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Start living more sustainably. The Good Dirt podcast explores all aspects of a sustainable lifestyle with healthy soil as the touchpoint and metaphor for the healing of our relationship with the planet. Mother and daughter team Mary & Emma bring you weekly interviews with farmers, artists, authors, and leaders in the regenerative and sustainable living space.
Join hosts, Autumn and Bethany, as they navigate the quest for simplicity, organization, and fun. Professional organizer, Autumn, shares her trademark style of making even the trickiest organizing dilemmas feel manageable and within reach. Each episode, A to B podcast dives into the world of organizing through interviews, tips, listener questions, and monthly challenges.
Tässä podcastissa sukellamme taloyhtiöelämän syvyyksiin. Alan asiantuntijoiden kanssa pohdimme, millaista hyvä elämä taloyhtiössä on ja paneudumme ajankohtaisiin ongelmiin, joita taloyhtiön asukas voi kohdata.
Podcastia vetävät Kiinteistöliiton juristit.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Känslan av ett riktigt bra auktionsfynd eller en skön dag i trädgården i poddformat! I Billgren Wood poddar vintage- och tv-profilen Elsa Billgren och kokbokförfattaren och inredningsprofilen Sofia Wood om framtida och samtida trender. Duon djupdyker i mat, konst, inredning, design och mode och delar med sig av personliga tankar och upplevelser. Det här är podden för inspirationstörstande personer med intresse för mat, hem och det goda i livet. Önska ämne på https://www.billgrenwood.seEn podcast från Perfect Day Media.
This podcast is all about Detection Dogs we talking training, working the dog in the real world, starting a new dog or have an experienced dog, this show is for you. Calling all Detection dogs, Sniffer Dogs, those who compete in Nosework / Scentwork sports. If you work a detection dog that sniffs out bombs, drugs, guns, cell phones, electronic devices or anything else this podcast is for you
Hey, there dog folk! Welcome to the No Bad Dogs Podcast, hosted by Tom Davis.Do you often wonder what your dog is thinking? Join Tom as he teams up with dog trainers, dog lovers, dog enthusiasts and EVERYTHING in between to bring you the No Bad Dogs Podcast! Each episode will be PACKED full of dog training information and tips. Don't miss the weekly Q&A segment where you can call in and ask your own dog-related questions! Some of the topics we'll cover include dog/puppy training, dog/canine behaviors, advanced training techniques, teaching and more!Follow Thomas on Instagram - @tomdavis @nobadogsYoutube -
Hosted by long time chameleon keeper and breeder, Bill Strand, the Chameleon Academy Podcast tackles subjects from basic to advanced and brings in insight from experts in the field. There is something for everyone from beginning keepers to experienced breeders. Subscribe for a weekly dose of chameleon talk!
A very warm and sunny welcome to Kyero ☀️
We've been helping millions of buyers from across the globe to find their dream home in the sun since 2003.
With over 500,000 property listings throughout Spain, Portugal, France & Italy, we're the leading property portal for European property 🏠
In the Kyero Spanish Property Podcasts we chat to real people who recently purchased in Spain, and get inspiration and insider tips to help you make your move with confidence too ☀️ -
Hackaday Editors take a look at all of the interesting uses of technology that pop up on the internet each week. Topics cover a wide range like bending consumer electronics to your will, designing circuit boards, building robots, writing software, 3D printing interesting objects, and using machine tools. Get your fix of geeky goodness from new episodes every Friday morning.
When a bride accepts a proposal, they’re not expecting to say yes to distress. But wedding planning can be the most stressful time in any relationship — families collide, personalities clash, and wallets empty even before your mother-in-law adds her entire bridge club to the invite list. Good thing Betches Brides is here to help you laugh (cry?) through it all. Each week, stand-up comedians Selena Coppock — the mind behind the @nytvows parody account — and Chelsea White meet to swap stories about their own wedding journeys, while answering listener emails to help you not trip down the aisle. Selena and Chelsea are here for all Betches Brides and newlyweds in need of advice, empathy, and laughter — including themselves.
Hyvän mielen podcast, jossa sukelletaan kotiin pintaa syvemmältä. Kirjailija Maaretta Tukiainen jututtaa julkisuudesta tuttuja ihmisiä ja etsii vastausta siihen, miten juuri sinä voisit luoda itsellesi kodin, jossa voit hyvin. Hersyvissä keskusteluissa vieraat avaavat kotiensa ovet. Tiskiin lyödään niin pahimmat kotimokat kuin parhaat hyvän mielen vinkitkin. Maaretan oma motto on: "Elämä on liian lyhyt siivoamiseen." Podcast liittyy hänen maaliskuussa ilmestyvään kirjaansa Hyvän mielen koti. Tämä podi on tarkoitettu juuri sinulle, joka olet kiinnostunut kodistasi! Lisää koti-inspiraatiota Instagramissa ja seuraamalla #hyvänmielenkoti.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Sveriges bästa matskribenter om odling. Vad kan man odla, hur gör man då och vad ska man laga av det man odlat? Matskribenterna Lotta Lundgren och Tove Nilsson möts i ett samtal över en råvara i taget och pratar ut om sina egna erfarenheter, succéer och misslyckanden, från sådd till skörd. Kunnigt och pedagogiskt berättar de hur du förvarar, konserverar och förädlar din egenodlade mat, och delar med sig av sina bästa idéer och recept. En odlingspodd för nybörjare, entusiaster och alla andra som vill äta och laga godare mat. Poddens recept hittar du på Där finns även Odlingsskolan med sammanfattande artiklar i några av de ämnen som Lotta och Tove pratat om.Vill du också säga något? Ställa en fråga, be om ett förtydligande, önska ett ämne eller bara berätta något som de borde känna till? Skriv till Lotta och Tove på
Learn how to grow your own genetically-diverse, locally-adapted crops at Going To Seed - Seeds, Courses, Community, Farmer Support.
Just Shoot It is a podcast about directing hosted by directors. Each week we interview filmmakers on writing, cinematography, development and acting to learn how to build a successful career as a filmmaker in the Hollywood industry. Get bonus content on Patreon
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.