Follow on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

  • Are you ready to make this summer unforgettable without a drop of alcohol?

    Karolina is sharing all of her juiciest secrets so you can have a summer filled with pleasure, joy, wonder, and adventure.

    Reawaken your inner child by swimming to a waterfall, stargazing on a camping trip, or indulging in sensory experiences with food.

    Who knew that a simple skincare routine and reconnecting with nature could feel so good?

    Hear how little joys like seasonal fruits, outdoor picnics, sunshine, and functional beverages can bring fun and dopamine into your day.

    You’ll also get a sneak peek into some of Karolina’s upcoming travel adventures to Spain, France, and Italy and how she infuses European traditions (like sauna and cold plunging) into her trips.

    Let’s make this the hottest most empowering summer yet, without a drop of alcohol!


    The juiciest pleasures you can put into your summertime to feel wonder, awe, pleasure, and fulfillment Why Gen Z is trading alcohol for skincare How to awaken your inner child through outdoor activities like swimming, camping, and stargazing Karolina’s inspiring road trip stories from Barcelona to Zurich and California to Colorado European secrets to a healthier lifestyle, including the benefits of saunas, cold plunges, and the finest skincare products Karolina's transformative journey from a stressed 9-5er, reliant on weekend drinks, to her life now as a flourishing entrepreneur and world traveler


    Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review.

    Follow on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

  • If you’ve ever dreamed of writing a book, the time to start is now.

    And you can ditch the idea that you need a massive following to score a book deal. (Karolina got hers with an email list of just 6,000!)

    This episode breaks down the PRACTICAL steps you need to make your book a reality, with a focus on traditional publishing.

    We’ll cover rough drafts, finding an agent, how to write a compelling book proposal, and the importance of building a platform that publishers won’t be able to resist.

    Feeling overwhelmed? You can ignite your inner author in just 15 minutes a day, even if it’s messy. It's all about quantity, not quality when you're starting.

    Your story is worth sharing. If you’re ready to incubate a beautiful goal or dream, Karolina is opening up one more spot in the Becoming Emboldened program. DM on Instagram to claim it!


    How Karolina manifested her 6-figure book deal with a smaller following Karolina’s secrets to overcoming writer's block with simple, daily exercises An inside look at the crucial elements of a book proposal that can capture an agent’s attention and pave the way for your publishing dream Why building an email list and social media presence is non-negotiable for aspiring authors (and how to start growing yours from scratch) Powerful strategies for collapsing time on your goals, and using mentorship, accountability, and community support to fast-track your path to becoming a published author


    Claim the last spot in Karolina’s signature 4-month incubator program for alcohol-free women to achieve their biggest dreams. DM Karolina at on Instagram.

    Tune in to Episode 199 for Part 1 of this conversation, where Karolina shares the energetic practices that set the foundation for manifesting your dreams.

    Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review.

    Follow on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

  • It’s time to step into your power and channel your inner main character energy with these 7 game-changing tips.

    Are you pushing pause on making big moves or living life on the sidelines?

    If your life over the past year was made into a movie, would it be interesting and worth watching?

    In this episode, Karolina will inspire you to embrace your emotions, invest BIG in personal growth, and find your definition of purpose.

    Main characters don't wait for the “right time” to live their best lives.

    Discover how to turn the mundane into something magical, by taking risks and creating memories out of experiences (rather than material things). Even financial risks can lead to a bigger ROI.

    Plus, learn how to manifest your biggest dream when you sign up for Becoming Emboldened, Karolina’s signature 4-month program.

    It's time to shine brightly and live a life that's truly euphoric.


    How to unleash your main character energy to live boldly, take risks, and create unforgettable adventures in your life Why waiting for the "perfect moment" is a trap and may be holding you back from your dreams The sheer impact of investing in your own personal growth (Karolina invested over $200,000 and reaped the rewards!) How to cultivate and process your rawest emotions and create meaningful connections without relying on substances Prioritizing experiences over material things, and how you can join Becoming Emboldened


    Become Emboldened is now open for enrollment! Claim your spot in Karolina’s signature 4-month incubator program for alcohol-free women to achieve their biggest dreams. The first coaching call is on June 11th. Claim your Spot

    Go back and listen to Episode 212 to hear about Karolina’s late Grandmother.

    Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review.

    Follow on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

  • What did you want to be when you grew up?

    If you’ve ever fumbled around with this question and felt lost in an endless maze of career choices, you're not alone!

    Karolina is laying it ALL out – diving deep into her personal journey and how she awakened to her much bigger purpose.

    She opens up about her struggles with self-worth during the 2009 recession, leading to an unfulfilling mortgage job, the pursuit of an MBA out of self-doubt, and finally, tapping into her deepest passions of writing, psychology, and coaching.

    This episode explores the evolving nature of passions, the importance of compassion when shifting paths, and the thrill of turning creative side projects into a thriving career.

    If you’re ready to design a life that’s meaningful, Karolina will reveal the steps to recalibrate your work life and align it with your highest self.


    How Karolina's intuition and intentionality transformed her unfulfilling mortgage job into a coaching career that makes a profound impact A deep dive into self-belief and creativity—and how you can harness your passions to build a 6-figure business How to wrestle with the big question of "what do I want to be when I grow up?" Hint: It’s okay if you still feel a little lost Changing your beliefs when you’re convinced that the “thing” you want to do won’t work or won’t make you enough money Karolina’s switch to an alcohol-free lifestyle and why she believes it’s THE key to unleashing your true potential and finding deeper purpose


    Become Emboldened is now open for enrollment! Claim your spot in Karolina’s signature 4-month incubator program for alcohol-free women to achieve their biggest dreams. The first coaching call is on June 11th. Claim your Spot.

    Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review.

    Follow on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.

  • Everyone who drinks has these two things working against them:

    Social conditioning and the power of habits.

    Karolina explains how we grow up in a world that encourages drinking and how we form so many beliefs around it on how it meets our needs.

    In order to change your relationship with alcohol, belief work is the most important first step to change what associations, meanings, and benefits your subconscious brain is assigning to alcohol.

    But the root cause of drinking? This goes much deeper.

    Karolina is sharing the many deep-rooted causes of a complex relationship with alcohol, including why unfulfillment can be the hidden driver behind your drinking habits.

    We’ll cover why the brain craves a challenge, belief systems, and the 3 steps to fulfillment (and why it starts with knowing what you actually want).

    P.S. Don’t miss a special 3-day LIVE purpose workshop with Karolina May 28th-30th designed to help you rethink your ties to alcohol and unleash your full potential. Register now and you’ll be entered to win fun prizes.


    Exactly what qualifies as "overdrinking" and why it's so much more pervasive than you think. Spoiler alert: it's not about being an "alcoholic" How society's norms around drinking keep you stuck in old patterns and how to break free to find your true self The magic of rewiring your mindset around fulfillment to shift your life A life-changing purpose meditation to answer the pivotal question: "What do I really want?" Prepare to dive deep! The inside scoop on Karolina’s upcoming “AF Fire” workshop, packed with tools, prizes, and a chance to redefine your life's purpose—starting May 28th!


    Karolina is hosting a FREE, 3-day live purpose workshop May 28th-30th to help you reevaluate the role of alcohol in your life. Register and get a free workbook and have the potential to win prizes!

    Karolina’s book is available in hardcover, Kindle, and as an audiobook. Be sure to get your copy of Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You today and leave your review.

    Follow on Instagram. And as always, rate, review, and subscribe so we can continue spreading our message far and wide.