
  • In this special bonus episode, I'm sharing a recent guest appearance I made on the Beyond Diagnosis podcast hosted by Rita De Michele.

    Beyond Diagnosis helps women over 40 who are not getting the solutions or outcomes they would like to see from traditional medical care.

    Rita is a Mindset and Empowerment Coach and, in this interview, we actually start at a pretty basic level since she has listeners who might not understand what fibromyalgia is.

    In the interview, we discuss what fibromyalgia is, what the research is that shows fibromyalgia is real, the first things I did when I started working on improving my symptoms, and some of the things you can do to begin improving your fibromyalgia symptoms, and the mindset shifts that are needed in order to become an empowered patient.

    If you enjoy this episode, please check out the rest of Rita's podcast here.

    Note: This episode is not meant to be medical advice. Every person and every situation is unique. The information you learn in this episode should be shared and discussed with your own healthcare providers.

    To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.

    For daily doses of hope, inspiration, and practical advice, join Tami on Facebook or Instagram.

    Need a good book to read? Download Tami's books for free.

    Ready to take back control of your life and health? Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

  • ā€œWe can help almost anyone feel better because we have so many tools at our disposal.ā€ - Dr. Robin Pfaff

    Managing fibromyalgia requires a holistic approach that goes beyond physical symptoms and equally addresses emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Our well-being is multidimensional, and each aspect requires attention and care.

    To explore this approach further, today Tami is joined by Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ® Dr. Robin Pfaff. Tami and Robin are talking about her new book, Living Your BEST Life with Fibromyalgia: A Compassionate Approach to Reclaiming Your Heath and Reimagining Your Purpose, which Tami found to be very powerful.

    Robinā€™s book is an incredible resource for people living with fibromyalgia. As with all aspects of our health, the most lasting change comes when we dedicate ourselves to participating in the activities, reflections, and exercises shared. By engaging at that level, you can cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself and take meaningful steps towards a fulfilling life despite the challenges of fibromyalgia. Robin doesnā€™t advocate for ignoring our fibromyalgia or pretending that our trauma doesn't exist. Itā€™s not about the toxic positivity we often see and hear. Instead, Robin gently coaches us on how to embrace the full spectrum of emotions and experiences to foster genuine healing and resilience.

    In this conversation, Tami and Robin discuss Robinā€™s journey from psychotherapist to Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®, how starting a coaching practice has changed everything for Robin, why being a fibro coach is a critical element in my remission, fundamental differences between psychotherapy and coaching, the three pillars of mindful self-compassion, the critical role of self-compassion in managing chronic illnesses, the profound value of sharing your unique journey with fibromyalgia, learning that thereā€™s always something to be grateful for even when weā€™re suffering, building a toolkit so that you donā€™t get stuck in a negative cycle, avoiding toxic positivity and finding practical ways to avoid unnecessary suffering, Robinā€™s experience writing Living Your BEST Life with Fibromyalgia, Tamiā€™s advice for anyone thinking about writing a book, the power of going deep instead of wide, what it means to live your B.E.S.T. life, using the B.E.S.T. model to improve your symptoms, how you can use Robinā€™s B.E.S.T. assessment tool, and more.

    Note: This episode is not meant to be medical advice. Every person and every situation is unique. The information you learn in this episode should be shared and discussed with your own healthcare providers.

    To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.

    For daily doses of hope, inspiration, and practical advice, join Tami on Facebook or Instagram.

    Need a good book to read? Download Tami's books for free.

    Ready to take back control of your life and health? Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

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  • In this special bonus episode, I'm sharing a recent guest appearance I made on the Power in Motion Podcast hosted by Kim Hagle.

    Kim is a Certified Personal Trainer, Non-Diet Nutritionist and Body Image Coach ā€“ whoā€™s on a mission to empower women to break free from tortuous exercise, restrictive eating and body shame, so they can free up their time, energy and resources to pursue their lifeā€™s purpose.

    Kim was also recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and found her way to me after a disappointing doctor's appointment left her feeling like she needed to do her own research.

    Kim and I had such a great time during this interview that I not only wanted to share it with you (with her permission, of course), but I also invited her to a guest on this show. So, tuned for that conversation on July 2nd.

    If you love this interview, you'll love her podcast. So, be sure to check it out!

    Note: This episode is not meant to be medical advice. Every person and every situation is unique. The information you learn in this episode should be shared and discussed with your own healthcare providers.

    To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.

    For daily doses of hope, inspiration, and practical advice, join Tami on Facebook or Instagram.

    Need a good book to read? Download Tami's books for free.

    Ready to take back control of your life and health? Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

  • ā€œNo matter how small, any type of advocacy you do will have an impact.ā€ - Lily Garner

    According to the NIH, fibromyalgia affects 1 in 13 women in the US. That means about twice as many women are diagnosed with fibromyalgia as are diagnosed with colon cancer, and while you're not going to die from fibromyalgia, living with fibro pain and fatigue can feel like its own kind of death. Despite this and the fact that this rate is on par with or higher than many other conditions, fibromyalgia research continues to receive less funding than its counterparts.

    The massive gap in advocacy and awareness means that while every woman knows to get a mammogram each year to screen for breast cancer or annual exams for cervical cancer, most doctors have never been taught how to screen for fibromyalgia or how to treat it. Some educational institutions still teach that fibromyalgia is a psychological disorder.

    If we want this to change, we need more funding for fibromyalgia research and more people like todayā€™s guests, Ann and Lily Garner, to advocate on behalf of our community. Ann and Lily Garner join Tami in this episode to discuss their experience advocating for fibromyalgia with lawmakers in Washington, D.C. Ann is a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ® who has lived with fibromyalgia for over 20 years and her 14-year-old daughter, Lily, has been living with chronic illnesses for the last six years.

    In this conversation, Tami, Ann, and Lily talk about Lilyā€™s diagnoses and the long journey of medical gaslighting to get there, the massive difference it makes when you find the right doctor, Annā€™s decision to become a fibro coach, how Annā€™s experience advocating for Lily led to her working with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®, why Ann and Lily decided to go to D.C. to join fibromyalgia advocacy efforts, the importance of having young people as fibromyalgia advocates, what the day-to-day of their advocacy trip to D.C. looked like, the type of responses and reactions they received from lawmakers in D.C., whatā€™s next for Ann and Lily, Annā€™s work as a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®, and more.

    Tami hopes this episode will inspire you to go out there, do your part, and let's change the world together.

    Note: This episode is not meant to be medical advice. Every person and every situation is unique. The information you learn in this episode should be shared and discussed with your own healthcare providers.

    To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.

    For daily doses of hope, inspiration, and practical advice, join Tami on Facebook or Instagram.

    Need a good book to read? Download Tami's books for free.

    Ready to take back control of your life and health? Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

  • Have you ever wondered why some people have an easier time managing their fibromyalgia than others?

    We all have natural strengths and weaknesses and approach life in a unique way. Managing our fibromyalgia is no different.

    Our personalities play a central role in how we approach life and our fibromyalgia, and research has shown that our personality traits have a direct influence on health outcomes and fibromyalgia symptoms.

    Empowerment comes from figuring out exactly where your natural strengths and challenges lie so that you can support yourself in a sustainable way that will bring about the best possible outcome for you. To help you on that journey, Tami created the Fibromyalgia Wellness Styleā„  Quiz, based on the five-factor model of personality, which measures specific traits from low to high.

    In this episode, Tami discusses why she created the Fibromyalgia Wellness Styleā„  Quiz, the five-factor model of personality, how the ā€œbig 5ā€ personality traits affect fibromyalgia management, the two traits most associated with fibromyalgia symptoms and health outcomes, how Tami developed the four Fibromyalgia Wellness Stylesā„ , the benefits of understanding your Fibromyalgia Wellness Styleā„ , additional information and support youā€™ll receive if you choose to sign up for your advanced profile, early feedback from students and coaches who have discovered their Fibromyalgia Wellness Styleā„ , the main characteristics and challenges of each of the four Fibromyalgia Wellness Stylesā„  - The Ponderer, The Prevailer, The Playmaker, and The Perfectionist, and more.

    Note: This episode is not meant to be medical advice. Every person and every situation is unique. The information you learn in this episode should be shared and discussed with your own healthcare providers.

    To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.

    For daily doses of hope, inspiration, and practical advice, join Tami on Facebook or Instagram.

    Need a good book to read? Download Tami's books for free.

    Ready to take back control of your life and health? Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

  • You're probably aware of the need for more research funding to help us develop new treatments for fibromyalgia. Youā€™re probably also aware of the lack of training most doctors have when it comes to fibromyalgia. But did you realize that the two are connected? Research not only uncovers new potential treatments but also shapes how and what medical schools teach our providers.

    Right now, the exact causes of fibromyalgia are unknown. Weā€™ve uncovered many aspects of how it presents, but not enough for it to be definitively classified by medical institutions. That means we don't even know what specialists to see when we need a diagnosis.

    How will this change? More research and advocacy for funding. This is a significant reason why Tami is so passionate about sharing her experience and the experiences of other people who have fibromyalgia.

    Today, Tami is joined by Melissa Talwar, Executive Director of the Support Fibromyalgia Network, a national nonprofit dedicated to empowering individuals with fibromyalgia. In this conversation they discuss why the Support Fibromyalgia Network was formed and how itā€™s evolved since its founding, what federal advocacy looks like, tackling the lack of funding for fibromyalgia research, the need for systemic changes and research to be able to change the way medical providers are trained, the power of collaborative efforts and patient involvement in driving these systemic changes, the impact of research funding on developing effective treatments and classification for fibromyalgia, current challenges in classifying fibromyalgia, how you can get involved in fundraising and advocacy efforts for fibromyalgia funding and research, the process of going to Capitol Hill to meet with our representatives, how the Support Fibromyalgia Network supports and trains people who want to get started with advocacy, the need for preparedness in sharing our personal stories and experiences, the significance of obtaining governor proclamations and its impact on creating awareness and recognition, the power of a unified voice and collective advocacy, Melissaā€™s message for anyone who feels like thereā€™s no progress despite the advocacy, being open to experimenting and layering different modalities and tools, exploring a holistic approach to improving your quality of life, upcoming initiatives for the Support Fibromyalgia Network, how a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ® can advocate for you and help you to advocate for yourself, resources you can access to learn more about fibromyalgia research and advocacy, and more.

    Note: This episode is not meant to be medical advice. Every person and every situation is unique. The information you learn in this episode should be shared and discussed with your own healthcare providers.

    To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.

    For daily doses of hope, inspiration, and practical advice, join Tami on Facebook or Instagram.

    Need a good book to read? Download Tami's books for free.

    Ready to take back control of your life and health? Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

  • GLP-1 medications like Wegovy, Ozempic, and Mounjaro are all the rage right now. Originally marketed as drugs to help diabetics with insulin resistance, they were later discovered to help people lose weight.

    With those possibilities, GLP-1 meds are positioned to revolutionize health in the US since about two-thirds of the population is either overweight or obese and at risk for conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

    But thereā€™s been another new discoveryā€”GLP-1 medications also have anti-inflammatory properties. Several different studies have since shown that GLP-1 medications help to reduce inflammation in the liver, kidneys, heart, and even the brain (which is of particular interest to fibromyalgia patients).

    Today, Tami is joined by rheumatologist Dr. Isabelle Amigues to talk about GLP-1 medications and how they can potentially help those of us with fibromyalgia. In this episode, Tami and Dr. Amigues discuss the unusual way Dr. Amigues is incorporating GLP-1 medications in her practice, what you need to know about GLP-1 medications, the anti-inflammatory effects of GLP-1 medications and the implications, the link between inflammation and adipose tissue, the potential impact of GLP-1 medications on aging-related complications and inflammatory conditions, GLP-1 medications as a tool to get you over the final hurdle to fibromyalgia remission, utlizing mindful eating to help you make better food choices, tapping into the virtuous cycle of weight loss, breaking the stigma and releasing the judgment around our weight, factors to consider before taking GLP-1 medication, who should avoid these medications, putting the horror stories of bad experiences and side effects into context, next steps if youā€™d like to consult with your doctor about taking a GLP-1 medication, why itā€™s crucial to work with a qualified specialist, the affordability of GLP-1 medications medications, and more.

    Note: This episode is not meant to be medical advice. Every person and every situation is unique. The information you learn in this episode should be shared and discussed with your own healthcare providers.

    To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.

    For daily doses of hope, inspiration, and practical advice, join Tami on Facebook or Instagram.

    Need a good book to read? Download Tami's books for free.

    Ready to take back control of your life and health? Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

  • ā€œHow do you propose we help low-income individuals with CFS and fibromyalgia? Self-care and wellness are rooted in privilege, choice, fellowship, support, time, and money to invest in themselves.ā€

    So many people living with chronic illnesses are forced to navigate the issue of how best to support themselves with limited resources. While youā€™ll often hear Tami talking about coaching and our training programs on this podcast, thatā€™s not everything available in the fibromyalgia community. Tami and other organizations offer many resources that allow people from all income levels to access tools and support to improve their quality of life.

    Itā€™s also valuable to recognize that while wellness is often rooted in the privilege of having money to invest in ourselves, self-care doesnā€™t have to be. Self-care is about how we treat ourselves, and itā€™s not a direct link to our income level. In todayā€™s Ask The Coach installment, Tami answers how low-income individuals can access help with CFS and fibromyalgia and whether you can still work with a fibro coach if you havenā€™t been diagnosed with fibromyalgia.

    In this episode, Tami discusses the connection between wellness, self-care, and privilege, why I believe self-care has nothing to do with your income level, challenges faced by low-income individuals with fibromyalgia who rely on state healthcare programs, free resources and support provided by Tami and the International Fibromyalgia Coaching Institute, organizations that can help you implement the suggestions for improving your symptoms, patient assistance programs that can help with covering the cost of medications, tips for accessing lower-cost options for supplements and services, advocacy and support offered through organizations like Support Fibromyalgia Network, Fibromyalgia Care Society of America, and the Sherri Little Foundation, how you can advocate for fibromyalgia awareness and support, working with a fibromyalgia coach without a fibro diagnosis, training to work with conditions outside of fibromyalgia, and more.

    Note: This episode is not meant to be medical advice. Every person and every situation is unique. The information you learn in this episode should be shared and discussed with your own healthcare providers.

    To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.

    For daily doses of hope, inspiration, and practical advice, join Tami on Facebook or Instagram.

    Need a good book to read? Download Tami's books for free.

    Ready to take back control of your life and health? Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

  • Exercise is one of the foundational pillars of health, but with fibromyalgia, we have extra sensitive bodies and nervous systems, and we need to be gentle. That means finding the right exercise to meet our needs can be tricky.

    Today, Tami is excited to introduce you to a tool helping her feel even better and that sheā€™s recently been obsessed with: a T-Zone Vibration machine. These machines use whole body vibration, a modality used for decades to increase muscle strength, bone density, and more. In fact, several studies have shown the benefits of whole body vibration for improving fibromyalgia symptoms.

    To explore this further and share the results of a small informal study with our students and coaches, Tami is joined by Sarah Aboody, the Owner and General Manager of T-Zone Vibration. In this conversation, Sarah and Tami discuss how whole body vibration works and its uses for improving muscle strength, bone density, flexibility, mobility, and circulation, why oscillating vibration works best for fibromyalgia, benefits and uses of whole body vibration, the results of the informal study on the use of the T-Zone Vibration with Tami and some of our students and coaches, exercise as a pillar of health and how the T-Zone Vibration machine can help to build the habit, guidance for optimizing the use of the machine, why pain and fatigue might temporarily increase after whole body vibration, adapting whole body vibration for different needs, benefits of T-Zone Vibration machines, comparison of the smaller and larger vibration machines, special offers if you want to try a T-Zone Vibration machine, guidelines for getting started with whole body vibration, important considerations and precautions for individuals for whom whole body vibration may not be suitable, and more.

    Note: This episode is not meant to be medical advice. Every person and every situation is unique. The information you learn in this episode should be shared and discussed with your own healthcare providers.

    To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.

    For daily doses of hope, inspiration, and practical advice, join Tami on Facebook or Instagram.

    Need a good book to read? Download Tami's books for free.

    Ready to take back control of your life and health? Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

  • Welcome to the final episode of our special Be a Coach series. So far, Iā€™ve answered questions about our Certified Fibromyalgia AdvisorĀ® class and what it takes to become a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

    Some of the topics covered in the first three parts of this special series were what a Certified Fibromyalgia AdvisorĀ® and a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ® is, the difference between the two, who makes a good Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ® and who is better suited to be a Certified Fibromyalgia AdvisorĀ®, what you need and donā€™t need to become a Certified Fibromyalgia AdvisorĀ® or Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®, why the world needs fibro coaches, and why you should consider becoming one.

    In this final installment, Iā€™m digging into the nuts and bolts of how you can become a Certified Fibromyalgia AdvisorĀ® or Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®; including the exact steps you need to take.

    Note: This episode is not meant to be medical advice. Every person and every situation is unique. The information you learn in this episode should be shared and discussed with your own healthcare providers.

    To learn more about the Certified Fibromyalgia AdvisorĀ® class, visit the show notes.

    For daily doses of hope, inspiration, and practical advice, join Tami on Facebook or Instagram.

    Need a good book to read? Download Tami's books for free.

    Ready to take back control of your life and health? Schedule a consultation with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

  • Rest is not a luxury. Itā€™s required for healing your mind, body, and soul.

    A month and a half into the new year, everything around us is about making this your best year ever. From classes to articles, social media posts, and podcast episodes, thereā€™s so much messaging about becoming a new and better version of yourself.

    While growth is a good thing, and the transition into a new year can be a great time to make the changes to move closer to the life you want, you might find that these messages arenā€™t resonating. What if youā€™re feeling exhausted or frustrated? What if you canā€™t figure out where on earth youā€™d scrounge up the energy to make these changes?

    Today, Tami talks about the power of rest and embracing lifeā€™s winter seasons. In this episode, youā€™ll learn about the significance of rest and its impact on healing, exploring life's seasons and how they relate to personal growth, spring as a season of new growth, what it looks like to open yourself to new experiences, summer as the season of maturing, why weā€™re often more comfortable in the summer seasons of our lives, how these seasons relate to our fibromyalgia, fall as a season of harvest, acknowledging the process of letting go and accepting change, winter as a time to embrace rest as a necessary component for healing and growth, the power of winter rest, understanding what rest means, using the 80/20 rule for managing your energy, practical tips for embracing more rest in your life, the concept of deep relaxation, the benefits of embracing moments of a "blue mind state,ā€ how to cultivate a ā€œblue mind state,ā€ aligning your actions to embrace the season youā€™re in, remembering the inevitability of springā€™s arrival, things to consider leaving behind during your personal winter, ways to nurture that power of rest, the delicate balance between self-care as work and self-care as compassion and grace for individuals with fibromyalgia, and more.

    While you're waiting for spring to come, lean into your winter season and accept it for what it is. Itā€™s an essential part of life and carries a lesson for you. Get the rest you need and reach out for help to move forward into spring growth.

    Note: This episode is not meant to be medical advice. Every person and every situation is unique. The information you learn in this episode should be shared and discussed with your own healthcare providers.

    To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.

    For daily doses of hope, inspiration, and practical advice, join Tami on Facebook or Instagram.

    Need a good book to read? Download Tami's books for free.

    Ready to take back control of your life and health? Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

  • Welcome to episode 03 of our special Be a Coach Series. In this series, I answer questions about our Certified Fibromyalgia AdvisorĀ® class and what it takes to be a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

    In episode one of the series, I explained what a Certified Fibromyalgia AdvisorĀ® is and what a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ® is.

    Episode two of the series was all about who makes a good coach and who is better suited to be an advisor. I also covered what you need and donā€™t need to become a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

    In this episode, weā€™re taking a deeper look at why someone would want to become a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®, why the world needs fibro coaches, and why you should consider becoming one.

    Note: This episode is not meant to be medical advice. Every person and every situation is unique. The information you learn in this episode should be shared and discussed with your own healthcare providers.

    To learn more about the Certified Fibromyalgia AdvisorĀ® class, visit the show notes.

    For daily doses of hope, inspiration, and practical advice, join Tami on Facebook or Instagram.

    Need a good book to read? Download Tami's books for free.

    Ready to take back control of your life and health? Schedule a consultation with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

  • Most of us with fibromyalgia have to spend a lot of physical and emotional energy teaching the people in our lives about our condition. From friends and family to doctors and coaches, it can be draining.

    Thatā€™s just one of the ways working with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ® transformational. Itā€™s invaluable to have someone in your corner who knows what youā€™re going through because theyā€™ve been there and have the tools to guide and support you.

    What would it be like to improve your quality of life significantly? How would your life change if you could improve your symptoms by 50%?

    Today, in the eighth installment of our Stories of Hope and Healing, Tami shares inspiring excerpts from our January 2024 event. Youā€™ll hear from four graduates about their stories and how theyā€™ve been able to improve their fibromyalgia symptoms. On average, our graduates improve their symptoms by about 50% during the three-month program, and many peopleā€™s lives look dramatically different today than they did before starting.

    In this episode, youā€™ll hear about Julieā€™s diagnosis and how she went from years of just one to two down days per year to four years of barely being able to get out of bed, why the journey of becoming a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ® was transformational for Julie, learning to give yourself grace on your bad days, why Julie wrote Chronic Illness at Work, her passion for advocating for the fibromyalgia and chronic illness communities, how sheā€™s set and surpassed goals she never believed she ever could, the importance of setting goals and celebrating your successes, why Kaylynne ultimately decided to join the Certified Fibromyalgia AdvisorĀ® program, what surprised her (as a skeptic) about working with her fibro coach Brenda, why being able to address her fatigue had a massive knock-on effect on many areas of her life, prioritizing your energy for restoring yourself, the changes that made the biggest impact on improving her fibromyalgia symptoms, developing a positive relationship with your body, Kaylynneā€™s message to high achievers and perfectionists who are struggling with their fibromyalgia, Viktoriiaā€™s early symptoms of fibromyalgia and how traumatic events in her life made it more difficult to manage, her move to Canada and search for relief from her increasing symptoms, the huge reduction in symptoms Viktoriia experienced after joining the Certified Fibromyalgia AdvisorĀ® program and working with fibro coaches, the series of difficult events and experiences that led Viktoriia to join the Certified Fibromyalgia AdvisorĀ® program for a second time and what she did differently, her recognition that she has to actively choose to support her body every day, Viktoriiaā€™s new approach to life management, the tools that have made the most significant impact on her fibromyalgia, the impact of food on her well-being, how her coach Robin helped her with emotional overwhelm and her mental health, the challenges of managing stress and emotions, letting go of perfection, Debā€™s decision to become a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®, how changing her approach resulted in an improvement in symptoms of 68%, the value of experimentation and her experiences working with clients, what itā€™s like living with an invisible illness, why being a coach helps you with your fibromyalgia, the significance of focus and tools to manage fibromyalgia symptoms, focusing on living in the current body youā€™re in and making necessary changes for managing fibromyalgia, reducing stress and allowing time for the body to heal, how you can join the next Certified Fibromyalgia AdvisorĀ® program, what you can expect from the course, and more.

    If you're looking for ways to feel better, youā€™ll be inspired to hear their stories.

    Note: This episode is not meant to be medical advice. Every person and every situation is unique. The information you learn in this episode should be shared and discussed with your own healthcare providers.

    To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.

    For daily doses of hope, inspiration, and practical advice, join Tami on Facebook or Instagram.

    Need a good book to read? Download Tami's books for free.

    Ready to take back control of your life and health? Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

  • Welcome to episode 02 of our special Be a Coach Series. In this series, I answer questions about our Certified Fibromyalgia AdvisorĀ® class and what it takes to be a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®. I cover all the basicsā€¦ the who, what, when, where, why, and even the how.

    Donā€™t understand what a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ® or Adviser is? No problem. Just pop on over to episode one of the series because that is exactly what we covered in that episode.

    In this episode, Iā€™m covering the who. Who makes a good coach? Who makes a good Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®? Who makes a good Certified Fibromyalgia AdvisorĀ®? And, how do you know which one you might be?

    I also cover what I look for in the applications I accept into the training program and what you need and donā€™t need to join us a become a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ® or Advisor yourself.

    Note: This episode is not meant to be medical advice. Every person and every situation is unique. The information you learn in this episode should be shared and discussed with your own healthcare providers.

    To learn more about the Certified Fibromyalgia AdvisorĀ® class, visit the show notes.

    For daily doses of hope, inspiration, and practical advice, join Tami on Facebook or Instagram.

    Need a good book to read? Download Tami's books for free.

    Ready to take back control of your life and health? Schedule a consultation with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

  • As a master Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®, author, and fibro podcaster, the questions Iā€™m asked more than any others are:

    How do I get better?

    How do I improve my Fibromyalgia so I can get back to living the life I want to live?

    While those sound like simple questions, they do not have simple answers. We all have similar symptoms, what helps you feel better may not be the thing that helps me feel better. We all have to find our own magic formula for what makes us feel best.

    I know from personal experience just how overwhelming it can be to find that formula on your own. Thatā€™s why I created a training program in 2015 that would teach people just like you how to improve their own Fibromyalgia, and how to help others do the same.

    In this first episode of a special series where Iā€™ll be answering a lot of questions I get about our Certified Fibromyalgia AdvisorĀ® class and about becoming a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®, I want to start super basic.

    Weā€™re going over what a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ® is, how thatā€™s different from a Certified Fibromyalgia AdvisorĀ®, why you should consider the Advisor class if youā€™re a patient who just wants to feel better, who else the Advisor class is perfect for, what the certification aspect really means, the staggering statistics on how many participants see significant improvements in their symptoms by the end of the Advisor class.

    Note: This episode is not meant to be medical advice. Every person and every situation is unique. The information you learn in this episode should be shared and discussed with your own healthcare providers.

    To learn more about the Certified Fibromyalgia AdvisorĀ® class, visit the show notes.

    For daily doses of hope, inspiration, and practical advice, join Tami on Facebook or Instagram.

    Need a good book to read? Download Tami's books for free.

    Ready to take back control of your life and health? Schedule a consultation with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

  • ā€œTaking action and being clear about what we expect does not have to be disrespectful.ā€ - Meredith Holley

    Itā€™s very common for people with invisible disabilities like fibromyalgia to experience workplace conflict and discrimination because of it. From snide remarks to outright harassment, it can feel so isolating and even make your symptoms worse.

    Despite that, most people donā€™t want to file a lawsuit. While it sounds so noble to have civil rights litigation, itā€™s a stressful process that often damages everyone involved. People want the tools and support to create a healthy workplace culture where issues are resolved so people can keep their jobs and receive the medical care they need.

    In this episode, Tami is joined by attorney Meredith Holley to talk about speaking up for your needs and handling harassment and discrimination respectfully, whether itā€™s happening at work or at your doctor's office. They discuss Meredithā€™s journey into workplace conflict mediation and communication coaching, her experience with sexual harassment in the workplace, arming yourself with tools to empower yourself at work, how workplace conflict can worsen your fibromyalgia symptoms, the three pillars of empowered communication and how you can use them to handle workplace harassment and discrimination, acknowledging the impact of harassment and our tendency to minimize its effects, the weight of experiences that our cultural values label as ā€œlittleā€, the concept of internalizing blame and responsibility for others' actions, the importance of setting boundaries, the emotional impact of carrying labels and experiences related to disability, the three steps for bystander intervention, strategies for handling harassment and discrimination with respect and self-focus, listening to your body and taking actions to ensure personal safety in challenging situations, the value of understanding the best ways to communicate with your healthcare providers, navigating challenges with requesting workplace accommodations, embracing open-mindedness and flexibility and a focus on desired outcomes, navigating the balance between self-advocacy and collaborative decision-making with healthcare providers, using professional expertise as a tool, resources you can access, Meredithā€™s message for you, and more.

    If youā€™re experiencing workplace conflict, know you are not alone and did nothing to deserve it. There are steps we can take to ease the pain and energy drain. This is a problem thatā€™s worth solving.

    Note: This episode is not meant to be medical advice. Every person and every situation is unique. The information you learn in this episode should be shared and discussed with your own healthcare providers.

    To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.

    For daily doses of hope, inspiration, and practical advice, join Tami on Facebook or Instagram.

    Need a good book to read? Download Tami's books for free.

    Ready to take back control of your life and health? Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

  • We often underestimate what we can accomplish in a year. The goal can seem so massive that we think weā€™ll never get there and donā€™t even bother to try.

    Thatā€™s why itā€™s so important to hear stories of hope from people who have been where you are. There is so much you can do in a year; whether or not you go for it, the year will go by. Itā€™s up to you to decide what you want to do between now and then.

    Today, weā€™re having a special bonus episode where Kim Osborne, a current student in our Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ® training program, joins Tami. In September 2022, when Kim came to Tami, she was struggling. She was at the end of her rope and didnā€™t know what else to try. Many of the things that used to help her cope weren't working for her anymore, and even with her training as a health coach and yoga instructor, she was still feeling miserable. In this episode, Kim shares what worked for her and how her life transformed over the past year.

    In this conversation, Tami and Kim discuss Kim's fibromyalgia diagnosis and the start of her journey, her experience with prescribed medications and struggle with the recommendations from her rheumatologist, the downward slide many of us experience where our lives get smaller and smaller, why Kim decided to explore alternative solutions including seeking a fibromyalgia coach, the decisive moment when you realize life can get better, the feeling of finding hope and support in a community who truly understands you, the powerful impact of being coached by the right person, surprising lessons that came from working with Kimā€™s fibromyalgia coach, Robin, the drastic difference between a trip Robin took a year ago and again this year, being open to changing goals and expectations when we recognize what our bodies need, Kimā€™s progress in the past year, the importance of taking action between now and the future, recognizing the real role of a coach, why seeing a functional medicine doctor was game changing for Kim, the subtle difference between wanting to fix fibro and wanting to help yourself feel as good as possible, why Kim decided to take the Certified Fibromyalgia AdvisorĀ® course instead of only working with a coach, Kimā€™s plans for the upcoming year, her experience working with clients during her Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ® internship, remembering that each person's fibromyalgia journey is unique, Kimā€™s message of hope and encouragement if youā€™re struggling with your fibromyalgia journey, and more.

    If you don't have your own hope, borrow Kimā€™s. You can find ways to feel better, and we would love to help.

    Note: This episode is not meant to be medical advice. Every person and every situation is unique. The information you learn in this episode should be shared and discussed with your own healthcare providers.

    To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.

    For daily doses of hope, inspiration, and practical advice, join Tami on Facebook or Instagram.

    Need a good book to read? Download Tami's books for free.

    Ready to take back control of your life and health? Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

  • ā€œYou can only truly heal once youā€™ve accepted what's going on.ā€ - Dr. Isabelle Amigues

    When youā€™re able to reflect on your fibromyalgia as a teacher, you stop fighting your body and put yourself in the best position to heal. Tami often describes fibromyalgia as the biggest gift life has given her. Itā€™s a sentiment that can be difficult to understand when youā€™re struggling with getting through each day, but there are things you can do to move forward on your fibromyalgia healing journey.

    For too many of us, when we received our fibromyalgia diagnosis, the doctor simply gave us the news and sent us on our way. What is omitted in that process is the fact that several rheumatological conditions can occur alongside fibromyalgia, and by treating those, you may experience significant relief.

    If youā€™ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and your treatment is not working well, thatā€™s a sign that something else may be going on.

    Today, Tami is joined by rheumatologist Dr. Isabelle Amigues to talk about her journey from doctor to patient and why itā€™s crucial to have the correct diagnosis. In this episode, Tami and Dr. Isabelle discuss Dr. Isabelleā€™s struggle with early parenthood and recognition she was feeling sad and unfulfilled in her life, her stage three breast cancer diagnosis and how it changed her approach to medicine, reframing cancer as a gift thatā€™s here to teach her something, why her diagnosis taught her to live with meaning and intention, the self-love that came out of Dr. Isabelleā€™s cancer journey, looking at fibromyalgia as a teacher and why Tami believes itā€™s the biggest gift life has given her, Dr. Isabelleā€™s appreciation for her patients and why itā€™s important to her to empower them, why she created a holistic practice, common conditions associated with fibromyalgia, symptoms that suggest something else may be happening in addition to your fibromyalgia, challenges patients face when seeking a proper diagnosis, why itā€™s often a good idea to have at least one visit with a rheumatologist, Dr. Isabelleā€™s message for you, finding the right doctor for you, a doctorā€™s role as a coach, listening to what your body needs, and more.

    Note: This episode is not meant to be medical advice. Every person and every situation is unique. The information you learn in this episode should be shared and discussed with your own healthcare providers.

    To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.

    For daily doses of hope, inspiration, and practical advice, join Tami on Facebook or Instagram.

    Need a good book to read? Download Tami's books for free.

    Ready to take back control of your life and health? Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

  • Family stories play a crucial role in shaping our beliefs about health, work, and other aspects of life. In previous episodes, weā€™ve talked about the way traumatic experiences can impact your health and fibromyalgia. Today, weā€™re taking it a step further and exploring how the traumatic events that happened to your ancestors can affect your wellbeing.

    You may have a family story about a great-aunt who is always sick and uses that to escape family obligations. Or maybe you watched your grandfather work himself to the point of illness. Even positive stories can get twisted over time; either way, they matter. They impact our relationship with our bodies, health, money, and even the world around us. The important thing is we can change those stories.

    Today, Tami is joined by Ruschelle Khanna, a licensed clinical social worker and executive coach, to share her expertise on generational trauma. In this episode, Tami and Ruschelle discuss how Ruschelle came to do this work, how generational trauma can impact fibromyalgia and overall wellbeing, why Ruschelle decided to write her book, the concept of inheriting memories and traumatic experiences, Ruschelleā€™s experience with fear stemming from her motherā€™s early memories, the impact of family stories and peripheral experiences on generational trauma, how trauma affects the fascia and its connection to fibromyalgia pain, a recent example from a client of Ruschelleā€™s demonstrating the release of stored emotions through somatic therapy, how trauma affects the body's flow of energy and information, looking at whether the muscular system, hormonal system, and energetic systems are flowing correctly, parallels between money management and fibromyalgia symptoms, the connection between strained family relationships, childhood trauma, and the development of chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia, what to do if your family isnā€™t supportive, why you need fo focus on and cultivate the areas where life is supporting you, talking to your body and acknowledging the thoughts and sensations in different body parts, why tapping is an excellent modality for working on the physical aspects of generational trauma, tracing family narratives and rewriting memories, where to find a genealogist or family constellation therapist for help in addressing generational trauma, the difference between coaching and therapy, healing through writing and connecting with ancestors, and more.

    Note: This episode is not meant to be medical advice. Every person and every situation is unique. The information you learn in this episode should be shared and discussed with your own healthcare providers.

    To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.

    For daily doses of hope, inspiration, and practical advice, join Tami on Facebook or Instagram.

    Need a good book to read? Download Tami's books for free.

    Ready to take back control of your life and health? Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.

  • For a lot of us with fibromyalgia and other chronic illnesses, working on our fitness comes in bursts. Weā€™re told exercise is good for us, but when we go out and do what ordinary people do, itā€™s too much, and we crash. Then, that cycle repeats itself over and over.

    Tami has found a tool that helped her and many of her students and coaches to shift away from this up-and-down cycle and into a healthy relationship with being active. Itā€™s an app called Gentler Streak, and sheā€™s been using it over the last year, during which it's proven valuable for managing fibromyalgia symptoms while increasing fitness levels.

    One of the things Tami loves most about Gentler Streak is that itā€™s more accurately in tune with how she feels and her normal versus a standard that might apply to someone who doesnā€™t have fibromyalgia.

    Today, Tami is joined by Katarina Lotrič, co-founder and CEO of Gentler Stories, the creators behind the app. Katarina and Tami talk about the story behind the creation of Gentler Streak, recognizing that everybodyā€™s normal is different, the unique features of Gentler Streak that make it suitable for individuals with fibromyalgia and other chronic illnesses, the evolution of Gentler Streak to focusing on a holistic approach to activity and wellbeing, challenges with existing health and fitness apps, making room for balance and self-compassion, launching the Gentler Streak app, privacy and how the app works with your Health app, the metrics that are tracked in the wellbeing section of the app, why the decision was made to use sleeping heart rate, the limitations of heart rate variability on the Apple Watch, factors that can impact your sleeping heart rate, how Gentler Streak determines when youā€™re doing too much activity, insights that can be drawn from heart rate data, the ongoing improvement of the algorithm and the app, tracking other activities and exercise minutes, why itā€™s important to log your activities at exercises, the special offer you can take advantage of for two free months of Gentler Streak, the important of getting good data in the app, feedback from Tamiā€™s students and coaches about the app, becoming your own companion, how Gentler Streak can help you to treat yourself with kindness, why there isnā€™t an Android version of the app at the moment, why Tami checks the wellbeing tab in Gentler Streak first thing in the morning, how Tami tracks activity in Gentler Streak, Tamiā€™s goal for using the app, and more.

    Tami is so excited to share about Gentler Streak because it's a gentle and fibro-friendly way to track physical exercise and body movement, and it does it without making you push too hard or feel like you're not doing enough.

    Gentler Streak ā€” Use this link to get a two-month free trial exclusively for listeners of the Fibromyalgia PodcastĀ®!

    Note: This episode is not meant to be medical advice. Every person and every situation is unique. The information you learn in this episode should be shared and discussed with your own healthcare providers.

    To learn more about the resources mentioned in this episode, visit the show notes.

    For daily doses of hope, inspiration, and practical advice, join Tami on Facebook or Instagram.

    Need a good book to read? Download Tami's books for free.

    Ready to take back control of your life and health? Schedule a complimentary consultation with a Certified Fibromyalgia CoachĀ®.