
  • In this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the journey begins with a chilling tale from the shores of California. A woman and her cousin claim to have witnessed something otherworldly near the Santa Monica Pier—creatures they described as 'mermaids,' though their eerie glow and malevolent presence suggest something far more sinister. The story then shifts to the Appalachian Trail, where a father, his son, and their loyal dog spend the night in a remote shelter. But as darkness falls, they encounter a mysterious entity known only as the "Brown Man." The unsettling realization soon dawns that this being might have attacked their dog without ever touching it. Amidst these strange encounters, Kyle shares a lighter yet equally puzzling experience of his own. Despite no intention of doing so, he's found himself walking miles after running out of gas and, in a stroke of misfortune, locking himself out of his office twice in just two weeks.

    The episode concludes with a tale from southcentral Ohio, where a lone driver on a deserted country road encounters something bizarre—a sight that defies explanation, floating eerily near the road's edge.

    After the break, Cam brings up some mysteries surrounding Antarctica. In the heart of the Earth's most desolate and unforgiving expanse, whispers echo through the icy winds, carrying tales of the unknown. Antarctica, a land untouched by time, shrouded in secrecy and bound by an unspoken pact among the world's nations, remains a blank page in the story of our planet—a page that invites both wonder and trepidation. The Antarctic Treaty, a veil of diplomacy, cloaks this frozen wasteland, rendering it off-limits to the eyes of ordinary men and women. But what truths are buried beneath the layers of ice, hidden from all but a select few?

    In the shadowed years before the world plunged into chaos, a group of Nazi explorers ventured to the White Continent under the guise of "research." Their true purpose? Shrouded in darkness, leaving us to speculate what they sought—and perhaps found—in this remote corner of the Earth. Did they establish a foothold, a secret stronghold far from prying eyes? As the war raged on, the United States, vigilant and wary, kept a watchful gaze on their adversaries. In a move that has fueled speculation for decades, the celebrated Admiral Byrd led Operation Highjump, an expedition that some say uncovered more than ice and snow. What did Byrd witness in the icy abyss, and what secrets did he bring back that might have changed the course of history? The tales do not end there. Rumors swirl like the Antarctic blizzards, telling of Nazi technology far beyond their time, perhaps even of extraterrestrial origin. Did they unlock the secrets of flight and machinery, not of this world? And what of the persistent murmurings of alien presence, of unidentified objects cutting through the endless night of the Antarctic sky?

    Satellite images, innocuous to the untrained eye, reveal cracks in the ice, jagged peaks, and distant research stations. Yet to some, these are not mere geographical features but signs—clues pointing to hidden cities beneath the ice, to places where the unimaginable might dwell. UFO crash sites, they whisper, alien civilizations encased in ice, waiting. Antarctica holds its secrets close, wrapped in the cold embrace of its icy plains. And as long as it remains unexplored, the mysteries of the White Continent will continue to beckon, daring us to uncover what lies beneath.

    All of this and more on this installment of Expanded Perspectives!


    AG1: If there is one product we had to recommend to elevate your health, it's AG1, and that's why we have partnered with them for so long. So if you want to take ownership of your health, you gotta start with AG1! Try AG1 and get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 and 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase exclusively at

    Show Notes:

    Glowing Yellow-Green Luminescent "Mermaids" Seen at Santa Monica, CaliforniaOur "Brown Man" Encounter on the Appalachian Trail!Flying "Mummy" What Did the Southcentral Ohio Witness Observe?Want to Share Your Story?

    Email: [email protected]: 888-393-2783

  • In this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys kick things off by discussing the intense heat in Texas, with Kyle sharing his experience of changing a flat tire in the scorching weather. They also delve into how tire manufacturers intentionally keep run-flat tires away from the public to boost their profits. Kyle then reflects on how some iconic 80's action movies, like Missing in Action and Lone Wolf McQuaid, don't quite hold up today. The conversation shifts to bizarre sightings of flying humanoids reported across North America, Europe, and Asia. Additionally, they explore the strange tale of a Malaysian youth who was reportedly rescued by a mermaid at Tanjung Aru Beach. However, not all mermaids are so kind—especially in the case of a vehicle carrying children that plunged into the waters of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, where divers encountered evidence suggesting the presence of underwater humanoids!

    After the break, the guys dive into the mystery of several unexplained disappearances. Were these victims involved in a sophisticated escape plan? Could it have been an alien or Fae abduction? Or did they unknowingly step through a portal to another dimension? All this and more in this episode of Expanded Perspectives!


    AG1: If there is one product we had to recommend to elevate your health, it's AG1, and that's why we have partnered with them for so long. So if you want to take ownership of your health, you gotta start with AG1! Try AG1 and get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 and 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase exclusively at

    Show Notes:

    Malaysian Youth Rescued by "Mermaid" at Tanjung Aru BeachEvil "Mermaids" Encountered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines Waters by DiversWant to Share Your Story?

    Email: [email protected]: 888-393-2783

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  • In this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the hosts kick things off by discussing the unusually cool temperatures in Texas this August. Following that, they delve into an extraordinary account from a U.S. Army Infantry Squad Leader who encounters a creature unlike any known to science while on a mission in Afghanistan. Next, the show features a listener's eerie story of spotting an unfamiliar face while hunting in the woods of Tennessee—could it have been a troll?

    After the break, Cam and Kyle explore a potential new wave of Mothman sightings. Are these truly Mothman encounters, or could they be a collection of different unidentified flying humanoids? They revisit the first reported sighting from 1966, when two gravediggers in Clendenin, West Virginia, saw a black figure fly overhead while working in a cemetery. This sighting, described as a 10-foot tall creature with glowing red eyes, was followed by another in nearby Point Pleasant, West Virginia, where a couple spotted the creature while driving at night. Reports continued to emerge, particularly around the TNT area near town. Some dismissed these sightings as misidentifications of cranes or owls, and there were even reports of Men in Black appearing in town soon after the sightings began. The most infamous encounter occurred on December 15, 1967, when the Mothman was seen on or above the Silver Bridge just before it collapsed, tragically killing 46 people.

    But this wasn't the only instance where the Mothman appeared before a disaster. In 1986, days before the catastrophic failure of a reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine, multiple workers reported seeing a creature around the plant. This entity was later dubbed "The Blackbird of Chernobyl." There were other sightings around catastrophies. In April 2009, residents of La Junta in the Mexican state of Chihuahua began noticing a strange creature around their town just before a massive Swine Flu outbreak. In August 1900, multiple sightings of a giant black bird were reported in Galveston, Texas. On September 8th, a devastating hurricane struck Galveston, claiming more than 10,000 lives. In November 2019, a truck driver at O’Hare Airport in Chicago stepped away from his vehicle for a smoke break and saw a tall, birdlike man with glowing eyes. What is the Mothman? Why does it appear, and what does it want?

    All of this and more on this installment of Expanded Perspectives!


    AG1: If there is one product we had to recommend to elevate your health, it's AG1, and that's why we have partnered with them for so long. So if you want to take ownership of your health, you gotta start with AG1! Try AG1 and get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 and 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase exclusively at

    Show Notes:

    U.S. Army Infantry Squad Leader Describes Monsterous Engagement in AfghanistanGollum Encounter in the Desert & Lost Time!Expanded Perspectives Elite

  • On this episode of Expanded Perspectives Elite the guys start the show off talking about some strange mishaps in Skelekin Studios this week with the crashing of a microphone as well as the hard drive on one of the computers. Then, Kyle tells a strange encounter one christmas, when a person back in 1958 believes the "little people of the mountain" brought them and their family a television set as a gift. Then, Cam brings a possible time slip experienced person where time seemed to have just stopped for a few minutes. After the break, Cam tells a few more stories about people and their encounters with tiny hunters in southwest Texas and Northern Mexico. All of this and more on this weeks installment of Expanded Perspectives Elite!

    Show Notes:

    The Christmas Gift To Another Reality Remake Movies

    All music for Expanded Perspectives Elite is provided by The Black Angels, Pretty Lights

    Songs Used:

    Young Men Dead (Black Angels)We Must Go On (Pretty Lights)Empty Station (Pretty Lights)

  • On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys kick things off with Kyle sharing stories from his recent trip to Alabama and Cam recounting his 4th of July celebrations. They then dive into a series of bizarre sightings, including a person with a recurring encounter with The Hat Man, a mysterious gnome-like creature crossing the road, an Aswang sighting, a possible Bigfoot encounter in East Texas, and more!

    After the break, Cam delves into some extraordinary tales of mermaids, giants, and more. Among the myriad of tall tales that have captivated humanity for millennia, mermaid mythology stands out for its unique and varied depictions across cultures. These mythical sea creatures are seen by some as magical and benevolent, while others consider them omens of disaster. Though often dismissed as fictional, historical accounts of mermaid sightings persist, prompting the age-old question: Are mermaids real? The earliest known mermaid folklore originates from Assyria, an ancient civilization in what is now northern Iraq. Dating back to around 1000 BC, the tale tells of the goddess Atargatis, who fell in love with a human shepherd and accidentally killed him. Overcome with shame, she leapt into a lake, intending to transform into a fish forever. However, her beauty could not be hidden, and she emerged with the tail of a fish and the upper body of a human, becoming the first mermaid.

    In Asian cultures, mermaids are regarded as wondrous beings. Chinese folklore describes them as shedding tears that turn into pearls and weaving a material as white as frost that never gets wet. These attributes made mermaids highly prized by fishermen, who were nonetheless viewed with disdain for seeking to capture such epitomes of grace and beauty. In more recent centuries, reports of mermaid sightings have surfaced worldwide. During the Age of Exploration in the 15th and 16th centuries, sailors often claimed to encounter mermaids on their long voyages. These sightings were typically attributed to manatees or dugongs, marine mammals that bear some resemblance to the mythical creatures.

    Despite the lack of conclusive evidence, modern mermaid sightings continue. In one notable instance, a town in Israel offered a million-dollar reward to anyone who could prove the existence of mermaids after numerous people reported seeing one leaping like a dolphin off the coast. Many folklorists believe that most mermaid sightings are actually misidentified seals. While the existence of mermaids remains unproven, it’s worth noting that many sea creatures known and studied today were once the stuff of legend. So who knows? On your next trip to the sea, you might just be the first to capture a live mermaid on video.

    All of this and more on this installment of Expanded Perspectives!


    AG1: If there is one product we had to recommend to elevate your health, it's AG1, and that's why we have partnered with them for so long. So if you want to take ownership of your health, you gotta start with AG1! Try AG1 and get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 and 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase exclusively at

    Show Notes:

    Man Disappears While Trying to Save Shark DO NOT DO THIS!Gnarly, Thick Featured "Gnome" Encountered Near Southgate, Michigan"I Saw an Aswang!"Was it Bigfoot? Angelina National Forest, Texas Camper AsksWant to Share Your Story?

    Email: [email protected]: 888-393-2783

  • In this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the hosts dive into Kyle's upcoming family trip to Alabama, the excitement of the College World Series of baseball, and Cam's plans for building a new pool. The conversation takes a thrilling turn when they discuss a South Dakota photographer who, while capturing shots of a Blood Moon, is suddenly charged and knocked down by what appears to be an upright canine!

    Next, they explore a chilling account of a witness who encounters a glowing white crawler humanoid and a horned being while driving at night, with hoof prints discovered in the mud the following day.

    After the break, Kyle discusses mysterious Phantom aircraft sightings. The intrigue continues with a story about a group of Alaska softball team students on a ferry trip near Kodiak Island, where they witness a huge unknown sea creature hunting a pod of Orcas. Finally, the episode wraps up with a tale of three friends staying at a private home on an island in a South Carolina cypress swamp, where they hear eerie cries for help day and night. What could be behind these strange occurrences? All this and more in this installment of Expanded Perspectives!


    Aura: Stop Data Brokers from exposing your personal information. Go to to get a 14-day FREE trial and see how much of your data is being sold.Show Notes:

    Possible Upright Cryptid Canine Charges South Dakota Photographer"Glowing" White Crawler Humanoid & "Horned" Being Reported by ListenerMassive, Spiked Cryptid Sea Creature Appears Of Kodiak Island, AlaskaPhantom Child Cries For Help in South Carolina Cypress SwampWant to Share Your Story?

    Email: [email protected]: 888-393-2783

  • In this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the hosts start the show by discussing Kyle's garden, which produces an overwhelming abundance of fresh vegetables. They also chat about their favorite sports and the upcoming Summer Olympics' excitement. The episode turns mysterious when they recount an oil rig worker's eerie encounter with a strangely clothed humanoid with a morbid face in the backwoods of Bossier Parish, Louisiana. Following that, a group of friends and relatives traveling from Southern California to the Navajo reservation in Northern Arizona experience a series of bizarre incidents, which they suspect are related to skinwalkers. Later, a father and son working on a car at night witness several manta ray-shaped creatures flying high in the sky, flapping their wings as if swimming through water. The episode also features a chilling tale of someone who believes they have had multiple encounters with a hellhound.

    After the break, Cam shares some unsettling stories of encounters with giant insects. While insects like roaches and spiders are generally seen as disgusting, real-life reports suggest much larger and more terrifying versions exist. From giant beetles attaching themselves to commercial airliners to giant deer-killing centipedes, sightings of these enormous bugs have been reported in the deep forests of the Congo, Amazon, and Vietnam. Tune in to hear about these frightening encounters.

    All of this and more on this installment of Expanded Perspectives!


    Aura: Stop Data Brokers from exposing your personal information. Go to to get a 14-day FREE trial and see how much of your data is being sold.AG1: If you want to take ownership of your health, start with AG1. Try AG1 and get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 and 5 FREE Travel packs with your first purchase exclusively at That's Check it Out!Show Notes:

    Bizarre Humanoid Encountered in Louisiana BackwoodsSkinwalker Nighttime Antics on Navajo ReservationFlying Manta Ray-Shaped Cryptids Observed Near Knoxville, TennesseePossible Hellhound Manifesting in Small Tennessee TownWant to Share Your Story?

    Email: [email protected]: 888-393-2783

  • In this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys kick things off by discussing the Dallas Stars' recent defeat in the Western Conference Final against the Edmonton Oilers. Kyle humorously regrets ever expressing his love for the team, as fans have been relentlessly teasing him about their loss. Following this, they delve into a report from San Antonio, Texas, where a humanoid creature with oily, black, and smooth skin was spotted completely naked. Next, they recount the experience of an Alabama college student who encountered a massive pterosaur flying directly over their car while driving down a deserted dirt road in rural Alabama, an event the student is still grappling with. Lastly, they share a story from South Central Pennsylvania, where a person witnessed a small, red-haired creature walking down the middle of a tree-lined road one evening.

    After the break, Kyle and Cam bring up some incredible encounters with the Fae. It may come as a surprise to some that fairies are not inherently nature spirits. This modern interpretation—specifically Victorian and New Age—has reduced powerful beings into small, sweet, and innocent creatures, like the stereotypical garden fairy adorned in a flower hat and skirt. However, there is another side to fairies that is far from benign. Just as our homes are sanctuaries for us, landscapes are sacred to fairy folk. Trespassing on their land can have severe and sometimes deadly consequences, depending on the stories you believe. Whether by setting up camp, stepping into a fairy ring, or inadvertently joining one of their gatherings, many unsuspecting mortals have been whisked away or threatened.

    Folklore and fairy tales, steeped in the supernatural, are easily manipulated for various purposes. Fairies have been at the center of numerous hoaxes, including the famous Cottingley Fairies, where two young girls nearly convinced the world of their existence. Myths, folklore, and fairy tales have always been vital tools for learning and have frequently been adapted for this purpose. Like human societies, both benevolent and malevolent, fairy folk have their customs and etiquette. If you ever encounter the Faerie Host, Andy Paciorek advises shouting "God Bless you!" and throwing your left shoe at them (though if this fails, you'll have to fight with just one shoe). The general rule is to avoid disturbing fairies if possible. Do not break a fairy ring if you come across one. If you wish to attract a fairy, use something shiny, but place yellow flowers outside your home or have iron objects around to keep them away.

    The prominence of certain fairy types varies by region. Northern Britain has hobgoblins, child- and adult-abducting fairies, and fairy royalty. In Scotland, the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, described by Andy Paciorek as good and evil fairies, are well-known. In County Durham, the Water Witch lurks by the water's edge, preying on small children. At the Museum of Magic and Witchcraft, it is noted that Cornwall has a variety of fairies, the most prominent being the piskie. The piskie is notorious for causing mischief and mayhem. To fend off piskies, you need iron; otherwise, they will steal anything shiny and play tricks. Here's a tip: not all fairies are benevolent! If you find yourself walking alone at night and hearing a horse's whickering or seeing a strange light ahead, do not follow it. You may end up waylaid and "Puck led." Survivors of such encounters often awaken in a muddy ditch, having been deceived by fairy lights into straying from their path and into trouble.

    All of this and more on this installment of Expanded Perspectives!


    AG1: If there is one product we had to recommend to elevate your health, it's AG1, and that's why we have partnered with them for so long. So if you want to take ownership of your health, you gotta start with AG1! Try AG1 and get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 and 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase exclusively at

    Show Notes:

    Oily Black Humanoid Running Along San Antonio, Texas HighwayInside The Varginha UFO Incident, When Multiple People Reported Witnessing Extraterrestrial Phenomena In BrazilAlabama College Student Recalls Huge Pterosaur Flying Over His VehicleSmall Red-Haired Creature Encountered in South Central PennsylvaniaWant to Share Your Story?

    Email: [email protected]: 888-393-2783

  • In this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the hosts kick things off by diving into Kyle's newfound passion for water and his latest gardening endeavors. The excitement ramps up as they discuss the Dallas Stars making it to the Western Conference Final, much to their delight. Kyle then shares a fascinating story about an early listener who offered to pay for Expanded Perspectives Elite with Bitcoin, which they declined. Had they accepted, that Bitcoin would be worth a staggering $4.2 million today.

    The episode continues with an intriguing tale from a forest service worker in Montana, who, while studying water runoff from melting snow, stumbles upon an office desk inexplicably placed at the end of a remote trail. The mystery deepens as they ponder its origins and purpose. Listeners are then treated to a bizarre account from a writer who describes an eerie experience involving strange humanoids, lost time, and a missing baby—hinting strongly at an alien abduction.

    The episode also features a story about a teenager in Lake Conroe, Texas, who encounters a peculiar, muscular deer with a cow-like head that walks on four legs but resembles a person. Additionally, a young girl recalls seeing the elusive Glimmer Man when she was just five years old in rural Illinois, and several people report sightings of small dinosaurs in south Texas.

    All of this and more on this episode of Expanded Perspectives!
    Show Notes:

    Unexplained! Out-of-Place Desk & Charged Wire in the Montana WildernessMuscular, Bovine-Headed "Not Deer" Encountered at Lake Conroe, TexasSquatchellaPatreon: Expanded Perspectives EliteSponsors:

    LumiLabs: For 30% off your first order use the promo code EXPANDES at check outWant to Share Your Story?

    Email: [email protected]: 888-393-2783

  • On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys kick things off by discussing Kyle's new water drink, the warming weather, and his thriving garden. Then, they delve into a strange sighting in Merrill, Michigan, where a person’s uncle and friend encountered a bizarre creature resembling an insect-eyed kangaroo-monkey hybrid. What could this mysterious being be? Next, they explore an eerie phenomenon in Ameca, Jalisco, Mexico, where numerous people went missing or drowned mysteriously between 2004 and 2007. Locals discovered that an upright-walking lizard man was allegedly responsible for these disappearances.

    After the break, Cam highlights some intriguing encounters between rock musicians and UFOs. Philip Taylor Kramer, the former bassist for Iron Butterfly, vanished on February 12, 1995. His remains were found in 1999 in a Malibu ravine, with authorities ruling his death a "probable suicide." However, Kramer's family disputed this, pointing to his claims of being threatened over his revolutionary technology. Sammy Hagar, former Van Halen lead singer, shares his extraterrestrial experiences in his book "Red: My Uncensored Life in Rock." Hagar describes aliens tapping into his mind via a wireless connection long before such technology existed, even recalling a childhood encounter with a UFO. Jim Sullivan, a talented singer-songwriter, released his debut album U.F.O. in 1969 but mysteriously disappeared in the Southwest desert in 1975 while en route to Nashville. Despite comparisons to folk-rockers like Gene Clark and Joe South, his promising career never took off, leaving his disappearance an enduring mystery.

    All of this and more on this installment of Expanded Perspectives!

    Show Notes:

    Insect-Eyed, Kangaroo/Monkey Hybrid Creature Seen in Merrill, Michigan Area"El Chavarin" Encounters: Deadly Lizard Man of Ameca, Jalisco, MexicoJoin us in beautiful Nashville, Tennessee, for our 2024 Live event, Squatchella. We will be joined by friends and fellow podcasts, Blurry Creatures, The Confessionals, and Ninjas Are Butterflies. Get your tickets now, and join us and the other shows in this amazing Live Show!If you want more Expanded Perspectives and to help out the show, then join Expanded Perspectives Elite on Patreon.Want to Share Your Story?

    Email: [email protected]: 888-393-2783

  • Welcome to a unique roundtable experience on Expanded Perspectives, where we're thrilled to collaborate with esteemed podcasters and cherished friends: Nate Henry, Luke Rodgers, Tony Merkel, Andy DeNoon, Josh Hooper, and Andrew Saludez! Recognizable from their outstanding podcasts Blurry Creatures, The Confessionals, and Ninjas are Butterflies, this gathering promises an insightful discussion about our respective shows and the eagerly anticipated live event, Squatchella, happening on August 3rd, 2024, at the Fisher Center in the charming city of Nashville, Tennessee.

    Blurry Creatures - Blurry Creatures chases down answers for the weird questions and enigmatic creatures that inhabit the fringes between reality, myth, and imagination. Join podcast veterans Nate Henry and Luke Rodgers as they investigate Bigfoot, Ancient Giants, Cryptids, The Nephilim, The Watchers, Ancient Burial Mounds, Forbidden History, Megaliths, Conspiracy Theories, Dogman, Mothman, The UFO Phenomenon, Extraterrestrials, and The Unexplained.

    The Confessionals - Tony is a trailblazing creator in the worlds of podcasting and filmmaking. As the host of "The Confessionals Podcast," Tony draws a dedicated audience of tens of thousands of listeners every week. The Confessionals explores the mysteries of high strangeness, from eyewitness cryptid encounters, UFO sightings, abductions, to entities, hauntings, and even the reality of portals and alternate dimensions, making the show a must-listen for those seeking the extraordinary. Tony's passion doesn't end with podcasting. In 2021 he founded Merkel Media, a film and podcast company that has quickly gained acclaim. Under Merkel Media's banner, Tony collaborates with a team of industry veterans to bring captivating stories to life on both the screen and the airwaves. Through each episode of his podcast and every new documentary, Tony is a modern-day explorer of the unexplained, and he's just getting started.

    Ninjas are Butterflies - Ninjas Are Butterflies (powered by Sunday Cool Tees) is an outrageous comedy podcast with hosts Josh Hooper and Andy DeNoon. Filled with hilarious guests, conspiracies, captivating stories, and loads of laughter, Ninjas Are Butterflies is your new favorite podcast! New episodes every Friday!


    Get ready for the ultimate festival experience! Squatchella is coming to Nashville on August 3rd, and you're invited to an unforgettable event featuring your beloved podcasts! Join us for a day filled with thrilling discussions and the chance to meet your favorite hosts from Expanded Perspectives, Ninjas are Butterflies, The Confessionals, Blurry Creatures, and surprise special guests. This groundbreaking event is the first of its kind, taking place at the prestigious Fisher Center for the Performing Arts on the beautiful campus of Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. With its state-of-the-art 150,000-square-foot European-style performance hall boasting 1,727 seats, this venue sets the stage for an epic gathering you won't miss. Mark your calendars! The Members Only presale for Squatchella kicks off on May 8th at 10:00 am CST, exclusively on Expanded Perspectives Elite, the event center, and social media. Tickets are limited, so secure yours early to ensure you don't miss out on this extraordinary experience!

    Show Notes:

    Blurry CreaturesThe ConfessionalsNinjas are ButterfliesSquatchellaExpanded Perspectives PatreonSponsors:

    AG1 - So if you want to replace your multivitamin and more, start with AG1. Try AG1 and get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3+K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first subscription at to Share Your Story?

    Email: [email protected]: 888-393-2783

  • In this episode of Expanded Perspectives Elite, Kyle and Cam start the show by talking about how the Dallas Stars are currently doing in the Stanley Cup Playoffs and the recent storms ravaging Oklahoma, Nebraska, and Iowa. Then, a woman has a bizarre encounter that she had with a real-life entity while at a friend's house. She identified the ghost after looking at a photo of the friend's grandfather. Next, Marty for Pittsburgh calls in with a strange phantom voice that perfectly mimicked his wife's voice even though she was not in the room. Then, a person is visiting his cousin in north Alabama. They decide to go camping nearby. That is when he observes a gaunt and pale humanoid figure. The being was known to the area.

    After the break, Kyle brings up some terrifying examples of Alien Abduction. The concept of individuals being forcibly taken from their homes, vehicles, and even schoolyards by enigmatic humanoid entities, then whisked away onto spacecraft where they undergo invasive and menacing procedures, strikes at the core of our understanding of the universe. It's a notion so unsettling that it's often either dismissed outright or sensationalized in media accounts, challenging our very sense of reality. Understandably, the phenomenon of UFO abductions is met with skepticism, given its deeply disturbing nature and its clash with our established beliefs.

    Yet, spanning 75 years and likely beyond, many seemingly sincere and rational individuals, without any personal gain, have consistently recounted such harrowing experiences to those willing to lend an ear. What lies behind these reports? Why are there so many? Recent surveys indicate that possibly hundreds of thousands, if not more, could be categorized as abductees or experiencers. Who are these abductors, and what drives their actions? These are the questions that persist, begging for answers.

    All of this and more on this installment of Expanded Perspectives Elite!

    Show Notes:

    Space Truckers MovieCreepy Entity Encounter at Friend's FarmPossible Pale Crawler Humanoid Observed in North Alabama FieldWant to Share Your Story?

    Email: [email protected]: 888-393-2783

  • In this edition of Expanded Perspectives, Kyle takes the helm solo as Cam tends to do business out of town with his spouse. Departing from our usual news segment, we're treated to a captivating array of strange and uncanny tales our listeners share. From sightings of towering owls to the curious disappearance of toys, encounters with triangular UFOs, alleged alien abductions, ethereal sky amoebas, and the spine-chilling tale of the hand beneath the bed, these accounts delve into the realms of the eerie and unexplained.

    Following the break, Kyle delves deeper into the intriguing concept of Time Slips. These purported paranormal occurrences suggest individuals or groups traversing through time by supernatural means rather than technological ones. The very nature of such experiences sparks debate about their objective reality. Central to the Time Slip Theory is the notion of time as a fluid, non-linear construct within a single spatial point. Across the globe, people report fleeting glimpses of the past, future, or recurring events, suggesting a tantalizing connection to a dimension beyond our conventional understanding of time.

    All of this and more on this installment of Expanded Perspectives!

    Show Notes:

    Expanded Perspectives EliteWant to Share Your Story?

    Email: [email protected]: 888-393-2783

  • In this edition of Expanded Perspectives, Kyle and Cam dive into a whirlwind of intriguing experiences and mysterious encounters. Kicking things off, they delve into Kyle's recent adventures amidst the rainy weather, his immersive journey through a Renaissance fair, and their captivating excursion to Jacksonville, Texas. There, they crossed paths with master craftsmen Rob and JJ Lee of Bob Lee Bows, renowned for their unparalleled traditional bow craftsmanship.

    As the strange tales unfold, a listener shares a perplexing incident from their shower routine, where a dropped shampoo bottle seemingly defied logic by teleporting from the floor to the sink. Could this be a glitch in the fabric of time, a mere hiccup in reality? The intrigue deepens with a chilling account of a new neighbor with unsettling obsidian eyes, whose transformation defies comprehension, sending shivers down the spine.

    After the break, Cam navigates the murky waters of aquatic cryptids, exploring sightings of elusive water-dwelling creatures. From the depths of marine ecosystems to the serene expanses of freshwater habitats, these enigmatic beings blur the line between myth and reality. Delving into the realm where land meets water, they uncover the captivating world of amphibious anomalies. An aquatic cryptid is a creature, either vertebrate or invertebrate, that lives in water for most or all of its life. It may breathe air or extract its oxygen from the water dissolved in it through specialized organs called gills or directly through its skin. Natural environments and the animals that live in them can be categorized as aquatic (water) or terrestrial (land). Amphibians are animals that move readily from water to land and vice versa. The term aquatic can be applied to cryptids living in freshwater (freshwater animals) or saltwater (marine animals). However, the adjective marine is most commonly used for animals that live in saltwater. Join Kyle and Cam on a journey through the uncharted territories of the unexplained, where each twist and turn reveals a new layer of mystery waiting to be unraveled.

    All of this and more on this installment of Expanded Perspectives!

    Show Notes:

    Scarborough Renaissance FestivalBob Lee BowsBlack-Eyed Girl Transforms Into Pale Mantid HumanoidWant to Share Your Story?

    Email: [email protected]: 888-393-2783

  • In this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show by talking about surviving the Solar Eclipse here in North Central Texas. Then, witness Kathy Rotundo, who, back in the early 70s, while driving back to Cleveland from Chicago during daylight hours, saw five intensely bright orbs the size of moons flashing and bouncing all over the sky. She reported that while on the beach in southwest Florida, she encountered two quite unusual beings that she "knew" were from "off-world." Standing only about six or eight feet from her were a man and woman who looked to be about 70 years of age and were in full-body suits. Their faces resembled hairless cats! Next, Then, a listener writes in with a strange encounter with what they believe was a little man from the Fae realm.

    After the break, Kyle brings up the horrific tale of a heinous child murderer simply known as Mr. Cruel. An unknown man – known as 'Mr. Cruel' – committed a series of appalling crimes that terrorized Melbourne, Australia, in the late 1980's. He is responsible for the abduction and sexual assault of three girls between the ages of 10 and 13 and the murder of a 13-year-old girl in 1991. He committed his crimes wearing a black ski mask, meaning none of his victims could provide an identifiable description of his face. Law enforcement's only likeness of Mr. Cruel is a terrifying police sketch depicting his mask. From 1987 to 1991, Mr. Cruel terrorized Melbourne's quiet, suburban areas. On multiple occasions, he took victims from their homes to an unknown location where he sexually assaulted them before dropping them off in other suburban areas to be found and returned to their families. The perpetrator is known as Mr. Cruel because of the meticulous planning of his attacks and his tendency to trick the parents of victims by pretending his only motive was to rob them before kidnapping their children. He also planted red herrings at crime scenes to investigators. To this day, Mr. Cruel remains unidentified.

    All of this and more on this installment of Expanded Perspectives!

    Show Notes:

    The Case of Mr. CruelFurless "Cat People" Encountered on Southwest Florida BeachWant to Share Your Story?

    Email: [email protected]: 888-393-2783

  • In this episode of Expanded Perspectives, we delve into the strange and eerie occurrences that defy rational explanation. Join us as we explore tales that blur the lines between the ordinary and the supernatural, leaving us questioning the nature of reality itself. From encounters with mythical creatures to inexplicable brushes with the unknown. First, we delve into the account of an Eastern European witness who suspects they may have crossed paths with a genuine vampire. Attendees at a late-night gathering grapple with the chilling possibility of encountering a creature straight out of legend. Following that, a woman from New Jersey shares a harrowing tale of encountering an entity resembling the Easter Bunny. What sinister motives lay behind this bizarre apparition? Was it a mere figment of the imagination or something far more sinister? Later, a woman from Alabama recounts a perplexing experience within her home, hinting at a possible encounter with the elusive Fae. Join us as we explore the boundary between folklore and reality, seeking answers to the inexplicable mysteries that haunt our world.

    After the break, Cam brings up the strange UFO case in Australia. The Westall Flying Saucer incident represents one of the best, perhaps the best, of the category of UFO sightings described as daylight, mass-witness, school-based sightings, and landings. And it all happened in Westall, in what was then the City of Oakleigh, which is now the City of Kingston.

    The Westall Flying Saucer incident, occurring on April 6, 1966, in what is now the City of Kingston, Melbourne, remains one of the most notable UFO sightings. During a Physical Education class, students and teachers observed a silver/white metallic object resembling an upside-down bowl flying low over the school's playing field. It caused panic among the students. Another group of students witnessed one or possibly two similar objects in the sky. Despite the presence of five small planes that attempted to approach the craft, it exhibited remarkable agility, flitting away whenever they neared. Eventually, the saucer disappeared behind a copse of pine trees. Roughly 300 students congregated on the field, with some venturing towards the site where the saucer seemed to have landed. Witnesses include former students, teachers, and locals, but the full story remains mysterious, awaiting further disclosure from those involved.

    All of this and more on this installment of Expanded Perspectives!

    Show Notes:

    I Sense That I May Have Encountered a "Vampire"Here Comes Scary Peter Cottontail!Kayaking & Camping Boys Encounter a Creepy Fisherman Along Wisconsin RiverAn Ongoing Mystery: The Westall Flying Saucer IncidentWant to Share Your Story?

    Email: [email protected]: 888-393-2783

  • On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show by talking about the wild and crazy storms they have been experiencing recently in central North Texas. They live right in the middle of Tornado Alley, and large storms are nothing that unusual at this time of year. Then, they get right into some Expanded Perspectives News, starting with a Worcester County, Massachusetts, couple who was driving on Route 20 late one night when they encountered a pair of tall, upright deer-headed animals with black hair and wolf-like legs. Next, a Michigan man recalls his grandpa's dogman encounter stories while he was working for the Forest Service in Manistee National Forest in 1949 when he was only 28 years old. Three massive dogs covered in long black hair were up against his neighbor's house, scratching at the siding and making visible claw marks with each swipe.

    After the break, Kyle presents some remarkable instances of reincarnation recounted by small children. Often, these children's statements vividly align with the lives and deaths of individuals who have passed away. Remarkably, some children even bear birthmarks or birth defects that mirror wounds or marks of the deceased, a fact corroborated by postmortem reports. Although older children may maintain these memories, they tend to diminish around the age of seven.

    These intriguing cases span the globe, with examples found in Europe and North America. Typically, children begin discussing their past lives around the age of 35 months, coinciding with their third birthday. As their verbal abilities develop, they may recount events from their previous existence or describe their former family members. Surprisingly, seventy-five percent of these children mention the circumstances of their previous death, with a significant majority—70%—involving unnatural means such as murder, suicide, or accidents in combat. From these findings, it's apparent that past life memories often stem from traumatic experiences. Children tend to divulge these details when they feel secure and at ease. As one expert notes, "The child has to be in the right frame of mind to talk about these things; it's usually during relaxed times, sometimes after a bath or during a car ride. Although past life memories are frequently associated with trauma, they typically fade by the time the child reaches six or seven years old.

    All of this and more on this installment of Expanded Perspectives!

    Show Notes:

    If you like Expanded Perspectives and want even more, join us on Patreon!Upright "Not Deer" Pair Cross Road in Front of Massachusetts CoupleMy Grandpa's Michigan Dogman EncountersHuge Horned, Howling Mountain Monster Reported in Madison County, NCWant to Share Your Story?

    Email: [email protected]: 888-393-2783

  • On this episode of Expanded Perspectives, the hosts kick off the show, delving into Kyle's intriguing double life: from his covert involvement with Anonymous to his weekend gig as a furniture mover. Kyle's recent endeavor to assist his mother-in-law's relocation has left him achingly sore from the strenuous lifting. Transitioning into cosmic phenomena, they explore the imminent Solar Eclipse set to grace Texas and the necessity for Cam's readiness.

    Following their initial banter, they dive into a series of captivating news pieces featuring a chilling account of a Horned Werewolf encounter in the United Kingdom's Gloucestershire region. A riveting listener submission recounts a spine-tingling episode of sleep paralysis intertwined with an eerie presence in the room. Then, they unravel the harrowing tale of a Missouri coon hunter's unnerving brush with an enigmatic "chattering" entity during a hunt, leaving both man and dogs trembling in fear.

    After the break, Cam unravels an array of astonishing tales and Extraordinary Encounters, ranging from a colossal family of armadillos to extraterrestrial notions like space clams and oil pit squids. Tune in for these intriguing narratives and more on this edition of Expanded Perspectives!

    Show Notes:

    Upright "Horned Werewolf" Reported in Gloucestershire, UKMissouri Coon Hunt Results in Terror & Missing TimeIf you like Expanded Perspectives and want even more, join us on Patreon!Sponsors:

    AG1: If you want to take ownership of your health, it starts with AG1. Try AG1 and get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D3K2 AND 5 free AG1 Travel Packs with your first purchase. Go to to Share Your Story?

    Email: [email protected]: 888-393-2783

  • In this installment of Expanded Perspectives, the guys start the show by talking about the beautiful weather in north central Texas and how Kyle has been spending all of this time moving existing Elite shows from the prior platform to the new Patreon page. Up first, a person who worked for the U.S. Army Criminal Investigations (CID) before and during the conflicts in the war in Iraq had a bizarre encounter with something the locals called "The Goul." Then, a listener writes into the show about a strange experience she had with her mother with a cell phone that messaged and called her from her mother's dream. Next, A Wisconsin National Guardsman stationed at Ft.McCoy has a frightening encounter with an unknown tall, skinny being during a night operation. What was it?

    After the intermission, Kyle broaches the topic of a peculiar occurrence known as Geographic Psychic Trauma (GPT). This phenomenon refers to the residual energy imprint left on an object or location following a distressing or traumatic incident. It is theorized to manifest when the departure of the soul or spirit from the body happens so abruptly that any associated consciousness becomes disoriented, unable to comprehend the events or its surroundings. What distinguishes GPT hauntings from residual ones is their ability to engage with the living and exhibit a degree of awareness, whereas residual energy hauntings typically lack such responsiveness. It's important to clarify that not all traumatic events lead to GPT or residual hauntings, and hauntings, in general, can stem from various causes. Another term used to describe a spirit experiencing Geographic Psychic Trauma is "Crisis Apparition." Paranormal researchers classify Crisis Apparitions as the spirits of individuals who passed away during moments of crisis, such as murders or other traumatic events.

    All of this and more on this installment of Expanded Perspectives!

    Show Notes:

    U.S. Army Criminal Investigations Report - Iraq War - "The Ghoul"Wisconsin National Guardsman Encounters Tall, Skinny Being near Ft. McCoySponsors:

    Babbel: Be a better you in 2024 with Babbel, the science-backed language-learning app that actually works. Here's a special limited-time deal for our listeners. Right now get 55% off your Babbel subscription by going to to Share Your Story?

    Email: [email protected]: 888-393-2783

  • Greetings everyone,

    We would like to take a moment to provide some insights into the current status of Expanded Perspectives Elite. Firstly, a heartfelt thank you to our Elite members for their unwavering support. While we offer Expanded Perspectives for free listening, the production itself comes with significant costs, and your support has been invaluable. We initiated Expanded Perspectives nearly 11 years ago, and Expanded Perspective Elite came into existence almost 9 years ago. The podcasting landscape has undergone substantial changes since then, evolving from a novel concept to a platform with millions of shows worldwide. Nine years ago, finding services to conceal exclusive RSS feeds for paying members was a challenge. Though options like WishList Member, MemberMouse, and Patreon existed, they were not as refined as they are today.

    Initially, we chose WishList Member based on positive feedback from fellow podcasters. While it served its purpose reasonably well initially, over time, the platform deteriorated. Issues such as missing episodes, loading problems, and cumbersome sign-up processes became apparent. Recognizing these challenges, and with the platform nearly broken in the last 24 months, we decided to transition to Patreon. Our Patreon page is now live at, or you can find us on the Patreon app. For existing Expanded Perspectives Elite members, you should have access to the entire back catalog, but we recommend downloading it soon as it will be taken down at some point. If you're not an Elite member but wish to be, visit our Patreon page and sign up for $5 a month to access the complete back catalog (note that this offer will change in the next month).

    Looking ahead, Expanded Perspectives Elite will have two tiers. Tier #1, priced at $5 a month, provides access to all Elite shows from 2022 to the present, including new episodes released every Friday. Tier #2, at $10 a month, offers all new episodes, the entire back catalog, and ad-free versions of the Regular Show every Wednesday. If you enjoy Expanded Perspectives and want to support the show, joining Elite is a fantastic way to do so. Your monthly donation goes towards covering expenses like data storage, editing software, music, sound effects, recording equipment, and research materials. Some episodes are still being added to our Patreon, and we appreciate your patience during this transition. We hope to see you all on Patreon soon. Thank you for your time, and God Bless.

    Show Notes:

    Expanded Perspectives Patreon Page