On the slab, director Tim Burton! Creator of Edward Forty Hands! Prepare for high highs and loooooow lows.
Let me take you down, because I’m going to…talk about The Beatles.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
On the slab is Edgar Wright, King of the Cornetto Trilogy! Driver of Babies, Pilgrim vs the world!
On the slab our first and maybe only TV entry, The Venture Bros. “Go Team Venture!”
Now here’s a little story I got to tell…
On the slab, director Wes Anderson. The futura ain’t what it used to be….it’s even better?! Find out.
We discuss the epic run of six albums by The Doors. Is it perfect, is it broken, is perfectly broken?
On the slab, comic book legend Frank Miller.
On the slab this episode are the films of John Carpenter. But this celebrated filmmaker has a broken run of hits with one dud square in the middle of a series of otherwise consecutive greatness. So, what’s the dud? And does Carp ever make it back to greatness?
Nothing goes down heavier....right?