
  • Bio:

    Donna Ashton is an online course specialist with 11+ years creating and selling courses. She built her freedom lifestyle business using her Work Less Make More formula and has taught hundreds of others how to create & sell profitable programs that allow time for family, travel and that impact the world.

    Her mission is to teach you how you can easily take the process you already have and make money with a course in your business to create a Freedom Lifestyle.

    Whether you’re running a full coaching practice or just slammed with family and life – adding digital courses creates leveraged income, without more work for you.

    Why Courses?

    Donna was a busy mom, and she needed a business that was one to many because she didn’t have a lot of time. Her first course was about homeschooling and she sold it for $497.With her first course, she made about $7,500 and she was sold. Since then, she’s kept creating courses.

    How do you price your courses?

    Donna priced her first course higher than other courses, but it worked out. Look at the value that your course is bringing. Not just during the course, but throughout a lifetime. You might as well charge more because it’s just as hard to sell a $7 course.

    How do you make sure your course is solving a problem people have?

    If your course sells your clients “migrane” problem, it will be successful.A “migrane” problem is a problem that your client is desperate to solve. ASK! Ask your ideal clients what their biggest problem is.People don’t always know what they need though, so look deeper into their problem to find what the root cause of it is.

    Do you do beta launches?

    Yes! Do it early on. Make sure that they still pay because that’s the final proof of concept. We need to know if they’re willing to pay for the course.It’s really nice to do a live version of the course before you record it so that you can see how it flows.

    What course platforms should we use?

    It doesn’t really matter!There are always new platforms, but really a lot of them are good.No matter what platform you choose, you still need to make a good course and market and sell the course.

    How do you market your course?

    You need to say the right things to the right people. Know your clients. Know what their problems are. Work on your messaging.Be as specific as possible. Find your niche.

    How many people do you recommend having in a beta launch?

    Make sure it’s manageable. Do like 5-10 people. Make sure that the number is small enough that you can have a call with each person.

    Do we need a facebook group for the course?

    If it’s a higher end course, yes. You need a space that they can get support and help in. If you have a way for the people to connect directly with you, they’ll pay 5-10 times more money.


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    Hannah Olson is known for her brilliant life hacks, parenting tips, and her culture-challenging message that "Motherhood is a Relationship". She share all of this on her instagram account: @freckledhan

    How did this all start?

    Hannah got pregnant at a time that was not ideal for her.It was a challenging time for her. Everything about having kids seemed to be negative.She asked herself, why do people even have kids?Thankfully, once her daughter was born, a lot of those feelings went away. There were still a lot of hard parts of being a mother though. It was tiring and lonely. She started to ask: “what is motherhood?”4 kids later, we were in a pandemic, and she was unable to ask for help. She felt truly overwhelmed and all alone. She came to the realization that Motherhood is a relationship

    Motherhood is a relationship

    She decided that she needed to find ways to nurture the relationship between her and her kids.Sometimes, as a parent, you destroy the relationship with your kids because you’re simply caretaking. It becomes easy to feel guilty if you ever leave your kids, but it is actually good for your relationship to leave for a bit. Your kids need a break from you just as much as you need a break from them. All of your fulfillment shouldn’t come from your kids just like it doesn’t come from any other relationship. Certain aspects of the relationship can be fulfilling, but it can’t ALL come from the relationship. God never intended motherhood to be our ONLY identity. It is important, but it should be an expansion of who we are, not our only defining identity.Boundaries are important. There are times you can do a lot, and times where you can’t. Be in tune with your needs and be willing to set boundaries. You don’t want a break from motherhood (the relationship). You want a break from caretaking. They are different! If you are a stay-at-home mom, think of caretaking as your job.The relationship is separate, but the caretaking should be looked at like a job and performed as a job. Throw away gender roles. One parent can be the caretaker, but BOTH are parents. BOTH have a relationship with their children.


    Hannah does bootcamps with 10 women or less to help reduce and eliminate mom guilt for women.


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  • Bio:

    Reagan is a mother of three and the Executive Director leading the creation and implementation of the Innovation Outpost in Amarillo, Texas.

    Growing up in Amarillo, Reagan saw her peers leave town to chase opportunities that seemed to exist only in big cities, and she herself followed that same narrative to pursue a better life. Movies, books, television series all reinforce the idea that success lies in a big city. Now, Reagan is back in Amarillo to reshape the narrative.

    Reagan is leading the ideation and development of the Innovation Outpost, which will help lead Amarillo and regional businesses through the digital transformation needed to compete in the 21st century. During the pandemic, Reagan noticed how technology has decentralized business, allowing for partnerships to be built across time zones and reducing the need to relocate to a big city.

    Reagan’s vision for the Innovation Outpost is to boost Amarillo’s business community, assist with reskilling and upskilling companies and turn Amarillo into a regional business hub bustling with high quality jobs and opportunity. She hopes that in ten years, her children will graduate high school and feel proud to chase career opportunities in Amarillo.

    What led you to create Innovation Outpost?

    Reagan has had to reinvent herself multiple times as she moved around because of her husband’s job.Her experience was all women who stayed home. She moved back to her hometown, and had an incredible opportunity to help her community become more innovative.


    How do you give yourself grace?

    Everyone makes simple mistakes. You need to be willing to let yourself make mistakes. Always try to learn from any mistake you make. It doesn’t make it any less terrifying when you mess up, but it does help you to learn from your mistakes.

    What obstacles have you faced being a women leader?

    When she was working in the finance industry, her boss wouldn’t let her go to face-to-face client meetings because he didn’t want people to see how young she was. She has had a lot of experience at board tables where she is the only woman. She learned to speak up and give her perspective and stand up even to people more senior than her. Find your voice! Be confident. It’s on you to show that you have worth. Play to your strengths as a woman. Women tend to have more emotional intelligence.

    What does the future hold?

    Opportunities for women are starting to really come. COVID is an opportunity for women because working from home is becoming more and more common. A lot of employers are starting to look at work as a more flexible thing.

    Speaking up

    Very rarely will you be met with pushback. If you do get pushback, the organization will struggle because they aren’t adapting to the future and where things are going. If you have a toxic relationship with a boss or a company, leave. There are other opportunities and other places where you’ll be valued. You can be so powerful in the workplace.


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  • Bio:

    Laura is an Intuitive Eating & LDS Life Coach. She is a mom of 3, fire wife, born and raised in AZ but currently living in Saratoga Springs, UT. Laura helps women ditch diets and find body acceptance through Intuitive Eating, Mindset Overhaul and Christ. She encourages women to stop the war with their body by elevating their Body Image and Come Home to yourself.

    Laura’s Story

    Laura is a mom of 3, and after she had her first son she felt like something was off. She struggled with depression. After having her second kid, she started to hit some harder points. She was volunteering a lot of time at her church, and she decided to ask to be released. It was a good time to do that because a lot of hard things happened right after that. She got some help and medication, and she made it through. She thought that she had the whole depression thing figured out, but after having her third kid she had some really hard depression come back.When their third baby was 6 months old, Laura got self-inflicted sickness from stress.She decided that something needed to change. Things didn’t change overnight.She started to believe that her diet was the problem and she became obsessed with clean eating. She went to an eating disorder clinic and she learned about intuitive eating.

    More Than a Body: Your Body Is an Instrument, Not an Ornament

    Look into the book.It’s important to understand that your body is an instrument, and not an ornament

    What is intuitive eating

    Taking your external and internal wisdom and bringing them in to what they call authentic health. This is what makes you feel happy and healthy. Your body already knows what to do. Eat as kids do.Eat what makes you feel satisfied. This is not a fad diet and it’s against diet culture. Diets have external motivation and tell you what to do. Intuitive eating is listening to your internal body and giving it what it wantsYou need to re-learn how to interpret what your body is telling you.

    Pillars of Intuitive eating

    In Laura’s coaching sessions she wants to help her clients get from point A to point B. Mindset overhaulTake negative thoughts and turn them into true statements.Christ


    Click here for the Free Guide - "5 Steps Start Intuitive Eating"Click here for a complimentary - Intuitive Eating Breakthrough Session

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  • Bio

    Shari Medini is the co-author of Parenting while Working from Home and the co-owner of Her parenting articles have been published in dozens of print and online publications. Shari’s past experience includes working as a freelance writer and marketing strategist for companies across the country, mentoring and speaking as a mindset coach, and working with children and families in the mental health field. She understands the demands of working from home and loves sharing tips to help balance it all. When she’s not on her laptop, Shari can be found spending quality time with her husband and two sons exploring their hometown of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

    How did you get into this space?

    About a decade ago, Shari was pregnant with her first son. She was able to make money from home while she stayed home with her son. She really enjoyed freelance work and marketing.It got to the point where she was ready to do something for herself instead of working for someone else.She met Karissa on a playground, and they really hit it off. They decided to collaborate on AdoreThemParenting.comOne of their big goals was to someday write a book.

    What recommendations do you have for time management?

    Each situation is unique.If you have time flexibility, rethink your day. It can be easy to lose 10 minute chunks in your day, but these 10 minute chunks can be huge! Make a list of things you can do in 10 minutes. That way when you have a couple of minutes you can be purposeful with that time. If you have time restraints, you’ll need to rethink some things. You won’t be able to adjust, so you need to plan before hand.BEFORE you work, make sure that your kids' needs are met. Take them potty, play, get them a drink and set them up a space where they can play. You may need to get child care, or your husband may need to watch them.

    It’s okay!

    It’s okay to have childcare.It’s okay to let your child watch a screen for a bit. It’s okay if the house isn’t perfectly clean. Give yourself a break, give yourself some slack. The most important thing is that your kids are healthy and happy. When it comes to everything else, just do what’s right for your family.Don’t be afraid to challenge your cultural and traditional beliefs.

    How do you take time for yourself when you’re always busy with work and caring for your family?

    Take a look at all the things you have on your plate and find some things you can let go of. Outsource or delegate things that you can’t eliminate but you don’t have to do yourself. Prioritize the things that make the most impact.Schedule time for yourself and choose to do things that will help you the most. Be creative about ways you can spend time with your kids while still relaxing and rejuvenating.

    What do you do if your work AND child need you at the same time?

    Prepare as much as you can beforehand. Look into the future. That said, you’ll never be completely prepared. Call in the reinforcements.Have a list of people that can help.Go to a McDonalds where your kids can play and you have WiFi. Go to a Gym where they have child care.Be creative. If it’s happening a lot, create a gameplan.


    It’s not you (as a parent) versus the world, but instead it’s your family versus the world. Create positivity. View your world through a positive lens.Be careful about the content you consume. If you consume negative content, it will encourage negativity.Train the algorithms. Unfollow and unsubscribe if a content feed doesn’t match the positivity you need. We have control over our technology. If you can’t unfriend someone, mute them. If something makes you angry or annoyed, eliminate it from your life. You can only control yourself. Focus on the things you can control.Live and parent the way that works best for you.Support other parents in their journey!


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  • Lucia Bio

    Lucia is the face behind Be Brave Psychotherapy. She specializes in using dance, movement and drama therapy to help women connect their thoughts and beliefs to their physical expressions. As an expert in the mental health challenges of anxiety and depression, Lucia helps her clients to embrace and walk with fear, especially those fears and beliefs that keep women stuck in smaller roles with lower expectations for themselves.

    Tell us about how you got started

    Lucia has been in Psychotherapy for 14 years now. When her son was born, she decided to start her own practice so that she could spend more time with her kids. After her daughter was born, she experienced some major mental health issues for herself. She had to admit that she needed some help. This was especially difficult as a Psychotherapist. She also had to admit that she had some OCD tendencies. She went to see an OCD specialist, and things are starting to get better, but it’s a lifelong journey. Fear can block us from trying new things. A common excuse is: “I don’t have time,” but excuses are just masked fear.

    Can you give an example of dance, movement therapy?

    Dance, movement therapy can sound scary, but I usually start slow.Self awareness in body feelings and sensations can be very helpful. I’ll have them say verbally what’s happening in their bodies. From there, we work on power poses and posture. Emotional feelings are connected with posture and poses. Next, I’ll ask questions and have them pay attention to their bodies as they have emotional responses.

    How can women’s roles create limiting beliefs?

    As children, we base our feelings about ourselves on how we perceive our parents and other adults feel about us. As we grow up, this expands to society. We end up being what we’ve been defined as. We are “wrapped” in a bubble wrap of our family’s and societies’ expectations. Sometimes we can lower our standards to meet what we believe is expected of us.

    How to Embrace Fears

    Many of my clients have fears regarding setting boundaries. Don’t go from 0 to 60. Instead, take baby steps. Do something small.Visualizations and practice can really help with that. As we expose ourselves to anxiety, it will raise and raise, but then it will start to come down. Most of the time we won’t let ourselves feel anxiety to the point of it coming down. In order to overcome anxieties, we need to practice feeling it.

    How can we raise our standards for ourselves

    This can be scary because we’re changing what others perceive as who we are. Pay attention to how people treat you. Some people will accept changes, and others will push back. Don’t just accept what you’ve been given. Instead, look at your life and design what you want.


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  • Tierra Bio

    Tierra Terry earned her Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Media Studies and her Master of Arts in Communication with an Emphasis in Education from Grand Canyon University. She is an Arizona native currently pursuing her Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership with an Emphasis in Organizational Development at Grand Canyon University. She is also a member of the Young Nonprofit Professional Network (YNPN), Conscious Capitalism AZ (CCAZ) and a Girl Scout Social Impact volunteer.

    Tierra oversees communications to drive media and public engagement for Better Business Bureau Serving the Pacific Southwest. She leads the coordination in continuing to build a community of trustworthy businesses through events, community relations, and outreach for the largest trade organization in AZ while supporting marketing efforts. Tierra has assisted in the implementation of the BBB Industrious Women's Summit since its inception, which empowers women business owners to succeed in traditionally male-dominated industries.

    Tierra’s Journey

    After graduating, tierra saw a job opening for a community concierge at the Better Business Bureau, and since then she’s worked her way up in the company and has loved it there.

    What is the BBB?

    The BBB is a nonprofit agency founded on the principles of creating trust in business. It was founded in 1912, and is run by local states or regions.The BBB is a nongovernmental organization. They are unbiased. The BBB runs in the US, Canada, and Mexico. To be an accredited business, you must be approved and vetted by our team. By being accredited, it’s an ethical badge of honor. We hold businesses accountable for their actions and building trust with their customers.

    How has your experience been with being a woman in the workplace?

    Unfortunately, Tierra has had issues with being a black women and mother in the workplace. Thankfully, the BBB has treated her very well in this regard. If a job isn’t supporting you, leave it. Find an organization that will support you.

    Industrious Women’s Summit

    The BBB has had this event for the past 4 years. The Industrious Women’s Summit was created to serve the core types of businesses that are accredited with BBB: tradespeople, and specifical women in these traditionally male-dominated industries.Women in this highly specialized sector often don’t have anywhere to turn for like-minded mentorship and conversations. To be that hub of support, BBB created the inaugural event four years ago after receiving a small grant from Arizona State University, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Department. We choose the August date to coincide with women's equality day which is especially meaningful when speaking about women leading in industries that are not “traditionally” meant for them. Breaking barriers and providing support. Celebrate, educate, and connect women. In 2020 we pivoted to a virtual format which allowed more women from all over the US to attend. We are keeping the format virtual this year and moving to a hybrid model in the future.


    There is always room for everyone. There is always enough to go around!


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  • About Dawn

    With twenty plus years of entrepreneurial experience, coaching and leading individuals and teams to outstanding results, Dawn Bates is one of the world’s best kept secrets, and for good reason.

    She is very selective in regard to who she works with, and her strong moral compass guides her to the projects she chooses to take on, and delivers impeccable service to all her clients.

    Dawn’s repertoire of work is vast and her inquisitive mind astounding, bringing fresh insights and perspectives from 20 years of international travel and working in the UK, Europe, the Middle East and Australasia, with clients spanning 5 continents, multiple ethnicities, cultures and languages.

    With a passion for leadership and cultural diversity, Dawn brings a wealth of knowledge and experience like no other. Her expertise lies in making you rethink your business blueprint, your life and the world we live in, harnessing the deepest freedom of all: your own truth.

    As well as being an international bestselling author multiple times over, author strategist and publisher, Dawn specialises in developing brand expansion, step change strategies and global visions, underpinned by her profound wisdom, molecule shaking approach, high energy and trademark giggle.

    She is an Executive Contributor and Featured Author for both House of PreEminence and the One Tribe Magazines, writes for a multitude of publications, and when not sailing around the world on yachts, she appears on various media channels highlighting and discussing important subjects in today’s society.

    She’s an authority on leading others to create exceptional results by igniting the passions and fire deep within, shifting individuals and teams from disconnection, fear, feelings of imposter and self- doubt, to confidence, connection and courage to speak, live and work powerfully together with others.

    Dawn has been in business since she was 21. Over the years she’s worn many hats. In the last 10 years, she’s written 5 books, and she has many more coming out soon. In 2007, she was given 24 hours to live, and that completely changed the way she viewed the world. Her husband of 18 years decided he wanted to get a devorce and she had to navigate the life of being a single mother while running a business.

    Her Arrest

    Dawn was arrested for “neglecting” her children since she left them in the car for about 10 minutes. Her oldest son was 12, and legally old enough to babysit. The police officer put her in handcuffs because she spoke to her children in Arabic. She could have been a victim or allowed the system to get to her, but instead she fought for herself. Her third book is about this story. Bad things don’t happen TO us. They happen FOR us.


    Feminism has been hijacked. A lot of women are wounded and they want to fight for something, but they aren’t fighting for the right things. Many women are playing the blame game, and they are being victims. Men haven’t done these things to us. We have allowed it to happen. We’ve allowed ourselves to believe things about women. We’ve borrowed these beliefs from our parents, society, religions, culture and media.True feminism is all about how we can be of service. Being a woman is all about caring, nurturing and being of service.We used to be fighting for rights, but we have them now! Feminism should be about working together instead of hating on each other.You always have a choice. If someone or an organization is mistreating women, you have the power to change your situation. Our own mindset is holding us back.

    How did you become so confident and powerful?

    Dawn watched her mom work 3 jobs just to put food on the table.Her mother always told her: “don’t ever let anyone bully you.”Dawn has always been stubborn and wouldn’t let anyone bully her. Her mom also told her to “always do her best,” and she has taken it literally.It all comes back to mindset. You matter. If you want something, who’s to tell you that you can’t have it. Make your impact on the world. Make it a better place because you were a part of it. Dawn knows what she wants and she’s just going to go and get it. It’s all about the choices we make. Choose to be who you want to be. Think about the people that believe in you. Don’t let them down!

    Dawn’s Books

    All of her books are memoir based. They are real human stories. Crossing The LineWalaahi


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  • About Jenna

    Jenna Smith is a business strategist, coach and serial entrepreneur who helps people with BIG ideas tap into their inner genius and create big, profitable businesses. For over 10 years, Jenna cut her teeth in the corporate world as a strategist and change agent.

    It was there that she began helping organizations navigate major organizational change, while reinforcing the need for innovation, strategy and execution. It was also there that she realized that she needed to build her own dream, and corporate ceilings and side-gigs just wouldn’t cut it.

    Now, she’s the owner of two businesses that started as big ideas themselves. DreamLife is an international personal development company helping people to stop tolerating the life they have and start living the life they desire. And ThinkFree is her business consulting firm that helps normal people take big ideas and make them into profitable companies and products.

    Jenna is happily married with a 1-year old son, and is helping people all over the world to build and live their dream life and business. She can truly say she is living her dream.

    How did you get where you are now?

    Who I am today is thanks to my childhood. Both sides of her family were entrepreneurs.Both of her parents died by the time she was twelve, and she learned to take her life into her own hands. She now owns two businesses.

    After you have an idea, how do you know if it’s a good idea and what are the first steps you should take to make it a reality?

    We were all born as creators. If you’ve had an idea, believe that you are capable of making it happen. Not all ideas are for others. Some ideas are for you. Sometimes you’ll pursue an idea and it may not be successful, but they’ll develop you personally.Sometimes your idea can seem so big, but you can do it. You can make an idea that’s bigger than you. You don’t have to have all of the answers, but know that you can do it.Done is better than perfect. Take action!

    Who should you share your ideas with?

    Not everyone is on the same wavelength as you. Be intentional and sensitive about who you share your idea with. Share it with inquisitive people that will ask questions. Share your idea with some who can see and understand the potential within you. When looking for a mentor, look at the fruit. Do they have successful businesses? Have they mentored or coached anyone else successfully?You need the head, heart, and mind.Focus on strategy instead of tactics. As strategy is a direction or approach to your business. Tactics only work after you have a strategy.

    What encouragement or advice would you have to help combat overwhelm?

    There is a growth cycle when you're being stretched. This is a good thing. Again, done is better than perfect.Start before you feel ready. Overthinking and overwhelm are optional. You choose how you feel in your situation.Find the minimum viable solution.Write down the problem, then write down solutions. Creation is a messy process, but it’s all about learning. How much time and money have you wasted worrying about things? Enjoy the process and the journey. Don’t focus so much on the results.

    Tell me more about how you help others in their businesses.

    Jenna is a business strategist. She helps businesses owners create strategies and learn how to do the things we’ve talked about in this interview.


    Strategy call:




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  • About Dawn

    Dawn is a small business CFO who has a passion for helping small business owners with their accounting & taxes. After years of working for another company Dawn made the jump to start her own business centered around helping entrepreneurs. She absolutely LOVES what she does now! Today she is here and more than happy to share her knowledge with us about the things we need to know when starting a new business!

    What should we know when we want to start a new business?

    Each business is different, so start with understanding your business and its needs. Step 1: Figure out the funding and money. Are you funding the business? Are you raising capital? Are you getting a loan? Step 2: Choose a business name. Make sure it’s available and don’t overthink this step. Think about whether or not your business name is keyword searchable. See if your name is trademarked.Step 3: Obtain any licenses and permits for your business. Register your business in your state. Check out the secretary of state website for your state and they’ll list all of the permits you need. If you are having a hard time finding the information, call them.

    What are the differences between different business structures?

    When it comes to taxes, LLC, DBA, Sole Proprietor, and contractor are all taxed the same way. You report your income on a Schedule C with your personal income. A partnership or S Corp have separate tax returns, and can lead to tax savings. When it comes to the legal side of things, a contractor and sole proprietor are similar. A sole proprietor uses an EIN number and a contractor uses their personal social security number. Dawn recommends that everyone get an EIN number.An LLC gives you more legal protection. It separates your business and personal assets and liabilities. If someone sues your business, they won’t be able to touch your personal property.Dawn recommends that everyone get at least an LLC.That said, an LLC doesn’t save you any money on taxes. If you want the protection of an LLC and tax savings, look into an S Corp.In an S Corp, you need to be on payroll.

    How can you budget and plan for taxes?

    When you’re a W2 employee (working for someone else) social security and medicare taxes are withheld for you. When you’re self employed though, you are responsible for paying those taxes. When it comes to budgeting for taxes, put aside at least 15% of your net income (profit minus expenses). On top of the 15%, you’ll also need to pay based on your income. Look up the tax brackets to learn more. Whenever you pay yourself, you should withhold your tax money and put it into a tax savings account. Every quarter, you should pay your taxes and keep your receipts so that you don’t have to pay it all at the end.https://www.irs.govPaying Your Taxes:

    How do you figure out how much your time is worth?

    Take a look at your net income for a specific period of time and then divide it by the hours you worked during that period. This will give you how much your time is worth. If you are thinking about hiring an employee or contractor for less than your time is worth, it’s a no brainer.

    What counts as a write off for your taxes?

    Only a business owner can write off business expenses. Not W2 employees.Keep your finances as clean as possible. For your home office either deduct $5/square foot of your home office or calculate the actual expenses and deduct the percentage your home office is of your home.




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  • About Anna

    Anna is a registered nurse and mom of 3. She has breastfed all of her children, all while working on growing her business.She started her private practice lactation consulting company when her youngest was 7-8 months old. Helping others be successful breastfeeding brings her joy.

    How likely is it that a mom will continue to breastfeed after going back to work?

    It seems like such a hassle! Researchers have found that if you return to work within 6 weeks, the chances are that the mother won’t even start breastfeeding.Any breastmilk that your baby can get is great, and they need all they can get.Research has also found that 80% of women who return to work full-time will stop breastfeeding within a month of returning back to work.It’s difficult and takes a lot of effort, but there is also a lack of support to help new mothers.

    Are there any laws that support new moms with breastfeeding.

    There is! Through the US, there is a law that requires employers to provide sufficient break time to express milk, and a location (other than a bathroom) to do so. Different states have laws on top of this, but they at least have this law. This law applies to businesses with at least 50 employees, so this may not apply to some small businesses. Small businesses are usually pretty willing to work with you though. It’s worth talking to your manager and finding something that will work for you. Contact Anna if you want help talking to your employer or need a template for a letter. Be brave! Talk to your employer.

    Tips and strategies for women that are going back to work?

    We are in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, so a lot of employers are moving to working from home.If you have this option, or you could get this option, take it! Be brave! If you need to go into the office, that’s okay too. Talk to your employer and make sure you have a place and time to pump. Organize all of your supplies and have a bag to put things in.Get a breast pump, Get a hands free pumping bra. You’ll want more storage bottles and containers.It’s better to pump more frequently for shorter periods of time.It’s better to take 3 10 minute breaks than 1 30 minute break. Spend time with your baby when you get home from work.Most people will be more than willing to help you out and work with you. Even if they aren’t supportive, be brave and strong because you are paving the way for future mothers. We have a tendency to think about worst case scenarios. You don’t know how things will turn out until you try though.

    What can you do to maintain if not increase your milk supply?

    Breast milk supply is demand driven. The more you remove, the more your body will make (there are other factors, but this is a basic rule).In an ideal situation, you’ll be able to pump multiple times a day. You’ll also want to breastfeed more often when you're at home with your baby. You can also do a “power” pumping session before you head to work or in the evening when you’re home. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Anna and she can help you with your specific situation.

    How can you best store breast milk?

    Breast milk is safe in a cooler bag for 24 hours. It’s safe at room temperature for up to 5 hours.It’s safe in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.And it’s safe in the freezer for up to 5 months.

    What do you do if your child has a hard time taking a bottle?

    We usually try to avoid giving a baby a bottle at first because it’s important that they learn the skill of latching on and breastfeeding. Anna recommends starting to use a bottle occasionally at least two weeks before you go back to work.This is a good opportunity to let your partner help. Try different types of bottles and find something that your baby is okay with. Have someone else give them the bottle. If mom tries to give them the bottle they may refuse because they know that you can breastfeed them.

    Can you go back to breastfeeding after using formula?

    Again, the more milk you use the more you produce, so if you stop breastfeeding, your milk will dry up. The most important thing is that you feed your baby. If you need to use formula, don’t feel bad about it. You do what’s best for you and your family.



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    blog post that will be published tomorrow:

    Free Breastfeeding Support Group:

    $10 Pumping and Storing Basics Online Course:

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  • Charissa’s Bio

    Charissa Quade, from Change Your Finances, is on a mission to help women experience peace of mind about money. After years of stress and worry, Charissa learned to manage money, eliminating her debt in less than two years and saving nearly $80,000 to pay cash for her husband’s college degree. Charissa has helped over 1,543 women create a better financial future. By implementing the simple process that Charissa teaches, they’ve paid off tens of thousands in debt, increased their savings, gained peace of mind and built their confidence in handling money.

    How did you end up in the world of finance?

    Charissa’s story started at the grocery store. She counted up all of the things in her cart and realized she was overspending
 again. She felt overwhelmed and money stressed her out. Both her and her husband brought debt to the marriage, and she felt the burden was on her since she was helping her husband get through college.She had a dream that her husband would be able to graduate college debt free. They paid off all of the student loans they had, and for once, she felt free. Slowly, her fear turned into confidence. She got to the point where she saved $80,000 to pay for her husband’s college.

    Let’s talk about money.

    Money affects every aspect of life.It can be incredibly hard and stressful especially for a young entrepreneurial women. It’s easy to go into a lot of debt for school, a house, cars, babies
Unfortunately, we haven’t been taught well to manage our finances correctly. It’s important that you understand finances just in case something happens, but even if nothing happens, having a better understanding of finances will help you be lessed stressed. When a woman gets control of her finances, it will have a positive impact on her family and community.

    Toxic money beliefs:

    There’s not enough money to go around

    This is a very common misbelief. The truth is that most of us have way more money than we think we do. We just don’t know where it’s all going. You need to have an intentional plan for your money and know where it’s all going. When you’re intentional about your money, it puts you in charge.

    A budget will make me have to say no to my family

    This isn’t true.When you make a budget, YOU get to choose where to put your money.Enjoy spending the money that’s in your budget, because that’s what you decided to do. It’s a simple change of mindset. You’re saying yes to the behaviors you want.

    How does modern social media affect our finances?

    Instagram, and a desire to show a “perfect” version of ourselves to the world can make it seem like we need to spend money to make our house and life clean and modern. Realize that social media isn’t reality. Even if it looks perfect, you never know what’s going on in the background. Maybe they have massive amounts of debt. Personal finance is personal. Don’t worry about what other people are doing. Everyone’s situation is unique. You don’t have to buy big, fancy things. It’s okay to buy something to get you by. Other people are likely too worried about themselves and aren’t judging you anyway.

    Tips to gain more control of our finances

    1. The power of an intentional plan (budget)People don’t like budgets because they think about it the wrong way. Move 4 things to the top of the budget: Food, utilities, housing and transportation. Once your family's needs are taken care of, the stress will go down and you’ll be able to focus on other things. Once you budget for those 4 things, think: “If I only had enough money for one more thing, what would come next”Then keep doing that over and over again until you have everything in order. If money gets tight, you can work backward since the order is prioritized2. Money doesn’t have to be stressful or complicatedTake small simple steps that will make an impact today and in the future.God has given each of us unique gifts that you can share with the world. The gift to take care of your family is so honorable. Always put your family first. 3. When you’re struggling with money you won’t be able to share your gifts with the world. Fix your money stress, and you’ll be able to give so much more to the world.

    How can we best talk about making these changes with our spouse or partner?

    Often, us women are the ones who handle the finances. Don’t impose a budget on your family. Ask your spouse what your life would look like if you had more money or no debt or if you could buy your dream home. Talk about the WHY. At that point, you can propose your plan. Show the numbers.Ask for feedback.Show the progress every month so that they can get excited about. Give each of you “burn” money that can be used for anything they want stress free.

    Get your FREE Budget Worksheet here.

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  • Jennifer’s Bio

    Jennifer Bilger, Speaker, Certified Behavioral Consultant, Coach & Owner of The Growth Coach Denver Metro, has a unique focus on the behavioral side of business that not only enables leaders and business owners discover their ‘why’ but also helps them utilize their strengths to enhance their communication and interactions, adapt and adjust to overcome obstacles and choose the best path to lead them to success! With a collaborative approach, Jennifer helps professionals learn the best methods to resolve issues, meet goals, grow revenue, connect with others and build solid relationships.

    How did you become a coach?

    Jennifer worked in the corporate world for many years. She specifically worked in HR. If you say the phrase “I have to do something
” you are not in the right profession, role, or company. You should be doing something you love. She didn’t like having to do the tasks that she didn't enjoy in her role, so she decided to go down her own path.Now, she doesn’t “have to do things,” but she “gets to
” work with amazing people and share her passion and knowledge.

    How can you know your WHY?

    Understanding your why is tapping into your true passion. When you find your why, passion will exude from you. What motivates you? What drives you? What fears do you have? What are your limitations? What is the special, unique thing that you can do that no one else can do as well as you can? Write a passion statement before you write a mission statement. When you say your mission, you should smile.

    How can you identify the Unique thing that you can contribute?

    Sit down and figure out what you love about what you do and what you don’t love about what you do. What makes you happy? Where do you feel fulfilled? Don’t let anyone else make your life decisions for you. It’s your life. Find what you love. When you decide your current path isn’t the right path, don’t stick with it. Find the right path.Nothing good ever happens in the comfort zone.

    How to identify and select your target market

    Understand your walk away statement. What type of client will you walk away from? Build a referral network of people you can send clients to that you aren’t the right fit for.





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  • Samantha’s Bio

    Samantha Hohenshil is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and plant-based cooking instructor helping women all around the country change how they think about food, their bodies, and their lives as a whole.

    A pioneer of the Anti-Diet movement, Samantha is passionate about debunking many popular Diet Culture myths and putting an end to the restrict/binge cycle for good. Her refreshing, insightful, and honest approach to healthy living and mind-body wellness promotes weight loss as the natural result of self-care and self-work (rather than the intentional pursuit of self-hatred and self-control).

    Samantha utilizes groundbreaking thought work strategies to help her clients reframe their mindset, approach their challenges from an entirely different prospective, and dramatically improve not only their relationships with food and their bodies, but each and every aspect of their lives.

    Samantha’s Story

    When she was younger, she was made fun of for being the “fat girl.”She spent 20 years dieting, and tried literally every diet that she could. She would lose weight here and there, but it would always come back. She finally decided to change the way she thinks about dieting and weight loss.

    How did we get here in our society?

    Unfortunately, our society has come out of a patriarchal society. Our country was founded by rich, white men. We have been taught that we need to be attractive to attract a man. Diet companies only stay in business if the diet doesn’t work

    How can we change the mindset that thinner is better?

    We’ve been led to believe that if we are thin we will be happy. It’s not true. You see a lot of really thin, beautiful people, that still aren’t happy with their bodies. You need to love your body the way it is right now. Embrace that you are who you are for a reason.

    How can I accept my body and become more healthy?

    The goal should not be weight loss. The goal should be eating foods that help your body feel good. If you are taking care of your body, you will lose weight. The weight loss will come. It’s good to have goals, but your current version isn’t lacking at all. Enjoy the journey. Enjoy where you are now. It all starts with your thoughts.You are more than your looks and more than your weight.

    How can we fix our mindset on exercise?

    We’ve been taught that we need to go to the gym and kill our body. Samantha doesn’t like the word “exercise” she prefers “moving your body”You can do things that you love that move your body.Just move!

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  • Olivia Herrick’s Bio

    Olivia Herrick is a graphic designer based in the Twin Cities of Minnesota best known for her playful, vibrant, and positive design projects. Her most well-known illustrations and musing on life have appeared on a variety of products across the globe. A chronic creator, Olivia designs and shares new work online each day. Though you will often find her glued to her computer at her studio, Olivia finds her greatest inspiration in the great outdoors.

    Olivia’s Story

    Olivia has been a designer for 10 yearsShe has always been creativeShe studied design in college and played golfShe worked full time for 5 yearsThen started her studioA client then asked her to come work full time for themThen she opened her studio againHer path has not been linear

    The value of sharing your expertise

    It’s easy to treat a skill as an exclusive asset and not share itWhen Olivia started, she reached out to a bunch of designers looking for insight and she didn’t find a lot of people willing to shareShe decided that she would be an open book and be willing to help others. Trust that you are special, and even if you teach skills to others, there is a unique part to your brand that will make people want to work with you“There is enough opportunity in the world for everyone”

    How to set boundaries between personal life and business

    When you create on the internet, you need to make decisions on what you are comfortable withAs you create posts or content, you’ll feel what works for youDo it step by stepIt goes both ways. Olivia’s personal life is separate from her business, but her business is also separated from her personal life. Be deliberate about the decisions you make.

    Flip phone vs. iPhone

    Olivia leaves her iPhone at work or in the car in an effort to separate work and homeShe uses the iPhone from 9-5:30 (work hours)Outside of those hours, she uses a flip phoneThis has helped her mental heath and has helped her get herself backThis may not be for everyone, but it has been helpful for Olivia

    You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing to be successful

    Olivia believes that there are a million different ways to be successfulYou don’t have to do what everyone else is doing to find successEach business is unique and you should find what works for youYou don’t have to be on social media 100% of the time to be successful

    Time management

    Rome wasn’t built in a day. They were laying bricks every hour.Whenever Olivia has a minute to work, she tries to be as productive as possible during that time Don’t wait for big chunks of time to get work done




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  • Sarah Rose’s Bio

    Sarah Rose is the Launch Your Online Business Mentor, and she empowers entrepreneurial-minded women to transform their side hustle into a profitable business. She’s known for her signature premium program the Business Start-Up Academy that is launching on July 15th! She’s on a mission to help as many ambitious women as she can to create their dream online business, earn what they’re worth and design a life they love!

    How do you know if you have a good idea?

    If you have a desire to be an entrepreneur and an idea, it was put there for a reason. As women, we all have intuition. Listen to it. Listen to your intuition and trust that success is inevitable.

    How do you combat fear?

    So many women hold back from pursuing their passions because of fear. Many fear failure, but it is also common to fear success. Fear can be an excuse to not take steps toward our dreams. Invest in a coach. They can help you overcome fear and make progress in your business and life.

    What are some tips of advice you give your clients?

    How to identify your target market:It’s important to get clear on your ideal client. If you market to everyone you’re really marketing to no one. When you find a perfect target market, you’ll work with the people that you love working with. Create content that resonates with your market.Be consistent!It takes time to build a business. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Keep working at it and learn from mistakes. Success is inevitable if you keep at it. Enjoy the journey!

    How to transition from a 9 to 5 to being a business owner

    Create a vision for your life and your business. Do research into the perfect life and business. What would it take to get there? Calculate your personal expenses and projected business expenses. Figure out what strategies you can implement in your business to make enough to move into the business full-time. Planning is essential. You should plan for your business with the same passion you would to plan a trip or a wedding.

    More on Pinpointing your Target Market

    Do market research. Interview your audience. See who’s there and who’s paying attention. Interact with your Facebook page or audience and get insights into who they are.





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  • Alexandra’s Bio

    Alexandra is a summit host, virtual events strategist and digital nomad who helps entrepreneurs scale their businesses by hosting engaging, high quality & profitable virtual events.

    Alexandra started her career in the corporate world, working for big international companies all over the world. However, she then decided to follow her entrepreneurship itch and started her own online business to support her nomadic laptop lifestyle. Today she works with clients from both the corporate offline world as well as online entrepreneurs to leverage the power of virtual events and boost their business growth!

    How did you get where you are?

    She started in the corporate world, but she decided that she wanted the freedom and flexibility that comes from running her own business.She did some research to decide what to do. In her job, she managed events, so she decided to focus on virtual events.Now, with COVID-19, there is a big need for virtual events.

    What’s the best virtual event platform?

    The technology can be daunting. Don’t worry too much about the technology. Instead, focus on the purpose and strategy for the event. Depending on the purpose, there are different platforms you can use. If your goal is audience growth, start with facebook. If you’re ready to go to the next level, you can use zoom. Zoom will let you record the event and live stream it to social media. If you are creating a course that you want to sell, look into Teachable.

    How to get people excited about a virtual event?

    Find your target audience. Figure out what their pain points are. Design your event to target their needs and pain points. Reach out to your target audience and invite them to join the event. Have the speakers do a quick 5 minute session before the event. This will build hype and get your audience engaged with the speakers.

    How do you measure event success?

    Success is relative.Make sure that you define your goals for the event. Decide what to do with the results of the event. After the event, measure the results with your goals. Instead of doing 1 big event, plan many smaller events.



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  • Julie’s Bio

    Julie DeLucca-Collins is the Founder and CEO of Go Confidently Coaching and the host of the popular Casa DeConfidence Podcast. Julie began her career as a Pre-K teacher and later worked with Middle School students. Over the past 20 years, she has worked as a senior executive in the education industry and recently completed her tenure as Chief Innovation Officer for an academic solutions company based in New York City. Throughout her career, she gained significant expertise in policymaking, business development, and business operations. Julie worked to expand several companies into new markets and negotiated contracts on their behalf. She served as an advisor to several State Education Agencies in the implementation of federally funded programs as well as speaking at national educational conferences. Julie is a member of the state of Connecticut Governor Council on Women and Girls and is part of the Steering Sub-committee on Education and STEAM. She has been a mentor and coach to women in the professional world and Leadership programs at Community Colleges in her area for the past four years.

    Julie trained as a mentor with her coach, Corinne Crabtree, and later went back to receive her Holistic Coaching Certification and Cognitive Behavioral Techniques Coaching Certification. She is also certified as a Social Emotional Learning Facilitator and has completed her 200-hour Yoga Teacher Certification. Julie has been honored with the “25 Most Powerful Minority Women in Business Award” by the Minority Enterprise Executive Council in Washington DC. She is a “VIP Woman of the Year Circle” and “Over 40 Females of Greater Hartford” member of the National Association of Professional Women. In her free time, she has volunteered for several organizations. She is a member of the United Way of Central and Eastern Connecticut-WomenUnited, a mentor for Launch Your Leadership Journey program at Asnuntuck and Tunxis Community Colleges, a Cabinet Member for Urban Alliance of Harford and has served with Praying Pelicans Missions on two Trips to Haiti. Julie and her Podcast co-host husband Dan reside in Vernon CT with their two furry babies, Yogi Bear and Simba.

    How did you get where you are today?

    Julie always knew that she’d be an educator. She came from a family of teachers. That said, she also knew that she wanted more. During school, she worked in retail. Because of her experience in education and retail, she was recruited to run an educational training center. This position gave her a lot of experience in business.She worked her way up in the company all the way to a VP position.Julie has also worked as a mentor, coach, yoga teacher, and more.

    Things don’t have to be perfect

    If you try to be perfect, you often delay working toward your dreams and goals. It’s okay not to be perfect. Even if you fail, failure is a learning experience.Don’t be afraid to try.Book: Fear Is Not The Boss Of You - By Jennifer Allwood Amazon Link: what you do best and delegate the rest.Give yourself grace and be patient with yourself.

    What are the differences between a personal and business brand? Which should you go with?

    You need to be seen for who you are as a professional.You need to build a personal reputation. It’s okay to build both a business brand and a personal brand.

    Creating a personal brand

    Julie’s E-Book helps you create your strategic plan for you as a person.The book will walk you through finding your strengths and finding areas that you need to improve on. It will also help you define your values as a person.Your business has a mission, vision and values, but your personal brand needs those too.

    How should we network as a new brand

    Once you define who you are as a professional, figure out who your clients are. Connect with other professionals and start thinking about how you can help each other. Be a giver. Give back to other professionals, and good will come back to you. You can also find organizations and networking groups. Participate in these groups.Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. There are plenty of clients and people to do business with. Give back! Provide value and it will build your brand.

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  • Tina’s Bio

    Tina Hicks is the CEO of Jolt of Energy! She is a Wellness coach who loves supporting personal growth and seeing dreams become a reality. Her mission is to inspire belief within, teach transformation, and cheer you on throughout your journey!

    What events have helped you learn to be more positive?

    Tina started her career at a very young age. In high school, Tina owned her own dance studio and she loved giving energy and excitement to others. She’s also worked as an administrative assistant, in sales, and in customer service. She has been told that “she can do anything.” This is true because of her positive attitude. Tina went through a difficult time where the things that would usually bring her joy no longer interested her. During this time, she got introduced to a program that changed her life. She learned about wellness, energy, and mindset.She started a business: Jolt of Energy, and she felt like she was back.

    Why is it important to have a positive attitude and energy at work?

    Being positive starts within you. Sometimes you just have to pay the bills. Even if your current job doesn’t fulfill you, you can still find joy in it. Find the positive in everything you do. You won’t always wake up feeling positive, but you can prime yourself for positivity each day. Even though you don’t want to, exercising in the morning will help. When you wake up, surround yourself with things that bring you joy.Smile! Just smiling will make you happier and more positive. Listen to an inspirational video or podcast on your way to work. Practice gratitude. Find things that you’re grateful for.To have a positive attitude in your workplace, remember ELS: E: EmpathyL: ListenS: SmileA compliment goes a long way. To spread more positivity in the world, tell the next person that helps you that they did a great job. Make other people smile!

    How can you respond to negativity and negative feedback

    The people that go out of their way to give feedback, they either LOVED what you did, or HATE it. Respond with empathy. Try to understand where they’re coming from. Learn from negative comments and feedback. Take negative feedback and see if there’s something you can take out of it.You can’t please everyone. Some people aren’t your ideal client. When responding to negative feedback, don’t respond in anger. Instead, sleep on it and make sure you’re responding in a positive way.

    Do you have any personal favorite inspirational quotes?

    “Just be yourself and you can’t go wrong” - be authentic and you’ll attract the kind of people that want to be around you.

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  • Bianca’s Bio

    Bianca Spears is a Laughter Leader, Business Mentor and Award-winning Coach who helps people to create lives and businesses that they are wildly in love with. Her mission is to help people to access the joy, freedom and abundance they dream of through better utilizing the tools that they were born with; reconnecting them to their inner wisdom, bodies and breath.

    She's helped entrepreneurs to establish brands and businesses that create a lasting impact on the world and a sustainable income. Her laughter work has helped thousands of people across the world to reduce pain, stress and anxiety, feel good and reprogram their minds and nervous systems to achieve happier, more fulfilling lives.

    How can we use laughter in our business?

    Before you get on a call with a client, laugh. This will shift the nervous energy Laughter can help you show up more fully for the session or call. It will help you be in the moment and be present.Business can be a lot of pressure. You really want to be successful! Because of this, you can be stressed. Laughter will help you destress. Laughter reduces stress hormones and releases feel-good hormones.When you smile and laugh with someone, it builds a connection with them. Business is all about relationships, and laughter will help build them. Laughter can also be good for your brand and image. Show your humanity and sense of humor. People will choose to work with you because of the way you incorporate humor into your brand.Alexi PanosPreston SmilesWhen you build a brand, you want people to feel good every time they interact with you or your team or even your website.Do what works for you and your business. You can post memes, videos, bad dad jokes or whatever. Be creative about it!TikTok is influencing the business world. Create engaging, fun content.

    Techniques to laugh

    Pretend that you have a laughter ignition in the center of your chest. Take an imaginary key and turn the ignition. The first time, make one laugh. The second time ramp it up, and the third time laugh more. Just like starting the ignition in a car. Zipper laughter: try laughing with your mouth closed. It will make you laugh. Start in your belly with a hoho, and then move your hands down and up your body and change the pitch of the laugh as you move.

    FREE - The monthly laughter session tickets

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