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Feel free to reach out with any questions: [email protected]Luke 11
Jesus gives beautiful instructions on prayer. He teaches how to approach God, the importance of being persistent in prayer, and the crucial need for faith that God will answer. He proclaims that God sends His Spirit and that His answers are always good. Jesus follows this by casting a demon out of a mute man. At this point, the Pharisees come on the scene accusing Jesus of working with the devil! They ask Jesus for more signs to prove His relationship with God. Jesus strongly rebukes them and speaks of how Nineveh repented at the call of Jonah, and Israel does not repent at the call of God’s Son! Following more accusations against Him, Jesus strongly condemns the Pharisees as hypocrites and as people guilty of leading others away from God.
Jesus demonstrates the most committed and accomplished prayer life of all time. When He speaks of how to address God, or how often to address God, or with what confidence we should address God, we would do well to listen. There will always be accusers like the Pharisees, and hypocrisy around us, but our connection with God is the power we must have to stand against them. This requires consistent, spiritual, and hopeful prayer. Sadly, unbelievers may never see enough to follow Jesus, and they may attack all they are shown. This manifests darkness, selfish pride, and brokenness in their hearts. Like Jesus, we must keep shining, patiently teaching, and warning others of the consequences of hardness toward God and others.
Precious Lord, we are grateful to be able to come to You in prayer. Thank You for hearing us, for desiring this time with us, and for Your promise to respond according to Your divine will. We pray in Jesus’ name. His authority and presence in prayer give us great courage. So many reject His Lordship. Some accuse Him, some question Him, while others will see His majesty and believe. Father, help us to always have believing, hopeful hearts. Please give us the wisdom to speak His name into the lives of those who are lost and confused.
- How will Christ’s teaching on prayer affect the way you talk to God today? Will You follow His direction, be frequent, and believe?
- The Father gives the Holy Spirit to those who seek guidance (vs. 13). What does that mean to you, and how are you comforted by this?
- Hypocrisy is ugly. Jesus always sees right through it. Is there some area of hypocrisy in your life where you need to be honest with Him?
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Feel free to reach out with any questions: [email protected]Luke 10
Jesus selects seventy disciples and sends them out to work miracles and proclaim the kingdom of God. He instructs them to bless those who listen and move on from those who do not. Judgment is reserved for those who refuse to repent. As joyous as their works are, the greater blessing is having their names recorded in heaven. A lawyer then tests Jesus by asking Him what he must do to be saved. Jesus answers by quoting Moses concerning loving God and loving your neighbor. To illustrate, Jesus tells the story of the good Samaritan, who serves someone in need, even at a significant personal cost. The chapter concludes with Martha being busy and worried about so many things, while Mary chooses the better part: to sit and listen to Jesus.
Jesus often does His work through His people. We are His disciples, and sharing His love and power is our primary work. It can be discouraging when people do not listen. But that is not our focus. We, like the seventy, seek to teach all and pray the gospel falls on soft hearts. Success in ministry is exciting, but our work is never as great as our names being recorded in heaven! Our primary objective is to love God fully and to always love our neighbor. Like the good Samaritan, we show Christ in how we love those who may not love us. To help develop this service, we need as much time at Jesus’ feet as we can get.
Benevolent Father, thank You for initiating a kingdom and a mission that invites us to participate. We praise You for sending Jesus to show us the way. And we praise You for calling us to be like Him. Give us opportunities to share the gospel. Keep us encouraged along the way. Help us deepen our love for you and others and demonstrate that in worshiping you and serving anyone in need. Father, like Martha, we can get distracted. While that may not be evil, it is dangerous. Show us how to fix our eyes on Jesus and listen to Him.
- If Jesus called you with 69 others and sent you out to work on His behalf, would you go? How can you demonstrate that now?
- Why is it so easy to pass people by who are in need? Is there a risk of becoming like the priest and the Levite who walked right by?
- Martha was a faithful servant. But she lost sight of what mattered most. Do you ever get that way, and how do you regain your focus on Jesus?
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Feel free to reach out with any questions: [email protected]Luke 9
This chapter features interactions between Jesus and His disciples. He sends out the twelve to work miracles and proclaim the kingdom. He later challenges them to feed the multitude before doing so Himself. He asks them who they believe He is. They call Him “the Christ of God.” They understand this, but they struggle to see that His mission demands His suffering and death. All who belong to Him must be willing to make sacrifices. Along the way, Jesus is transfigured on the mountain as His Father speaks from heaven! But His disciples still have much to learn. At times they lack faith to cast out demons and get distracted in arguments about who is the greatest. Jesus teaches them that full submission is required to be mighty in His kingdom.
Jesus’ followers are a lot like us: they have their ups and downs. They can go from casting out demons to being unsure how to feed hungry people. They can be taught that the kingdom is a place of self-sacrifice, and then continue their argument about who is the greatest. Peter sees Jesus shine on the mountain, and he follows that with comments that suggest he understands very little. They can preach the all over to save Jews, and then they ask Christ if they should destroy a village of Samaritans who disregarded Him. They are like us, and we can take comfort in that. Jesus was so patient with them, as He is with all of us.
Gracious Lord, we thank You today for the incredible patience Jesus has with His people. We, like the first-century followers, engage in the work, deny ourselves, and listen to Your Son with all our heart. And like them, we sometimes lack courage, get distracted by pride, and overreact to situations in a way that shows immaturity. He was so patient. And we praise You in gratitude that He continues to be patient. We know He will not tolerate excuses and split devotion. Please forgive our moments of weakness and help us firm up our resolve to serve Your beloved Son.
- The 12 apostles worked miracles but later had issues with pride. What does that say about our need to grow, no matter who we are?
- The Son of Man would have to die to save others. Is it unreasonable for Him to demand sacrifice on our part to carry out His work?
- God said, “This is My Son, My Chosen One; listen to Him!” For you, today, how will you honor this command of the Father?
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Feel free to reach out with any questions: [email protected]Luke 8
This is my favorite chapter in all the Gospels! Jesus tells His iconic parable of the Sower and the seed. The road, the rocky soil, the thorns, and the good soil represent four different states of the human heart. Only the fourth soil is fit for His kingdom, which represents a soft heart that is not distracted by temptation, worries, or wealth. What follows are four miracles that demonstrate the scope of Jesus’ authority. He calms the sea, showing His power over the natural world. He drives out the demons, revealing He controls the spiritual world. He heals a woman who suffered for twelve years, showing He can heal the human body. And he raises a girl from the dead, exerting His control over the eternal spirit!
The main point of the parable of the Sower is to “take care how you listen.” If we fail to listen, nothing changes. The message will get lost even as we listen if we also hear the noise of temptation, worry, or the love of money. Jesus is worthy to be heard and followed completely, above all else. And He has proven exactly why we should be fully committed to Him. He controls nature, and questions why disciples fear the wind and waves. He controls the spiritual world, and demons cower to His will. He can heal our bodies, and He will raise us from the dead and direct our souls to heaven if we live with full faith in Him.
Benevolent Father, thank you for the Sower and the seed. Thank You for sending Jesus and for the life-changing gospel that has been shared with the world. We pray to hear Him and to let the gospel saturate our hearts and be central to our lives. And we pray for the boldness to share it with others. He is glorious. He controls the physical world, the spiritual world, our bodies, and our souls. There is no escape from His rule and will. We pray that we never attempt to flee Him but live always at peace in His arms.
- How do you regularly evaluate which type of heart you are developing? How do you strengthen your faith over fear, temptation, and worry?
- Jesus expected His disciples to trust Him in the storm. This is easier said than done, but how do you do that when times are tough?
- Jesus raised children from the dead in consecutive chapters. How does His power to resurrect impact the way you live each day?
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Today, we discuss short interviews conducted with two older men, ages 89 and 82. They have common approaches to life and aging, and they are reaping the benefits. You, too, can make simple decisions today to make the twilight years bright, joyful, and strong. It will take costs today, but those will pay off exponentially in years to come. Invest in your body, in your relationships, and in being a person of honesty and integrity. May God bless you with many years in those endeavors.
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Jon Cunningham, Owner, Cunningham Financial Group
Phone: 205-326-7364
Tyler Cain, Senior Loan Officer, Statewide Mortgage
Phone: 813-380-8487 -
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Feel free to reach out with any questions: [email protected]Luke 7
A Gentile centurion sends for Jesus to come to heal a highly regarded slave. He notes that Jesus has the power to heal without being present. Jesus marvels at the Gentile’s faith and heals his servant. Jesus later sees a funeral procession and feels compassion for a widow who lost her son. Jesus raises the young man from the dead and the people marvel! John the Baptist sends his followers to investigate these things. It was time for Jesus to increase while John decreased. Even so, Jesus speaks highly of John and his work. The chapter concludes with Jesus at a Pharisee’s house. A woman comes and tearfully wipes Jesus’ feet with her hair. Her humility outshines the Pharisee’s pride, and Jesus forgives her sins because of her faith.
The characters in this chapter demonstrate the power of humility to access the blessings of Christ. The centurion sent for Jesus and considered himself unworthy for Jesus to come to his house. The Lord marveled at his faith and blessed him. John the Baptist is decreasing, even as he sends disciples toward Jesus. He knew his role and gave his life for the work. Meanwhile, the Jewish leaders keep accusing Jesus and judging others. Our identity comes down to two life pathways: the Pharisee, who invited Jesus in but showed Him no respect; or the sinful woman who cried for mercy at Jesus’ feet. We can sit in pride and be lost, or we can bow in humility and receive mercy.
All powerful Father, we give all praise to You for Your glory and might. Lord God, help us to take all limitations off our belief. Like the centurion, help us to believe in the limitless scope of Christ’s authority. When we hurt like the widow who lost her son, or the woman at Jesus’ feet, lead us always to Him for help. We know we cannot be humble with others until we first are humble before our King. Father, challenge us directly to become more lowly before Him. Give us grace to live every day in peace with Jesus Christ.
- Jesus marveled at the centurion’s great faith. How can you have faith like this man in your life? Is it possible for Jesus to marvel at you?
- The Pharisees deflected from their weaknesses by judging others. Do you ever do that? How do you prevent that behavior?
- Jesus said those who are forgiven much, love much. Have you been forgiven much? According to Jesus, what should that mean?
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Feel free to reach out with any questions: [email protected]Luke 6
The Pharisees continue their attacks on Jesus. They see His disciples picking grain heads on the sabbath and accuse them of breaking the law. Later, Jesus heals a lame man on the sabbath, and the Jewish leaders are enraged. In neither case has Jesus or His disciples done anything wrong. The hard hearts of the Pharisees are the problem. Following this, Jesus turns His attention to His ministry. He prays all night and then selects the twelve apostles. He works many miracles. He then gives the sermon on the mount. The focus here is on sacrifice in the kingdom, love for your enemies, and being fair in judging others. Jesus is addressing matters of the heart. To hear Him and obey Him is to build on an indestructible foundation.
The Pharisees turned their traditions into laws they bound on others. But Jesus alone creates laws for His people, and He is always right. We would do well to always acknowledge and understand those things. The greatest way to get out of a cycle of judgment is to get on mission. Jesus turned to recruiting workers, helping people, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom. These acts are great examples to help soften our hearts toward others. But we must practice what we preach: making sacrifices for the kingdom’s sake, loving even our enemies, being merciful to others, and evaluating ourselves before critiquing others. These things come from the heart, and our hearts must be shaped by Jesus.
Tender Father, You have shown so much love in the life of Your Son. He led and fed His disciples. He healed the lame and forgave the penitent. He never let the religious leaders get in the way of His mission to seek and save the lost. It is a joy to serve a courageous and loving Savior. Help us to love Him, to hear Him, and to obey them. Give us opportunities today to be humble in spirit, to love our enemies, to be merciful to others, and to withhold unfair judgment. Establish us on the Rock.
- It is tragic to think of what the Pharisees missed out on in Christ in the name of their pride. How can you make sure to never be like them?
- Jesus’ teaching is so counterculture: woe to the rich, love your enemies, give to others. Are you ready to be transformed for His name’s sake?
- The words you say come from your heart. This can be good or bad. How do you purify or soften your heart to help control your speech?
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Feel free to reach out with any questions: [email protected]Luke 5
This chapter opens with three miracles of Jesus: filling the fishermen’s nets with fish, healing a man filled with leprosy, and healing and forgiving the man who is lowered down through the roof. These works of God are among people of faith, as the result of faith, and lead to powerful results. The fishermen leave their nets and follow Jesus. The healed leper tells others about Jesus. The lame man goes away on foot, but most importantly he has his sins taken away. Amid this wonderful time, the Pharisees begin questioning Jesus. They accuse Him of blasphemy for forgiving sins. They question Him for eating with sinners at Matthew’s house. They wonder why His disciples do not fast. Jesus explains that these are to be times of joy and feasting!
There is a great amount of faith and humility in these events. Peter says, “Go away from me Lord, for I am a sinful man!” The leper implores Jesus saying, “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” And the lame man tasks several friends to tear a hole in the roof of a house to see Jesus. This contrasts strongly with the jealous, suspicious, self-centered Pharisees who looked for reasons to disbelieve. That group spent time fasting in sorrow when they should have been rejoicing in Jesus. Which of the contrasting groups best describes us? As disciples forgiven by Christ, we should be the most joyful, thankful, and evangelistic people on earth.
Dear Father, what a joy it must have been to sit and hear Jesus preach, to watch Him fill nets and cure leprosy, and to see Him forgive sins and sit with sinners to save their souls. Thank You for preserving these stories in the Bible so we can learn of His mighty works. We call upon Jesus’ name for healing. But even more so, we ask for Him to forgive our sins. Help us to be so grateful for that gift that we tell others. And keep us rejoicing and feasting, even in the face of trials.
- There is action by the faithful in all our stories today. What action will you take today because Jesus is the Healer and Forgiver?
- Jesus touched a leper, and later He dined with sinners. What does this teach you about how deeply Jesus cares for the hurting and the lost?
- Jesus teaches it would be inappropriate to fast in sorrow while He is with them. Is He with you? So, should we be fasting or feasting?
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Feel free to reach out with any questions: [email protected]Luke 4
The Holy Spirit leads Jesus into the wilderness. He fasts for forty days and faces intense temptation from the devil. Satan asks Jesus to turn rocks into bread, to accept kingdoms from the devil, and to jump and challenge God to catch Him. On each occasion, Jesus quotes scripture, gives credit to God, and refuses to fall in the face of temptation. Following this, Jesus comes to Nazareth, enters the synagogue, and asks to read from the book of Isaiah. He reads about the favorable year of the Lord and proclaims that the time has come! They doubt Him and even try to drive Him off a cliff! Jesus goes to Capernaum, where He is better received. He preaches the kingdom of God and casts out demons and heals many.
The devil uses three common tools to tempt Jesus: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life. This is how he tempted Adam and Eve in the beginning, and this is how he tempts us. Jesus uses faith, scripture, and wisdom to reject him, and we can do the same in His name. Jesus is the anointed One, and our Helper, and has ushered in a favorable age of victory over the devil. Jesus has proven His power in the wilderness, but also in casting out demons, healing the sick, and proving His limitless might. Even the demons proclaim Him to be the “Holy One of God.” How much more so should we?
Gracious Lord, thank You for the example Your Son set for us in His ministry. Help us to be more like Him and see through the devil’s common and carnal tools of temptation. To choose Satan is to reject Your Son, and we pray to flee evil and cling to Christ. Jesus brought us freedom from captivity and has shown us that He controls the spiritual and physical world. It is sad to see His hometown drive Him out. Please help us to always be humble and in awe of Him and to never push our King away.
- Have you tried categorizing temptations? When you feel it coming, identify if Satan is tempting your eye, your flesh, or your pride.
- Jesus’ hometown could not accept that He was God’s one and only plan to save them. Do you accept and embrace that fact today?
- What does it say about Christ’s glory that even the demons fear and confess Him as God? How must your faith be better than the demons?
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Feel free to reach out with any questions: [email protected]Luke 3
John the Baptist’s ministry begins as he preaches “a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” He fulfills Isaiah’s prophecy as the one to come and to “make ready the way of the Lord.” John speaks against many who come to be baptized, calling them “a brood of vipers” and instructing them to bear fruit in repentance. They want baptism, but they are not interested in fleeing from sin. John explains to them that true repentance means treating others fairly. Before John’s arrest, he speaks of the mighty One who would come after Him bringing baptisms of the Holy Spirit and fire! He then baptizes Jesus, as the Spirit descends on Him and God speaks about Him from heaven! The chapter ends with the genealogy of Jesus back to Adam.
Three ideas from John’s ministry set the tone for Jesus’ teaching: baptism, repentance, and the forgiveness of sins. We must be baptized in water to have our sins washed away. Jesus’ baptism sets an example for us. But we must also be willing to turn from sin, so that, by the planning and grace of God, our sins are forgiven. This choice is crucial as Jesus would bring two baptisms: the Holy Spirit in association with salvation or fire bringing destruction. The genealogy of Jesus is important because it proves Him to be the fulfillment of prophecies by connecting Him to both David and Abraham. He is God’s choice from the beginning to be our Savior.
Great God, You have the right to demand anything in order for us to become Your children. You have told us to believe in Jesus, to repent of our sins, and to be baptized in water. Thank You for showing this to us and teaching us how to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. John was arrested for preaching these things. Help us to be bold in proclaiming this soul-saving truth to others. Jesus is the descendant of David, the seed of Abraham, Your plan for our salvation from the beginning. We praise His mighty name.
Thought Questions for the Day:
- Many Jews desired baptism but were unwilling to repent. Are you willing to not only be baptized but continually turn from your sin?
- When John teaches on repentance, he speaks of how we treat others. Is charity, fairness, and kindness to others important fruits of faithfulness?
- Jesus was baptized, and then He began His ministry for God. How should we follow His example in baptism and in what comes after?
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If you are looking to live a worry free life, consider these things:
1) Make things right with a fellow believer. You need each other.
2) Be about God and thankful to God ALL the time. Don't just reach out when you are in a pinch.
3) Think on spiritual things. Read the word. Have bible discussions.
4) Practice what you read. Pick at least one action item per day.
5) Find contentment in the nearness of Christ. His strength is aways enough.
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Feel free to reach out with any questions: [email protected]
Jon Cunningham, Owner, Cunningham Financial Group
Phone: 205-326-7364
Tyler Cain, Senior Loan Officer, Statewide Mortgage
Phone: 813-380-8487 -
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Feel free to reach out with any questions: [email protected]Luke 2
Joseph and Mary travel to Bethlehem for a census. Jesus is born there in a manger since the inn is full. An angel appears to shepherds proclaiming Jesus as the “Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” A multitude of angels then appear praising God! The shepherds visit the family and report these wonderful things. After eight days, Jesus’ family takes Him to Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord at the temple. A righteous man named Simeon prophesies that Jesus would be a light even to the Gentiles. Twelve years later, the family comes to Jerusalem for the Passover. When they leave for home, Jesus stays behind and astonishes the teachers in the temple. His parents return for Him, but He explains He must be in His Father’s house.
Jesus returns to Nazareth with his parents after the Jerusalem event. His parents did not understand what was coming, but His mother treasured all of this in her heart. She knew how special He was. This chapter is filled with prophecy and proclamations about the greatness of Jesus. We should treasure all of this in our hearts as well. The angels appear and praise God for the “peace on earth” that Jesus would bring. In the temple, Simeon holds Jesus in his arms and says to God, “My eyes have seen Your salvation.” They believed He was God’s gift to change the world. We know of His birth, His death, and His resurrection. We should openly proclaim His glory even more!
Heavenly Father, world history has two halves: before Jesus was born, and after. Thank You for blessing us to live in the days after Jesus came. So much anticipation and hope were tied to the coming of the Messiah. And by Your grace, He has come. May His worthiness dominate our hearts, and may He be “good news of great joy” every day of our lives. As a child, He wowed the teachers. His wisdom exceeds all men, including us. Help us to humbly be in awe of Him, to study His teachings, and to surrender our lives to follow Him.
Thought Questions for the Day:
- God’s only Son was birthed in a barn. What does that teach you about where and how God might begin wonderful things?
- Simeon prophesied Jesus would be the Light for Jews and Gentiles. How has God had your salvation in mind since the beginning?
- In His youth, Jesus prioritized the temple over traveling with His family. How does this foreshadow the message of the kingdom?
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Feel free to reach out with any questions: [email protected]Luke 1
Luke opens his letter by noting that he has investigated things carefully so he can report “the exact truth.” He details the events surrounding the birth of John the Baptist and the conception of Jesus in the longest chapter in the New Testament. Elizabeth is barren until an angel appears to her and Zacharias and tells them they will have a son named John. Six months later, the angel Gabriel appears to Mary. He tells her she will conceive of one named Jesus, “the Son of the Most High,” who will reign forever! Mary visits Elizabeth and offers a beautiful prayer of praise to God. After Mary’s departure, John is born, and his father Zacharias prophesies concerning redemption, mercy, forgiveness, and peace! The age of the Savior begins!
Luke sets out on a specific mission with this gospel. This record of the life of Jesus provides carefully researched facts intended to build the faith of a man named Theophilus, and it can do so for all who read it today. It begins by showing God’s supernatural involvement in the birth of John, the forerunner for Jesus. Angels from heaven appear to Elizabeth and Mary. Elizabeth’s womb is open. Zacharias is struck mute for a time. Later he regains his speech, is “filled with the Holy Spirit”, and begins to prophesy. The story of Jesus begins with God’s hand directly involved in the affairs of mankind. God actively accomplishes redemption for those who would see His works and believe.
Benevolent Lord, among all the gifts You have given, there are none as valuable as Your Son. We praise You for Gabriel’s message to Mary, that Jesus would rule and “His kingdom would have no end.” Living in that kingdom is our daily and constant source of peace. We see Your consistency and wisdom in bringing John the Baptist into the world to fulfill prophecy and prepare the way for Jesus. His teachings call people to repent and surrender their lives to Christ. Lord help us to receive that message and prepare ourselves to be led by the Savior.
Thought Questions for the Day:
- Elizabeth and Zacharias were “both righteous in the sight of God” and they were blessed. Does God hear and help people of faith today?
- Zacharias questioned the angel’s words and was struck mute for nine months. Might God still react like that if we doubt His promises?
- Mary praised God, believing she carried the Messiah. Why is it important to rejoice in faith even before we see incredible outcomes?
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Feel free to reach out with any questions: [email protected]Mark 16
Women followers of Jesus come to the tomb early on Sunday morning, hoping to anoint His body with spices. They arrive to see the stone rolled away. A young man is sitting inside the tomb, an angel of the Lord, who tells them the most wonderful thing about Jesus: “He has risen.” Jesus then appears to Mary Magdalene and sends her to report to the disciples. When they hear, they refuse to believe. Jesus appears to two other disciples. They report it to the apostles, who still will not believe. Jesus then comes to the eleven and reproaches them for their unbelief. He charges them to go and preach the gospel to all, performing miracles to confirm His word. They witness Jesus ascend into heaven and immediately begin spreading His message.
The empty tomb is the most life-changing event of all time. It took some time for the disciples to believe it, as they had always struggled to understand the death portion of Jesus’ ministry. But His resurrected appearance in the flesh changed all of that. The followers of Christ went from fear to faith, committing themselves to sharing the power of Jesus over death. Having watched Him ascend into heaven, they gave their lives teaching others that He would once again return. If we believe in His resurrection, then our hopes are forever secure, our fear is taken away, and we can live for Jesus in full assurance of faith, sharing His message everywhere and with everyone.
Great Father of Power, we believe. We believe that the grave is empty. We believe Jesus has forever defeated Satan, sin, and death. Thank You for the testimony of eyewitnesses and all the evidence of His resurrection. Please provide us opportunities to share this message with others and open their hearts to move from fear to faith, from unbelief to absolute assurance. Father, we are committed to the ministry charged to believers. Please help us to be so certain of Christ’s ascension and return that we will share the gospel in any environment and with everyone we know.
Thought Questions:
- Why do you believe Jesus was raised from the dead? How important are the proofs of His resurrection to know and share?
- Christ’s resurrection changed the Apostles forever. How is your life changed by the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus?
- We are not apostles, but we are messengers of Christ. What can you do today to share saving belief and baptism with someone you love?
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Mark 15Mark’s record of Christ’s crucifixion focuses heavily on the people around Him. The Jewish leaders seek to kill him. Pilate gives in to them, but he is confused about the Christ. Barabbas, an actual murderer, is released instead of Jesus. Soldiers scourge the Messiah, beat Him, mock Him, and crucify Him. Jewish onlookers relentlessly attack Him. The two criminals hurl abuse at Him. But at His death, the focus shifts to people of faith. The Centurion says, “Truly this man was the Son of God!” Women of faith stay close to the body of Jesus. Joseph of Arimathea requests the body and gives Him a proper burial. This sets a contrast between the sinful work of man in Christ’s death and the faith and hope that would grow from His sacrifice.
The sinful work of man is on full display during Jesus’ trial and crucifixion. People get so sure of what they believe, and they let envy and pride lead them to the most heinous behavior. We must learn from their failures. We must check our hearts, pride, and intentions, to center them on honoring Christ. If not, we may end up living our lives against Him. If we trust in Him, then His life, death, and resurrection can become the anthem of our lives. So many have been changed by His sacrifice, like the Centurion and Joseph in our story. That change is possible in you. But also, in many around us, if we will share Jesus with them.
Tender Father, how painful it must have been to watch Your Son be ridiculed by those He came to save. Above all today, we pray to never be that way in Your sight. Humble and mold us to be people who appreciate His death and who seek to glorify Him because of His sacrifice. Lord God, give us a voice to proclaim the gospel message. Others are living in sin and need to see what He did and learn to love Him for it. Will you reveal those people to us today and give us the courage to speak His name?
Thought Questions:
- Pilate is a tragic character. He was conflicted about Jesus, but he ultimately relented. How does your faith show more resolve than Pilate?
- Jesus’ death changed people, like the criminal and the Centurion. Do you think His self-sacrifice still has the power to do that today?
- The women and Joseph were faithful even at personal risk. How does your life prove that you serve Jesus no matter what cost is required?
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Mark 14Mark’s gospel moves swiftly toward Jesus’ arrest and trial. There is a powerful contrast between the woman who anoints Him with expensive oil and Judas who betrays Him for thirty pieces of silver. Both would be remembered for generations for very different reasons. Jesus proceeds to meet with the disciples and institute the memorial supper. He announces that a betrayer would come from among them. But He later tells them that, in the short term, they will all fall away. Peter, of course, denies this vehemently. Following this, Jesus prays in the garden, while Peter, James, and John fall asleep a short distance away. Jesus is then arrested and accused of blasphemy by Jewish leadership. In those moments, Peter falters in faith and denies Jesus three times. Peter then weeps in sorrow.
The potency of this chapter is in the characters around Jesus. The woman anoints Him with costly oil, demonstrating service and her understanding of His sacrifice. Judas, on the other hand, lets greed dominate his thinking. It has blinded him to true and selfless faith. We would do well to study them both and decide who we want to emulate. The rest of the chapter turns attention to Peter and his pride. He said he would never desert Jesus. While he certainly had a stronger faith than Judas, he did not prepare well to stand firm. He was overconfident and it cost him. We should learn humility from this story, to pray fervently, and to prepare for temptation.
Dear loving Father, who sent Your Son to die for our sins and redeem us to You. Thank You for His willingness to suffer and die for us. Some never understood the value of His death. Some even contributed to it. Others struggled to understand what it means to stand up for it. Lord God, help us to learn from all those people. Give us the gratitude to praise His sacrifice every day and help us develop the humility to spend time each day in prayer. Prepare us and encourage us to share in His suffering with selfless, faithful living.
Thought Questions:
- Judas traveled with Jesus but harbored greed in his heart. How do you cultivate your heart to remain selfless and free from greed?
- The Lord’s Supper is important to Jesus and to Christians. How are you already preparing to partake on Sunday in fellowship with Jesus?
- Peter was a man of faith, but he had a lot to learn about humility, prayer, and facing temptation. What do you learn from his example?
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My recent passion has been to discover Jesus on every page of Scripture. For a long time, my first impulse was to seek myself, which is honestly typical human behavior. However, at times I overlooked the Ruler to focus on the rules, which led me to misunderstand them. I encourage you to perceive the entirety of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, as a JESUS BOOK. When you see Him, you witness perfection and glory, resulting in deeper faith and greater appreciation for the Messiah. Then, when you examine a second time for application, things may appear a bit different, and you will be the better for it. Join me as we explore a couple of examples to illustrate all of this.
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Mark 13Jesus leaves the temple and announces that it will be completely torn down. His four closest apostles later ask Him about this devastating event. Jesus tells them that many things must happen first, and they should not believe those who claim to know the time of the temple’s destruction. The gospel must first be preached. The apostles would face heavy persecution before it happened. But when the attack draws near, He warns them to flee to the mountains and get far away from Jerusalem. It will be a judgment on the Jews and the destruction will be accomplished by Jesus. These things would happen during their generation. The disciples are warned not to be misled by false teachers, but to stay alert. No one knows the day or the hour.
Jesus describes the destruction of Jerusalem. It was the judgment of Christ after He ascended to heaven, but it was carried out by the Roman government. Jerusalem was destroyed, many Jews were killed, and the temple was completely dismantled. This was God’s punishment upon the Jews for killing His Son and refusing His kingdom. This took place in 70 A.D. Leading up to it, there were rumors and false prophecies. Jesus was warning about that decades in advance. The key was to stay alert and ready to go. This has clear parallels to the destruction that is coming in the final judgment and our need to be alert and prepared. No one knows the day or the hour.
Dear Father, we know You took no joy in the destruction of the Jewish city, temple, and people. Your judgment was forced by their refusal to honor Christ. They were warned, and most did not listen. Great God, we pray for open hearts and ears. Help us to commit to Christ and to wait for His return. Sadly, it will also be a judgment day against the ungodly, and it will come on a day no one knows. We want to be ready. Please discipline us to be on the alert, so we will be saved when that day comes.
Thought Questions:
- God destroyed His temple because of unbelief among the Jews. What does that tell you about how serious the Father is about faithful living?
- Before the judgment day of God, the apostles would have to face persecution and trust in the Spirit. Are you prepared to do the same today?
- There is a final day of judgment coming. What are the daily things you think and do to make sure you are always prepared for His return?
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Mark 12Jesus and the Jewish leaders battle in this chapter. It begins with the parable of the vineyard workers. They attack the owner’s delegates and eventually kill his son. The result was wrath from the father and the destruction of the murderers. The Jews know Jesus is talking about them, so they send inquisitors to try and trap Jesus in His words. They ask Him about paying poll taxes to Caesar. Jesus responds by saying to give Caesar his taxes. They ask about a seven-time widow and her marriage in heaven. Jesus responds with divine wisdom about eternity. They ask about the greatest commandment, and He responds perfectly with the law of love. These prideful men are set in contrast with the humble widow who contributes all that she has to God.
The widow at the end is praised by Jesus because her devotion to God is real and sacrificial. She is fully committed to God, while many others only give out of their surplus. She is the opposite of the Jewish leaders. The parable at the beginning is about killing the son of the owner so they can have the vineyard. The motivation is selfishness and greed. All their questions for Jesus are about diminishing Him so they don’t have to submit. Their main priority is themselves and what they can get and keep. We are challenged to be less like them and more like the widow at the end. It cannot be about us and Him. We must choose Him.
Benevolent Father, You are a gracious gift giver and we have all that we could ever need. Help us to see this in Jesus and His church and to flee the temptation to be greedy and worldly. The Pharisees turned against Jesus because He sought a seat of authority in their hearts that they wanted for themselves. Father, forgive our selfish thinking and any greed or envy that is born of it. Train us to trust Jesus and never to question His wisdom. Humble us to be like the widow, freely giving all that we have to You.
Thought Questions:
- How does your life change when you see yourself as belonging to God, instead of seeing God and His creation as merely gifts for you?
- The Jews asked hard questions of Jesus. We may ask some as well. What is the right way to approach your King when asking for clarity?
- Most believers are somewhere between the ones giving out of surplus and the widow giving all she had. How do we grow in this area?
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Good morning! Thank you for taking a few minutes to listen. If you are interested in the Daily Bible Devotional, you can find it at the links below:
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Mark 11The events of this chapter connect to a barren fig tree. Jesus approaches a tree that has no fruit on it. He immediately condemns it to never bear figs again. The next day, the tree is shriveled up and the disciples ask about it. Jesus responds with these four words: “Have faith in God.” He goes on to say that incredible things are possible if disciples trust in God. In Jesus’ midst are people of faith, like those who lay down coats and worship Jesus as He enters Jerusalem. But there are also hard-hearted Pharisees who have no faith. They defile God’s temple with money tables. And they question Christ’s authority over them, though He silences them almost immediately. They are like that fig tree, condemned for being spiritually barren.
The gospel of Jesus has had the same effect, all over the world, for centuries. Some believe. They lay their coats before Him and worship Him as their King. Believers pray in His name, live with great faith, and bear amazing fruit in His honor. These are the few and they belong to Him. But there are always many who live for themselves, are overtaken by greed, and will not submit to Christ’s right to rule their lives. They are plants with every ability to thrive but are fruitless and dead. We must choose, every day, which of the two we are going to be. We are the fig trees, and Jesus has the ongoing right to draw from us richly.
Loving Father and gift giver, we praise Your name for the coming of Jesus to be our Savior and King. May we sing as believers did when He entered Jerusalem: “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord…” Indeed He is blessed, and He is a blessing to all who believe in Him. Help us to bear fruit by His power and for His glory. Lead us to be prayerful, to ask forgiveness when our branches grow bare, and to give Him the authority and the right to draw from us things that please Him.
Thought Questions:
- The plant imagery is helpful. If you are a fig tree that belongs to Jesus, how does that impact the nourishment and growth you pursue daily?
- Jesus was deeply offended that the temple of God was infiltrated by greed. Is there a sense in which that has meaning for us in His church?
- There is instruction on prayer in this chapter. Why does Jesus call us to forgive “anything against anyone” before we seek God’s forgiveness?
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