In this encore presentation, Dr. Heidi interviews Sam Kabert, Host of the Soul Seekr. Soul Seekr is the podcast that explores the meaning of life, the universe and embraces pursuing your highest excitement. Sam is also the author of the book “Written Goal”, as well as host of his newest podcast Clone Yourself; sharing tips and tricks on how to successfully work with a virtual assistant.
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Purchases made via our links will help support the Evolving Digital Self & Global Nomad Hacks podcasts. If you like it, please feel free to share it with your friends (both the resources and the podcasts :-).
Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste interviews Tammy Wise, a mind, body, strength expert, author of The Art of Strength and creator of the BodyLogos Method––a self-alignment strength training method––and NEW BodyLogos App!
Tammy Wise is a widely respected mind-body fitness expert, owner of BodyLogos, Inc., author of The Art of Strength: Sculpt the Body ~ Train the Mind, and producer of the NEW BodyLogos App. A former Broadway dancer turned Tao minister, Tammy was voted the Best of Fitness by Time Out New York (twice) and has appeared in Martha Stewart’s Whole Living magazine, New York Magazine, Natural Health, Shape, and Thrive Global. She’s a Transformational Authors Contest Winner and regular contributor to Medium.
Visit her at and get your video gift: How to Surrender Tension in 8-Minutes!
Tammy uses posture to influence people's lives. It's relevant for the workplace, your workouts and especially in timeouts to change the way you feel in body AND mind. Posture is a healing art that can elevate you above hardship and disappointment.
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Instagram: out our NEW Power Hacks and Resources pages, listing links from our guests and some of our favorite products and services that we use and recommend to others.
Purchases made via our links will help support the Evolving Digital Self & Global Nomad Hacks podcasts. If you like it, please feel free to share it with your friends (both the resources and the podcasts :-).
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
In my hunt for great women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) who make science accessible to the masses without dumbing it down, I was delighted to find the ScienceVs podcast, now produced by Gimlet Media.
After developing her skill as someone who could talk about science passionately (and have a little fun doing so), the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) asked Wendy Zuckerman to pitch an idea for the rising media of podcasting. After Zuckerman heard about Gwenyth Paltrow’s suggestion that women should steam clean their vaginas, Zuckerman pitched the show as Science Vs Gwenyth Paltrow. It was a hit, and of course expanded far beyond its original storyline and namesake.
“The idea was to use humor and the joy of science to really tackle things we care about,” Zuckerman explained.
Zuckerman’s delightful, breezy lilt of the Australian dialect draws you into the joy of whatever the subject matter may be, and the show was a hit! Gimlet Media picked it up five years in.
This once biomedical science and law (double major) student found her sweet spot in science journalism. As many of you may have experienced, science journalism is often quite dry and littered with inaccessible jargon. Not so with Zuckerman. She strongly credits her six-person editorial and production team for their contribution to the show’s content and output via their research and excellence.
With the additional resources from Gimlet, the ScienceVs team has been able to dive into topics with first-hand interviews. They conducted live, in-person interviews to understand the impact of immigration policies on a farmer in Alabama who relies on immigrant workforce to harvest. They visited a nuclear power plant to research nuclear power.
Digging deep to get the answers is both scientific and journalistic. Zuckerman’s lighthearted approach to deliver both is much appreciated.
Since moving to New York, ScienceVs has covered topics ranging from the obvious to obscure—COVID-19 vaccines and climate change to tear-drinking butterflies. The latter was one of my favorite recent episodes. In fact, listening to it ended in a personal driveway moment (yes, I sat in my car until it was done) about these butterflies that drink turtle tears. I am a systems geek, and found it truly amazing how they dug deep into the research to look at natural science and the systems of mutual dependency. Where else would I have learned that the turtle tears actually improves the male butterflies’ ability to procreate?
When I asked Zuckerman about her favorite episodes, her voice lit up with a bit of giddiness. The first she shared was titled “The Hunt for an Invisible Killer.” It was about finding the actual strain of the 1918 flu virus. Her storyteller hat was immediately donned as she summarized her sleuthing adventure to find the original 90+ year-old scientist who identified the virus, and as she refers to it, “the craziness that science can bring.”
Another of her favorites is the episode dedicated to the science behind orgasms. This is just perfect for pandemic times and for the podcasting medium, as one might be curious but prefer to listen with earbuds. I warn you, here, that they do get into the science of it, and sexual health scientists are very passionate about their work. It is not all giggles, but with Zuckerman at the helm, there is always a little bit of cheeky humor. Besides, as podcasters, it is a delight to bring the blush to your listeners and guests when covering taboo topics (in this case, it shouldn’t be taboo, because it’s really about health).
All cheekiness aside, Zuckerman and her team are dedicated to encouraging listeners to be curious… to question things in the name of science. She says, “The best compliment anyone can ever give me about the show is to say, ‘I didn't think I liked science, but then I listened to ScienceVS, and I love it.’”
Now launching their 10th season, ScienceVs has some exciting episodes in the works. When I spoke with Zuckerman, she was in lockdown in New York City and researching snake bites and venom. It is truly amazing what one can explore from the comfort of the laptop and phone!
That said, I am so happy that we have ScienceVs to share stories and perspectives with flair and fun as they educate.
(As featured in Podcast Magazine March 2021)
Check out our NEW Power Hacks and Resources pages, listing links from our guests and some of our favorite products and services that we use and recommend to others.
Purchases made via our links will help support the Evolving Digital Self & Global Nomad Hacks podcasts. If you like it, please feel free to share it with your friends (both the resources and the podcasts J).
Dr. Heidi talks with Melinda Wittstock is a 5 time serial entrepreneur, award-winning journalist, podcaster and the CEO and Founder of Podopolo, the world's first socially interactive podcast app and network.
Melinda Wittstock is a 5-time serial entrepreneur who has built 4 businesses in media and tech to 7- and 8- figure success. She’s the CEO and Founder Podopolo, the world's first socially interactive and "gamified" podcast network where people gather to discover their favorite podcasts, connect with hosts and each other, and win rewards as they put lessons learned into action to enhance their lives and change the world. Podopolo is also the first to share revenue with podcasters - and donate 10% of its earnings to mission-driven businesses and charities worldwide. Melinda also helps business owners and entrepreneurs launch magnetic and profitable podcasts.
An acknowledged visionary in tech, media, mobile platforms and social content, Melinda also hosts the fast growing "Wings Of...Inspired Business" podcast named by Entrepreneur Magazine as #8 of 20 of the top business podcasts for 2020. The Wings mission is to #LiftAsWeClimb, helping female founders leverage their feminine power and collaborate to change the game of business and succeed without tradeoff, guilt or apology. Melinda also hosts the transformational mastermind and luxury retreat "Wings of The Empowered Women" for women with 7-, 8- and 9-figure businesses.
Formerly an award-winning journalist, executive producer, and TV anchor for the BBC, ABC News, CNBC/Financial Times Television and MSNBC, Melinda created and grew a BBC show to a 20 million audience and also innovated one of the first crowd-sourcing mobile apps, growing unique users to 3 million in 8 months. Steve Jobs told her she "asked the best questions" when she interviewed him as a 24-year-old correspondent of the Times of London. Her previous companies include: Capitol News Connection, a political news agency serving 300+ TV and radio stations nationwide; NewsiT, an award-winning mobile app for crowd-sourced content, and Verifeed, the social intelligence platform assuring a Return on Authenticity™ from social media engagement.
A spiritual practitioner of meditation, yoga, visualization, gratitude and intention-setting, Melinda is passionate about encouraging conscious leadership and evolved entrepreneurship using business as a canvas to solve global challenges. Her travels have taken her to many exotic places including Sir Richard Branson's Necker Island, Indian Ocean, Antarctic, and the Amazon Rainforest. She's a loving mom to two teenagers and a golden retriever. She has spoken at Voice Global 2020, Podfest Global, SXSW, Google, Fidelity Investments, Maverick 1000, Unicorn, Manhattan Chamber of Commerce, Voice 2018, Georgetown University, Relentless MV, Columbia University, Underground Online Seminar, Pinnacle Global Network and many more.
Melinda is innovating social media 3.0. At Podopolo, her vision is to enable meaningful trusted connection and conversation curated around great podcasts and shared interests. At Podopolo, Melinda wants to get past the filter bubbles, bots and flame throwing, to foster growing awareness, consciousness and connection, empowering and enlightening people to enhance their lives and take meaningful action to improve our world.
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Instagram: episode is also celebrates Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste's, #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers, and for order in local book sellers internationally.
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Dr. Heidi talks with Ted Rubin, leading Social Marketing Strategist, Speaker, Author, Provocateur, and CMO of Photofy.
In March 2009 Ted started using and evangelizing the term ROR, Return on Relationship #RonR. Many people in the social media world know Ted for his enthusiastic, energetic and undeniably personal connection to people... #NoLetUp!
His book, Return on Relationship, was released January 2013, How To Look People in the Eye Digitally was released January 2105 and The Age of Influence… Selling to the Digitally Connected Customer was released in May 2017.
ROR: Return on Relationship™, #RonR… simply put the value that is accrued by a person or brand due to nurturing a relationship. ROI is simple $’s and cents.
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Instagram: episode is also celebrates Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste's, #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers, and for order in local book sellers internationally.
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Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste chats with Natasha Todorovic-Cowan, is the CEO and co-founder of the National Values-Center Consulting (and owner of SPIRAL DYNAMICS® brand).
Whether your challenges are resistance to change, cultures in conflict, strategic partnerships, dysfunctional teams, or strategic change implementation, Natasha's experience includes unraveling the people side of organizational challenges from C-suite to shop floor using a proven human systems approach.
For over 25 years Natasha has been working with leaders, consultants, coaches, and organizations applying her proprietary SPIRAL DYNAMICS® cultural DNA survey, leadership assessments, and change readiness index to predict hurdles to change. Her techniques for handling corporate change are rooted in 70 years of research and application in a variety of industries and sectors. She has delivered over 200+ SPIRAL DYNAMICS® certification programs in 14+ countries and on 5 continents! She has spoken at the World Future Society Conference on the future of work and running online programs since 2010 helping people connect and understand human factors through technological tools as well as in person.
Every relationship, whether with the self, another person, or technological, transforms the brain and the being. In a work 4.0 environment, understanding the changing nature of human nature is more critical than ever. In a world where more information is being uploaded each day than any person can consume in multiple lifetimes, overwhelm and disorientation are common. New ways of relating and organizing are emerging and together we can learn to cope more effectively.
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Instagram: episode is also celebrates Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste's, #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers, and for order in local book sellers internationally.
Your order will help support the Evolving Digital Self podcast. If you like it, please feel free to share it with your friends (both the book and the podcast :-)
Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste interviews Jennifer Bonine, the CEO of AI Appstore, Inc., and the first female Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) testing tech CEO.
AI Appstore specializes in custom subscription technology bundles, leveraging an intelligent platform to recommend actions and changes in the software development lifecycle. The company exceeds expectations of integration, testing, delivery, and management with a groundbreaking business model that is fully engaged in the sustainable development goals (“SDGs”) cultivated by the United Nations.
At its core, AI integrates the human experience with technology. The ways in which Jenn and her team utilize AI allow them to connect communities and ideas from greater purposes.
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LinkedIn: episode is also celebrates Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste's, #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers, and for order in local book sellers internationally.
Your order will help support the Evolving Digital Self podcast. If you like it, please feel free to share it with your friends (both the book and the podcast :-)
To kick off the New Year we are sharing an Editor's Choice - Yuan Wang : Civilization 2.0. Be sure to join us January 19th for a brand new episode of Evolving Digital Self.
Dr. Heidi and Yuan Wang, the Manifestation Architect, talk blockchain, distributed ledger technologies (DLT) and upleveling to Civilization 2.0.
Yuan Wang is a futurist, technologist, manifestation architect, #1 best selling author and parallel entrepreneur who designs #DLT systems and transformational experiences that help humanity play its way to Abundance. For over two decades, Yuan designed, coded and operated some of the most popular 3D video games in history including Descent, Lucasarts’ Jedi Knight and World of Warcraft. He has built multiple startups, served as an executive at Blizzard Entertainment, Disney, and Midway Games and is currently building and advising decentralized technology and human performance organizations for Civilization 2.0. Yuan Wang’s 2018 book, The Abundance Prophecy.
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Twitter ID: theyuanwang
Instagram : theyuanwangThis episode is also celebrates Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste's, #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers, and for order in local book sellers internationally.
Your order will help support the Evolving Digital Self podcast. If you like it, please feel free to share it with your friends (both the book and the podcast :-)
This is a Special Christmas Encore Presentation of Dr. Heidi interviewing her cousin, Jonathan “Santa JG” Meath, an Effervescent Personality, Television Producer, & Professional Santa Claus.
Jonathan Meath is an award–winning American TV producer based in Boston, currently living in Hawaii, who is notable for earning numerous Emmy nominations and a George Foster Peabody Award. He is known for his commitment to children's educational television. He was Senior Producer of the TV game show Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? He was also Producer of Zoom on PBS, The Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss on Nickelodeon, and PAZ the Penguin on The Discovery Channel.
In addition, he has a dual career as a professional Santa Claus. He’s been Santa for ABC’s Good Morning America, twice, and at Radio City Music Hall for two Holiday seasons. In 2013, Time Magazine named him one of America’s top Santas, as did National Public Radio in 2007. Delta Airlines featured him in their Holiday Safety Video on their planes world-wide. And since 2016, he has been Coca-Cola’s Santa featured in online, in theaters, on TV and in print in 120 countries world-wide.
CocaCola commercial 2016-17
Santa contact:
Hashtag: #santajg
Jonathan Meath:
Wikipedia: episode is also celebrates the launch of Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste's, new #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers internationally.
Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste interviews Tim Panagos, co-founder and Chief Technology Officer at
Tim Panagos is an entrepreneur, philosopher, engineer, and co-founder and Chief Technology Office at, which combines wireless data sources to allow better decision making while respecting the privacy of the individuals. Microshare's Universal Contact Tracing solution has been adopted globally as the centerpiece of comprehensive COVID-19 responses. Tim is an AI industry veteran with more than 25-years of developing data-driven applications for banking, healthcare, retail, and manufacturing companies. He studied computer science at the University of New Hampshire and holds a Masters in the Management of Technology from MIT.
Tim has been working on how organizations can be data-driven while allowing individuals to maintain agency and privacy in the face of higher resolution Digital Twins, created by online and offline digital measurements. Lately, this topic has become the core of the public's reaction to Contact Tracing as a key component of COVID-19 response. How can businesses use surveillance tools to allow a safer return to work without alienating either their staff or customers? What should individuals be prepared to sacrifice in exchange for greater well-being in the face of the pandemic and beyond?
Recent articles in New York Times that we referred to on this episode:
Twitter ID: @microshare_ctoThis episode is also celebrates Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste's, #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers, and for order in local book sellers internationally.
Your order will help support the Evolving Digital Self podcast. If you like it, please feel free to share it with your friends (both the book and the podcast :-)
Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste interviews Amy Schuber, an Energy Healer, Intuitive Business Strategist and Podcast Host of Inspired Conversations.
For over a decade, Amy has been successfully coaching, business owners, entrepreneurs & individuals on building, growing and sustaining a prosperous life, career or business while staying grounded and connected. Through her healing work she helps individuals remove inherited blocks that might stifle their growth. Clearing the inherited blocks helps clients find more peace, success, love and financial abundance.
Amy’s intuitive gifts, strategic mind, savvy spirituality, curated resources and straight up smarts help her guide her clients to the highest vibration they can be for their best life and business to unfold. She has an innate ability to see people’s true potential and strategies needed to unlock the possibilities and create success in life and business.
As the host of the Inspired Conversations Podcast with 500 episodes, she’s shared insightful conversations with over 468 thought leaders like Dr. Joe Vitale, Jen Sincero, John Lee Dumas, Mariel Hemingway, who are making a meaningful difference on the planet. The show has grown consistently over the past 6 years with a goal to produce thoughtful conversations based on conscious business, mind, body, spirit, and well-being in hopes to spark your heart and ignite your soul into a deep dive of self-discovery.
Amy’s achieved over half a million downloads in over 100 countries and was featured in iTunes New & Noteworthy.
Amy truly believes, ‘You are the one you’ve been waiting for’.
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Inspired Conversations Podcast: Itunes-
Twitter: @amyschuber
Instagram: @amyschuberContact: Amy Schuber:
This episode is also celebrates Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste's, #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers, and for order in local book sellers internationally.
Your order will help support the Evolving Digital Self podcast. If you like it, please feel free to share it with your friends (both the book and the podcast :-)
Dr. Heidi talks with Rijul Arora, Digital Well Being Advocate and Practitioner.
Rijul is a technology enthusiast working on building a better working world through technology. But, he's a millennial who’s been on both sides of the table-completely addicted to technology, left it and now he has a healthy relationship with technology. This transition has completely transformed his life personally, professionally, and mentally. Thus, he spread this message of “healthy relationships with technology” through various platforms.Professionally, he is working with EY and helping clients in end to end technology transformation.
Personally, he has delivered 70+ talks in leading Indian Colleges like IIM's, IIT's etc. and global platforms like TEDx and Character Day.
Rijul is also an Innovator and Thought Leader with LookUp Live. A millennial who’s been on both sides of the table-completely addicted to technology, left it and now he uses it in a healthy way.
This transition has completely transformed his life personally, professionally and mentally. Thus, Rijul spreads this message of “healthy relationships with technology” through schools, colleges, NGO's and corporates.
Read a brief story about Rijul:
Facebook Page: episode is also celebrates Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste's, #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers, and for order in local book sellers internationally.
Your order will help support the Evolving Digital Self podcast. If you like it, please feel free to share it with your friends (both the book and the podcast :-)
Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste chats with Anjel B Hartwell, known as The Wealthy Life Mentor, is an internationally known artist, author & evolutionary alchemist.
Honored as a Be The Change “Movement To Watch” Award Winner and considered one of America’s Premier Experts, she has appeared multiple times in the major media and is the Creator, Executive Producer & Host of the Apple #1 Internationally ranked Wickedly Smart Women Podcast and is hired to consult with high achieving leaders who are called to be the Vanguard of the Creative Age. Visit her at or peruse her online art gallery at
Dr. Heidi and Anjel talk about taking her art gallery online and the opportunity of name change in digital world!
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Instagram: Life Readiness Quiz
This episode is also celebrates Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste's, #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers, and for order in local book sellers internationally.
Your order will help support the Evolving Digital Self podcast. If you like it, please feel free to share it with your friends (both the book and the podcast :-)
Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste chats with Nona Yehia, Co-Founder & CEO of Vertical Harvest.
An architect and entrepreneur, Nona conceptualized and built Vertical Harvest, the first vertical hydroponic greenhouse in the world. Following her passion for local food and experiences growing up with a brother with developmental disabilities, Nona coached Vertical Harvest to success and continues to lead the company in bringing architectural, economic, and social innovation to communities nationwide. In 2020, Nona was chosen as a CNN Champion for Change. This award profiles 10 innovators leading the charge to a better world with new ideas and groundbreaking solutions.
This episode is also celebrates Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste's, #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers, and for order in local book sellers internationally.
Your order will help support the Evolving Digital Self podcast. If you like it, please feel free to share it with your friends (both the book and the podcast :-)
Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste chats with Brown sophomore, Jabberwok and lead singer for Falling Walrus, Alden Forbes, and her friend an amazingly talented triple threat from Julliard, Graham Campbell.
In this conversation we talk about growing up with social media, being and following influencers, mental health, presence, quarantine perspectives, life choices and adulting, as well as the pandemic’s impact on performing arts.
This episode is also celebrates Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste's, #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers, and for order in local book sellers internationally.
Your order will help support the Evolving Digital Self podcast. If you like it, please feel free to share it with your friends (both the book and the podcast :-)
Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste chats with James Roberts, transformation coach helping fellow amputees lose 10lbs + by trade. An elite Paralympic athlete for just over a decade. Represented Great Britain at countless World Championships and 2 Paralympics Games (Beijing 2008 and London 2012) to just name a few.
James was born with a congenital disability called femoral dysplasia and a floating hip of the left leg as well as scoliosis of the spine. He grew up on a NATO base in S.H.A.P.E (Casteau), Belgium, but now resides back in Prestatyn, North Wales. He is a transformation coach by trade, but he was an elite Paralympic athlete for just over a decade. James says that he has been lucky enough over those years to have represented Great Britain at countless World Championships and 2 Paralympics Games (Beijing 2008 and London 2012) to just name a few.
James started out my sporting career in swimming and was part of British Swimming's Potential Squad from 2003-05. During that time, he held the SB8 200m breaststroke and 50m breaststroke national records. After being dropped from the GB swimming programme, he moved on to rowing in 2006. The transition happened fairly quickly as he made his first senior international competition that summer at the 2006 World Championships in Dorney Lake, Great Britain, and made the final finishing 6th. 2007 World Championships Semi-Finalist, 2008 Paralympic Finalist (5th) and 2009 World Championships Finalist (5th).
James made another transition of sport, this time to sitting volleyball. From 2010 until 2012, he amassed 56 caps for Great Britain. His first international was a surprise selection to compete at the 2010 World Championships in Edmund, Oklahoma, USA. James says that. he was lucky enough that his time with the squad, to have competed for Great Britain, at his only European Championships in his repertoire, as well as a Continental and Intercontinental Cup. James’ career calumniated at the London 2012 Paralympics were the GB sitting volleyball squad lost in the quarter-final to eventual silver medallist Iran.
James says that having a disability himself, he completely understand the adversity one can face on a day-to-day basis. Also, he wanted to bridge that gap between mainstream fitness and disability, as there is not a lot of fitness topics, about and for people with disability, to widen their knowledge and/or to just improve their quality of living.
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Instagram: episode is also celebrates Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste's, #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers, and for order in local book sellers internationally.
Your order will help support the Evolving Digital Self podcast. If you like it, please feel free to share it with your friends (both the book and the podcast :-)
Laura Burton is an internet marketing strategist. She has successfully helped over 15,000 business owners put their advertising dollars to good use to increase sales and build their businesses online. She knows what works and how to get results with internet marketing.
Laura saw the devastation business owners suffered through online industry changes and bad marketing choices over the last 8 yrs. She is on a mission to help business owners get the best sales and marketing solutions for their budget. Her #1 core value is to only offer products and services that achieve measurable results.
Laura is the author of 12 Secret Sales Hacks ~ That Have Stood The Test Of Time, (available on Amazon and as a FREE download on her website,, and 416 Sales - The Ultimate Success Planner, (also available on Amazon). Her new book, Perseverance, will be published in 2020. She also teaches internet marketing workshops for SCORE online in Central Texas.Website:
Facebook Page: episode is also celebrates Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste's, #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers, and for order in local book sellers internationally.
Your order will help support the Evolving Digital Self podcast. If you like it, please feel free to share it with your friends (both the book and the podcast :-)
Dr. Heidi talks with Summer Felix-Mulder, CEO and Founder of The Draw Shop.
Summer is an entrepreneur, author and podcast host. Summer has been in the marketing arena for decades, holds creative degrees from Pepperdine University and loves writing, being a mom, step mom, wife and all things marketing and storytelling. At her company The Draw Shop, attention-holding whiteboard and cartoon videos are made for the world’s best minds and companies. She is also the host of the "Backstage Business" podcast and the "Everything Always" Podcast, a podcast for blended families.
Facebook Page: @thedrawshop @summerfelixmulder
Twitter ID: @summerfelixmulder @thedrawshop
Instagram: @thedrawshop @summerfelixmulderThis episode is also celebrates Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste's, #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers, and for order in local book sellers internationally.
Your order will help support the Evolving Digital Self podcast. If you like it, please feel free to share it with your friends (both the book and the podcast :-)
Dr. Heidi talks with Dr Anastasia Dedyukhina is a digital wellness coach, Huffington Post blogger, author of Homo Distractus and a TEDx speaker.
She got rid of her smartphone as well as her senior international career in digital marketing, when she realised how dependent she had become on her gadget. Dr Dedyukhina is the founder of Consciously Digital™, a London-based digital wellbeing consultancy. Consciously Digital helps people balance their use of modern technologies and offline life. She speaks and writes about the impact of technology on us - present and future. Consciously Digital Coach Training program is the only ICF accredited coach training in the world that prepared digital wellbeing coaches. She is frequently quoted in the press (BBC, The Guardian, Metro etc) talking about tech-life balance and the importance of ethical technology.
Consciously Digital™ is one of the global leaders in digital wellbeing training, and a pioneer in digital wellbeing training in the UK and Europe. The mission of Consciously Digital and Anastasia is to help people be more human in the digital age, and find a balance between technologizing the society and developing and retaining the best what makes us human – creativity, empathy, making mistakes and learning from them. We offer bespoke coaching and training programs that are based on a unique methodology that blends together the world’s best practice in project management, digital marketing, coaching, positive psychology and change management. We worked with start-ups and multinationals that are interested in having a more productive and creative workforce in the age of digital distractions across the globe. We also have a school program targeted at students age 10-17, as well as parents and teachers, which has been so far been rolled out in Spain, Portugal and the UK.Website:
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Twitter ID: @conscidigital
Instagram: @consciouslydigitalThis episode is also celebrates Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste's, #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers, and for order in local book sellers internationally.
Your order will help support the Evolving Digital Self podcast. If you like it, please feel free to share it with your friends (both the book and the podcast :-)
Dr. Heidi talks with Tracy Paye, Founder of Miss Organized.
Tracy is a Certified Professional Organizer, Feng Shui Practitioner and Productivity Coach. Since the age of 12, Tracy has used her gift of creating order out of chaos to transform hundreds of homes and thousands of lives.
A leading authority on the hows of organizing and the whys of clutter, Tracy’s expertise has been featured in the media on news stations such as NBC, Fox 5 and the CW, TV shows including Face the Truth and This is San Diego, podcasts around the country and publications such as Cooking Light, Ranch and Coast Magazine and SD Voyager.
Author of the book, “If Clutter Could Talk...The Stories It Would Tell”, Tracy’s mission is to help people create harmonious homes and thriving lives by clearing their mess to relieve their stress.
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Instagram: episode is also celebrates Dr. Heidi Forbes Öste's, #1 Bestselling book, Digital Self Mastery Across Generations, Print edition now available from all on-line booksellers, and for order in local book sellers internationally.
Your order will help support the Evolving Digital Self podcast. If you like it, please feel free to share it with your friends (both the book and the podcast :-)
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