
  • Meet Shana Hussin...Wife, Mom of 3, Registered Dietician Nutritionist, Author of the Amazon best seller, Fast to Heal and Host of the Fast to Heal Podcast. Shana is a Weight Loss Resistance Specialist & focuses on insulin & leptin resistance as well as high cortisol and circadian dysfunctions as factors of weight issues.

    Shana worked as a dietitian and nutrition therapist for 15 years in the conventional medical field prior to her young son falling ill with a severe and chronic digestive disorder in 2016. Upon diagnosis, she was told by several doctors nutrition had no bearing on his illness, and he would need lifelong medications to manage his debilitating symptoms.​ She began searching for the root cause of many chronic disease states.

    Confused and frustrated, Shana left work in conventional medicine. Through relentless research and trial and error, she healed her son with the help from Australian doctors and an unconventional antibiotic therapy. She had to look beyond the "standard of care" and question what she was being told. As a mother, she knew what was at the root cause of her son's illness, and innately knew that if the interference was removed, he could heal.

    Throughout the process, Shana gained extensive knowledge in holistic health and natural healing approaches, including the hormonal key to burning fat rather than storing it. She discovered that if obesity and diseases stemming from insulin resistance can be traced to a cause which is nutritional, then they can be reversed with nutrition therapy!

    Enjoy this informative episode!

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    For my absolute FAVORITE clean fast safe electrolytes, Trace Minerals:

  • Meet Star McEuen from Arizona! Star is a 41yo mom of SIX and now grandmother, wife, Fasting Coach, Influencer, Author and downright badass. Most Star's life was focused on her weight- she always wanted to be “skinny and/or fit”. She had tried every “diet” out there to lose weight, did all the at home workouts, went to the gym, became a personal trainer herself, hired a nutritionist...and they all lead to the same place, failure, disappoint and defeat. She turned 35 years old and no matter what she did to lose weight before, nothing was working this time and the weight just pilled on. Star's last recorded weight was in May of 2019 at 210lbs. She was at the darkest point in her life - depressed and deteriorating health, tired and felt out of options.

    Then in August of 2019, she found intermittent fasting (IF) through her high school best friend who had been sharing about her IF journey on social media. She read Delay, Don't Deny by Gin Stephens and started with a clean fast aiming for a 19 hour fast and 5 hour eating window practicing an OMAD (One Meal A Day) lifestyle. By February 2020 she had reached her first goal weight of 140lbs. In April of 2020 she started implementing one "meal-less" day a week and by August of 2020 (one year of IF) she had lost a total of 81lbs and has maintained that loss every since!

    IF has taught Star to be mindful of everything that goes into her body and to eat for nutrition and purpose, it has taught her to think nutrients NOT calories. She is no longer a prisoner to food, food is not the enemy - too much circulating insulin is the problem. IF helps us regulate All our hormones and helps us learn how to trust ourselves around food again.

    IF truly is THE health plan with a side effect of weight loss - everyone should be an intermittent faster whether they have weight to lose or just for the health benefits alone!

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    For my absolute FAVORITE clean fast safe electrolytes, Trace Minerals:

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  • Today I am joined by Erika Barnhart, a 43-year-old salon consultant who resides in Pennsylvania with her husband and 3 dogs. Erika struggled with weight issues since childhood and was overweight throughout most of her life. At age of 13, she was diagnosed with high cholesterol and triglycerides but was never prescribed any medication. In early 2023, she realized that she was procrastinating on scheduling her annual physical because she knew that the doctor would become more persistent about beginning a series of statin medication due to her high cholesterol. She also suffered from sleep apnea and used a CPAP machine and had been experiencing plantar fasciitis in her right foot, causing her to limp. She felt unnaturally old, defeated, and unhealthy for her age. She was ready to make a change. She began looking for a sustainable and cost-effective plan to become healthier. As well as not wanting to take any medications unless necessary.

    In March 2023, Erika finally discovered the freedom she had been seeking through IF, and within about 1 year she lost 90 pounds (39.5kg).

    Fasting has helped Erika gain more clarity, perspective, and patience, and the best part is it’s free! The flexibility has made it easy to work into her ever-changing schedule.


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    For my absolute FAVORITE clean fast safe electrolytes, Trace Minerals:

  • Today I am joined by my favorite faster from the other side of the globe, Mr. Graeme Currie from Perth, Australia (episode 9 as well) whose insights and passion for intermittent fasting came from living a successful fasting lifestyle losing an incredible 132lbs (62kg)! He completely turned around his health in a stunning transformation over fifteen months with clean intermittent fasting. He also overcame a debilitating sugar and fast food addiction.

    Graeme has a complete understanding of what it is like to go on such a huge weight loss journey and live the highs and lows to finally find success and a healthy lifestyle, after being morbidly obese for nearly all of his adult life.

    He has been in maintenance for five years and has experienced health benefits that were unimaginable to him before he discovered this way of living. Today we have an update on what he’s been up to with his Amazon best-seller, The Fasting Highway, podcast & what’s next. Graeme and I have a great update in this episode. Enjoy!

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    For my absolute FAVORITE clean fast safe electrolytes, Trace Minerals:

  • I am joined by THE expert on clean intermittent fasting herself, Gin Stephens! Gin is the NY Times best selling author of Fast, Feast, Repeat, Clean(ish), & Delay, Don’t Deny. Let us not forget my personal favorite and often overlooked, Feast Without Fear. Gin has been living an intermittent fasting lifestyle since 2014. Since then, she’s maintained a weight loss of more than 80lbs, hosts two top-ranked podcasts: IF Stories & Fast, Feast Repeat, IF Stories For Life. Enjoy!!

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    For my absolute FAVORITE clean fast safe electrolytes, Trace Minerals:

  • Jess Manross is an almost 43 year old mom of three girls ages 14, 11 and 5. LOTS of her time is spent preparing for, getting to and from and enjoying wrestling matches, hockey games and cattle shows with her girls. She is a full-time work at home mom, 4-H leader, small business owner and part-time secretary. When she isn't busy with all that, she enjoys taking photographs at livestock shows, reading, camping and boating with her family. She has been intermittent fasting since September 2020 and has lost 20lbs and 13 inches off her body!

    Jess also has a small business on FB at the link below. Go check out her amazing leather work!!

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    For my absolute FAVORITE clean fast safe electrolytes, Trace Minerals:

  • Lisa Evers is a former elementary educator from Canada who had suffered her entire life with digestive issues, so she was always aware of what she was eating to notice how she would feel. When she was young, it was IBS-d then moved to constipation-shortly after she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in her early 20’s. After that diagnosis she was worried that weight gain was going to be a side effect so she started to do things to make sure that didn’t happen. She had never had a weight issue and almost became “obsessed” with making sure she didn’t get one! Lisa did all the things to not gain weight and stay fit while trying to monitor her digestive issues. This went on for almost 30 years, then she found IF and the rest of the story is now about freedom! All the obsessions are starting to fade away and her mind is clear to think of the things that are really important to her in life. Lisa is so excited to share this mental health, self awareness and self image journey with you!

    To follow Lisa's journey on IG:


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    For my absolute FAVORITE clean fast safe electrolytes, Trace Minerals:

  • If you’ve been tuning in, you will recall Netta was Episode 10 back in May of last year. Netta is a 53yo mom and teacher – originally from the UK, now living in Canada. Until the age of 45, Netta had always eaten "normally"… that is, 3 meals a day, sometimes a snack or two, and treats on special occasions (well, every day was a special occasion…!). She was a self-identified sweet tooth and not a day went by without her eating chocolate, cookies, or some kind of sweets. She didn't have a problem with this and was lucky in that she didn't have a weight problem – maybe an extra 15lbs over the years, at the most. But weight isn't the only sign of health. From her early thirties Netta had been suffering from a very slow digestion, with bloating and pain, as well as infertility issues, depression, anxiety, and mood swings, achy joints and signs of a fatty liver. In July 2015, after months of resisting the idea, Netta tried the unthinkable: she cut out sugar, sweeteners and flour. Just for a period of two weeks – no more!

    But after only a few days she started feeling so much more energetic! Within a few weeks, her extra weight and cravings disappeared, as well as her cellulite, PMS, and frequent headaches. She had better concentration and mental clarity, better digestion, less joint stiffness, less swelling (no more inflammation), clearer, more glowing skin, and her moods stabilized.

    Intermittent fasting came naturally as a result of appetite correction a few months after she cut sugar. Now she eats once or twice a day, is never bothered with cravings or the need to snack, and enjoys her food like never before. Netta now enjoys a more healthy relationship with food because she sees it as a delicious and fun way to nourish herself, not as a calculation of macros and calories. She also has a better self-esteem (because she feels and looks so great!). And it's been 9 years since she’s had any sugar!

    Netta has an online private FB community (the After Sugar Club), a coaching program , YouTube channel and a popular podcast called Life After Sugar. In her community, Netta teaches small but powerful mindset shifts to make your lifestyle joyful and sustainable so that you can feel healthier with more energy and confidence… and less sugar!

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    For my absolute FAVORITE clean fast safe electrolytes, Trace Minerals:

  • April Hall is a 45 year old wife, mother of 5 grown children, restaurant owner, and full- time college student. She found fasting in May of 2020 and has made it her forever lifestyle. April lost 45 lbs in 5 months, and had an insatiable appetite for knowledge on the subjects of fasting, longevity, and health. She even started a Facebook group, “April’s Fasting Friends”, after Gin Stephens left Facebook. April loves to teach others what she’s learned and help them troubleshoot their fasting issues. She’s been in maintenance since September 2020, but finds that being 3 years older and closer to menopause, there is still a learning curve for her & her ever changing body. April has always promised my fellow fasters that I would be honest & transparent whatever happens in her journey, and sometimes that means telling people when it gets hard, or when the scale moves in the wrong direction. Nevertheless, this is the only lifestyle that she has ever wanted to do forever, and believes in the Magic of clean fasting!

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    For my absolute FAVORITE clean fast safe electrolytes, Trace Minerals:

  • Enjoy Episode 35 with Paige Brown. Paige is a 32 year old stay at home Mom and former Elementary teacher. Paige first started fasting back in 2019 but had to stop due to pregnancy and breastfeeding. Fast forward to 2022, she couldn’t lose the baby weight and was feeling exhausted all the time. After trying and failing at some other diets she came back to fasting June 27, 2022 and has been clean fasting ever since and have lost 33lbs and 24.5 inches. Paige has so much energy and feeling so much better overall. Her story is so relatable and inspiring!

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    For my absolute FAVORITE clean fast safe electrolytes, Trace Minerals:

  • Jalene Ellis Weigand is a 53-year year old wife, preschool teacher, nanny, life coach, owner of a small natural body product company and a mom of many rescued animals. To keep herself in shape over the years, she tried all the fad diets and popular exercise programs. After so many years of drastic calorie restrictions and adrenal fatigue from exercises, she found herself no longer able to maintain a healthy body. After experiencing the hardships of 2020, and then going through menopause...she found herself living in a body she didn’t even recognizes anymore. She was in complete denial of the amount of weight she had gained by hiding in stretchy yoga pants and the forgiving fabric of maxi skirt.

    After seeing some pictures of herself posted on social media, she could no longer hide and decided it was time for her to find her way back to health. She hadn’t stepped on a scale in years and decided it was time to take a look. She was surprised to see a 35 pound gain since the last time she had weighed, which felt like a lot on her 5’3 size body. It definitely was time to find some answers she decided.

    After getting no answers from her primary physician, she did a deep dive into the holistic and integrative health care system. She found a team of women who were able to find the root cause of her weight gain, sluggish metabolism, and low energy. She was working with a local obgyn who had a podcast on women’s health, this podcast had a guest, Laurie Lewis, who is an intermittent fasting leader. That day Jalene started her intermittent fasting journey. She found Gin Stephens, Dr. Jason Fung, and Graeme Currie. She successfully has lost all of her menopausal weight gain, reduced her inflammation, and is now wearing the same size of clothes she wore in her 20’s. Clean intermittent fasting is Jalene’s forever lifestyle as she’s approaching her two year fasting anniversary and wants to share her story in hopes of helping other women who feel at a loss after menopause.

    To access Jalene's FB community:

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    For my absolute FAVORITE clean fast safe electrolytes, Trace Minerals:

  • Donna Sherman has worked as a licensed clinical social worker and therapist (MSW,LCSW) in hospitals, mental health clinics, universities and private practice. Much of Donna's work is focused on offering evidence-based, effective tools to help with pain management, anxiety, enhancing focus and developing positive health- promoting behaviors. In addition to her work as a behavioral consultant and coach, Donna is a long-time teacher of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, MIndfulness-Based Interventions, Meditation and Yoga; all of which she offers to individuals, community groups, school systems and businesses. She is also a very seasoned intermittent faster and has quite a story overcoming thyroid cancer.

    Donna created and hosts the Sparks In Action Podcast which can be found on most podcast servers as well as the link below.

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    For my absolute FAVORITE clean fast safe electrolytes, Trace Minerals:

  • If you’ve been tuning in, you will recall Lisa Glick was episode 14 in June of last year - since then, she’s been up to a LOT and I just had to catch up! Lisa is a 63yo retired music educator, performer, dancer, vocalist, trail runner, fitness instructor and carnivore/IF coach. Lisa, like many, has a long history of disordered eating, weight and health struggles - including depression and anxiety. After years of low -fat, restricting, calorie counting, & obsessing about food - Lisa found keto in 2014 which led to IF. Lisa is still evolving and adjusting as life flows through phases. She is now keto/carnivore (meat based diet) consisting of real, whole foods - including good fats. She is a low-carb, fat-fueled athlete and includes IF in her active , productive lifestyle!

    FB ~ Lisa Zucker Glick or Lisa G Fitness

    IG ~ @glicklisa

    Bending the Trail podcast ~

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    For my absolute FAVORITE clean fast safe electrolytes, Trace Minerals:

  • Al Montone is 45yo and proud to call this guy my husband! He is 5'11'' and began his IF journey at 250lbs back in 2020 - after persevering through a year and a half plateau, the weight finally started coming back off in January of 2023. Having struggled with weight his entire life, he has finally found success in clean IF and plans to make this his forever lifestyle. To date, he's released 45lbs! He is still working on his last 20 and finally wanted to come on and share his experience. Hooray!

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    For my absolute FAVORITE clean fast safe electrolytes, Trace Minerals:

  • Carol Cason is 58yo, single mom of 2 grown sons from the United Kingdom where she works in a sedentary job as a medical secretary. At 5 ft tall, Carol was uncomfortable after putting on weight when she split with her ex-husband. She started clean intermittent fasting in March 2021 and embraced it fully. Carol has been OMAD (one meal a day) since. It is now her way of life and she absolutely loves it! Not only has she released 28lbs (2 stone) but has had so many NSVs (none scale victories) along the way. Carol says she will never stop clean fasting just for the health benefits alone.

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    For my absolute FAVORITE clean fast safe electrolytes, Trace Minerals:

  • April Pinto is a 42 year old photographer and crazy chicken lady. She is married with a 17 year old who is graduating this week and two chihuahuas. April had neglected her health and weight for years and had developed Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, candida, lived with constant acid reflux, and was overall sluggish, achy and unwell. She hit 280lbs without realizing it. Despite being plant based for years, she had developed terrible eating habits, late night eating and constant snacking. She began IF last September and this week it will be her 8th month of clean fasting magic and has lost 53lbs so far, has reversed her diabetes, has amazing cholesterol levels today, her candida is GONE, and the acid reflux and aches have completely disappeared! April practices OMAD - one meal a day - and lives a NON-restrictive lifestyle.

    To follow April on IG: @vegan_intermittent_fasting

    To find the clean protein supplements with nothing to hide that I mention and recommend often please visit the link below and use my discount code!

    Discount code: NNBB2EAE1U

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    For my absolute FAVORITE clean fast safe electrolytes, Trace Minerals:

  • Martin Sher is a 71-year-old retired CEO of an 84-year-old family business and has been retired for about 15 years. His passion is to do whatever he can to spread the word about the incredible health benefits of intermittent fasting. He has lost about 50 pounds on his own customized plan along with intermittent fasting that has been able to allow him to maintain the loss, plus an additional 10lbs! He has maintained his weight loss for about 15 years now. In his retirement, he kept the title CEO, but changed the description to the “Chief Eating Officer.” Martin believes everyone should be the “Chief Eating Officer” of their own mind, body, and spirit.

    Email: mailto:[email protected]

    Facebook support group:

    Twitter: @martin_sher

    To find the clean protein supplements with nothing to hide that I mention and recommend often please visit the link below and use my discount code!

    Discount code: NNBB2EAE1U

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    For my absolute FAVORITE clean fast safe electrolytes, Trace Minerals:

  • Tami Durcan is a 57 year old home care nurse who lives in a small town called Tipp City, Ohio, but spends half the year in San Antonio, Texas with her wonderful husband and dog! Tami began intermittent fasting on Halloween of 2019, and has been fasting every day since. With daily fasting, and some light exercise she was able to release 35 pounds and feels better than she has in a long time. She’s now comfortably at 125 pounds and in a size 4/6. Tami knows this is the correct lifestyle for her because she has lost the extra weight post menopause and has been in maintenance since. All of her lab work is within normal limits which is her biggest win of all and plans to embrace IF as a lifestyle forever.

    To find the clean protein supplements with nothing to hide that I mention and recommend often please visit the link below and use my discount code!

    Discount code: NNBB2EAE1U

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    For my absolute FAVORITE clean fast safe electrolytes, Trace Minerals:

  • Amy Jo Holcomb is a busy wife, mother, small business owner, health coach, and high school and college English teacher. She and her husband Rush have been married 25 years and their son was just married last summer, so today they’re enjoying being empty nesters. Four years ago, Amy Jo had struggled just enjoying life and keeping up with her many responsibilities was overwhelming. She was ballooning back up to her all time highest weight of 300 lbs and suffering from debilitating nerve pain from a hip injury that led to labral repair surgery in December of 2016. Morbidly obese her entire adult life, she gave IF a try in January of 2020 after two coworkers had been doing a version of it through a program sponsored by their school’s insurance. The rest, as they say, is history. Since IF day one on January 6, 2020, Amy Jo has lost 92 pounds and is no longer in pain or taking strong meds that helped her merely function daily. She is living her life and coaching others in how to make intermittent fasting their forever lifestyle.

    To join Amy Jo’s FB support group, please visit the link below:

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    For my absolute FAVORITE clean fast safe electrolytes, Trace Minerals:

  • Lisa Fischer is a longtime radio and tv personality in Arkansas and is now a certified integrative nutrition health coach. She embarked on intermittent fasting in 2017 and it changed her life so much she is devoting it to helping others reach their health goals by becoming metabolically fit. She and her husband are celebrating their 35th year of marriage and are the parents of three outstanding grown children and two really cute granddaughters. You can find her both her podcasts - The Lisa Fischer Said podcast & The Lisa and Larry Show - at her website below (or any great platform). Lisa is also on IG @lisafischersaid

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    For my absolute FAVORITE clean fast safe electrolytes, Trace Minerals: