
  • Renting, swapping, reselling, repairing, upcycling - the fashion industry is making major shifts to embrace circular, sustainable models. This didn't happen overnight though, it's taken trailblazers and visionaries to build communities, businesses and platforms that make consuming fashion in a sustainable way easier and accessible for all.

    In this episode host, Jade McSorley, invites her bestie and cofounder of sustainable fashion community LOANHOOD, Lucy Hall, to talk all things circular fashion. Lucy and Jade's long lasting friendship began when Jade became a fashion model after being on Britian's Next Top Model and Lucy was her booker for jobs.

    Being immersed in the industry and seeing the detrimental effects fashion is having on our planet, Jade wanted to do something about it. She pitched her idea of LOANHOOD to Lucy, and soon after they started hosting swap shops around London and building a strong community online and in real life.

    Lucy previously ran her own farm-to-fork restaurant in central London which is when she became passionate about living more sustainably. Her experience from the fashion industry and skills from running a restaurant created the perfect recipe for success when moving into the sustainable fashion space.

    This conversation will help listeners understand why circular fashion just makes sense and is particularly relatable for those working to create a more sustainable economy and future ♻

    #circularfashion #circulareconomy #sustainablefashion #rentfashion

  • Ashwini Deshpande - first class graduate from London College of Fashion and recently a 3D Fashion Designer at Meta (to name just a few incredible achievements) - joins Jade McSorley for episode 5 of Fash-Forward, our latest show exploring innovation, technology and sustainability in the fashion industry.

    Ashwini wants to bring her knowledge to India where she is from - especially to the young people studying fashion. She is currently spending 6 months traveling around India, visiting various universities, and conducting lectures and workshops on digital fashion and virtual reality.

    Jade and Ashwini are powerhouse women, working hard to optimise the rapid technological advancements entering the fashion industry. They share their experiences, hopes and how they see younger generations embracing digital fashion in this enlightening conversation about the future of fashion consumption.

    This episode sheds light on what's to come - covering topics about #virtualreality, #digitalfashion, #blockchain and #AI. There's no doubt that we've entered a new digital age of production and consumption, which is becoming more and more accessible to the masses every day! #sustainablefashion #techinfashion #techinnovation #fastfashion

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  • Lauren Junestrand Leal, Innovation and Sustainability Network Manager at UK Fashion and Textile Association (UKFT), joined our host Jade McSorley for an informative and fascinating conversation about fashion and textile waste on Clean Cut TV's first podcast series. This series explores tech and innovation in the fashion industry with the aim to educate our listeners about how the future of fashion is shaping up.

    UKFT is the largest British fashion and textiles network committed to delivering sustainable growth for the entire UK fashion and textile supply chain. They are at the forefront of large-scale innovation projects, tackling some of the industry’s biggest challenges. The association attracts research investment, provides practical guidance to help members meet their sustainability goals, and help companies prepare for changes in future legislation with regards to sustainability.

    Alongside working at UKFT Lauren is a PhD candidate at the University of the Arts London evaluating secondhand clothing consumption from textiles to supply chains and consumer behaviour. Lauren and Jade talk about how education and innovation go hand in hand, and for the fashion industry to continue making sustainable strides, industry professionals need to keep learning - with sustainable processes and circular business models still being a relatively new concept.

    This episode will provide in-depth knowledge about proactive, government- backed innovation taking place, leaving listeners feeling hopeful and intrigued!

    #sustainablefashion #techinnovation #textilewaste #ai #fashioninnovation

  • Ep 3 | Is AI Revolutionising the Modelling Industry For Good? John Horner, Managing Director at Models 1 - the largest and most successful model agency in Europe - joined Jade McSorley for another insightful conversation on Clean Cut TV's first podcast series where we explore tech and innovation in the fashion industry.

    John and Jade are witnessing firsthand the digital transformations occurring in the industry for models and how artificial intelligence is being incorporated at a rapid pace. This comes with questions around ethics and morality, with lines blurred surrounding models' rights, pay and whether they own the digital versions of themselves or not.

    Jade began her modeling career as a contestant in the fifth season of Britain's Next Top Model back in 2009. She was a front-runner on the show, and became a fan favourite because of her consistently strong performances and warm personality. After placing third, she was signed to Models 1 and that’s when things really took off. She traveled around the world modeling for luxury and fast fashion brands, featured in most fashion publications you could think of.

    After being in the industry for 10 years though, Jade noticed the impact that fashion was having on people and planet which lead her to study a PhD focused on innovation, sustainability and ethics in fashion, while building circular fashion platform LOANHOOD which she is the co-founder of.

    Together John and Jade are now working on the implications of digitising models - Jade through her PhD research at University for the Creative Arts and John as head of the British Fashion Model Association - creating game changing solutions and embracing new technologies and AI, while honoring models who are the faces of fashion.

    As the world keeps spinning we don’t always consider those working hard behind the scenes to create impactful, positive changes in industries that we all participate in as consumers. You will learn a lot from this conversation, leaving you with much to think about!

    #sustainablefashion #techinfashion #techinnovation #digitalmodels #fastfashion

  • Ep 2 | When Models Turn Their Backs on Fast Fashion

    Jade McSorley is joined by twins, models and sustainable fashion contributors and consultants Dr Brett Staniland and Scott Staniland on Clean Cut TV's first podcast series where we explore tech and innovation in the fashion industry.

    From being scouted on the street to being fully immersed in the fashion industry as models, and then realising the social and environmental problems caused by this industry, Brett and Scott now only work with brands that are sustainably minded or are making clear changes to become more sustainable and ethical.

    When modeling is your career, it's a massive risk to turn your back on jobs because they aren't aligned with your values. It's a risk that's paid off for the twins though and they are now important voices on social media, educating and inspiring people to become conscious consumers.

    Needless to say this conversation is entertaining and honest. It will give viewers insight into the not-so-glamorous side of the fashion industry, why it's important to use your voice and speak up, and leave you feeling inspired by the textile and design innovation happening that allows clothing to be created more sustainably.

    #sustainablefashion #techinfashion #techinnovation #digitalmodels #fastfashion

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  • Ep 1 | Fixing the Fashion Industry Through AI and Social Innovation

    Discover how tech and innovation is contributing to sustainable and ethical practices within the fashion industry. ⁠

    Moin Roberts-Islam⁠ and Brooke Roberts-Islam⁠ kick off the series as Jade McSorley's first guests. Both experts in their field, Moin is the Technology and Innovation Manager at Fashion Innovation Agency at London College of Fashion and Brooke is the founder of Techstyler a trusted sustainability and innovation consultancy, and Senior Contributor for sustainability at Forbes.⁠

    This conversation gives perspective of what's really going on behind the scenes in the fashion industry, from AI-powered tools playing a crucial role in developing sustainable practices, to brands getting crafty with greenwashing. We also explore how innovation on the ground in factories across Asia is contributing to improving the lives of women, and uplifting the next generation.

    Moin and Brooke have a wealth of knowledge and real understanding for how this multi-billion pound industry is being shaped. 🎙 #sustainablefashion #techinfashion #ai #techinnovation